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Blog description
XRPS game things that most people avoid to comment coz they are afraid to be docked, banned...pursued in any way...

discretion is 100% granted for those who wish to remain anonymous, i NEVER reveal any of my sources coz i know how even one single revealing can cause that noone will trust me anymore and wont share any confidential infoes with me
if you want to contact me or to share some info with me you can feel free to choose any of option;



Forbidden City - Final End

for my "dear" Izze

About me..
I am person who will always say honest opinion with no hesitate at all, some people , but very rare, found that as really positive, but majority see that as something bad, like; i never shut my mouth, i always complain, i always talk bullshits no matter am i right or wrong coz i am over reacting and making a mountain out of ant hill...etc..etc..just for info; in RL and generally speaking, my spheres of interests are very wide, its not that i am going into deepest analyses like some MD scientists but i put my nose everywhere and it makes me look like some geek or even nerd....however; my primary is psychology and justice....since justice is almost like urban legend its not easy to presume how i am the one on lost usually...but i dont care, call me Spartacus or one will ever stop me talking out loud in public unless you make me stop breathing :)

Little Wisdom...
Give to get.

To be the greatest is not winning all the battles, but to defeat enemy without drawing a sword.

Cornix cornici oculos non effodiet.

De lingua stulta veniunt incommoda multa.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.

Asini in pelle leonis.

...a svi ostali odjebite u troskoku :P

21.12.2010., utorak


posting here on blog became too dificult since i cant blog it so much as it comes to my hands...and for easier control and overview of posts i am completely moving to forum..

here is the link for once again;

CS-TALK combat system forum (click me)

thank you for following up with my blog...i really hope i did help many to realize how they were deceived and finally in what a cruel and twisted society we matter of SL or RL..

if i did hurt someone....please, accept my honest apo.....nah, i dont care, especially those who did support the ongoing shit brought by Izze and Baron :))

rest of you, i do really apologize if i did put you in unpleasant situation, especially to Angelina who was framed by me and pushed to slippery ground where she did slip her self as we all did eyewithness....but, she didnt fell to hard ground...many dont know the background...but i did caught her on time to make her land as soft as possible.....Angie, you were great, despite you didnt gave me 1 single word to go after Baron or izze...they still did suspect and actually showed their real face how do they act towards people when they sense they dont need them anymore..they would find any detail just to stick it on you and to make you look bad evil and toxic....well...your main and biggest mistake really was your email you sent me..but content is completely irrelevant now :)

next time be smarter on that....coz next time some "other Gagi" you run on in life might be really the evil one :))

once again, thank you all for reading this blog and i hope you will enjoy in new forum...
best wishes to all and to have a nice holidays that are almost knocking our doors....

Love you all and thanks for finally opening eyes and realizing how my rants were not just and only rants....

PS; blog wont be closed, but publishing on it will be decreased to minimum...maybe i will post some personal observations from time to time but i guess most of it will be published the same on forum....even it will be less and less in near future (in January i guess) since i am about to move for some period where from i wont be able to hang on SL or net all day long...hahaha, no, dont worry, i am not going to jail...i am going to my wife to stay with her in our other place where we have a condo and there is WIFI net connection so it is real pain in the ass to keep stable connection on that location...

/me waves :)
- 00:42 - Comments (125) - Print - #

20.12.2010., ponedjeljak


ahhh...what a we are surprised...Izze giving a command remotely...for once again, and this is like 289th time we are listening the same scenario, just another actors, but Izze as main actor participating...

no, i am TIRED of repeating myself about who and what kind of monster Izze even Nixi found her self being target of sweet saint of Izze...

God....we are all toxic, bad and evil...vicious...only Izze is saint of all saint, pure hearted dare you to call yourself pure... give you just few bits...

i wont lie i do not like this girl at all - izze told me as you see in
past mails i should have fired her ages ago - funny how she has her
back soon as i go - and to proove demi is being petty she bans me and
returns my items - reason - i not welcome

[9:33] Nixi Pinazzo: hi demi can you explain why you returned my
resellar item ty
[9:33] Demi Malso (busy response): The Resident you messaged is in
'busy mode' which means they have requested not to be disturbed. Your
message will still be shown in their IM panel for later viewing.
[9:35] Demi Malso: Am I talking to fi or Nixi?
[9:35] Nixi Pinazzo: excuse me
[9:36] Nixi Pinazzo: dont start to act smart you know you returned
nixi items from tel mal
[9:36] Nixi Pinazzo: i am asking as to why
[9:36] Demi Malso: I am keeping tabs on the players in judgement
[9:36] Nixi Pinazzo: that does not answer my question really does it
[9:37] Nixi Pinazzo: simple question why have you returned my resellar items
[9:38] Demi Malso: I returned it because you are no longer a part of Judgement.
[9:38] Nixi Pinazzo: oh so i cannot have a shop in tel mal now that
your decision?
[9:39] Demi Malso: Yes it is managments decision
[9:39] Nixi Pinazzo: so you are management now yes?
[9:40] Nixi Pinazzo: or are you telling me this is a izze/baron decision
[9:40] Demi Malso: I answered your question on your vendor, I have
other duties to attend to, so I will going. Thanks and have a great
[9:41] Nixi Pinazzo: ok welll considering i own pestilence i guess
you really made a smart move demi - returning my items in a shop as
really the truth is you that petty you dont like me sighs
[9:41] Nixi Pinazzo: and keeping tabs on players hmmm what does that
excately mean?
[9:42] Demi Malso: you are on the ban list now Nixi, so have a great
second life
[9:43] Nixi Pinazzo: banned from a sim i own hmm great i hope you
will discuss buying itfrom me
[10:01] Demi Malso: You have been ejected from 'Judgement Call ' by Demi Malso.
[10:02] Nixi Pinazzo: i hope all the others got ejected considering
now i have not spoke in there for last 10 mins and rest still are


[9:43] Nixi Pinazzo: [9:37] Nixi Pinazzo: simple question why have
you returned my resellar items
[9:38] Demi Malso: I returned it because you are no longer a part of Judgement.
[9:38] Nixi Pinazzo: oh so i cannot have a shop in tel mal now that
your decision?
[9:39] Demi Malso: Yes it is managments decision
[9:39] Nixi Pinazzo: so you are management now yes?
[9:40] Nixi Pinazzo: or are you telling me this is a izze/baron decision
[9:40] Demi Malso: I answered your question on your vendor, I have
other duties to attend to, so I will going. Thanks and have a great
[9:41] Nixi Pinazzo: ok welll considering i own pestilence i guess
you really made a smart move demi - returning my items in a shop as
really the truth is you that petty you dont like me sighs
[9:41] Nixi Pinazzo: and keeping tabs on players hmmm what does that
excately mean?
[9:42] Demi Malso: you are on the ban list now Nixi, so have a great
second life
[9:43] Nixi Pinazzo: banned from a sim i own hmm great i hope you
will discuss buying itfr
[9:44] Nancie Devin: wow
[9:44] Joleen Wiskee: jesus
[9:44] Nixi Pinazzo: i did not want to speak my side but now i feel
you all should know
[9:45] cobain86 Dryke: oh look she is my wife and talks really professional
[9:45] Joleen Wiskee hugs nixi
[9:45] cobain86 Dryke: hugs nixi
[9:45] Dannii Dreamscape: Well then I quite judgement.....Nixi kept
it running for so sod the people that run it now and their
disloyalty.....deleting my meter and never be there again
[9:45] Xtreme99 Colossus: oh my
[9:46] Joleen Wiskee: maybe it's time to take your sim back
[9:46] Dannii Dreamscape hugs brought that place back
from the brink and this is how they repay you
[9:46] Joni Jules: hi nixi you more than most know this is not the
way to do things - you taught me that
[9:46] Nixi Pinazzo: yes but seems izze does not want to talk about
me having my sim back but banned as why i no longer welcome what kinda
answer is that
[9:47] Xtreme99 Colossus: then what is a better way do you think joni?
[9:47] Nixi Pinazzo: to keep quite joni like i have , just to be
banned as demi does not like me please
[9:47] Dannii Dreamscape: she did the right thing.....I'm disgusted
[9:48] cobain86 Dryke: is angelina tellin you the words to say, this time too?
[9:48] Dannii Dreamscape: and too right we should all be told
[9:48] Dannii Dreamscape: what a joke
[9:48] Dannii Dreamscape: i'm so mad
[9:48] cobain86 Dryke: awww nixi the victim of judgement, she forgot
that banned me even without say a word in my IM, is this professional?
[9:49] cobain86 Dryke: omg nixi why you turning things?is really sad
from you, I thought I knew you a bit
[9:49] Xtreme99 Colossus: cobain...starting to get a little defensive
on territorial bases?
[9:49] Dannii Dreamscape shuts the window and leaves the Judgement group
[9:49] Nixi Pinazzo: oh cobain that would have been izze telling me
to ban you - and she would explain later as she always did
[9:49] Joleen Wiskee: how can someone be banned from her own sim?!!!
[9:50] cobain86 Dryke: hm strange cause izze said she never did it
[9:50] Joleen Wiskee: and since when you trust izze?! mhahahahahahah
[9:50] Demi Malso: Call will be closed for a bit, thanks!
[9:51] Xtreme99 Colossus: why??
[9:51] Xtreme99 Colossus: we cant argue here?
[9:51] cobain86 Dryke: so I am still waiting, why did you bann me, or
as always you need someone that suggest words to say? god take some
personality hm?
[9:51] Demi Malso: Due to the Drama I know that all do not want, call
will be closed for a little bit
[9:51] Joleen Wiskee: cobain, izze banned you for ganking on people
you forgot that?!!!
[9:51] Xtreme99 Colossus: cobain....I think she explained it to
you...even though u might not like the answer
[9:51] Xtreme99 Colossus: sounds like censorship demi
[9:51] Xtreme99 Colossus: of the nasty kind....
[9:51] Diomedes Brimm: when the going gets tough, the tough censor lol
[9:52] cobain86 Dryke: xtreme, she didnt, just banned me caus
angelina doesn't like me...well I am not gay sorry lol
[9:52] Joleen Wiskee: demi needs some help, she apparently can NOT
close a group chat, that's how dumb she is
[9:52] Nixi Pinazzo: hmmm ooc cobain hope your proud
[9:52] cobain86 Dryke: hey joleen are you hiding behind alters?
[9:52] Diomedes Brimm: I think that if folks are going to name call,
the chat should be closed
[9:53] cobain86 Dryke: OOC? what I did OOC
[9:53] Xtreme99 Colossus: I agree with Dio on that...let s keep it civil
[9:53] Joni Jules: yes i agree - it is huge disappointment things
get to this stage - for all concerned
[9:53] Joleen Wiskee: of course i am cob
[9:53] Diomedes Brimm: if, on the other hand, you're going to discuss
genuine greivances in a respectful manner, then it might help to make
the sim a better place
[9:54] cobain86 Dryke: I think that if alters have enough balls this
SL should have less drama...poor ppl needs to do alter to grief, or
say things...hey joleen you are in judgement..I just see you like to
do drama..but hey wait I can know all the names alter. isn't true
[9:54] Xtreme99 Colossus: less alts might be less drama, but less
censorship too maybe?
[9:54] cobain86 Dryke: good words Dio, but look just the fact that
someone talks from an alter, means this one is just a coward that
wants to I wrong?
[9:55] Diomedes Brimm: it could be, Cob.....people do hide behind
alts sometimes
[9:55] Joleen Wiskee: boooo hooooo i'm hiding!!! sue me!
[9:56] cobain86 Dryke: na I will just ignore, I never liked have less attention of the dust under my feet lol
[9:56] Xtreme99 Colossus: it is how you see things is a
limited version of the truth
[9:56] Joni Jules: this is a fight between Nixi and Demi that they
should have kept private - and not involved all the players of Judge
in - it is not good to do that -we do not deserve to in their conflict
[9:57] Xtreme99 Colossus: maybe Joni we do deserve to know what is
happening to the sim and hwo things are being delt with....
[9:57] Xtreme99 Colossus: and truth be told you better wash those
feet if they are dusty.....or vacuum the house u live in....really :-)
[9:57] cobain86 Dryke: I agree joni, but I see my wife always
professiona, and I really don't know how she does, cause if was me,
well..I could be really rude after all she did..
[9:57] cobain86 Dryke: now nixi, you copy a log, after all you said
about my are lookin a limited version Xtreme, not me..
[9:58] Joleen Wiskee: professional?!!! by returning the items and
banning someone from HER OWN SIM just cause she doesn't like her?!!
[9:58] Diomedes Brimm: but I have no idea what stuff is going on
between nixi, angie, izze, and I'm going to cut out of the
[9:58] Diomedes Brimm: xtreme does have a point, though.....I invest
a lot of time and money in sims and then they disappear or something
else crappy happens,

if you want to read more...something what was NEVER revealed so far...then dont waste your time and jump to:

Izze and Baron aka Bonnie and Clyde

- 23:17 - Comments (0) - Print - #


first thing to announce is that all topics will be redirected to new forum
CS-TALK forum
this blog will continue to post blog topics here in order to keep it active but main stuff, including with the original topics will be moved (copied/published) to that forum in order to keep it all at one place since idea is to establish an "issue headquarters" for most of known combat system meters at SL...
forum is with NO need of registration what means you can ANONYMOUSLY rant on it and post anything you like, finally, much easier then some did found comments on this blog :)

registering to forum possible but it is optional for those who dont care to be known or not...

now, back to todays subject;

President of Galaxy...

I understand how rules are there help the community to play easier, nicer, to prevent issues....however, when "owner" take things to serious and make a big deal out of it sticking to it so hard that is harder then to tax law of USA...then i dare to say how that person is obviously frustrated and how that person is suffering, but seriously suffering of some obsessive need to be important, needed, known, finally, in control and power...

SL is a game...sims are nothing but a "kids playgrounds"...beside the LL-TOS thing, everything else is flexible...more or less, but still up on us how we shell manage it...
now, to cut the crap i will show you one of many logs which proves for once again, beside 100 times we did prove it already, how Izze is definitely out of her mind with her persistent need to make a serious matter out of something what should be a ordinary game...acting herself like she is something even higher and bigger then president of the USA himself, presenting this "community and management" thing like it is matter of world wide reputation and existence....well...i think how Microsoft, IBM, Siemens and many more ww brands corporations should hire Izze to edit their company policies since they obviously dont know shit about it...finally, who knows, maybe Izze was a consultant in president office at Washington DC in her early ages so she seems to stuck with that movie rolling in her head :)))
finally, if she is capable to take this so serious and act like that with people who are doing their work on SL VOLUNTERRLY, with full benevolency to it.... (disregarding XP which can not be considered as payment unit after all)...then i am afraid what it would be like to work for Izze in RL where i would be even paid with RL money for my work....i have feeling how she would not just destimulate my month salary with like 10 or 15% of my income but she would even make me sure to never forget the mistake by giving me 20 whip strikes all over my back.....

thank God i am not African and that Izze does not live on south of USA with a cotton plantation...otherwise i would be in deep shit :P

so, here we go;

Here Is a few lil bitsof info u might find interesting. This one is from right after Judgement opened its doors and I and my sl hubby helped build and mentor. I was officialy a member of staff at the time and this is how she treated me as I was acting IC WITHOUT my staff tag.

[11:34] Izzebella Rossini: christy
[11:34] Izzebella Rossini: I need to talk to you .. one moment..
[11:34] Christy Odets: yes
[11:39] Izzebella Rossini: christy
[11:39] Izzebella Rossini: I have received the log from Liria
[11:40] Izzebella Rossini: I had to read it not once . not twice but three times..
[11:40] Izzebella Rossini: [11:03] Christy Odets: these 2 here are not to be trusted
[11:40] Izzebella Rossini: absolutely shocked
[11:40] Izzebella Rossini: [11:04] Christy Odets: they came to our barn the other day and attacked I and the Lord unprovoked
[11:40] Izzebella Rossini: again.. shocked
[11:41] Izzebella Rossini: [11:07] Christy Odets: did i use names?
[11:07] Christy Odets: i used no names tyvm
[11:41] Izzebella Rossini: agian.. shocked
[11:41] Izzebella Rossini: [11:08] Christy Odets: we rpd around you
[11:08] Christy Odets: and are u going ooc with me?
[11:08] Christy Odets: because I will not be suckered into some ooc crap with you
[11:08] Christy Odets: good day
[11:41] Izzebella Rossini: you were not at all diplomatic.
[11:42] Izzebella Rossini: and you exposed a player
[11:42] Christy Odets: how did i expose a player?
[11:42] Izzebella Rossini: you have totally surprised me
[11:42] Christy Odets: Hell is now a member of my family
[11:42] Izzebella Rossini: as a staff person you should never ever ever go to those levels
[11:42] Izzebella Rossini: but you did it in OPEN chat
[11:42] Christy Odets: and i warned him of them
[11:42] Izzebella Rossini: you represent JUDGEMENT
[11:43] Izzebella Rossini: you are expected to be above the cute and slick pettiness
[11:43] Christy Odets: Izze im sorry but if being a mentor means i have to allow these ppl to talk to me as she did and just not do anything about it i cant do it
[11:44] Christy Odets: she imd me 3 mins after we walked away from them
[11:44] Christy Odets: i did not im her
[11:44] Christy Odets: and she was very very nasty
[11:44] Izzebella Rossini: [11:08] Christy Odets: because I will not be suckered into some ooc crap with you ,,, then the way you talk to her is .. that/.... tel me .. what part of being diplomatic and clean mouthed and showing patience is not getting to you
[11:44] Christy Odets: and has no reason to be at all
[11:44] Izzebella Rossini: I am placing you on suspension.. I have no choice
[11:45] Christy Odets: i told her i wasnt going to do it and i left it at that
[11:45] Christy Odets: Izze dont bother hun
[11:45] Izzebella Rossini: it is a delicate time in perception
[11:45] Christy Odets: ill give it up
[11:45] Izzebella Rossini: you dismissed it
[11:45] Christy Odets: i can not allow these ppl to walk over me like that im sorry
[11:46] Christy Odets: i am IC not OOC in that chat
[11:46] Christy Odets: my IC has nothing to do with my ooc job here
[11:46] Izzebella Rossini: fine .. I respect that but as staff you have to remember to keep things in IM and you didn't.. you really shocked me . and to have a player reprimand you.. totally upsets me.. far more than anything I would have expected...
[11:46] Christy Odets: reprimand me for what
[11:47] Izzebella Rossini: [11:07] Lu Stand: VERY tacky fucking rp miss christy , you want to be an example for people why dont you try to set one. Your people do not know our names in rp so dont think i wont change my app. and see how your new line of RP goes
[11:47] Christy Odets: i was warning a member of my family of enemies
[11:47] Izzebella Rossini: you were not a shining example at all
[11:47] Christy Odets: she doesnt even KNOW me izze
[11:47] Izzebella Rossini: doens't matter YOU chose to say it in OPEN
[11:47] Christy Odets: the first time ive even seen her was when they attacked us the other day
[11:47] Izzebella Rossini: you are a Judgement mentor in YOUR profile
[11:47] Christy Odets: yet she acts as if she knows me
[11:48] Izzebella Rossini: suspended .. end of story..
[11:48] Christy Odets: as i said i will leave the group
[11:48] Izzebella Rossini: You have been ejected from 'Judgement Staff - Mentors' by Izzebella Rossini.
[11:48] Christy Odets: i can not let ppl run me over im sorry
[11:49] Izzebella Rossini: and I will not allow a staff person to ever forget that they are the best example of how to be a community player and place the judgment principles above all else..

This one is far later and long after i had left as staff. It was at the time there was much turmoil and such with HV and them about. I was docked 10% for a first offense due to Demona being in a bad mood. lol Izze then felt the need to speak to me as well.

If nothing else I hope this will help expose what these ppl are truly about. THEMSELVES and what they want.

btw, Izze, when you did SUSPEND Christy from her duty, you did forgot to ask her to hand over a gun and her badge....thats what chief of police department would usually do :P

this one is just one more of Izze's gems in line, and will be more, dont you worry, but now...for a little change and to give Judgment a time to take a breath, little word about FC vs META thing...

