Xtina - dirrty girl

23.12.2005., petak

Aguilera Is Third Celebrity With Worst Bottle Blonde In 2005

Female Celebrity with Worst Bottle Blonde in 2005
1. Anna Nicole Smith
2. Paris Hilton
3. Christina Aguilera

Evo top 3 i ostalih kategorija:

Female Celebrity with the Best Hairstyle in 2005
1. Catherine Zeta-Jones
2. Tyra Banks
3. Eva Longoria

Female Celebrity with the Worst Hairstyle in 2005
1. Britney Spears
2. Diana Ross
3. Lil' Kim

Male Celebrity with the Best Hairstyle in 2005
1. George Clooney
2. Antonio Banderas
3. Matthew McConaughey

Male Celebrity with the Worst Hairstyle in 2005
1. Donald Trump
2. Snoop Dogg
3. Prince Charles

Male Celebrity with Worst Bottle Blonde in 2005
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Brad Pitt
3. Billy Idol

- 08:06 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

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Ja ju volim- so kiss my ass
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Music By Shimmering Graphix


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IME : Christina Maria Aguilera

SPOL : Žensko


DATUM ROĐENJA: 18.12. 1980.

MJESTO ROĐENJA: Staten Island, New York, USA

ZANIMANJE: glumica, prvenstveno glazbenica

OBRAZOVANJE : Ingomar Middle School u Wexford, Pennsylvania
North Allegheny High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania (maturirala 1999.)
Mickey Mouse Club

TATA : Fausto Aguilera (vojnik; roditelji rastavljeni)

MAMA: Shelly Kearns (podrijetlom iz Irske; violinistica, svira i klavir; predsjednica Christininog fanclub)

SESTRA: Rachel (mlađa; rođena 1986)

POLUSESTRA: Stephanie (mlađa)

POLUBRAT: Michael (mlađi; rođen 1996), Casey (mlađi)

OČUH: Jim Kearns

POČETAK KARIJERE: Hit singl Genie in a Bottle (1999)