- 00:08 - Comments (0) - Print - #

18.12.2010., subota


new project;


it will be ANONYMOUS for public so you will be able to rant, cry, whine, trash, bash..etc..but as long as your vocabulary will be in frames of decency...

if anyone is interested in running it i am willing to join you into it as admins...
so far are on list; Josh and Zia....expecting of Angelina and Bootsy to be added as well...

and, maybe some people will laugh now, but...Cissa impressed me with her observation so i believe she have some talent for such matter :)
btw, are right more or less...but, i will forgive you the part you made mistake since you obviously didnt read my story or being introduced with to understand my relation with Izze....

if anyone else is interested in running it....please, email me or IM me with your SL name only....even if you feel like enemy of mine coz of this blog, dont worry, i dont bite..just jump in :))

the matter fact, i might leave soon so if anyone wants to overtake idea and forum site, i wouldnt mind it...

ohh, and btw, if someone did miss my 1st masterpiece about XRPS, take a look here;
Jingis Khan of XRPS

- 04:15 - Comments (0) - Print - #

17.12.2010., petak


I know many did expect to see the LOG i prepared about Anthony, i will make it short about Anthony...

Anthony emailed me, he was really polite and he did present me his point of view about all this, finally, he made himself clear how he dont want to be involved into this situation since he does care about his reputation and his work with Brutal Weapons more then about XRPS and Judgment, so, if that means how he will be excluded from public lynch if he step out, he will do that..

I couldnt say NO to him and i must play fair, however, i believe how he will apologize to some particular people so we wont make a big deal from this and we shell let him freely go... especially since he showed such a cooperation on really civilized level of communication...and i do respect, beside that, i made myself clear what is going to happen if he brakes the deal in any point that we agreed..

I will really try to not go too deep into his case, but i believe how he will make an short observation for public about all this, what i will publish of course.. very soon i guess...

Again, i know some people would rather like to see him suffer after publishing LOG, but again, we must keep in mind how Anthony is sort of collateral damage here and how he is not a person who did repeatedly enforce his attitude and power to entire public like Baron and Izze did and, i dare to say, Anthony deserve a 2nd chance, unlike Baron and Izze who did blow 16 chances so far....if not even more then that...

Now, i must turn myself to some other subject that Zia did initiate about revealing RL of Baron and Izze how that was "low".....and then, beside that...i received one email from "Mr Headchoper" who was very inspired with words how he will get me and make me regret the day i was born.....what did finally make me inspired to respond the way i did so maybe some people will think of me like i am some savage or how i dont know what respect and good manners are...etc..etc...but since "internet" is ultimative excuse for all and everyone i will use it too...

cut out from comments;

"Zia Underwood"
I will say one thing in the defense of Baron and Izze, that the personal information that's been shared holds no bearing on the business of XRPS and Judgment and should not have been brought into the light. Anyway you slice it, it's a low blow.
There are rules, they're are always rules and lines that are simply not okay to cross. Would you shoot a surrendering enemy combatant who was unarmed?

i am pretty aware of that...but in love and war are no rules, morale and ethics nor many, i have been in love, but unfortunately i have spent even 5 years in war as i know for sure what do i talk about...
(i am not talking about war like USA have, with battlefields 10.000 miles away from American soil, but about war where i spent 5 years with enemy only 1 mile distanced from me, where a simple long range rife bullet could take me down...)

if anyone think opposite, they would be naive, very naive..

finally.. .why to not reveal their RL?!?, they can come to SL, be a total control and psycho freaks, turn off SL and pretend saints in RL....well, sorry, but, if they have no scruple to act like they do on SL, i am even afraid to think what like they are in, community, SL one and RL one have right to know with who do they deal with...especially in cases when their actions are not addressed to individuals only but public...and in Barons and Izzes case it is matter of PUBLIC coz players are in PLURAL...their actions affects many people..

and i welcome any of you to reveal every single detail about me, my SL and RL.....i am who i am...i have done wrong things too, but i dont deny it nor i hide myself behind the "screen" of my PC.....and yes, i judge them for that....just like i judge anyone who is posting here without signing self with any name that might be recognizable in SL or RL....and judge those who are trying to make me look like a coward who is attacking from back while hiding myself...well, any of you without NAME are still not brave enough to confront me as long as you dont sign yourself,and as long as you dont sign yourself like Josh, Angelina, Lili, Zia, Trip, Rosie and rest like that, i wont take any comment seriously and as act of honest and straight brave person....finally...this is not about bravery, it is about speaking your own mind but also standing behind your words....i DO stand behind my words and i guarantee that with my SIGN, not only SL one but even RL one...

i agree there should be limits...but remember one thing...or i will remind you;
Baron and Izze are not the one who are talking...they are refusing to talk, to discuss..

if they dont feel the need to explain themselves to public, then why would i spare them....

and since they act as they do, i revoked all limits, at no cost....i am ready to go so far even to be RL pursued by law.....i did already accept that risk...if they didnt, i dont care...but i wont stop and i will use every single details SL, RL, private or not...i dont care....coz in war, people do rape, in war people do genocide....if my revealing their RL is genocide, then OK..i am genocide...but it wont stop me...not this time...

now, you might ask me how foolish or pathetic i can be to bother myself and waste time on some unknown and unimportant Baron and Izze.....this is matter of principle....i am not a dog who barks on the Moon only...sometimes i do bite too, this time i decided to bite and not let go so easy....of course...many will judge me for that and will talk about me like monster and psycho...well...i dont care if 100-200 people will think of me something like that...i will survive...but at least i wont let anyone to shut my mouth with excuse; "it was not morale"...Zia, many things are not fair in life...many rules have been broke and many limits exceeded.....but life goes on and finally, just like you said, noone care....noone but those on who the limit was broken...

to add you nice example we had here during the war asked me would i be able to shoot unarmed enemy..heheh..Zia, war is not a game with rules as i already told
there was an little enemy infantry attack to our side, across the bridge over river Korana....Serbs did lost control and our mates did succeed to push them in corner,16 Serbs, enemies....the team leader of theirs, some officer, ranked one...said to their guys to quickly throw the weapons and shout, "we are surrenders" ...our guys did approach and it was all OK until that officer didnt say; "hahaha, you motherfucker, we are unarmed, you can do shit now...we are prisoners of war" ....and one of ours said; "ahh, is it so?...well in that case since the action is still in progress that means we dont take any prisoners" ...and he execute them all ....they picked them up to truck and took away to be handed over to the enemy you really think anyone did care?!?!? you think anyone gives a shit..morale, ethics, rules...yes...its urban which believes only people who didnt experience real shit on its act.....finally, it is easy to be moral and ethical while writing letters on the paper...reality is something completely different

why did i gave you this example....coz Izze and Baron are just like that officer; they were caught, busted...and instead of showing some respect in their disadvantaged situation and intention to make a conversation like civilized people...they did continue with their ignorance towards public, they continued to be superior and play their dishonest "game", in such case my answer is YES, i WOULD shoot unarmed enemy with no hesitate!! ...finally...most of you did never shoot at all so you dont even know what do we talk about here...

do we talk about Baron and Izze like some imagined cartoon characters of Walt Disney toons or real people?!?!

if we talk about actions and attitude of some REAL people represented in shape of SL character then i dont see why we would keep REAL LIFE informations as secret or not to know who those REAL people REALLY are?!?!?...and finally why it would be so "low" if we know to who do we talk to among each other....after all, who are they so their identity must be kept away from public?!?...are they some VIP?...are they some gov people, are they some saints, scientists working on top secrets for this planet....who is Baron Nowhere (John) anyway....what does he represent to this world to be so special so his identity should be like gov secret to the public...

its silly when people make a mountain out of ant hill when is about such subject....its overestimated....finally, just like you said; who the fuck cares who is some John aka Baron

but still. what is the problem with RL things...i really dont understand...sorry...i live on Mars....we dont use MASKS nor fake names while we walk around the planet....

sorry for sarcasm, but it is silly...what a big deal if you say your real everyone will run to your house and make a party or rape you or stole your identity....if anyone want to make you any harm, it will do no matter how much you hide yourself...i think this should be clear to everyone...finally, we all know why such people keep their RL hidden, simply coz if it will be revealed then they wouldnt be able to pretend.....and as i am, so most of you are sick of pretenders as well....dont tell me it is not like that...

i survived 5 years of damn war, 2 horrible wrecks, torture while captured, surgery and one drowning (thats only a major summary)....and now i should be worry if i say my name in public or care if few internet pricks will threat me....FFS....99.9% of you are just a bunch of barkers on the no wonder you all stick to mumbling about "morale and ethics" rules while being on internet...

just like i said long ago; i dare any of you internet barking Rambos to visit me...i will give you all details you want to know and i will even welcome you on airport or where ever you want me to wait you...but in my city, coz i am not going to drive 6 hours for some barker , i WISH that any just dare to come and explain to me what moral and ethics is...especially those who are so brave with threats how they will chop my head off like Mr Headchoper or make me regret for being born....and i met so many of such people...on SL especially....if i am scared of Mr Headchoper i would be already at police station 100meters down my street and this would be already reported to authorities...but no need coz i know how such barkers are more stronger as they are more distanced...

you see, this is why i am forcing RL so much...coz i dare to say FUCK YOU and invite you in RL and repeat the same to your face , coz i represent myself here as REAL PERSON...not some fookin cartoon character like Baron is trying to be, same as Izze and many others on SL and internet in general...and i spit on him coz he have no respect to be honest and straight with public...not just now...but since i know him, and thats pretty much long already....coz he is HIDING himself here and preaching about MORALE, ETHICS and nice manners of gentleman....

gentleman at least have enough of courage to stand behind his words, SL and matter.....when he will be able to talk like that, then i will respect him and his RL, till then, he does not deserve more then he get here on this shitty blog...and there will be no morale, ethics , respect nor limits...

now, some will say; "it is his right to keep it secret" .....yes, i agree...but not in order to act as untouchable and unreachable, superior dictator....if you want to play me, then play me, but dont play me as cartoon character, play me as REAL PERSON, coz after all, behid the toon is a REAL PERSON....

finally, let me ask you; does it make me dishonest and stupid coz i dare to share my name with public?! or is it really an attempt of myself to be as real as possible?!

if not, then it seems how most of you people enjoy more in being unreal, irrealistic, imagined, faked, pretended, virtual...etc..etc..finally; you dont even exists!!! and if you dont exist, so noone is hurted or insulted or limits has been breached ...simple as that....

@Zia, even i did made this like i am speaking to you, but it was more public speech then addressing to you, i personally, respect and accept pretty much everything you said as correct, even the part about RL, morale and ethics, but i hope you do understand how there are some (possible) exceptions....and how Mr Headchoper has a main part in initiating me to write all this the way i did...

Thank You for reading me,

Vladimir Dudukovic - Gagi
Karlovac city, Croatia
(yes, that is me for real, signed)

- 04:46 - Comments (15) - Print - #

14.12.2010., utorak

Judgement STAFF MEETING (part2)

it is hard to synchronize my sources with SL timings since they have RL, some give me 1st part, other give me 2nd part...etc...but when i sum it in total...i get it ALL :)

anyway...i must tell you how recording to this recent LOG i received i am very disappointed in one of my "sources", fortunately this is not the main one, so, not a biggie, but still, just one more in line of being dishonest, actually, 2 way dishonest so i really dont know what is the point of this, being a DOUBLE AGENT....if you want to piss me off, then tell me that in my face and done, but people who are backstabbing me , no matter in what circumstance, i have no mercy for them, so, i will see what i will do with individuals...but, i will let it be like this for a while...

also, i will make an observation of one comment; i liked conclusion where the mole is very probably someone very close to Baron, coz usually closest people are traitors, as the history did prove that in numerous examples...but who that person is and how close is, i will let that to Baron to judge, but again, does revealing the truth really is a action of traitor?!?!? in Barons and Izze's eyes, of course, but in eyes of public, that is a heroic act...

so, here we go;

[16:00] Izzebella Rossini: am I late?
[16:01] Joni Jules: hi all
[16:01] Izzebella Rossini: phew.. . how is everyone?
[16:01] Shinya Levee: hi joni and star
[16:01] Purz Nirvana: good thanks and you
[16:01] Wollem Reichmann is Offline
[16:01] Joni Jules: good thanks Izze
[16:01] Starlights Bailey: heyas
[16:01] Joni Jules: hi hi Star ^^
[16:02] Kilo Southmoor is Online
[16:02] Izzebella Rossini: I just fixed my chat so I don't have a mess of things with players logging in and out of the logs
[16:03] Anthea Lanzius is Online
[16:03] Izzebella Rossini: omg it is so windy and horrible here.. the snow and rain.. doesn't feel like Christmas at all
[16:03] Izzebella Rossini: where did baron go?
[16:03] Purz Nirvana: did you see where the snow caved in that football dome
[16:03] Kilo Southmoor is Offline
[16:03] Purz Nirvana: think he said he would brb restroom
[16:03] Izzebella Rossini: it did .. wow.. that is very scary.. I hope no one was hurt
[16:04] Baron Nowhere: back
[16:04] Izzebella Rossini: hi princess
[16:04] Princess Yuitza: hello!
[16:04] Izzebella Rossini: I am really happy you're all here .. as i said to you that I wanted to make sure you knew a head of time..
[16:05] Kratoss Grut is Offline
[16:05] Izzebella Rossini: I need to take this IM . brb
[16:06] Shinya Levee: what is this meeting for ?
[16:07] Princess Yuitza: star you forgot your antlers
[16:07] Princess Yuitza: đi?s l?u??in?!!!
[16:07] Starlights Bailey: lol
[16:07] Baron Nowhere: I'd like to TP in Kiki too, she's a past admin and confidant of mine
[16:07] Starlights Bailey: they might be too laggy
[16:07] Princess Yuitza: there over there...
[16:07] Princess Yuitza: giggles
[16:07] Izzebella Rossini: welcome kiki
[16:07] Joni Jules: hi Kiki
[16:07] Izzebella Rossini: please take a seat
[16:08] Shinya Levee: hi kiki
[16:08] KiKi Overland: ?i ?i ?ii ?i ?i (?????)
[16:08] Joni Jules: you stepped in the pizza
[16:08] Multi Chair Coffee Table v1.0.39 (Blue and Black) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[16:08] Purz Nirvana: hi
[16:08] Multi Chair Coffee Table v1.0.39 (Blue and Black) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[16:08] Baron Nowhere: this is a very serious meeting, and I appreciate you coming to talk with me.
[16:09] Baron Nowhere: You've likely heard of the turmoil in management, and the opportunists who are taking the chance to take pop shots at Izze, and at Me, and at my RL family and RL friends and RL workplace
[16:09] WARRIOR22 Minotaur is Online
[16:09] Gagi Bluebird is Offline
[16:09] Joni Jules: yes it is shamae
[16:09] Joni Jules: shame
[16:10] XRPS V0.9.6: Switching to COMBATIVE [KiKi Overland]
[16:11] Baron Nowhere: I've taken a hard look at the tactics these people are using, and tried to determine my value proposition: "Why in the hell would I stick around SL and continue to expose my RL to such people?"
[16:12] Baron Nowhere: I've never once come close to breaking even on a month-to-month basis for XRPS, I've always done it for the love of our friends and community. It hurts when there are idiots who've twisted my actions into some selfish plan for domination... I've always done each step carefully considering what I felt was best for our community of friends.
[16:12] XRPS V0.9.6: Detaching HUD & METER --[Princess Yuitza]
[16:12] XRPS V0.9.6: METER DETACHING -- [Princess Yuitza]
[16:13] jai Tyne is Online
[16:14] Baron Nowhere: I was really proud of TransPass, and proud of Izze for taking all of the hits for that concept. We were giving players freedom to choose where to Play, and not get tied down and bribed with XP into a sinking ship... It gave them portability and choice. I went in and found a way to fairly calculate what each person's time was worth, and normalize all of the values. I had help from a lot of people to do that, and I was so excited with the result: Freedom for our friends to choose more places to play
[16:14] Mass Parkin is Online
[16:15] Baron Nowhere: That took a really big toll on me when the players didn't see the vision, and our inability to communicate it was sad.
[16:16] Baron Nowhere: I've spent $450 copyrighting XRPS... Spent $1000 defending it from Sicarius.... Spent a little over $900 to indemnify it from Suzanna... All because I thought I had some great people here worth my time and resources
[16:16] Gagi Bluebird is Online
[16:17] Baron Nowhere: I've spent about a thousand on server costs... I've received something like $650 in donations over the years
[16:17] Baron Nowhere: and none of that includes the money spent on the sims here where I invested in our friends in Judgement... I don't like to mention that, because I pale in comparison to what Izze did, with the same goal in mind
[16:18] Baron Nowhere: ....
[16:18] Baron Nowhere: So, now I'm faced with a crew of vile people, bent on hurting me.
[16:18] Baron Nowhere: I look at the options, and I don't see one that's worth it for me.
[16:19] Baron Nowhere: I have a lot going on in my RL, I'm still in the middle of some really serious turmoil, and to have people here adding to that is really low.
[16:19] Lilak Lane is Online
[16:21] Baron Nowhere: I am done. I never expected Second Life to fall into my Real Life the way that it has. The intrusion into my personal life is too much for me to bear.
[16:23] Baron Nowhere: I don't mind to have you ask questions, but I want to make it clear that I've thought about this a lot, and I'm quite set on my path. My intentions are to shut down XRPS at the top of the hour, and let things die with whatever dignity I can.
[16:23] Joni Jules: baron i understand you are hurt
[16:24] Princess Yuitza: holy crap!
[16:24] Izzebella Rossini: Baron forgets to mention that at least three months earlier this year he was in and out of hospitals .. at times fightng for his life .. yet, there are still people that think he lies .. its too much now
[16:24] Joni Jules: but closing xrps is not the answer
[16:24] Starlights Bailey: you could sell xrps
[16:24] Baron Nowhere: it is when they intrude into my RL.
[16:25] Joni Jules: it is sick what they have done to you and Izze but the meter is your legacy
[16:25] Izzebella Rossini: it isn't.. when mean people make lies look the truth. and then contact people (friends ) in real ? .. when is it enough?
[16:25] Baron Nowhere: it's a damaged product, with damaged creators.
[16:25] Joni Jules: it should live on
[16:25] Joni Jules: you created something to be proud of
[16:25] Starlights Bailey: i don´t feel it is damaged
[16:25] Shinya Levee: do yo uthink stopping xrps is the solution ?
[16:25] KiKi Overland: i think this is a mistake
[16:26] Joni Jules: it should stay in the public domain
[16:26] Joni Jules: not be put on the shelf
[16:26] Baron Nowhere: at what point was my thousands of hours of effort, and thousands of dollars public domain?
[16:27] Joni Jules: because all can use it and get enjoyment from it and still can
[16:27] Joni Jules: why deny us all that
[16:27] Starlights Bailey: you could sell it, pass it on, give it away if you feel it intrudes your life and gives you more trouble than you can bear, but people here love what you have done with xrps and it doesn´t feel fair if you jsut take it away
[16:27] Paskaliu Kumaki is Offline
[16:27] Shinya Levee: xrps is the best system we have we all know
[16:27] Joni Jules: xrps is most loved meter many say that
[16:28] KiKi Overland: i understand your reasoning for wanting to end it. but the ppl who are turning their back on you guys and stabbing it are not the heart of xrps.
[16:28] Baron Nowhere: but it's fair if they blackmail me into leaving, and make it too painful for me to stay?
[16:29] Joni Jules: well then share the load share the meter many have offered to buy it and you can recoup some of your time at least certainly not what you expect
[16:29] Starlights Bailey: not all of the people in xrps are stabbing you in the back, you have lots of loyal players here
[16:29] Izzebella Rossini: I have had many talks with Baron on this.. we are both tired of the accusations. and for what? . sadly with Baron's meter going I am closing XRPS.. we had expected Nixi to take it all over . and it was the only reason Baron kept it alive.. but with her gone .. so is judgement.. See Judgement was created for Barons meter.. being sad really doesn't explain our sense of loss but the continued attacks .. by players that do not care about anything other than hurting another .. its over
[16:29] Joni Jules: but the point is you created something that will be a legacy to you
[16:29] Shinya Levee: why don't you transfer or work on it with someone you can trust, and can keep xrps running ??
[16:29] Izzebella Rossini: Judgement*
[16:29] Joni Jules: yes there are a few here who would help
[16:30] Shinya Levee: so baron you 've done all your work for...nothing ???
[16:30] Baron Nowhere: it's a complex product... not sure who would run it. The most likely candidate would be someone with multiple resources
[16:30] Anthony Beatty: you cant trust anyone in sl i always held that moto :)
[16:30] Baron Nowhere: really not nothing... it ends up being --- LESS than nothing. I wish XRPS was just for nothing.
[16:31] Izzebella Rossini: i know but see I never came back to take over Judgement.. it was only to help Nixi at her requests.. then the fiasco started. the pain grew larger.. and now Baron has someone who has no respect for his real life ..
[16:31] Joni Jules: no it was not for nothing
[16:31] Joni Jules: my time here day after day was not for nothing
[16:31] Shinya Levee: i don't think it's the solution to stop xrps and let them win and arrive at what they want
[16:31] KiKi Overland: but that guy is not even a part of xrps- and do you relaly think ending the meter will even do anything toher than make that assholes day?
[16:31] Joni Jules: same with lots who come here
[16:32] Joni Jules: just cos a group of people hurt you and Izze you cannot do the same also it is not the solution
[16:32] Izzebella Rossini: I wanted to agree with you Shin but. after the transpass it was hard.. we took the blame . one can't keep taking the attacks .
[16:32] Baron Nowhere: Joni - I know... it PAINED me to see your notices today, and the events you were running. And I saw the notice from Crow on the weapon
[16:32] Baron Nowhere: all while I'm thinking about how I feel I have to pull the plug
[16:33] Joni Jules: but we all kept working and we still can
[16:33] Baron Nowhere: It pains me because I do see the few real friends who were working to benefit the community
[16:33] Baron Nowhere: yes Joni -- the shitty thign is that WE -- is NOT baron and Izze.
[16:33] Shinya Levee: you shouldn't stop xrps, because you let them win
[16:33] Kilo Southmoor is Online
[16:33] Joni Jules: we can take the financial burden from you and keep your meter running giving you a break to get over the hurt
[16:34] Purz Nirvana: and nixi.. you cant get her to come back?
[2010/12/12 16:34] Baron Nowhere: I don't think Nixi is "gone" from SL
[2010/12/12 16:34] Izzebella Rossini: baron was so distraught seeing your notices.. our friends trying to keep things together but it's gone beyond SL now. ..
[2010/12/12 16:35] Joni Jules: i don't want you to give in like this whoever gagi is does not deserve to see us go down like this
[2010/12/12 16:35] Marcus Seriman is Online
[2010/12/12 16:35] Joni Jules: we always been community
[2010/12/12 16:35] Princess Yuitza: vladimir
[2010/12/12 16:35] Princess Yuitza: in everyones business
[2010/12/12 16:36] Princess Yuitza: stole my inventory years ago
[2010/12/12 16:36] KiKi Overland: most ppl dont even know about that- its only been passed aroudn by the garbage that recently came here
[2010/12/12 16:36] Joni Jules: i dont care who he is I just dont want to end like this it is not the way
[2010/12/12 16:36] Kilo Southmoor is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:36] Baron Nowhere: I don't really want to reveal all of what he's doing, knowledge is what he manipulates for power.
[2010/12/12 16:36] Princess Yuitza: well baron has had enough....its in his rl
[2010/12/12 16:36] Starlights Bailey: you heard baron, joni, he will close xrps down
[2010/12/12 16:36] Princess Yuitza: yes
[2010/12/12 16:36] Princess Yuitza: thats it
[2010/12/12 16:36] Izzebella Rossini: first.. its a number of things but Baron and I have been through eniough.. players mad.. players believing baron has rl family being contacted by this player.. its enough
[2010/12/12 16:36] Starlights Bailey: it belongs to him so he can do what he wants with it
[2010/12/12 16:36] Joni Jules: he does not have to Stars
[2010/12/12 16:36] XRPS V0.9.6: METER DETACHING -- [Joni Jules]
[2010/12/12 16:37] XRPS V0.9.6: Thank You for Confirming You are Active.
[2010/12/12 16:37] Shinya Levee: myes but he is not alone here
[2010/12/12 16:37] Starlights Bailey: i know!
[2010/12/12 16:37] Shinya Levee: he can give or learn xrps to someone else
[2010/12/12 16:37] Joni Jules: Baron Izze i would like you to reconsider please
[2010/12/12 16:37] Shinya Levee: and stay put of sl
[2010/12/12 16:37] Shinya Levee: take a break
[2010/12/12 16:37] Crow Burns: he has no power, hes just a jealous piece of shit starter basically.. it shouldnt be the downfall of XRPS or judgement, maybe he went into your RL but so many rumors go around and thats basically what it is.. rumors he starts to destroy something someone else has done
[2010/12/12 16:37] Starlights Bailey: i don´t have money at all, so i wasn´t able to spend any on here, BUT, i did spend all my time here, as a player and as an admin
[2010/12/12 16:37] Joni Jules: and let puts some options together for you
[2010/12/12 16:37] Starlet Serendipity is Online
[2010/12/12 16:37] Baron Nowhere: I was out of SL, barely showed up for months
[2010/12/12 16:37] Starlights Bailey: stayed up all night to take calls and sort shit out
[2010/12/12 16:38] XRPS V0.9.6: METER DETACHING -- [Shinya Levee]
[2010/12/12 16:38] Baron Nowhere: like I said Star, I saw your efforts, and that's why we're sitting here.
[2010/12/12 16:38] Baron Nowhere: the love and friendship I felt from you guys was why I wanted to have this conversation before I pulled the plug
[2010/12/12 16:38] Shinya Levee: so you already took yr decision ???
[2010/12/12 16:38] Baron Nowhere: I knew you would be hurt because you are invested here too
[2010/12/12 16:38] Starlights Bailey: but if there is no discussion at all about whethere you will close xrps down or not...we don´t have to sit here, you could just announce, you close it and basta
[2010/12/12 16:38] Shinya Levee: myes we are
[2010/12/12 16:39] Joni Jules: we all are Baron and you do not have to pull the plug
[2010/12/12 16:39] Baron Nowhere: this is super super hard
[2010/12/12 16:39] Shinya Levee: i don't like negativ people
[2010/12/12 16:39] Shinya Levee: we are a team
[2010/12/12 16:39] Shinya Levee: a community
[2010/12/12 16:39] Izzebella Rossini: i have negativity..
[2010/12/12 16:39] Shinya Levee: why to stop xrps
[2010/12/12 16:39] Shinya Levee: i don't get it
[2010/12/12 16:39] Shinya Levee: you are punishing all the loyal players here
[2010/12/12 16:39] Joni Jules: what happens in two weeks time when you are over some of the hurt and you regret what you have done
[2010/12/12 16:40] Joni Jules: you and izze being hurt is not a part of the meter and judge continuing
[2010/12/12 16:40] Baron Nowhere: I question how many loyal players there are
[2010/12/12 16:40] Shinya Levee: if yr rl is involved you can stay back and leave someone working on xrps for you
[2010/12/12 16:40] Kilo Southmoor is Online
[2010/12/12 16:40] Starlights Bailey: i understand how you feel about all this, no doubt, but i don´t udnerstand why you pubnish the people who love to play here
[2010/12/12 16:40] Izzebella Rossini: because Baron needs to draw the line where a real player has taken it to Baron's real life family and is contacting his real life family.. isn't that enough
[2010/12/12 16:40] Starlights Bailey: you could just give it to someone else
[2010/12/12 16:41] Shinya Levee: you could stil lcontrol xrps and help someone to make it run
[2010/12/12 16:41] Joni Jules: yes i understand Izze it is shameful but it does not make logic to then hurt all the players who come here day after day
[2010/12/12 16:41] KiKi Overland: i dont think you should give it away..but i also dont think u should let that asshole dictate any move in your or rl. he is trash
[2010/12/12 16:41] Baron Nowhere: I had a plan to make XRPS safe for Judgement, so Nixi could run it without worry
[2010/12/12 16:41] Diomedes Brimm is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:41] Baron Nowhere: this was one of my drafts for Nixi:
[2010/12/12 16:41] Baron Nowhere: Here's what I'm thinking, and you can provide some feedback or additional quesitons/suggestions. Also, if you want to go ahead and start announcing this or working towards it, that's fine.

1. No admins with powers that cross all universes
2. Dismantle Transpass (System will still store global seconds in game)
3. Remove all global XRPS bans (List provided to all universes, they can individually ban if they so choose)
4. Switch of challenge system back to the old/previous blue dialog challenge
5. Small meter update to fix the issue when entering/leaving a unvierse (listener overload and script resets)
[2010/12/12 16:41] Joni Jules: so Nixi has gone we keep going we kept going last few days
[2010/12/12 16:42] jai Tyne is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:42] Starlights Bailey: nixi didn´t just get up and leave, she had her reasons for doing that
[2010/12/12 16:42] Baron Nowhere: And you keep going with Izze and Baron at the top
[2010/12/12 16:42] Shinya Levee: did you talked to her about it before she left ?
[2010/12/12 16:42] Joni Jules: i just think emotional responses are never the best ones trust me i know !
[2010/12/12 16:43] Baron Nowhere: we desparetly tried to work with Nixi, I was helping Anthony in the hopes that Anthony would be a pillar to help Nixi stand without me around
[2010/12/12 16:43] Anthony Beatty: i tried to convince her ...
[2010/12/12 16:43] Shinya Levee: what happened ?
[2010/12/12 16:43] Anthony Beatty: but i think the msot part she didnt want the weight of the sims
[2010/12/12 16:43] Baron Nowhere: Angelina happened.
[2010/12/12 16:43] Joni Jules: i just don't understand the all or nothing
[2010/12/12 16:43] Princess Yuitza: nods
[2010/12/12 16:44] Anthony Beatty: but i did say i would help ..
[2010/12/12 16:44] Mass Parkin is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:44] Shinya Levee: what about angelina ? i think we all need to know to undestand what's going on ??
[2010/12/12 16:44] Baron Nowhere: Angelina was doing some really underhanded things. I'm not going to drag her through the mud, I don't want some pile of $hit with people picking apart each detail
[2010/12/12 16:44] Izzebella Rossini: i know anthony and we appreciate that
[2010/12/12 16:44] Baron Nowhere: The big gist was that she was really threatened by Izze.
[2010/12/12 16:44] Kilo Southmoor is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:45] Baron Nowhere: Nixi explicitly spoke with Izze and I, and begged for Izze to return and help shore up the staff, and get the admin machine to a well-oiled operation
[2010/12/12 16:45] Purz Nirvana: demi left to what happened with that?
[2010/12/12 16:45] Baron Nowhere: Izze ONLY returned at Nixi's explicit request.
[2010/12/12 16:45] XRPS V0.9.6: METER DETACHING -- [Princess Yuitza]
[2010/12/12 16:45] Princess Yuitza: demi didnt leave
[2010/12/12 16:46] Baron Nowhere: Demi was a separate personality conflict with Demi and Nixi
[2010/12/12 16:46] Starlights Bailey: yes demi did leave prini
[2010/12/12 16:46] Princess Yuitza: ohhh
[2010/12/12 16:46] Izzebella Rossini: she resigned
[2010/12/12 16:46] Joni Jules: I just think you should wait a few days and consider solutions from us
[2010/12/12 16:46] Shinya Levee: what do you mean but well oiled the admin machine ?
[2010/12/12 16:46] Izzebella Rossini: meaning you're all great admins
[2010/12/12 16:46] Purz Nirvana: because we are new admin
[2010/12/12 16:47] Purz Nirvana: not trained yet
[2010/12/12 16:47] Baron Nowhere: I guess it's an english clockwork reference
[2010/12/12 16:47] Purz Nirvana: some*
[2010/12/12 16:47] Baron Nowhere: Nixi felt overwhelmed, and wanted help.
[2010/12/12 16:47] Shinya Levee: and why we have all the problems now ?
[2010/12/12 16:47] Izzebella Rossini: its the geek in him.. what he means is you're all great and much appreciated
[2010/12/12 16:47] Wollem Reichmann is Online
[2010/12/12 16:47] Starlights Bailey: yes, because running a universe is way too much for only one person
[2010/12/12 16:48] Baron Nowhere: Yes, and Izze ran this universe for years, and helped run several others prior to that
[2010/12/12 16:48] Joni Jules: let me ask all here who would help in running this place
[2010/12/12 16:48] Starlights Bailey: yes and she had you and nixi helping in judgement
[2010/12/12 16:48] Joni Jules: with the meter with management with admin etc
[2010/12/12 16:48] Izzebella Rossini: well not years.. but yes I did run it
[2010/12/12 16:49] Starlights Bailey: well, we are all still here
[2010/12/12 16:49] Izzebella Rossini: and i had great help..
[2010/12/12 16:49] Shinya Levee: but nixi and and angelina were a very good team for judg
[2010/12/12 16:49] KiKi Overland: ha
[2010/12/12 16:49] Starlights Bailey: yes they are
[2010/12/12 16:49] Baron Nowhere: and I spent days trying to get Nixi to step back in with Her and angie and run the place
[2010/12/12 16:49] Shinya Levee: i don't get it why we have all the problems now ? what happened since izze came back ?
[2010/12/12 16:49] Baron Nowhere: Izze came back, Angie threw a fit
[2010/12/12 16:50] Baron Nowhere: Nixi didn't have the backbone to handle the drama head on
[2010/12/12 16:50] Starlights Bailey: what does that mean she threw a fit?
[2010/12/12 16:50] Baron Nowhere: and it rolled out of control
[2010/12/12 16:50] Anthony Beatty: temper tantrum
[2010/12/12 16:50] Baron Nowhere: I was trying to work with Anthony and Nixi to pull it back together
[2010/12/12 16:50] Joni Jules: well we can all get over that and move forward no need to close a sim cos of a disagreement no matter how bad
[2010/12/12 16:51] Shinya Levee: why you don't work again with anthony and take back nixi to manage the sim ? and leave judg like it was before ?
[2010/12/12 16:51] Izzebella Rossini: Nixi is a great person and friend.. please realize this issue was just too much and then Angie didn't want Anthony anywhere near XRPS while we truly trust Ant
[2010/12/12 16:51] Baron Nowhere: I think Izze's proposal was totally reasonable: Nixi mailed Izze and told her that if Izze really stayed, Judgement would not be viable. Izze's response is -- If I'm too harmful for Judgement, then I'll give you the sims for FREE (just pay the transfer) and make it your own game.
[2010/12/12 16:51] Anthony Beatty: yea that kinda changed my veiwes on ang since i ahve never really interacted with ehr
[2010/12/12 16:52] Joni Jules: Anthony can you run this meter
[2010/12/12 16:52] Anthony Beatty: i could 100%....
[2010/12/12 16:52] Joni Jules: good so we have someone to take over the meter if need be
[2010/12/12 16:52] Anthony Beatty: but if i was in barons shoes its a serioulsy big desicion
[2010/12/12 16:52] KiKi Overland: xrps is barons creation it would not be the same of anyone else
[2010/12/12 16:52] Joni Jules: i can help finance the sim if that is needed also if there is a shortfall
[2010/12/12 16:53] XRPS Message Subscription Service: ADMIN TICKET #: 44624
USER: Anthea Lanzius
SLPro: secondlife:///app/agent/ec9e01b5-a81e-4fd4-b473-c0c18f5cb95d/about/
DESC: need mentor
[2010/12/12 16:53] Shinya Levee: so kiki, you prefere xrps dead ??
[2010/12/12 16:53] KiKi Overland: i jus think youre giving this gagi person to much power
[2010/12/12 16:53] Shinya Levee: or keep it running ??
[2010/12/12 16:53] Joni Jules: it is a meter Kiki that lots can share and continue to enjoy
[2010/12/12 16:53] Starlights Bailey: maybe someone could inform me about the outcome of this meeting is way after my bedtim , i need to get up in about 4 hrs
[2010/12/12 16:53] KiKi Overland: and the drama that has unfolded
[2010/12/12 16:53] Shinya Levee: all the hours he spended on it working to make a good system ?? for nothing ?
[2010/12/12 16:53] Anthony Beatty: i ahve all the resoureces in palce to run a meter in terms of everything
[2010/12/12 16:53] KiKi Overland: no i am saying not to react to hte bullshit that has happened this week and to wait
[2010/12/12 16:54] Starlights Bailey: i vote for keeping xrps
[2010/12/12 16:54] Starlights Bailey: O.o
[2010/12/12 16:54] Izzebella Rossini: and she was approached a few weeks ago by Starlet and Trip about being the owners of Judgement and Nixi running it ;.;.. I really wanted Nixi to.. starlet said they had plenty of money .. mentioned her credit card.. so Nixi has or had the backing but does she need the drama? .
[2010/12/12 16:54] Purz Nirvana: if there is a vote i vote also
[2010/12/12 16:54] Princess Yuitza: waves hand too!
[2010/12/12 16:54] Izzebella Rossini: voting.. what about Baron's issue..
[2010/12/12 16:54] Joni Jules: yes me too and to wait also not make and emotional response
[2010/12/12 16:54] Izzebella Rossini: are you all forgetting this issue is far beyond SL now
[2010/12/12 16:54] Shinya Levee: baron can take a break rl, and xrps can still be his xrps
[2010/12/12 16:54] Baron Nowhere: I calculated the initial shortfall, and my calculation is that Judgement (if there's not too much drama) will be about $250usd short in January
[2010/12/12 16:55] Baron Nowhere: not including my XRPS costs
[2010/12/12 16:55] Starlights Bailey: barons issue is he doesn´t want to keep xrps because people gettng to him in RL, he can sell or give away xrps and he gts rid of his issue
[2010/12/12 16:55] KiKi Overland: that doesnt get rid of the issue
[2010/12/12 16:55] Joni Jules: yes i feel bad for Baron it is vile what Gagi did but this is not the response to that
[2010/12/12 16:55] Baron Nowhere: not including the costs to my personal life if I stay
[2010/12/12 16:55] Starlights Bailey: well, if you close xrps you won´t get your costs back in either, will you?
[2010/12/12 16:55] Princess Yuitza: what is he doing to your rl baron???
[2010/12/12 16:55] Joni Jules: and what is done is done on that website
[2010/12/12 16:55] Izzebella Rossini: he never got his cost back to begin with
[2010/12/12 16:55] Princess Yuitza: how can he do that?
[2010/12/12 16:55] Calistar Greyskin is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:55] Baron Nowhere: It's difficult to remove his motivation. As long as I stay, I am a target
[2010/12/12 16:55] XAnGeL57X Babii is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:55] Shinya Levee: if we stop xrps, we let them win
[2010/12/12 16:56] KiKi Overland: i feel if you do htis- he will only feel more powerfull and i dont see how it will stop him from harassing
[2010/12/12 16:56] Starlights Bailey: well sue gagi for telling all what he did on his blog
[2010/12/12 16:56] emi Nansen is Online
[2010/12/12 16:56] KiKi Overland: not only you but the next target
[2010/12/12 16:56] Joni Jules: what he can do though Izze is to have a great legacy with his meter
[2010/12/12 16:56] Baron Nowhere: well, I revealed all of my personal information to Sicarius Fegte, and he's got an axe to grind, so the leaks start there.
[2010/12/12 16:56] Princess Yuitza: ohh geez
[2010/12/12 16:56] Anthony Beatty: yea hes normaly the source of it all
[2010/12/12 16:56] Shinya Levee: that's why baron, i think it's good to let someone else make it running, you keep xrps and have help
[2010/12/12 16:57] Joni Jules: that is all we are asking Baron for you not to give up on all your hard work and to let us contnue it
[2010/12/12 16:57] KiKi Overland: i dont see how any decision needs to be made today- xrps and the sim will be fine- if it were me i would jus leave my computer and teh bullshit for awhile and let things boil over.. by next week he;ll prolly ahve some other drama anyway
[2010/12/12 16:57] Joni Jules: not just pack it in we are fighters here all of us
[2010/12/12 16:57] Baron Nowhere: at some point, all will end. DCS will end, CCS will end, XRPS will end, SL will end.... it's all a question of when
[2010/12/12 16:58] Starlights Bailey: totaly agrees with kiki
[2010/12/12 16:58] KiKi Overland: now is not hte time- if anything to stick it in gagis ass
[2010/12/12 16:58] KiKi Overland: sorry
[2010/12/12 16:58] Starlights Bailey: hey sl is a never ending story...sorry
[2010/12/12 16:58] Baron Nowhere: well, tier collection date is Dec 15th, and money is due to SL on dec 23rd
[2010/12/12 16:58] Baron Nowhere: so the timing is pretty critical
[2010/12/12 16:58] Joni Jules: it will but I want to enjoy each day as it comes and right now my sl is at this place and I want it to continue
[2010/12/12 16:58] KiKi Overland: well the auction raised alot of money
[2010/12/12 16:58] Baron Nowhere: that's for Judgement, which Judgement is not XRPS
[2010/12/12 16:58] Shinya Levee: yyea
[2010/12/12 16:58] Shinya Levee: around 60k
[2010/12/12 16:59] KiKi Overland: yes but that should be enough to help out with judgement sims.. i would think.. and how much is the server a month ?
[2010/12/12 16:59] Shinya Levee: 50 dollars ?
[2010/12/12 16:59] Baron Nowhere: the 60k would cover $215usd... the shortfall in Jan is $300 between Judgemnet and XRPS, so that leaves another 85 just to break even
[2010/12/12 16:59] Baron Nowhere: but that only covers the money part
[2010/12/12 16:59] Abe Tristan is Offline
[2010/12/12 16:59] KiKi Overland: i mean just two weeks ago that guy was attacking the fc ppl./meta whatever. the less attention and reactoins he gets the better.
[2010/12/12 17:00] Baron Nowhere: then in a few weeks, FC comes out with their new meter, and everyone sees something shiny and new and runs over there
[2010/12/12 17:00] Starlights Bailey: so *coughs* my EM rights were taken away today because xrps is shutting down today?
[2010/12/12 17:00] Baron Nowhere: There were some strange land actions today, so I asked Izze to blow them all out
[2010/12/12 17:00] Izzebella Rossini: yes hun. it was not personal
[2010/12/12 17:00] Joni Jules: well you are giving him huge satisfaction you should not do that Baron - we keep going and weather the strorm
[2010/12/12 17:00] Joni Jules: storm
[2010/12/12 17:00] Baron Nowhere: it was a "hunker down" kind of thing
[2010/12/12 17:01] Baron Nowhere: I'd rather give him that huge satisfaction, when the alternative is to continue to harass me
[2010/12/12 17:01] KiKi Overland: i dont feel this is a decision that needed to be made today- i still feel this is something that should be waited on... and come back to in a week or too
[2010/12/12 17:01] Shinya Levee: people wil lalways talk
[2010/12/12 17:01] Baron Nowhere: I can handle him bothering my avatar and spamming my website, no biggie
[2010/12/12 17:01] Shinya Levee: it's sl
[2010/12/12 17:01] KiKi Overland: two
[2010/12/12 17:01] Shinya Levee: all what he wats it's to break xrps
[2010/12/12 17:01] Joni Jules: no you should not it is important to not people like that control how things are
[2010/12/12 17:01] Shinya Levee: and judg
[2010/12/12 17:02] Abe Tristan is Online
[2010/12/12 17:02] XRPS V0.9.6: Thank You for Confirming You are Active.
[2010/12/12 17:02] Baron Nowhere: I don't think he wants to break XRPS
[2010/12/12 17:02] Shinya Levee: and you are giving him satisfaction, BRAVO
[2010/12/12 17:02] Baron Nowhere: I think he wants to blackmail XRPS to do what he wants
[2010/12/12 17:02] Baron Nowhere: he wants to be a god.
[2010/12/12 17:02] Purz Nirvana: have you contacted the law?
[2010/12/12 17:02] Baron Nowhere: he'd like it to stick around so he can continue to bully.
[2010/12/12 17:02] Starlights Bailey: ok, i need to go to bed for real now and i am pissed off, sad and tired
[2010/12/12 17:02] Crow Burns: AR him, harasment into RL
[2010/12/12 17:02] Baron Nowhere: SL doesn't care.
[2010/12/12 17:02] Joni Jules: well we are here to support xrps you and Izze - we want to continue the values that you started
[2010/12/12 17:02] Izzebella Rossini: the issue is. with xrps gone . judgement is done.. and with tier about needed . we can't wait two weeks to think about it
[2010/12/12 17:02] Baron Nowhere: if it didn't happen in SL, they close it.

now, beside all of this...i see Crow Burns became very "talktive" about me, one more who showed his real face..

2 weeks earlier in Judge:
[16:28] Crow Burns: hi Vlad, how are ya, havent seen ya for a long? :)
2 days ago;
[2010/12/12 16:37] Crow Burns: he has no power, hes just a jealous piece of shit...

well, jealous of what? piece of shit?....why?....coz I DID reveal your real face including Barons and Izzes and rest of yours?...coz i showed to public who you really are?!?coz i gave to your players what they should know and see given out by YOU, instead of this how you treat the players there, people who are spending time on "your" sim, people who are spending money there and trust you, blindly follow you can trash them all and be dishonest with them giving them false or incomplete reports like they are some brainless sheeps, shame on you Crow, i had a bit better opinion of you, but i was wrong..well, guess what, i am rather "jealous piece of shit" then friends of your,...Thank You for making me easier.....just wait your turn, just like Shinya said; "he will go on us 1 by 1" ...she was right, coz it is so obvious how none of you deserve mercy, tolerance an respect in sense of honesty and trust by people who gave you that trust to lead them....coz you cant give to people ONLY thing that is expected and able to be given on place like SL is and that is; HONESTY !!
most of you in that management have no spine to put open cards on stop playing games with people.... almighty staff of Judgment, remember what i will say now; i am your last enemy you need to think about now...i am not the one who is destroying you or trashing you....i am only a person who is holding a MIRROR.....take a look once again if you didnt see it first time....but i guess you wont see who is your real enemy coz you all run like a ducks into a fog....

as i said, we shell go 1 by 1;

Thank You for your time and reading....i hope you are glad i didnt let you down and as i promised, i wont give up, coz; YOU have right to know EVERYTHING!!!

btw; i think that in next 2 days i wont publish anything (even i have this material prepared mostly but i will give them little time to absorb this first) since i will be very busy, you can send me IMs or emails as usual, i will try to respond ASAP...see ya :)


- 20:41 - Comments (25) - Print - #


i just deleted some comments in "komentari" section, this way i would like to let you know how it would be really nice of you all if you dont go too far with some comment argue of low, dont take this as censorship, but i did delete most posts that were like;
"eat shit, fuck bitch, whore, stick your tongue in ass, dirty fagg, blah, blah,blah...."

it is OK if you have a word or two in your comment, but not to post only insults coz this way we wont do any good to matter of sides....make a comment, add some observation, question, statement...say if you really must how someone is lazy, irresponsible, irrealistic, frustrated..etc...but no need of urinating and shitting all over, its no use , really use at all...

i hope you dont mind me, after all...who cares does anyone eat shit or is a bitch :)

COMING UP NEXT; JUDGMENT STAFF MEETING part 2 (actually 1st, longer part)

i have some things to do, will be back in around 3 hours and then i will publish this one, after that i think i will be buiser so in next 2 days i wont be able to respond immediately, but i will do my best, after al, it will give some time to Izze, Baron and their almighty "loyal" staff to think up what next.....but dont worry...we still have ammunition here....hehehe....meanwhile...enjoy and Thank You all readers and participants, especially to my helpers who are doing awesome job :)

- 20:05 - Comments (5) - Print - #

13.12.2010., ponedjeljak


i promised you how i will be back around midnight of mine, well, sorry, its almost 2 AM already...but here we go;

anyway...i wont talk a lot but i will provide you entire case of Angelina Sinclair, so, its up to you...this is just 1 more round of already known things how do they deal with in Judgment/XRPS in direction of Baron and Izze and few following blind admins of theirs;

here is entire email, in complete, WYSIWYG principle;

After reading the blog today, I sat back and realized Izze and Baron are truly planning to shift this blame on to me. Which considering the staff they have on their team won't be too hard to convince them. There's only a few who remain that I know can think on their own and I hope that after reading what I have to show here they will follow my example and do what I do.

As a wise man once told me "Look at the actions of the person and you will know who they truly."

I need not remind people of the things Izze has done in the past as many of you can ask your neighbors and find out for yourself. Instead, I ask you to look at the current things happening and I particularly ask the remaining Judgement staff to look at this with a careful eye. As I said many times before...

"Being staff.. is like being in politics."

Basically.. what would a politician do? How would the react in this or that situation. Politicians are very clever and sly people so you need to look between the lines and ask yourself many questions.. What are their motives.. why did they do this or that?

As for why am I doing this? It's simple. To clean myself of any pending blaming that will becoming and to show that I don't have anything to hide. As for Izze and Baron stating that I've been doing very "shady" things. About the only shady thing I did was re-arrange Zia's skill set since she picked all bad skills. So I saved her 10% of her XP. Not that it mattered with the re-roll coming in a few days to a week. They could go through the entire admin log on the XRPS server and not see a single shred of evidence of me doing shady things.

Now let's turn back the clocks and give you a little history. Back when Rafa was banned and HV left Judgement, many players started to slowly filter out until about a month or two that resulted in wars breaking out between the remaining factions. During this transition, someone had done something to Izze so horrifying that she finally gave up. Whatever it was, I never found out, there was no logs in the forums but only Nixi knows I believe. Because of this... Izze left Judgement. She stated that she will be leaving Judgement to Nixi and that Nixi will be the owner. This is in the admin forums and might still be there if it's not deleted. So any current staff can try to look for it.

Well.. with about another month or two of Nixi running the show, things started to stress her out fast and some time after she asked me(Angelina Sinclair) to help her out and be her equal, her right hand person. So I did and told her that for us to bring Judgement out of this grave state we are gonna have to make it clean, wipe it's slate, re-do everything. Transform Judgement from the inside out.

In the coming months, as word got out about the new owners of Judgement (Angie and Nixi). Players started returning. Though the big influx of players didn't happen until FC/Meta had their fallout. I.. had actually expected this fallout to happen after knowing who was running META (aka Asphy). I had predicted Meta's down fall and even gave it a date of 6 months.

[2010-07-20 11:22:13] Angelina Sinclair: If this new FC lasts more than 6 months. I'd be kind enough to give Nimoy's meter a shot.

At the time.. I made my prediction of it's down fall because of who was running the place and who were the staff. Now even though I have my doubts about Josh's leadership skills... he is one of the few sim owners I've seen who is able to sincerely apologize. A trait desperately needed among sim owners. A simple apology from Izze to the community would've eased so much tension between her and HV. But anyway.... moving on to the juicy stuff.


Dec, 5th 2010

Gagi makes a post about Judgement titled "Only fools and Horses". Which spoke about Baron's plans to charge players 100L a month for XRPS. As a Super Admin in XRPS (at that time). I knew nothing of this plan and Baron has never mentioned to me as far as I could recall. If he actually talked to me about it, I would've told it that such a thing is a foolish plan with so many free meters out. Not to mention the history with Transpass and the Forbidden Community. XRPS and Judgement's reputation is just recovering now.. to do something like that would be disastrous to the meter.

I did however sent an email to Gagi clearly stating that as far as I know, there would be no monthly charge to XRPS. However he countered his arguement with me stating that his sources are 100% accurate. So whoever it is.. has far better connections with Baron than I do.. which is kinda sad given my professional relationship with him and XRPS. But ehh.. life moves on...


Dec 6th, 2010

After talking to a well known player who was on an alt, there was reason to believe that someone in staff was sharing alt into to players in the community. So.. I send this notice out.

-=-Fair warning-=-
"If I find a single staff member outing alts; passing any information in the admin forums to players... regardless if your senior or not. You will lose your admin status, you will be docked and possibly banned.

I will not have staff passing information from the admin section to players. This is a warning to all, screw up and your done."

Now mind you.. this was a notice sent to only Judgement Staff.. the admins in particular. I had later questioned a few folks about it and all felt it was ok given the circumstances that Gagi's blog did state an admin was giving him info and that now I had this player complaining about alt outing. So in my eyes.. I made the right choice with that notice. Maybe others think it's harsh.. well Izze and Baron certainly did....

[2010-12-06 10:11:18] Izzebella Rossini: hi angie
[2010-12-06 10:11:31] Angelina Sinclair: Hey Izze.
[2010-12-06 10:11:50] Angelina Sinclair: How have you beem?
[2010-12-06 10:11:53] Angelina Sinclair: been*
[2010-12-06 10:12:06] Izzebella Rossini: really good and happy to be back
[2010-12-06 10:12:13] Angelina Sinclair smiles
[2010-12-06 10:12:22] Izzebella Rossini: how are things for you
[2010-12-06 10:13:27] Angelina Sinclair: Good actually. I've been doing a lot work involving HTML, CSS, and some other web programming as well. While making money from it all. Also going to be trying my hand at php this month so that will be interesting.
[2010-12-06 10:14:05] Izzebella Rossini: its great that you're getting a chance to work ... hope it brings you in a lot of money
[2010-12-06 10:14:30] Angelina Sinclair: Same here!
[2010-12-06 10:15:05] Izzebella Rossini: angie .. i know it is a bit hard having me back and all..
[2010-12-06 10:15:44] Izzebella Rossini: i am grateful to your help and support to Nix .. baron is as well
[2010-12-06 10:16:26] Angelina Sinclair: It's.. sudden. I wasn't expecting it, didn't get any word form Nixi and prior to you and Baron returning.. Nixi had me as her right-hand basically. So I was doing what your doing now with admin calls.. lol
[2010-12-06 10:17:16] Izzebella Rossini: yes.. i understand but really . there is a greater need for you in skills ..
[2010-12-06 10:17:29] Angelina Sinclair: What do you mean?
[2010-12-06 10:18:20] Izzebella Rossini: well .. I was wondering about skills and how they coming along.. y9ou're a wiz on this
[2010-12-06 10:19:54] Angelina Sinclair: I'm trying to move fast now, since re-rolls are opened. The problem in the past with adding/changing skills is players complaining and crying for re-rolls. So these past few months changes have been small.. and wait and see how they affect the fights.
[2010-12-06 10:20:25] Izzebella Rossini: I see...
[2010-12-06 10:21:06] Izzebella Rossini: there is the beta universe to work on things and where it was and is always encouraged to work things out
[2010-12-06 10:21:27] Angelina Sinclair: Moving the skills back and forth is the problem with using that.
[2010-12-06 10:21:54] Izzebella Rossini: then I will speak to baron .. and make it clearly able for you
[2010-12-06 10:22:42] Angelina Sinclair: If I could do that.. move things back and forth that be great! I could use the sim I rent land from to test stuff.
[2010-12-06 10:24:09] Izzebella Rossini: I have not liked the way admins are talking to each other in the forums.. it was never allowed and done as a rule because of the BS snarkiness that happened in NOR admin... wanted to let you know I am putting in a sticky today that no more comments on post unless it is additional information.. and only nix or I wil comment.. even cutesy ones should be just IMd to the admin that posted.. we need to stop this admin attitude
[2010-12-06 10:27:16] Izzebella Rossini: I want all admins taking calls..
[2010-12-06 10:27:46] Izzebella Rossini: I am not pleased to see some taking them all . it's not fair, burns them out and looks bad,
[2010-12-06 10:28:12] Izzebella Rossini: players needs to get new blood with tickets made.. same admins leaves it hard for that
[2010-12-06 10:28:53] Angelina Sinclair: I don't know... there are times I don't like the decisions made and I question to see what was the thought process in those decisions.
[2010-12-06 10:29:08] Angelina Sinclair: I believe the new admins are taking calls as well.. Purz and Shinya.
[2010-12-06 10:29:43] Angelina Sinclair: Artorius Woodrunner and Princess haven't been around much or taking many calls.
[2010-12-06 10:30:20] Angelina Sinclair: Aslinn as well hasn't been around alot. So we might need another new staff or two.
[2010-12-06 10:30:28] Izzebella Rossini: and you?
[2010-12-06 10:30:35] Izzebella Rossini: are you taking any?
[2010-12-06 10:30:51] Angelina Sinclair: Nope. I'm not.
[2010-12-06 10:31:34] Izzebella Rossini: then that needs to change too.. and comments made on tickets are made in the sr. forum.. we can discuss it there and then either Nix or I will post on the reg forum
[2010-12-06 10:33:53] Angelina Sinclair: Hm.. interesting.
[2010-12-06 10:33:57] Izzebella Rossini: Please tell me what admin is outing alts?
[2010-12-06 10:35:55] Izzebella Rossini: angie I need you to start taking admin calls please
[2010-12-06 10:38:04] Izzebella Rossini: if you do not want to I understand but that means your meter will show you're a skills admin .. I am expecting all admins to take calls.. there is no heirarchy here except in management .. and of course, departmental admins like skills
[2010-12-06 10:40:09] Izzebella Rossini: as I said we need to have more admins taking calls.. its hurts morale to have admins online and not taking tickets .. then its over whelming to the few especially on US time zone
[2010-12-06 10:41:09] Angelina Sinclair: I'm just trying to understand what's going on here.
[2010-12-06 10:45:31] Izzebella Rossini: what I am saying is .. we in judgement need you. you're a gifted skills person and a good friend... we need to utilize your talents and if you are wanting to be focussed on skills great but I want you taking admin calls too.. if you can't or don't want to .. its fine but lets not have you wearing a tag that you're a ticket admin when you're not taking tickets... and in response to wanting more infor on something by another admin.. you are always encouraged to IM the admin directly.. helps to build better teamwork with admins taking to each other that way
[2010-12-06 10:46:42] Izzebella Rossini: but those conversations need to be PM or IM
[2010-12-06 10:46:57] Izzebella Rossini: who are you thinking is outing alts
[2010-12-06 10:47:04] Izzebella Rossini: baron called me and was upset
[2010-12-06 10:48:30] Angelina Sinclair: Lili was upset with me earlier today because Cobain was attacking her alt without any real reason. Then when she logged into her main.. Cobain was starting a fight with her telling her to not try and hide in a new shape.
[2010-12-06 10:48:44] Angelina Sinclair: Lili also mentioned that this happened to another account of hers.
[2010-12-06 10:49:07] Angelina Sinclair: Which is making me wonder how Cobain learned about it so fast.. when I just did her transfer last night.
[2010-12-06 10:49:18] Izzebella Rossini: so you think it was Demi?
[2010-12-06 10:49:26] Izzebella Rossini: first cut it out
[2010-12-06 10:49:35] Angelina Sinclair: That's my hunch.. though he could've found it out another way.
[2010-12-06 10:49:41] Izzebella Rossini: and the tone was horrible..
[2010-12-06 10:49:59] Izzebella Rossini: you're accusing someone on a hunch
[2010-12-06 10:50:33] Izzebella Rossini: from now on . notices like that . on telling a staff person they will let go will only come from Nix or me..
[2010-12-06 10:50:37] Angelina Sinclair: I haven't accused anyone directly but I have my suspecisions. Not to mention that post in the blog that was from a "staff member."
[2010-12-06 10:50:57] Angelina Sinclair: Ok see.. this is what I'm trying to understand.. your back.. which is great.. but it seems like your taking over.. which is not so great.
[2010-12-06 10:51:27] Izzebella Rossini: I am really upset that you threatened the admins
[2010-12-06 10:51:43] Izzebella Rossini: it's not your call
[2010-12-06 10:51:45] Angelina Sinclair: Most were fine and understand the reasoning.
[2010-12-06 10:51:59] Izzebella Rossini: doesn't matter it's NOT your call
[2010-12-06 10:52:03] Angelina Sinclair: Up until your return it was my call.
[2010-12-06 10:52:37] Izzebella Rossini: and I came back before this notice..; so stop it .. and when baron is calling me to find out
[2010-12-06 10:52:59] Izzebella Rossini: 'who the hell sent out the fucking snarky threatening notice>? its not good
[2010-12-06 10:53:36] Angelina Sinclair: People know how I am... I'm blunt and to the point. I don't pull punches or take shit.
[2010-12-06 10:54:04] Angelina Sinclair: And I know some people don't like it and I know who they are but others are glad because it's a breath of fresh air.
[2010-12-06 10:54:42] Izzebella Rossini: lets get this staff back as a team;.. that means stop implying it has to be an admin that is associated with this player . that is horrible
[2010-12-06 10:55:03] Izzebella Rossini: and I am not pulling any now.. cut it out
[2010-12-06 10:57:17] Angelina Sinclair: Hmm.. you know.. you left.. both you and Baron left this place to burn and die out. Nixi was stressed beyond imagination. She asked me to help and I told her what needed to be done. We would have to completely gut out everything that gave Judgement a bad name... like do a restart from the core. Clean the place out... from the inside and beyond. Re-doing rules.. removing staff, redoing sim build, redoing how we handle calls, players, and so on.
[2010-12-06 10:58:19] Angelina Sinclair: Players were returning because they heard you were gone Izze.. It really sucks that you caught as much hatred as you did but you returning on this account no less.. will not bring any good. I don't want this to sound harsh but I'm doing my best to be nice with how I say this.
[2010-12-06 11:03:39] Izzebella Rossini: no one is saying you are not appreiated but baron and I left for a reason.. and now we're back.. i am not leaving and nix has been assured of that .. and I know some players came back with me leavibng . lsaughing as many were banned for solid reasons then you unbanned them.. didn't even tell nix. or staff.. as for them hating me.. I am not the front person any more Nix is.. she is perfect at this and I applaud her. I am grateful to your support to her .. and many players didnt even know I left.. odd isn't it.. so many IMing me saying where have you been and wanting to catch up0.. .. doesnt matter angie.. my role will be to take over the admins and create a stronger team . this means me telling it like it is until all of you learn to be less snarky.. less critical . less in the face of another admin . less needing the last word.. less suspicous.. less one sided.. and more willing to work together.. . including working on skills and or taking tickets in your case
[2010-12-06 11:07:42] Izzebella Rossini: I remember you being very supportive of me and I appreciate that ,., it meant a lot. but this is a time to make things better internally.for Judgement and Nixi
[2010-12-06 11:10:04] Angelina Sinclair: Whatever those solid reasons were.. they were not in the forums when I searched. I unbanned very few. However.. I feel I am being pushed aside and so I will do just that and step aside. These sims are in your name and have remained as such even though you claimed to have left it all to Nixi. Who decided to make me her equal but I guess I was just a figure head. As for improving Judgement internally between staff... it won't happen as easily as you say. People don't change, very few change. That is seen in the admin calls from NOR to now. They don't change, they don't learn. The same will be with Judgement Staff. You just have to warn, dock and hope they learn but 9 times out of 10 you have to cut them out. So I will cut myself out.
[2010-12-06 11:18:36] Izzebella Rossini: oh so that is it? .. you're doing an all or nothing? . stop this .. NIxi is the owner.. I am only the Judgement owner in name to help lower her USD cost.. I am not here to take over judgment.. in fact I am remaining quite quiet. Nx is my friend.. this is foremost. There is a place for you too as we all want what is best for judgement .. but harshness and threatening Notices. not Judgement (Nix Baron or My) style.. I know she was stressed out.. I* know the pains of running a universe better than most and I know the value in all staff being treated respectfully .. and while you're a good skills person and a great friend to Nix.. do not ever underestimate the friendship of baron nix and me.. we want you here.. but you're not much on being diplomatic .. niceness with staff and believing in all of them is important.. learning to see their strengths.. and my god, never attacking as you did.. NOR was horrible and for all you think is or was wrong with Judgement and staff.. its far better because of staff protoco
[2010-12-06 11:23:27] Angelina Sinclair: You are not here in name only, don't think I will buy that. Your already taking over the admin forums and calls being done. A job that was mine and Nixi's... has now become yours and Nixi. As for lower the cost, I've repeatedly suggested moving the sims to my name or an alt that her and me can share. However I know she feared losing the place and having it stolen so I never pushed it. Diplomatic behavior is only meant to be used for players. When it comes to staff, you manage them as you would your own workers. Nixi has already expressed her concerns and problems about Demi and Joni. Two who are more than happy to run to others and whisper behind our backs as they already have and proven time and time again. As for attacking.. that's not attacking, that's putting people in line. People who should already be in line and supportive to me and Nixi. Not back stabbing us like those two did.
[2010-12-06 11:23:54] Angelina Sinclair: Not to mention.. Kiki spreading lies to Joe.. about Rafa.. oh that was an interesting piece of info to find out.
[2010-12-06 11:25:38] Izzebella Rossini: angie. I need to go.. suffice it to say.. . its as it is.. I want to work with you for the sake of Judgement and NIx.. but yes, I am running the admin staff.. and I hope you will focus on the skills.. I will talk to baron about the beta universe ..
[2010-12-06 11:25:43] Angelina Sinclair: But you know what.. it's your place.. enjoy it. I'll kindly and quietly walk out and the three of you could take care of Judgement. Especially since I keep hearing that Anthony is going to be helping Baron.. something I seriously frown upon considering his history and the things he has done. Though I'm sure Anthony will be a valuable asset, and can learn the database and if needs help. I'll help him, just so you won't be left high and dry.
[2010-12-06 11:26:03] Angelina Sinclair: No.. I'm out.. take care.
[2010-12-06 11:26:13] Izzebella Rossini: have a good day and I know baron will be wanting to talk to you
[2010-12-06 11:27:01] Angelina Sinclair: Yea.. he doesn't need to now.. he can chat with Anthony instead.
[2010-12-06 11:27:48] Izzebella Rossini: sighs.. he and nix will get a copy of this IM.. its what we always do...
[2010-12-06 11:28:16] Izzebella Rossini is Offline

There was little I can do as you see here. I had no real power only what they allowed and in the coming days that became far more real. I however was kind enough to let Nixi know of what happened and chatted with her later that day.

[2010-12-06 11:41:35] Angelina Sinclair: Hey Nixi, I wish you the best with Judgement. I'm stepping down after my talk with Izze. I will not have her.. "manage" me. She left, she has no right to tell me what to do. I thought we were equals in this but it seems I got cut out of the picture without being told a thing. She kept mentioning how you and her will be running things. So I wish you, Izze, Baron luck with Judgement. As for XRPS, I'm sure Baron will be ok with Anthony helping him, instead of me. Take care and sorry for the headache and wine this will make you drink. I told you, Izze returning will bring no good.
[2010-12-06 11:41:35] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.


Dec, 7th-8th 2010

Gagi makes his post on the about Baron and was it an interesting piece. I giggled about it but nothing more. It made me wonder how he was able to get all that info about Baron. I didn't even know that much about him. Though I did see him mention my name but not my reason for emailing him.. I was kinda disappointed there...

I did notice that between this day and the next I lost my super admin powers and so did Nixi and Dare who were the only other two super admins that I knew of. I got this message about it over skype.

[12/8/2010 9:34:26 AM] Baron Nowhere: re: the super-admin -- yes, as I change how XRPS is structured, I removed all super admins, and will likely dismantle TransPass and some other changes to XRPS. I'll work with Nixi on the details.

Bet no one was expecting that? Oh my god.. Transpass being dismantled? Wait.. was it realized that it was a bad idea afterall!? Now mind you I did defend Transpass as it started but towards the end after I had my questions answered I saw what really happened here. Though this is a story for another time. I'll be more than glad to later explain what caused Transpass.


Dec, 9th 2010

I get this email in my Gmail...

to Angelina Sinclair <> (hiding email)
date Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:38 AM
subject Message From Second Life

hide details Dec 9 (4 days ago)

[4:30] Baron Nowhere: thanks for mailing Gagi/Vlad about me... Your friendship is appreciated.
[4:37] Baron Nowhere: You have been ejected from 'XRPS Test Team' by Baron Nowhere.
[4:37] Baron Nowhere: You have been ejected from 'XRPS Support Group' by Baron Nowhere.

[4:39] XRPS Static: You have been ejected from 'XRPS Official Staff' by XRPS Static.

Apparently because of that post Gagi made about Baron, he believes I was the one responsible for his RL information to be spreadout. I did plea my case to him...

-=-In skype-=-
[12/9/2010 8:00:36 PM] Angelina Sinclair: Baron.. just so you know the only thing I messaged Vlad about was me denying the accusations of XRPS charging 100L a month to it's players. I did not speak to him about anything else. Where he's getting this information is from someone else that knows you more personally than I do. I can foward you the emails I had with him. Whoever it is.. is out to fuck with all of us. You, me, Izze, Nixi and anyone else they can find. I'm still trying to find this leak in staff that said their remarks about Izze.
[12/10/2010 2:18:57 AM] Angelina Sinclair: Well looks like the guy who wrote that blog has set his sights on Izze this time around as he said.
[12/10/2010 6:45:48 PM] Angelina Sinclair: So apparently.. I find out that Nixi also has little access to anything in the admin console. She can't even edit skills. How lovely. You talk about cyber bullies yet your the one here with all the power and have been since the beginning. Your the real bully here. Seriously, Baron.. you blame me for what was written in that blog about you!? That is so funny.. because if I wanted to publically attack you, I'd do it myself like I did with Sicarius back in NOR. Remember that? I'm not one to use such shady underhand tactics. I get in people's face and tell it as it is. That's how I am. So I don't know who's been whispering into your hear but you need to double check your sources before you kill the only thing that's been keeping XRPS alive for YOU!

-=-In SL-=-
[2010-12-09 17:04:59] Angelina Sinclair: As I sent you a message on skype I'm repeating it here. I've only sent an email to Vlad regarding the claim that XRPS will be charging it's players 100L each month and told him I wasn't made aware of a such a thing was ever considered and denied it. I don't know how much of what he says is true or not, but whoever is feeding him info isn't me. It's someone who knows you more personally than I ever did.
[2010-12-09 18:00:22] Angelina Sinclair: Whatever.. believe what you like instead of the words of someone who stood with you through all of this drama.
[2010-12-09 18:06:55] Angelina Sinclair: SL is funny.. it says your offline but hasn't told me your offline yet..

I was clearly upset as anyone could tell, hahaha.. who wouldn't be? I'd felt betrayed in this situation. I also give Izze a piece of my mind too while I was still fuming.. hey I'm human.. what can I say.. there are times I'm not professional. :p

[12/9/2010 9:33:26 PM] Angelina Sinclair: So is this what it has come to? You leave but tear down all the fabrics that hold Judgement together? Yet both you and Baron claim to be Nixi's friend?

As Gagi's post states and this is very true, this did happen:

This pissed Izzy off tremendously and she flipped out and stated to Nixi that she wants everything out of her name by the end of December. Izzy said both sims (Judgement and Pest) MUST be transfered to Nixi's account and Judgement MUST be renamed plus Nixi must get a new website and change every last thing out of the Judgement name.

Now it is very common knowledge that Nixi cannot afford to pay the transfer fees or the added VAT expenses (this is why it was kept in Izzy's name - or so she says anyway but thats another story). Everyone involved knows Nixi cannot afford these expenses and so Judgement would close December 31st.

So on this day, I find out that they were forcing Nixi into a tight corner. She would have to... transfer the sim to her name (200 USD cost); make all new groups and transfer people over to the new groups; put everything under a new name, including getting a new website with a new name (25-50 USD cost) That's not even counting the cost to get the website done if no one would do it for free. Finally you would have to add the cost of VAT which for 2 sims would be roughly 100USD more. So for the math inpaired..

200+(25-50)+100= 325-350 USD that would be needed to get things changed over and handle the cost. The sims generate just enough to break even without the VAT tax which is just 600 USD. Not only did Nixi had to somehow come up with this money but at the same time, she had to do this during what time of the year? The holidays.... isn't Izze and Baron so nice?


Dec,10 2010

Gagi puts on his blog something about Izze. Oh how I expected this to somehow be blamed on me, but looks like I dodge that bullet. On that same day, Nixi sends out a notice to all of Judgement, stating her farewells. Nixi leaves Judgement staff this day. Upset with all that's happened. Prior to her sending out that notice I was chatting with Nixi, trying to tell her what to do in this situation but in the end I think she had too much wine and didn't care anymore. However she pointed out to me of her fears of having the fall of XRPS and Judgement blamed on her.
However I highly doubt that Izze would do that Nixi and told her so. Which I still believe to be true.. however it looks like Izze is going to try and pin this on me... interesting. Remember what I said in the beginning... "what would a politician do?"

So I decide to leave Baron a message on skype around the time that Nixi send out a message.

[12/10/2010 6:45:48 PM] Angelina Sinclair: So apparently.. I find out that Nixi also has little access to anything in the admin console. She can't even edit skills. How lovely. You talk about cyber bullies yet your the one here with all the power and have been since the beginning. Your the real bully here. Seriously, Baron.. you blame me for what was written in that blog about you!? That is so funny.. because if I wanted to publically attack you, I'd do it myself like I did with Sicarius back in NOR. Remember that? I'm not one to use such shady underhand tactics. I get in people's face and tell it as it is. That's how I am. So I don't know who's been whispering into your hear but you need to double check your sources before you kill the only thing that's been keeping XRPS alive for YOU!

Again me not being very professional here but I already saw that the battle was lost, why not try and see if I some harsh truth will change someone's mind.. but I guess it didn't huh?


Dec,11 2010

I decide to send my own farewell notice since Nixi had requested it of me the day before. So I do just that and guess what happens.....

[2010-12-11 15:09:55] Izzebella Rossini: You have been ejected from 'Judgement Call ' by Izzebella Rossini.

Now... as I told Izze and I've told Mystyka back in NOR. I'll leave quietly. So there's no need to boot me out. However Sicarius felt different about the matter and so did Izze. How nice. Since Izze ejcted me from Judgement Call.. the gloves came off. I pasted that same line in Judgement Call group to inform the players who were saying their good byes and telling me to not leave that.. I truly.. had no choice. As I said the gloves came off and I was ready to strike back and I gave my first few jabs here:

[2010-12-11 15:12:00] Angelina Sinclair: Classic... not smart to make that move.
[2010-12-11 15:14:13] Angelina Sinclair: See.. I've been civil up to this point.. but since you start swinging with ejections and revoking power... I think I'll start swinging back.
[2010-12-11 15:16:25] Izzebella Rossini: for the time being ..baron and I feel it is best to have you out of groups to reduce your platform and drama.
[2010-12-11 15:18:05] Angelina Sinclair: There is no way to reduce that. I can strike out in any form or fashion I choose... or have you not learned that from Vlad/Gagi yet? Don't come here swinging your weight around and think people won't lash back. You allowed Nixi a simple farewell without removing her from the group but ohh.. for me it's different?
[2010-12-11 15:19:14] Angelina Sinclair: I have not betrayed either you or Baron.. it is you two who has betrayed me.
[2010-12-11 15:21:01] Izzebella Rossini: you had your farewell.. this is baron's choice too and please do not threaten me.. I am not interested in your conversation . please contact baron
[2010-12-11 15:23:33] Angelina Sinclair: Take it however you wish.. if you feel threaten, that's your own problem. Me and Nixi were the thin strings holding Judgement together. Do you honestly think that you could return and take over and not thing something would happen. Even if Nixi and me were ok with you and Baron returning.. the players have not forgotten the past and still hate you both for it. What a mistake it was to cut me and Nixi's powers away.
[2010-12-11 15:25:06] Izzebella Rossini: first no one took Nixi's powers away.. transpass changed and no need to super. . next I have never once said I was wanting to take over.. .. look at any log and it's always the same thing.. I was here at Nixi's request.. done
[2010-12-11 15:28:54] Angelina Sinclair: Oh how quickly you trampled over Nixi's power.As for Transpass changing.... I laugh... Baron decides to repeat history again!? By sneaking another change into the system without discussing with people first? Remember what happened when Transpass first came out? An utter disaster. As for you not taking over... I still laugh.. If you weren't here to take over then what were you doing telling ME what to do? I was management along with Nixi. If anything.. you were under me when you returned. You left Judgement.. and you left it to Nixi. You revoked all your rights over it to her and she choose me to be her equal and bring the place out of the grave. Now that Judgement is doing wonderful.. you come here and tell me what to do? Oh.. how amusing.
[2010-12-11 15:29:45] Izzebella Rossini: wait a minute.. baron told nix ahead of time that he was doing it.. she knew
[2010-12-11 15:30:04] Angelina Sinclair: ???
[2010-12-11 15:30:07] Angelina Sinclair: She didn't tell me a thing
[2010-12-11 15:30:11] Izzebella Rossini: she asked me to take over the admins..
[2010-12-11 15:30:20] Angelina Sinclair: Again.. she didn't tell me a thing.
[2010-12-11 15:30:21] Izzebella Rossini: she said she needed help
[2010-12-11 15:30:35] Angelina Sinclair: She had help.
[2010-12-11 15:30:49] Izzebella Rossini: lwell like me not being told she was leaving by her.. she tends to not want to say things to people in person..
[2010-12-11 15:31:50] Izzebella Rossini: she told me you were on your alt all the time . seldom on as angie.. and you were not doing skills.. not allowing anyone to be on the skills team. and her feeling that she was spending hours catching up on things while you were playing
[2010-12-11 15:32:02] Izzebella Rossini: she asked me to come back o9nly to help in the backend
[2010-12-11 15:32:10] Izzebella Rossini: i never planned to take over
[2010-12-11 15:33:08] Angelina Sinclair: I was not on my alt all the time. I was checking the forums daily and replying to any post that was needed. I was also playing in Judgement on my alt whenever I was on it. So I was getting involved and learning what has been going on in Judgement.
[2010-12-11 15:33:18] Angelina Sinclair: As for a skills team.. I learned in LC that such a thing.. fails horribly.
[2010-12-11 15:33:29] Angelina Sinclair: No one can agree on anything and turns into hours of arguement.
[2010-12-11 15:34:02] Izzebella Rossini: then baron finds you taking special interest in Zia's skill sheet..
[2010-12-11 15:35:24] Angelina Sinclair: Yea I re-organized her skills, since she made some bad choices. Not that it would've matter with the re-rolls coming. She was lazy to pick the right skills so I choose them.
[2010-12-11 15:36:16] Angelina Sinclair: Though.. How come baron hasn't noticed how you turned select players XP to 0 without a single shred of evidence on the forums? That would make one think that such things are personal.
[2010-12-11 15:36:40] Angelina Sinclair: Prime example being Alina.. though I've found a few other players who suffered the same fate.. and yet nothing in the forums when I go search.
[2010-12-11 15:37:31] Izzebella Rossini: nixi knew about that .. and again . angie,,, no more talking.. you have issues contact baron
[2010-12-11 15:38:35] Angelina Sinclair: Baron wont' answer.. or reply to any messages. As for Alina.. Nixi agreed it was too harsh. Whatever... take care


Dec,12 2010

Gagi makes a few more posts and the most interesting is one asking if they want Baron to return.. I was so hoping for one about Izze.. sigh.. maybe next time. Though there were some interesting posts there that day and I found the information displayed there to be very true as you can with what the logs above.


Dec,13 2010

I read today that Izze is flirting with Anthony, and working slowly to win the love of the remaining staff. I wonder how many of them will fall for this or just fall in place and do whatever Izze says just so they can keep their admin job and not be banned. I also heard that Kiki was made senior admin in Judgement. Oh there's stories with that one too. I'll be more than glad to share them.

Kiki is actually one of the worst people to be made senior staff. She can not admit or see the wrong that her own faction members commit. She will defend them to the end. So be careful with admin calls involving Savage, and watch as little to nothing happens to them. Kiki during her final days as staff with me and Nixi was having serious temper trantrums and talking to us on hours on end.
Mostly over the fact we were discussing about unbanning players. May of which I felt were unjustly banned. I do not care what a player says about me, my own staff (past staff actually), or the community I work for. Think about it as politicians.. we will always get people hating us and spewing their shit our way. So what if someone went and ranted in FC chat about Judgement, me, Nixi or whoever. I don't care. Only thing I care about is how players interact with each other and how much damage 1 player can cause to another or a group of players.

Incase anyone was wondering.. the particular player that Kiki was getting her panties in a bunch over was Rafa. She didn't want him back in Judgement and honestly I don't see why he needed to be banned. Checking his past admin calls.. yes he did know how to urk players OOCly but that's about his only crime. Beyond that he was just a guy with the biggest faction around and the greatest combat skills. Reminded me much of Draven and how he got banned unreasonably from NOR. Draven cheating..? Naw.. Big fat ass ego that needed shutting up.. hell yea. Anyway...

That's why I left Vlad banned that day.. haha. incase he's wondering. Vlad/Gagi is more than capable of causing serious SL reputation damage to a single player. And so.. even though I approve his ways of spewing dirt about Management and staff... I don't like how he targets single players.. but hey.. that's just me.

My final words before I end this incredibly lengthy notecard. Even with all the bad blood that's happened recently, there was still hope for me and Nixi to take over Judgement but it would require Baron and Izze to hand over the keys to everything. Including XRPS code, something that I doubt Baron would ever give up. After the shear level of paranoia they showed towards me and Nixi over what Gagi posted and accusing me and/or Nixi of what was put there. I found myself hurt and betrayed something very few in SL can do. So given that they were actually the first to lash out at me and not me at them.. I was the one left questioning my trust in them.

Which left the only option available that I've been repeating.. we either take it all.. or take nothing and let Judgement fall. Because even if we gotten the sims, new website, etc. At anytime they could still yank our meter. At anytime they could ban players XRPS wide.. at anytime they could reduce a player's XP to 0 as it already happened to a few. So knowing that some shady things have happened with no proof in the forums for me to find, I saw that leaving them two running XRPS would still be bad for Judgement in the long run.

Some may wonder.. why not buy XRPS? Well truth be told.. someone I know... a very good investor has tried that and offered $2000 starting. That's USD not lindens folks. They even spoke of willing to spend up to $5,000 if needed. However.. money seem to not be an option with Baron so that wouldnt' work. So one way or another.. this appears to be the end for Judgement and XRPS, sadly.

Some may blame me, I don't care. Some may blame Izze and I really don't in the end this was inevitable.

Angelina Sinclair

that would be all for today...despite i have a lot more to share, i will give you some time to absorb all this, finally, it is easier for you to read 1 by 1 then all at once...Thank You for your patience...and thank you for so many of you supporting this and making all possible, especially thanks to my dear friend who is in Judgment staff and is doing this only coz of disagreements when it comes to dirty way of dealing with people who play in Judge, this person's motive is only to share the real truth what is going on behind the closed doors of theirs..i am glad there is people like that whos main goal is to reveal the truth to all of you..including to me as your messenger...

COMING UP NEXT: Judgment staff meeting part 2 (longer part, including their trashing of Nixi and Angelina....and some more juicy details that did even surprise me, to be honest)

Your Blog staff.....staff...what a silly word :)))))))))))
- 15:41 - Comments (67) - Print - #


Dear Baron and Dearest Izze,

i wonder how many times you will make such a mistake and continue being dishonest with people who feeds are all transparent already and your moves are predictable, you dont have to pretend the ANGEL one anymore...and you Izze, you really have no shame for your own face; i exposed you "in flagrante" to public, with loads of evidences and you are still trying to sell an image of a saint....your impudence has no limits, its simply awesome....i wonder how far you will go, but know how i can go as far as you can and a bit more then you :)

But to not make like an endless rant in attempt to trash you, i will provide one very detailed and big email with awesome LOG provided that will show for once again (as many times already) how you are sweet words to people, almost licking them until they confront you with their honest opinion, and then you show, within 1 second of change; transformation into a coldblooded bully who is cutting of person that doesnt provide you anymore the matter of your interest and using again your one and only blackmailing tool; XRPS

So, since i must go out of home now as i have obligations in RL a well....i will be back home in around 6 hours hopefully...i will prepare the material and then, i will wait till around European midnight (around 6PM USA-East coast) and then i will publish something very juicy...

meanwhile; i will put a reputation meter for you so we shell see at evening how angelic and lovely you are;


(RED color - we do NOT want her and BLUE- yes, want her back)

Izzes pie chart reputation - click me

- 14:26 - Comments (15) - Print - #


well, i think i was just talking about being dishonest and Judgment's management still dont get, first of all let me introduce you with something that didnt make a lot of sense to me at first, even it was not, let me show you;

New player in the Drama: Anthony Beatty of Brutal Weapons.

Anthony has been trying hard to get his hands on a meter for quite some time, but has not been able to.

Recently he dumped his sl girlfriend Shinya Levee and started dating Nixi to try to get his foot in the Judgement door and be "buddies" with Baron.

Ultimately he was only interested in getting his slimy paws on the XRPS code. He figured if he was humping Nixi he would have an "in" (no pun intended).

Once he was in the "in" circle, he dumped Nixi and went back to Shinya. But wait! Then the wonder twins were leaving again and "giving" Judgment to Nixi. So of course Anthony dumps Shinya AGAIN and goes after Nixi....

Now Nixi left Judgement permanantly, Anthony is trying to step in to "take over" Judgement. As we speak he is standing in the meeting with them trash talking Nixi and sucking Barons cock stating everything was really Angelina and Nixi's fault... even though two days ago Nixi was a saint.

Another snake slithers in to the snake pit...

so, now you are introduced with one detail, now comes our beautiful, gem of all gems; Judgment staff meeting notice to public;

Judgement Update
Monday, 13 Dec 2010 04:17:16 GMT

XRPS and Judgement community remains strong and focused as we move forward into the next year. Judgement staff will be here to take your calls and help our community. Thank you all for your support and confidence.

Judgement Staff

very interesting, now, i must disappoint you how you did obviously forget that i still have a lot of friends all around, even in your OWN management....people that trust me and who are loyal to me more then to any of you members of Judge management, obviously and to not just make it like a barking on the Moon....since you have been dishonest again, lying to public and dont want to introduce them, shame on you, i must do your dirty work and inform public to keep them, let me show you what was actually discussed on that meeting;

[19:43] Izzebella Rossini: its about fun .. some players perfer this to real playing its what they love the most
[19:22] Baron Nowhere: and I'm thinking I'm just going to ensure I use idiot on every line now
[19:23] Princess Yuitza: cracks up
[19:23] Shinya Levee: i'm playing on judg since a long time
[19:23] Izzebella Rossini: if I tell you I am nervous about this . I am understating the obvious
[19:23] Shinya Levee: and people
[19:23] Baron Nowhere: this has been a hard conversation, I've laughed IRL, I've cried IRL. Please understand that this still sucks. I'm still scared. It's damn hard to give this a chance
[19:23] Shinya Levee: izze many people don't like you because you are too bossy here
[19:24] Shinya Levee: sorry if i am too honnest
[19:24] Shinya Levee: but if you want judg
[19:24] Shinya Levee: to work good
[19:24] Shinya Levee: you need to change with the staff
[19:24] Shinya Levee: and the players
[19:24] Baron Nowhere: you mistake her boundries for bossiness
[19:24] Baron Nowhere: her strong boundries keep us all from being abused.
[19:24] Crow Burns <--- killed pacman 5 times
[19:24] Baron Nowhere: I'm thankful for izze's traits that you're calling bossy
[19:24] Baron Nowhere shrugs
[19:25] KiKi Overland: shinya you werent even staff with izze
[19:25] Izzebella Rossini: i appreciate your comments Shin thank you
[19:25] Shinya Levee: myes kiki but i'm playing here every day
[19:25] KiKi Overland: give her a chance
[19:25] Shinya Levee: spending long time
[19:35] Baron Nowhere: ok, loop back to our public message from Anthony -- what should it say?
[19:35] Shinya Levee: very short message, clear without details is the best
[19:36] Crow Burns: XRPS and Judgement Community shall go on as it always has.
[19:36] KiKi Overland: i agree
[19:36] Shinya Levee: yess
[19:36] Crow Burns: strait, simple, small words
[19:36] Crow Burns: lol
[19:36] Shinya Levee: lol
[19:36] Purz Nirvana: and can say from the judgement admin team
[19:37] Crow Burns: yup
[19:37] Princess Yuitza: how bout Good Evening all you twisted players!
[19:37] Princess Yuitza: busts up laughing
[19:37] Crow Burns: do i look twisted to you purz oO
[19:37] Izzebella Rossini: crow so you know I stalked you before we got you on staff. my heart fluttered when we would talk.. me thinking this is Crow . he's cool . we need him but how do I get him to say . OK.. this is a true story
[19:37] Purz Nirvana: myes
[19:37] Princess Yuitza: look at your fac3e
[19:37] Princess Yuitza: face
[19:37] Crow Burns: haha
[19:37] Purz Nirvana: your antlers are a bit twisted
[19:38] Crow Burns: i didnt know you stalked me though lololl
[19:38] Princess Yuitza: i cam him all the time
[19:38] Princess Yuitza: laughing
[19:38] Crow Burns: i know >.>
[19:38] Princess Yuitza: winks
[19:38] Izzebella Rossini: and with anthony .. omg another major player.. how dare I feel this brutal weapons man would bother to help in staff .. I was so scared of you anthony
[19:38] Anthony Beatty: scared of me lol?
[19:39] Izzebella Rossini: omg yes
[19:39] Anthony Beatty: because i used to kill u when i was a bad demon?
[19:39] KiKi Overland: haha
[19:39] Baron Nowhere: my tree looks like a charlie brown tree, I need to give it some attention sometime tonight too :)
[19:39] Princess Yuitza: ohhh
[19:40] Izzebella Rossini: you didn't talk and I was wanting to desperately learn things from you and you're .. you're so busy and I am just a dumb know nothing girl who doesnt know weapons
[19:40] Izzebella Rossini: so yes I was waaaaaaaaaaaay scared of you
[19:40] Anthony Beatty: ah well yea i get super busy at times
[19:40] Shinya Levee: (sexing in ims yessa
[19:40] Izzebella Rossini: i know but you're Anthony
[19:40] KiKi Overland: LOL
[19:40] Anthony Beatty: yea thats my major fall in sl
[19:40] Princess Yuitza: O
[19:41] Crow Burns: i remember him from reject days as chucky doll lol
[19:41] Izzebella Rossini: Mistah Cool
[19:41] Princess Yuitza: laughing
[19:41] Shinya Levee: lol
[19:41] Princess Yuitza: yeahhhhhh
[19:41] Princess Yuitza: omg
[19:41] Anthony Beatty: i bring that out sometimes when borad and dont want to be botherd by girls
[19:41] Crow Burns: haha
[19:41] Shinya Levee: yea yea
[19:41] Baron Nowhere: awh, so hard, when the girls are all over you
[19:41] KiKi Overland: haha
[19:41] Anthony Beatty: lol
[19:41] Anthony Beatty: its very hard lol
[19:41] Shinya Levee: jeez he is complaining lol
[19:41] Princess Yuitza: maybe we can finally give baron his makeover!
[19:41] Izzebella Rossini: you have baron laughing now
[19:42] KiKi Overland: haha yesss you should baron u need a new look and shinya be like the perfect person to help wiht that lol
[19:42] Baron Nowhere: no no... I've had this avatar since 2008... why change a good thing
[19:42] KiKi Overland: no look for new attitude
[19:42] Princess Yuitza: change itttttttttttt
[19:42] Shinya Levee: lol
[19:42] KiKi Overland: new
[19:42] Baron Nowhere: I still look as fresh as when I put on this outfit
[19:42] Shinya Levee: i can make ower you
[19:42] Shinya Levee: over
[19:42] Baron Nowhere sniffs his armpits....
[19:42] Anthony Beatty: someone tried make him wear an AO before it only lasted an hour or 2
[19:42] Baron Nowhere: Pine Tree.
[19:42] Princess Yuitza: lets vote!!!
[19:42] Purz Nirvana: lol
[19:42] Shinya Levee: what ??
[19:42] Princess Yuitza: makeover for baron????????
[19:42] Shinya Levee: omg
[19:43] Princess Yuitza: raises hand
[19:43] Baron Nowhere: how about I wear Pink hair?
[19:43] KiKi Overland: haha
[19:43] Princess Yuitza: ?.?.:*GigglessSs*.:??
[19:43] Shinya Levee: ?
[19:43] Izzebella Rossini: laughing . as a woman who loves to change her hair in sl daily . maybe they should take you shopping
[19:43] Shinya Levee: he is rock&roll
[19:43] Princess Yuitza: seeeee
[19:43] Baron Nowhere: I have 3 outfits.'
[19:43] KiKi Overland: what three? why have we only seen ONE??
[19:43] Baron Nowhere: This, a tux, and something else with a jacket...
[19:43] Baron Nowhere: c'mon now, I've had the tux out before
[19:43] Purz Nirvana: lol
[19:43] Princess Yuitza: he need anthonys stores
[19:44] Baron Nowhere: oh, and I picked up a police uniform for one halloween bash, and batman for another
[19:44] Princess Yuitza: rolls eyes
[19:44] Princess Yuitza: omgggg
[19:44] KiKi Overland: u should be batman than lol
[19:46] Princess Yuitza: whoaaaaa
[19:47] Shinya Levee: sorry i crashed
[19:48] Purz Nirvana: wb
[19:48] Anthony Beatty: why i alwasy get this...
[19:48] Anthony Beatty: [19:47] LILD Silvercloud: im sorry to bother you but i may ask do you have any clothe object gesture accessories or anything transfer u dont useu may spare plz and thx
[19:48] Anthony Beatty: did anyone else get this?
[19:48] Princess Yuitza: nope
[19:48] Shinya Levee: no
[19:48] Purz Nirvana: no
[19:49] Izzebella Rossini: no I didnt get that
[19:49] KiKi Overland: wierdo
[19:52] Crow Burns: .
[19:52] Crow Burns: so quiet thought i crashed
[19:52] Shinya Levee: we are trying to find a new look for baron
[19:52] KiKi Overland: lol i think we are waitingin antiicipation for htis notice
[19:53] KiKi Overland: lol
[19:53] KiKi Overland: chop chop
[19:57] Purz Nirvana: can my holiday admin name be... nutcracker admin?
[19:57] Crow Burns tosses his chair further from purz...
[19:57] Purz Nirvana: lol
[19:57] Crow Burns: oO
[19:57] Anthony Beatty: sorry
[19:57] Crow Burns: lol
[19:57] KiKi Overland: haha purz
[19:57] Princess Yuitza: đi?s l?u??in?!!!
[19:57] Princess Yuitza: holy shit
[19:57] Shinya Levee: woa i thought the war started
[19:57] Purz Nirvana: can my holiday admin name be... nutcracker admin?
[19:57] Crow Burns tosses his chair further from purz...
[19:57] Purz Nirvana: lol
[19:57] Crow Burns: oO
[19:57] Anthony Beatty: sorry
[19:57] Crow Burns: lol
[19:57] KiKi Overland: haha purz
[19:57] Princess Yuitza: đi?s l?u??in?!!!
[19:57] Princess Yuitza: holy shit
[19:58] Shinya Levee: woa i thought the war started
[19:59] Shinya Levee: uno ?
[19:59] Shinya Levee: lol
[19:59] Shinya Levee: i have peopel asking me
[19:59] Shinya Levee: what we are doing there
[19:59] Shinya Levee: i said
[19:59] Shinya Levee: playing uno
[19:59] Shinya Levee: this time
[19:59] KiKi Overland: pizza party
[19:59] Shinya Levee: lol
[19:59] KiKi Overland: lol
[19:59] KiKi Overland: ya ppl will always be nosey youll get used to it
[20:00] Shinya Levee: yea well 1st time and the last (jerem's lecon today lol)
[20:01] Shinya Levee: what you will do if this guy attaks you again
[20:01] Shinya Levee: because he is going to do it
[20:01] Shinya Levee: for sure
[20:01] Shinya Levee: we need to be prepared
[20:03] Shinya Levee: Wewtwewt =D
[20:03] Shinya Levee: you there ?
[20:05] Baron Nowhere: and since we've been sitting here talking, Gagi is on his blog bragging about his new-found popularity of his blog, with the ominous tone bragging about the dirt he has to come
[20:06] Shinya Levee: lol
[20:06] Princess Yuitza: no shit
[20:06] Baron Nowhere: sorry, distracted by my charlie brown xmas tree
[20:08] Princess Yuitza: well guess we should have another meeting in a few days
[20:08] Shinya Levee: i really think
[20:08] Shinya Levee: good to make is ver yshort
[20:08] Shinya Levee: 1 sentence
[20:08] Shinya Levee: don't give names
[20:08] Shinya Levee: nothing
[20:08] Shinya Levee: if we keep private what we are doing
[20:08] Shinya Levee: it's btter for us
[20:09] Shinya Levee: if you want to give him the staff name
[20:09] Shinya Levee: he will start talking on us one by one
[20:09] Shinya Levee: because he's got nothing better to do
[20:12] Shinya Levee: so what are we going to say to the players, to be clear ?
[20:13] Shinya Levee: about the meeting i mean
[20:13] Shinya Levee: they will ask
[20:13] Shinya Levee: for sure
[20:13] KiKi Overland: i say we say little other than that were discussing staffing issues
[20:13] Crow Burns: theres alot of rumors going around, i think they need to be advised
[20:13] Shinya Levee: i'll say staff issue too
[20:14] Shinya Levee: well i agree with you crow
[20:14] Shinya Levee: that's why
[20:14] KiKi Overland: well there are alot of ppl oblviious too
[20:14] KiKi Overland: no reason to make it worse
[20:14] Anthony Beatty: just say ... despite all the rumours etc judgemnt and xrps will continue to run,,, something along the lines
[20:14] KiKi Overland: yea that be alright
[20:15] Baron Nowhere: (back)
[20:15] KiKi Overland: wb
[20:15] Crow Burns: wb
[20:15] Purz Nirvana: wb
[20:15] Baron Nowhere: maybe add something about being financially secure?
[20:15] Shinya Levee: no no
[20:15] Shinya Levee: no details
[20:15] Baron Nowhere: ok
[20:15] Baron Nowhere: maybe add something about being financially secure?
[20:15] Shinya Levee: no no
[20:15] Shinya Levee: no details
[20:15] Baron Nowhere: ok
[20:16] KiKi Overland: How bout
[20:16] Crow Burns: if we say that, and do auctions theyll ask where its going
[20:16] KiKi Overland: gagi kiss my ass
[20:16] KiKi Overland: jk
[20:16] Anthony Beatty: best not to give details jsut incase something changes for now just give the players peice of mind so they dont go crazy
[20:16] KiKi Overland: post that
[20:16] Shinya Levee: yess
[20:16] Anthony Beatty: cause i guess the word aroudn now is its being shut down etc etc
[20:17] Shinya Levee: myes
[20:17] Shinya Levee: poeple were playing violon
[20:17] Shinya Levee: yesterday
[20:17] KiKi Overland: good job
[20:17] Izzebella Rossini: nice
[20:17] Izzebella Rossini: good job
[20:17] Anthony Beatty waits for the caht to open
[20:17] Izzebella Rossini: omg .
[20:18] Purz Nirvana: lol
[20:18] Shinya Levee: lol
[20:18] Anthony Beatty: there we go
[20:18] Anthony Beatty: lmao
[20:18] KiKi Overland: why the ef kimberly talk so much she dont even come here
[20:18] KiKi Overland: lol
[20:18] Crow Burns: she was here a while
[20:18] KiKi Overland: i was laughing yesterday when the alt ppl were talking about how they would never come back. i wasl ike i never even seen u before so im sure u be missed ...
[20:19] Shinya Levee: people will be back because they don't have other places to go
[20:19] Shinya Levee: we should keep this in mind
[20:19] KiKi Overland: theres plenty other places- but ppl come back bc xrps is the best
[20:19] Shinya Levee: yess
[20:19] Crow Burns: yup
[20:20] Shinya Levee: and we should say for the players the truth about this meeting
[20:20] Shinya Levee: that 1st baron decided to stop xrps
[20:20] Shinya Levee: but
[20:20] Shinya Levee: with the management support we changed his mind
[20:20] Crow Burns: no would only get to gagi's ears, and wouldnt be a good thing
[20:21] KiKi Overland: i think if he knows there is a weakness htere- he will abuse it and harass more...better to show united and unwavering front
[20:21] Shinya Levee: yea
[20:21] Shinya Levee: you are right
[20:21] Shinya Levee: well the problem we can't trust the players
[20:21] Shinya Levee: the alts
[20:21] Shinya Levee: and staff
[20:21] Crow Burns: can be just an X-mas meeting and thats it
[20:22] Crow Burns: ok ill brb!
[20:22] KiKi Overland: lol weve always had staff meetingsit doesnt need to be such hush hush. its a staff meeting to discus staff issues... and when they bug you you say... well can you keep a secret..??? good.. so can i... have a nice day
[20:23] Shinya Levee: and btw it's good to have staff meeting 1 time a month
[20:23] Shinya Levee: we can share ideas
[20:24] Izzebella Rossini: thank you for your time and dedication
[20:24] Izzebella Rossini: please remember this whole chat here was for staff
[20:24] Izzebella Rossini: its not to be read by the players .. its only for us
[20:24] Izzebella Rossini: OK?
[20:24] Shinya Levee: yess
[20:24] Anthony Beatty: yes
[20:24] Princess Yuitza: *Mmhmm*
[20:24] Izzebella Rossini: we're going to have more than one a month
[20:25] Shinya Levee: and sorry about my mistake earlier
[20:25] Purz Nirvana: myes
[20:25] Izzebella Rossini: smiles . ty so much.. I am feeling better with all of your support and understanding of how things have been for baron and me
[20:25] Izzebella Rossini: good night and I will see you in teh admin forums
[20:25] Princess Yuitza: nini
[20:25] Princess Yuitza: ty
[20:25] Shinya Levee: ni ni
[20:25] Shinya Levee: good luck
[20:26] Shinya Levee: it's super late for me
[20:26] KiKi Overland: ni ni shinya
[20:26] Shinya Levee: bye all
[20:26] KiKi Overland: aoff

Izze, if i were on your place, i wouldnt be so sure in support of people who are flattering you so much...also...Anthony is really a good choice, hehehe....but dont be surprised...soon...very soon :)

Also, one more advice, when you will run again some other sim, try to establish a management with people who are a bit more loyal then this people you have now...coz this team you have....hmm...10% holds my side very loyally, 40% dont give a shit about you, but only want to use you and rest of 50% still dont know they actually dont like you :)))

but they will :)

now, Baron, let me keep on bragging and you keep on being dishonest with day will be a day when all your dishonest, including Izze's will come up to surface even without me pumping it up....and then, no meter and nos sim will make you survive in this area....

finally, this is only 1 more prove how you actually dont give a shit about people, all you care is about your own little interests and how to please Izze....pathetic, shallow...poor...i really thought you will learn a lesson from being honest...but seems thats not the case with you, Izze and your managemetn that is completely corrupted and disloyal to you and many more of evidences you want me to publish to make you learn something out of it?!?!...well...obviously until you sink...and you will do that on your own....with no help of mine :)

just continue this way and remember; even if i never turn on my SL, i would be still able to expose all of your dirty work you do behind the closed doors, including Izze's as well...

enjoy while you can :)

PS: TTNorth Runo; wish you nice welcome for being back with us and thanks for following :)
- 04:26 - Comments (6) - Print - #

12.12.2010., nedjelja


this is only a temporary notice since it is not relevant as main newsletter on this blog;

recently i received few emails where people are complaining how they have been crusified and attacked by some smartasses, giving them shit and accusing how they were sharing information or else....even they really didnt....

so by this notice, i am informing all of you; if i hear someone around was served a shit...i, with fully responsibility and accepting of consequences
am promising you that i will dig and find some shit of yours, which you probably have and will use it in any possible way no matter of time and place with no respect, morale and ethics nor hesitate and i will stir the shit about you until i ruin your virtual game least....

if anyone have problem with what has been told here, then IM or email ME.....coz i am the one you are looking for!!!...i am the publisher, i am the one who is stirring your dirty laundry and sharing it to public, i am the one you need to purse....try to confront me for a change! try it with someone more even to yourself...

and rest of you, thank you very much for all support you are providing me daily, i was surprised by some people who helped me a lot...and i even gain some friendships i could never even imagine we would ever make....
and thanks to you, ma dear readers...1136 clicks in last 7 days you made, i hope i did justify your click on this blog, finally, i am glad some of you did open your eyes and realized what is going on in front of your noses :)

stay tuned :)
- 22:14 - Comments (0) - Print - #

Baron's reputation meter

Do you think Baron has been honest with public?

take a question survey and add number 1 if answer is YES and number 2 if answer is NO;
use NUMBERS to answer!!!!!
do NOT type YES or NO...use only number 1 or number 2!!!!!!!!!
(i noticed someone did type "no" by letters, do not type letters!!)

VOTE RESULTS (with chart pie)
(RED color= NO, he isnt honest and BLUE color= YES, he is honest)

Thank You

now, to add some more, since in previous topic about Baron were some links shared, Baron obviously did delete all of it to make it unavailable to you and proved he is scared one and dishonest with us in general, otherwise, why he would be afraid to say; "i am..." people with clear and clean conscious has no such issues usually, so, it only gives us a conclusion what kind of person he is...

next, thanks to modern technology and almighty Google....or should i rather say; Google "webcache" service...i restored all of his links and of course, will share it with you..

so, here is the link to all of it if anyone did miss it to see or read;

John Rambo K. aka Baron N. :)

also, one more thing to add; as many of evidences and such an obvious malversation actions by Baron are on air, i really dont have to mention and discuss a lot how he is person who plays a drity game, corruptions and blackmails is his favorite, so, here is one example how does it look like when he is trying to bribe his environment;

[2010/01/06 16:08] rafa Hanriot: is it still 12 xp in judgement?
[2010/01/06 16:11] Baron Nowhere: one moment, I will check
[2010/01/06 16:17] Baron Nowhere: it's not... 7 in Judge, 6 in the burbs... still up from the normal 6/5... but if you're planning on dropping by with the HV crew and hanging out, I think can move it back to 12 this evening for a bit for people to hang out... not something I'd do every time, but why not have a hump day celebration?
[2010/01/06 16:18] Baron Nowhere: <-- the ticks show here
[2010/01/06 16:23] rafa Hanriot: ok let me check
[2010/01/06 16:43] Baron Nowhere: I'm going to log for 30, then I'll come back and announce some kind of hump day thing and pump up the tick for 5hrs or something :) -- maybe I'll make it 12xp, and raise it 1xp for each 5k donated to Judgement or something... dunno, I'm up for ideas :)
[2010/01/06 16:43] Baron Nowhere: ok, i'll be back in 30mins.
[2010/01/06 16:44] rafa Hanriot: oki hb

i need to read a lot of logs i have and to extract only juicest things, coz, i dont want to bother you anymore with loads and loads of text like it was example in fight between FC and META....

thanks a lot for your time, enjoy and stay tuned...will be back with new round soon :)

PS: since we did succeed to introduce Baron to public of you think would be too much if we introduce his SL to his RL environment??? we can start with his FB friends, after all, even his ex wife Lapus, or should i shortly say, Mel (M.E.K.) said she dont care at all as long as we dont involve her into it, so it seems how it is only up to me and you my dear friends...btw; no, i dont care either, i have no mercy for someone who is merciless anyways and somone who is talking about "internet bullies" and he himself is the first one of a kind, first of all, he didnt had a courage to act like a man, to stand behind his words not just like Baron Nowhere only but even as John Katona, you see, this is what makes difference between man to his case, he is only a man by his sex, with all respect to all womans who have bigger "balls" then he does...and those are in majority compared to him...

finaly, i am not the one who is hiding myself...mayn people know who i am at SL and RL, they have my pics, lots of them, even my RL name and my home address and even my phone number and else...finaly, if you use any of that informations at Google, you can find tons of articles i did write all around internet, news groups, forums or some activiti communities i belong to as member....but not behind the pseudonym, but with name i use in RL as well...finally, i sent out few times even a coordinate view of my house i live , the zoomed goeposition located through wikimapia where is visible even roof of my, when is about some identity subject, i have nothing to prove and i have nothing to hide, i am very transparent and straight when is about that...
- 16:04 - Comments (0) - Print - #


well, well, there is so much coming up, like a pile up of IMs and emails...guys, i know you dont like Izze or Baron, but dont be so hard on them...they are still humans and not so evil as they look they are...hahaha, no, not at all :))))

anyway...the ship is sinking, and rats should be saved, but remember; CAPTAINS should stay on the sinking ship till the end...!!!!!!!!

i am joking, just keep on...hahaha...however...i dont know what to post first...
so, here we go;

"After izzy/Baron resurfaced recently, a large portion of the player base got pissed off and people started clearing their land in judgement and leaving again.

This pissed Izzy off tremendously and she flipped out and stated to Nixi that she wants everything out of her name by the end of December. Izzy said both sims (Judgement and Pest) MUST be transfered to Nixi's account and Judgement MUST be renamed plus Nixi must get a new website and change every last thing out of the Judgement name.

Now it is very common knowledge that Nixi cannot afford to pay the transfer fees or the added VAT expenses (this is why it was kept in Izzy's name - or so she says anyway but thats another story). Everyone involved knows Nixi cannot afford these expenses and so Judgement would close December 31st.

Baron/Izzy then stated that if Nixi left they would "Shelve" the meter... pretty much trying to force her to stay there on a sinking ship. They were making as hard on her as possible to try to force her to look like the bad guy if she left, or if she stayed Judgement would fail under Nixi's watch. They even took away Nixi and Angelinas "super admin" powers so they could not look up player stats or do transfers. They also took super admin away from the owner of Goth City (without even telling him) so NO ONE but Izzy/Baron could see"deep" player sheets. This was to handicap everyone and make it very hard for players to leave Judgement. Pretty much they did everything they could possibly do to screw Nixi up.

Now that they have done this (Nixi resigned last night) Izzy/Baron could come back and be the heroes keeping Judgement open. You will see this is what happens in the next day or so, they have already stated to Nixi today that they "may" keep Judgement open after all.

People need to see what is going on here, I hope this information helps this cause. Please do not publish my name, I would like to keep getting information on what is happening."

so, as we can see at last chapter part of mail, person is obviously tired of all BS, Izze and Baron's mind games as you cant say how it is only me against or only me saying something bad, however, it is also visible how people do like to play XRPS, but they are giving up of it one by one and this way, Izze and Baron should only understand and realize how their ship crew, their management, is falling apart, people from management are sending me emails and IMs....i am proud of you that you finally found some strenght to it for yourself, do it for others as well...coz you all have right to know what is going on behind the closed doors when is about YOU, players...transparency and truth, thats all i care matter of privacy level...

and one more thing from me folks....i was asked how do i not respect someones RL and going so far with RL things...well, i will say only this; how so some people dont respect peoples SL?
and if i must be convicted as rude one, with no scruples and good manners, but to show to public with who do we are dealing with...then let it be...i was always easily ended banned, so, if anyone think i care to be pursued in any way, be my guest...but i wont stop...i wont stop coz of people who are humiliated and, yes, i will be your shepherd, i will sacrifice myself for you...i will eat all the shit that will come after me....but at least you will know why all i jump to bed i will try to put one more out....enjoy...

this way i will also use opportunity to congrat Nixi and Angelina for taking a stand, despite that girls were banning me from Judge, i still bow them with respect for opening their eyes and not lettin some two power hungry wankers to harass dozens and dozens of other people...go girls!!
- 01:01 - Comments (0) - Print - #

10.12.2010., petak


Izzebella Rossini the Devil's Advocate

This time i wont do a much of a intro but will go straight to the point...
First of all, i must admit that there was a time when i was pretty close to Izzebella Rossini, she was protecting me and even lying to Sic for me to save me...
even, now, i am very embarrassed about that, that i even had anything with her...especially when i found out what i wish i never found...
i know many will say for me what a sick fuck i am...well, even if i am, but compared to this woman, i look like a saint...

before i reveal it all and share, i must express my real regret to victims of Izzebela Rossini and especially to people who did experience her craziness even in RL, and believe me, there are people in RL who did experience her in worse possible way....and stories i heard made me to think twice should i publish it all or not coz i asked myself is it worth of publishing if people who tried to forget her manace and evil will be harassed again and trashed like before...
however, i decided to share simply to finally stop that shit coz it is happening over and over finally stop her doing that to people around finally show her real face and to make her loyal sheeps see what is they belive in and follow...finally, to stop all the dramas and to push her into a abbys of hell where she did come from...

Judgment is place she created and Judgment is place that did betray her, betray in sense i found a person playing there who is her RL friend...actually ex RL friend who know her for many years so far, so many to know the shit even long before she even started to play SL...

I heard a story, i saw the logs, IMs, and i saw the pictures...lots of details, lots of evidences....only a damn fool would still believe her after this....

I know there will be always people who will think of her that she is nice one ...well, you have that right for sure, i dont blame you...but soon or later you will realize it by yourself how this story isnt just a story....

Izzebella Rossini SL birth date; 22nd March 2007.

Back in year 2006. Izze was playing a game called „There“, similar one like SL, she met there a woman with who she became a friend, that woman started to play SL at 22nd of January 2007. with name Ravenal Ashby and 2 months later she created an ALT of name; Izzebella Rossini.
Since they were already pretty close, Ravenal decides to invite Izze to SL and she gave her alt to Izze....Izzebella Rossini...
link to picture of Ravenal and Izze together;
Ravenal and Izze

Ravenal (pic of her as angel; Ravenal in NORwas a founder of angels family called Dominions and they were situated in NOR, soon, Dominions became largest family in NOR, counting 200 members and Izze was sticking close to Ravenal as he SL sister...soon, Izze tried to make some progress in family, clearly showing she would like to be ranked as leader member, like 2nd owner or deputy of Ravenal.
Ravenal didnt like idea and she did refuse her, so Izze became rageous and started to work against Ravenal in every possible sense, trashing her, setting her up some dramas, causing her problems on every possible step, laughing at her behind her back (i have a log as evidence i will also publish) and finally, she did even create a rebellion in Dominions in attempt to overtake players and start her own family.
part of log;
[15:37] Lars Bleac: Ravenal can suck my dick and i wont enjoy it but otherwise ok
[15:37] Dannii Lyle: what did nor do to you sugar?
[15:37] Izzebella Rossini: omg.. so funny
[15:38] Dannii Lyle: offense izzebella, but your sister is a bitch queen from hell
[15:38] Lars Bleac: and that animal thing about asher silky!!!!
[15:38] Lars Bleac: OMFG
[15:38] Lars Bleac: hahahahahaha

Beside that, the most disgusted thing was, Izze made an alt named; Ravenai Ashby but with upper case of letter „i“ so it looked like RavenaI Ashby, then she created a group called Desolve with title for members; Dominion Revolution and Dominion Saboter..etc..etc.. in order to destroy Dominions by messing up, making confussion in their lines...
link to picture with group created;
Saboters of Dominions

Beside that alt, Izze made few more alts like Silky Graves and many more with usual 2nd name „Bleac“ (even today she still use one or two Bleac's; Izzebella Bleac is one)
Since Ravenal's husband was dying at that period, Ravenal was prety much down emotionally and Izze used that period to ruin all that was possible, all in attempt to overtake Ravenal's place.
Finaly, Ravenals husband is dying and instead of Izzebella to give her support, she is giving hell to Ravenal so she is loosing her nerves and she decided to leave the NOR for she did it and that day NOR did left nearly 50-60 people and in next few days even some more...

Now, to go back at first days of Izze....i was given some pictures and as usual, just like most noobs, Izze was looking noobish...while Ravenal was already looking awesome, like real angel all in white, wearing white wings...very classy...however, by looking those pictures, i said like; „ohhh, Ravenal looks exactly like Izze when i met her“ (May 2008.)...but then i stopped for a second and like Einstein realized how i was wrong; correct would be; Izzebella Rossini looks exactly like Ravenal things became even more interesting; Izzebella Rossini not only wanted to be a leader of clan that Ravenal found and raised but she also wanted to be like Ravenal, and finaly, not just LIKE but to be complete... see pic of Izze after Ravenal left NOR; Izze in NOR

Izzebella Rossini, such a poor sense for creativiity, no originality at all...only a stupid and blind ones wouldnt see and realize how many coincidency there is and how is so obvious what did Izze tried to do...and today, people are following her and trying to glorify and raise her a monument of glory ...pffft...

There aer so many details that were not said coz even this is already too much....a story is so long that would need at least 5 parts of posting like this just to tell all the details from chapter of Izze in NOR...and then the rest about KOL and Judge...

Anyway, to continue; we all know what happeend in NOR....of course, all the blame was served to Sicarius, but real thruth was, Izzebella was aiming something bigger, higher...(even i rememebr when she was telling me about her plan she would like to happen...that she is running her own universe...) and it is obvious now how she was slowly advancing to accomplish her plan to become true...
She turned to a nice and polite angel, a spitted copy of Ravenal, finaly, in some silent partnership she is teaming up with Baron and rest you know....but now a bit about time between NOR and Judgment and teaming up with Baron; yes, you guess well; KOL...Kingdom of Legends...

In short story was like this;

Gwen Mendes was in trouble with money and she decided to sell a sim to DareDevilBjorn, (Dare in next text) but terms were to not change a sim a lot and to keep the staff...
Dare was partnered to Nebula Hissop and Nebula paid for sim but Dare becomes an owner officially, soon, Dare is kicking out half of staff and do a rebuild of sim...and also invites Izze to help him accomplish his plan. Of course...Izze was offered position of head admin and GM...what she did glady accept since she was on her leave from NOR (Decembar 2008).
Soon, Dare wanted to take more control over sims around the Kingdom of Legends, Demon and Star sim...owned by Kevtun VanDyk, Izze was forcing Kevtun to rebuild his sims into a theme she and Dare decided to be...but Kevtun didnt like and he wanted to keep a theme that was already there for a long time, after all, it was his sim he paid for...
Now comes a torture and dictatorship and some way they convince Kevtun to sell the Demon sim, meanwhile Dare is braking up with Nebula and Dare partnered Gerg Daglish, so Greg bought a Deon sim but again on Dare's name as owner....soon, Dare and Izze are pushing Kevtun even harder, even ejeting him from admins, staff in general, and decreasing a XP on his Star sim at 2XP per tick...while KL had 7 and Demon 5 XP (it was all Izze's idea)
Kevtun had a resident on his sim who was renting on his sim for a long time and Kevtun, when Star sim was applied with XRPS did promise to resident with kid avatar on it that they can stay in their house at parcel the rent with no obligation of wearing meter but to not involving a RP and fight....btu Dare and Izze didnt like that and they use that situation against Kevtun to blackmail him ad force him to kick them, since he didnt it did only give a reason to Dare to decrease a XP on his sim and also to make a AR to LL and ask for translocating of sims on SL grid...etc..etc...finally, it was all planned like that by Izze the masterbrain of entire operation...
So, once again it was shown how Izze is using all methods to accomplish her plans...she dont care at all , or care as long as it is of her interest...

Now...come the moment how did i became an enemy of Izze...till that moment we used to be still close...
Since i didnt like a eternal RP and fighting all the time...i liked to sit up on church roof in the corner of KL sim (roof was accessable normally)...i was replying to all admin calls for camp checking and i did answer all auto chalangers...but my main play became mostly based on simple IC talk if somone would visit me up on roof or through Ims some daily OOC stuff...
After few days, Izze is IMing me; „Hello Gagi, KOL ADMIN here... (like i didnt know who is she, but hey, we must stick to protocol like we are military trained, arent we...hahaha), i received few complains about the people in last few days how you are not playing at all and how you are not participating with society of i am docking you with 50% of XP...
I said like; what the fuck?!!? she joking...when we were in Revelation NOR i used to sit on her monastery roof top for days and days and she never did even say a word and now she is selling me some BS about socializing in society..but, she said how she must preserve her reputation and how no matter of our friendship she wont give up coz i was doing a LEGAL CAMPING...
So, pissed like that in conversation that did last like 15-20 minutes i did take off my meter, delete my sheet and told her; „now, i dont have a meter nor sheet, so, please, leave me alone now to continue sitting here like i did so far...“ ..but she added; ahh, you are very disrespectful , i was thinking of giving you back XP in time...and i replied on that, well, you know what, you can keep that 50% of XP you just took me and you can take another 50% and stick it to your ass, dont brianfuck me and play with me like i came here yesterday...all you care here is your damn reputation, woow, head admin, GM...what a fucking big deal, almighty Izze....reputation my ass, you dont give a shit about anything but reputation of yours and success in this stupid game, after all, you are only showing how you are not even A of Angel you are trying to present blind i was all this time and blindly trust you and followed are hidding your real face just like a snake hides her legs...a snake...
A minute after, after she made a copy paste of log to Dare, i was instantly banned...and this is how our conflict started....but no worries..i slapped her back, i went to Sic and simply served him all the shit i had in my logs about Izze....she was furious about that but she survived, well, no wonder she survived, snakes always survive...

Then, Dare and Izze are braking up their business relationship, since Izze obviously was trying to take a bigger piece fo cake (i didnt bother myself to investigate that part, after all, Dare showed more tolerance and ability to communicate civilszed way then Izze so i spared him of more possible trashing here) and Izze is leaving to start her own sim, Judgment...and as you all know the rest..teaming up with Baron and finaly overtaking complete control ower WARPS and finaly XRPS....

About transpass i bet you all know already since it was told for so many times it is boring already...shortest versoin; XRPS sims all around had a better average in number of players then Judgement, transpass or revoking the system...finally...all did lost XRPS system, all but Judge, initially... (not talking about after time)

Now one really funny detail from NOR...i am sure most of you heard how i said in XRPS chat that Izze is not ordinary girl but the RL coutry girl with stable and horses in it since she love horses, but really loves them... (please notice i didnt say anything rude after all) but back in her early days she used to be sexualy very active on, at one situation some guy did show up in avatar as half horse (i couldnt find out the name of that guy, irrelevant anyway)
And Izze was riding him around the sim....on shock of her firends she didnt act like she would mind to shag a „horse man“....and finaly, seems she did shag a horseman after, all that joking about Izze a horselover and actual adventure back in NOR, doesnt really leave much of space to not believe how Izze really love horses...

Now, i could continue by giving numerous story examples, logs and pics in order to discredit her even more and more....but she dont deserve so much of attention after all...even this so far was too much...Izzebella Rossini or shell we rather call her Deb...Debbie Harkins with her „artistic“ RL name she is giving people on SL; „Libby“....from Cumberland, Maine state her age of 60's, being a mother of 2 daughters and 1 son i think, being a wife, stil married....and to be able to have such an heartless atitude towards womans who's man was dying,....i dont know...but that was too much even for my taste...
After all...i feel pity for her dogs, Taffy, Apple and Joe if she really, but really loves them..

At the end of all what i found out....i was so curious to see if there is a person Ravenal Ashby...and SL search showed there really is one...i succeed to made a contact, but Ravenal wasnt very talktive when i mention Izzebella's name...she said she dont feel comfortable to talk about her coz she did hurt her feelings beyond the SL and she simply dont want to participate in any discussion, so some polite way she did actually cut me off by asking me to leave her alone but she did confim me things that happened in old NOR time...
This way i appologize to Ravenal for not telling her i am about to publish all this, i know it isnt a fair of me to do such things...but i feel how it is time to finaly stop this eternal ongoing shit with Izze around and her dictatorship caused out of her frustrations and disorders...

That was Debbie Harkins – „Libby“, Cumberland, Maine aka Saint Izzebella Rossini
I wish i never met her :(
Her known alts so far; Izzebella Bleac, Silky Graves, Flame Republic...etc..etc..

coming up next; Busted Baron - strike 2

- 04:23 - Comments (4) - Print - #

07.12.2010., utorak

Baron Nowhere aka Shadowman

Many of you did always roll your eyes when i would try to say something, like, "ahh, what does he know, always just babbling.." but the fact is, i know a lot more then i share with you, a lot more then most of you know...
some coz they are not interested and some coz they are blind and naive like sheeps....
in my last 2 years of observating the presence and work of Baron Nowhere i realized, found out and conclude lots of things....finaly, its time to take off the mask of Baron Nowhere...
things about Baron i knew even a long ago....but in time i did talk to lots of people and "harvesting" bit by bit what made me puzzle it all into a one big image....and results are scary.....personally, i wouldnt like to deal with such person in any kind of business...

little resume;

Sicarius and Baron teamed up at the begining of NOR that originally was CCS, Sic as NOR owner and Baron as NOR developer. Baron (since Sic dont know shit about scripting) was engaged to do the script work for NOR but also in order to help developing CCS, in time...they got idea of running their own system and Baron engaged himself in that work and created WARPS...soon, things are going down wor NOR and Izze is jumping into a deal silently supporting Baron, after some time Baron is pulling himself out of NOR as well, joining Izze who was already out as well....and Baron engaging himself in new remake of WARPS and naming it XRPS
(but we all know how the system was like a cloned copy with only few changes, so, Baron maybe did it from scratch but the base of idea is WARPS and originally CCS...he can mumble about it as long as he wants but thats the fact)
Baron is officially starting XRPS and cutting off Sic leaving him alone and washing his hands off of any relation with Sic or WARPS in order to escape all of responsibility when Suzane Soyinka started to do a hunt after WARPS, so, Baron simply made himself out of this like ; "i didnt do it" and point a finger into a Sicarius just coz he is "NOR owner"...
and i say, yes, he is owner..but fact is; Baron is mastermind creator of, he only showed his spineless attitude towards responsibility and consequences...
now, Izze is using a the situation and licking Baron's ass just in order to overtake the domination of control over the system and since Baron is blindly following Izze he did let it all happen that way...

what happened next, you all know, and how did Baron act favorising Izzebella's personal interests we all know, i dont have to remind you a lot about transpass and how it was...
so, by those previous experiences of Baron using a XRPS as tool to please Izze and punish all who talk "TOXIC" (tm & c by Baron)against him, his staff and especially against Izze

by other words, situation in Judgment will go on exactly how Baron and Izze decides, and there is no Nixi or Angelina or anyone to stop them or made them change their mind....coz it is all already decided and some Nixi and Angelina are nothing but the pawns in the eyes of that amazing duo...just like it was alredy decided in Izzes and Barons mind about transpass but the subject was published like; "we shell take it in consideration and discuss it with all the sim owners" , while it was so clear and obvious they did already made up their mind and how any resistance is futile...

however, i am afraid how history is repeating, and if Nixi and Angelina did think how they will make a progress over Izze and Baron they are so blind and naive....
since Baron is working all just to please Izze obviously, same scenario might happen again, but how to cover it, now comes the real stuff;

Izze announced return now after Judgement has been pretty much solved and cleaned out of shit and dramas....but, there is one more problem, costs for XRPS server space and all this engagement of Barons cost him a lot, so Baron did ask Judgment management for subvention, participation in all costs, even Angelina confirmed me that in email she sent me (i didnt publish her email since she was polite and that subject was just a part of email) and since it was not meant to be just a "one time pay" only, but monthly, there comes idea about forwarding that cost down to players...charging them 100L a month, and to justify charging it was meant to provide a better support to players, even IMHO...i dont really know what kind of better support he could give then he did so, i would say, it was just one more diplomatic smartass way how to get what they want...

since Izze did overtake Judge again, very silently, now is only a matter of time when Baron will make a public appeal about those big changes, who woudlnt like it, it will be distanced by own will of by force....this way of dictatorship led by Baron is already known and his way of blackmailing polite way is a public secret, since the scenario had already begin by Baron and Izze, its no wonder that Angelina did resignate and it is only showing what is like the social relations between people in management or should i be precise; between Baron and Izze as duo against all, now is only a matter of time to see who is next who will leave or will be "distanced"...

Baron has no scruple to do anything to accomplish his plan, at any cost....who is not able to realize that by summing 2+2 by looking back in example of what he did in NOR and then with transpass....then i , personally, feel sorry for you naive and blind people....transpass did make more then 30 sims to lost XPRS just so he can please Izze and get better rating of her sims, so, to expect he wouldnt gamble with fistful of poeple loosing from sim in order to set his new plan, then you did already lost your mind...

however, since one person in his environment was not very loyal to him and did share top confidential thing with me, this publishing might change his mind about that, but by knowing him he wont give up of it but he will find a way to do it in near future by giving a public some great reason why is he setting a new system...this is something what i dont know and cant anser , after all, its all up to him, but i a afraid how he wont be a "Good Samaritan" to any of players in XRPS since only person he cares about is Izzebella, after all, if it isnt like that, then Lapus Nowhere, Barons ex wife wouldnt left him, thats one more thing that proves what kind of man he is...otherwise, who would leave him if he realy is/was so nice and real gentleman like he is presenting himself here and in RL as well as his ex RL friend stated...

He is person with some serious personality disorders that are edging with frustrations, after all, we all know he was abused and bullied at his kid age so some way i think its one of reasons why is he acting like he is...and trying to show his power while same time he is playing on card of nice gentleman...

Since it is all done and since you people have no choice when we come to XRPS, i lost all respect to that man and there is nothing more that will make me change my mind to keep things for myself only, so y this opportunity i am about to show you who is the man behind the Baron Nowhere avatar, during last 2 years of observing his work and presence, i also noticed how noone actually knows a lot about him especially when is about RL...he keep it low, distanced from all...and guess what, same thing he do in RL, he doesnt talk about SL at all....its like his little secret, skeleton in the closet he, now, lets open the closet;

compare him at his young age and now:
John aka Baron LINK

facebook John aka Baron LINK

John's CV LINK

source of his young age pic
John being bullied LINK

i think, from now one he will think twice before taking a attitude of invincible jackass who thinks he owns a world...after all..when i sum it all now, i feel sorry for him, maybe he did succeed in his life with his profession, but what use when his soul has been damaged and instead of taking that as lesson to be a better man he does opposite, exhausting his frustrations and life lacks on place where he can with no consequences...sad, sad...even more then me who was wasting time on him by writting all this...

coming up next; WHO IS IZZEBELLA ROSSINI (it is MUST read, most of you will be shocked)

(as my wife planning a visit of frIends tomorrow and i "must" go as she said hehehe, then i doubt i will be able to publish it tomorrow coz we wont be back home all day, i guess the day after tomorrow you could expect this new topic)


- 22:07 - Comments (4) - Print - #

05.12.2010., nedjelja


well, i am really sorry, actually i am not....but seems how its time to open a new battlefield....i hope you did all noticed how i dont reveal my sources names so please, dont be afraid to email me with some email address that might make me realize with who do i talk sources are 100% granted with discretion coz you are making all this spinned up.....and i am only your medium to public since i know many of you simple dont have time or will to bother with opening a blog just to put one or two posts with infoes you hold in your hand...

if anyone is interested in suing me, please, contact me at email and i will provide you my personal details to make it easier for you to do all the legal actions against me
same email you can use to send me some info you want to share with public..

so, now, back to new topic, one more sender who wants to speak out loud but obviously is not so brave coz this would mean instant and permanent ban, so being anonymous i can accept as justified action...
ohh, i love bans, it makes me laugh when sim owners think how their sim or even system ban can make me stop...its just adding oil to fire, if you are asking me...i wonder will they ever realize how deleting any of my character sheet or ban is absolutely useless and it doesnt touch me at all, so, by this way i am appealing to all of sim owners who might feel like they need to protect themselves from me to do me a favor and run now and do immediate ban from all sims and are you waiting for?!? dont make me force you to ban me...hahaha :))

now, back to track;

oh if judgment thought they could stay out of this mess they wrong!!!!

i started playing in judgment again a few days ago and i notice many many players come to judgment and that is good because atm there's no drama things are nice ppl are nice and play together nice and kill is fun.

Theres a reason for this fun now and is because Judgment staff is now good staff!! Good honest hard working ppl are working staff. Nixy and Angelina are doing good things and doing there best for judgment there's no scandals (at least as of we know so far) or drama like FC or Meta crazy people where the owners bash each other in a blog!

but now just as things go good i hear horses running fast away from Izze!!
Yes i saw izze and baron came back to judgment and want to take over!!!
Oh noo hide your children hide your wife and especially hide your HORSES!

Now that "nice" Angelina and "fair" Nixi have done there "best" for judgment and cleaned up all horse shit that Izze and Baron left, they have come back to take over!!!
but thats not all, it has been also announced how XRPS will be charged for playing, with 100L$ fee per month, not a big money but still, not fair after so long of being free of charge, but main reason and explanation is like Baron is working hard on it and his costs for servers are high enough to still keep on acting like a "Good Samaritan", by other words he wont provide XRPS service for free anymore so by that way he wont just make some more money but to filter the people and only keep the ones who are seriously there to play and have fun but not just invading the sim, wearing meter and causing dramas or making other peoples game harder
if you think its not true, then just wait and you will see, the principle will be the same like it was with "transpass", Izze and Baron made a decision and then they announce it to be discussed like, but they already knew it will be like they already decided, by other words, "silent dictatorship"...already seen
also, there is one more possible scenario; if Angelina and Nixi refuse to cooperate then Baron will raise the amount of lindens per month for using a XRPS service, so, once again we have some sort of mind game that includes "fair play black mailing method"
Beside all of then i think there is no need to mention how actual Judgment staff is furious and how they started to take some sides, some to Nixi and Angelina and some to Izze and Baron, who will win this incoming game, we shell see, but by knowing Baron, we all know he still holds a main weapon in his hands; XRPS!!

I hope that meta/fc can fix problems because if they dont we will all have to leave judgement and go to CCS (ew!!) because izze and baron are just as bad as FC and Meta sim now, playing a dirty game like always

Anonymous, but part of Judge staff, sorta

- 23:17 - Comments (0) - Print - #

FC vs META - Strike 2

holy more round to laugh or cry, this time some nice, short but clear presentation, straight to the we see a missile in return, we shell see...

I have been kindly handed the following conversations that have occurred, rude, arrogant, power happy? You decide!

I think reading the logs they have come from FC forum, maybe?

[01:26] Asphyxiate Yue: Bases won't get healballs at all in the future.. Not sure if you were informed of that or not.
[01:26] Asphyxiate Yue: It was a decision made by the owners that only public areas will have heal balls.

Which goes completely against the information given by Meta Composer. Need that log, Im sure I can get it?

[03:37] Asphyxiate Yue: I have no respect for you or 90% of your staff.

Its almost laughable, I've been told Asphy said staff are unprofessional. Here is a small example of the 'face' of the Meta Meter in all her professional glory:-

[03:05] Asphyxiate Yue: Vandala
[03:06] Asphyxiate Yue: You've been an annoying bug in my ear for the last few months
[03:06] Vandala Bai: Well talk to me. tell me why
[03:06] Asphyxiate Yue: Until you know full details on everything
[03:06] Asphyxiate Yue: I suggest highly you take your head and shove it up your ass
[03:06] Vandala Bai: I've been a helping voice in your ear.
[03:06] Asphyxiate Yue: As for your advice.. you can turn around go back to josh and suck his cock.
[03:06] Asphyxiate Yue: Thank you
[03:06] Asphyxiate Yue: Goodbye

[03:28] Asphyxiate Yue: I'll be removing you from the meter.
[03:28] NESSA Karmin: cool tys
[03:29] Asphyxiate Yue: No problem.. anymore corrupt ass bitches need removed as well?
[03:29] NESSA Karmin: oh is it possible to remove your self be truely greatful

The power game:-

[19:42] Asphyxiate Yue: You want to play hardball with me
[19:42] Asphyxiate Yue: I can very well if I wanted to bann you from this system in a blink of an eye

The above was said to a player, on Forbidden whilst Assphy was 'ic' from what I can gather ASSphy didnt like the players accusation that Assphy cheated!
By all accounts its not the first time ASSphy has been accused of cheating. Whilst on NORSIM she was supposedly on 'admin watch' for cheating!

Im reliably informed ASSPhy uses the same threats when she is hiding under one of her many alts, again accused of 'cheating' a call was made about her alt AND she then made the same threats to the admin who took the call against her alt! There are logs, yes!!

Charmer! Power happy much, ASSphy? Cough up, is your alt Izze or Sic?

Seems players were noticing a difference in certain peoples levels on Pandemonium to:-

[13:58] xxxxxx: mhh
[13:58] xxxxxx: maybe i need more to explain
[13:58] xxxxxx: this meta meter keep kidding the player
[13:59] xxxxxx: the owner friends become massive xp
[13:59] xxxxxx: and the skill setting isnt balanced

Don't really want the player Meta banned so Ive removed the name. I have other similar conversations about players noticing a leap in certain players levels/xp

Do I need to provide more?

Not content with dictating, she then started to take FC calls, wasnt she removed as an FC admin months ago, for being rude and arrogant if you listen to rumours she was?

[2010/11/17 14:14] Isolde Thespian: Hi Agus, Forbidden City admin here.. how can i help you?
[2010/11/17 14:15] agus Messmer: hello
[2010/11/17 14:15] Isolde Thespian: hi
[2010/11/17 14:15] agus Messmer: Asphyxiate Yue help me
[2010/11/17 14:15] agus Messmer: thanks
[2010/11/17 14:15] Isolde Thespian: ok

Its funny, there was a lot of talk about 'levels being changed' in FC but Im told that for months that no one could give xp out on FC as they would be removed from the system by ASSphy.


Apparently ASSpy was giving the stuff away on Pandemonium level here, level there 2k here 1k there - apt name that Pandemonium but FC Staff weren't allowed to!!

Must be very difficult to function when you believe you are perfect as ASSPhy does and everyone else is bad! Someone needs to pull the wool back from over their eyes!

From what Im told the above is a pin prick example of ASSphy and her professionalism!! Shocked? Having read her 'professional response' to your blog, no not shocked at all, if thats the example Meta Owners/Management wish to portray who am I to knock it! But professional, please!!!

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

Kind Regards


- 22:04 - Comments (0) - Print - #

Saint Josh : "i am sorry"

holy spirits, what is that...personally i always thought that Josh is some silly ass pretending he is some big boss around like no one is worth of his league, but today, i must admit i was surprised of him, that guy really showed he is just a human with all his merits and demerits...
not only that, he is even able to say "I AM SORRY"...well and i am Gagi :)
however, hopefully he is honest, at least a bit, but still we must agree he showed he have some tolerance and is willing to offer a friendly hand of peace, this is what we did receive today;

After taking a moment to reflect on my actions and decisions that I took and writing what I wrote I realize that no matter how low someone might stoop down you should never stoop down to someone else's level and play their little game no matter how tempting. You know Asphy there was a reason why I never responded to your message on Skype and it was quiet simple, I was trying my best to ignore your snide remarks and not create anymore problems.

I am not perfect.

A wise friend believes that one should maintain a high level of professionalism and what I did a few hours ago did not show any professionalism at all and for that I apologize to everyone. I specifically apologize to everyone who I dragged into this drama that should not have been. Draven, Rylie, Abs, Jay, Candy, Rafa, Sins and anyone else that might be negatively affected by the words that I composed. In my eyes the aforementioned people are good people and deserve much more respect than I gave them. In the future I will not commit this same mistake.

To Asphy.. Continue running your community and meter to the best of your abilities as I will do the same for mine.


i wonder is Asphy able to do the same, i welcome her to take it easy and to give a try once more to find a common language with Josh....i have no clue how serious this thing between FC and META is....but i think you should all give a try to straight this out a bit easier...of benefit of you all (i am excluding myself since i dont nor even want to play in any of this places or meters since i actually work on my own system for the last 6 months developing it slowly step by step, just for info; CRMS - combat&roleplay meter system)

PS: will you apologize to me as well....for giving me a headaches to post all this things for you?!? :))
- 21:34 - Comments (1) - Print - #


well, well, guys really dont give me a time to sleep and do my daily work without interrupting me, however, you are lucky since it is winter time so i have a lot more free time then from Spring to Autumn so i can be devoted to this shit more then usually....ok, let see, here comes a new email, this time is not "anonymous", but very known one...

btw; i am glad you got hooked up around this coz after all this dramas and after this blog became a bit more visited then it usually was, comes some really juicy stuff you will love to read and laugh your ass off and it cause some other wave of reaction like this one did so far....but till then...i am giving you a bits like this one is by Josh Boa's email;

Josh's Response:

You know what's really funny I actually had thought about opening my mouth on this blog and saying something along the lines of this shit that's being spouted and is bullshit about FC and Meta.. but now after reading what Asphy had to say I'd like to share some REAL facts.. to the good folks reading the blog.

Just for ease of legibility I'll delete parts of what's been said already so you all can easily follow along. In quotations will be Asphy's comments.

I, Asphyxiate Yue never issued Draven levels to start out in META. Regardless if he's a friend or not. I never handed him any unlegitimate XP. Only levels or xp rewarded to Malus Vyper from my hands were in the new meter where I matched him to the level he previously was in the older system. Why was he given any xp when his sheet should have been transfered from one system to the other like the rest of the player base?.. He became an NPC in The Damned City, NPC's that were similar to those in the old LOST City community........... "


Yes Asphy you can say anything you want but the fact is that what you've said is 100% false... Malus Vyper was awarded illegitimate XP by Meta Owners simply because he was a higher level in WARPS and a good friend of ours, EVEN though we were only matching XP to max level 12 at the time. If your brain works for more than talking alotta shit which your incredibly good at doing because it's plainly obvious that you have nothing better to do than sit your fat ass on the chair all day and practice what your good at .. talking shit.

As I read through these posts I'll do my best to actually stick to facts and not bullshit that comes out of your mouth, and unlike you I'll actually admit to the things that I did which might not have been the best decisions... after all no one is perfect but you, the ultimate failure in life Asphy

I really wanted to give Malus the XP he wanted, however I gave him the amount that he deserved and than I spoke with you about setting the XP tranfers at level 14 WHICH YOU AGREED TO. A few days later I see Malus walking around with a level 14 and I thought to myself.. Oh I guess Meta Staff has already started with the transfers! I sent a notice to staff letting them know we would be matching to level 14's and than I gave Dodge and Rafa a level 14 because they asked for it. Shortly afterwards Asphy conveniently let's me know that we are no longer going to do transfers to lvl 14.

Unlike Asphy I do admit the mistakes I made and sure I jumped the gun and gave two people XP based on what I was told by Asphy or Jay take your pick.



Haven was found camping in her skybox with her boyfriend. We flagged F.C prior to me catching Haven Ditko camping.. that admins were camping while wearing ooc tags. You said so yourself here.. that she was known for camping..

So she was caught camping, and was docked 25% of her experience by ME, because I felt that an admin should set an example, not abuse the rules they are supposively enforcing. A day later her and her boyfriend were in their home, and he was not moving so I stood there to see if he would. Haven approached me, and the conversation from there on out went downhill. She was warned several times to stop insulting the meter, as well as the meter's staff. She was looking for a bann, and she recieved a permanent one after several warnings given to her to stop.

As as of right now the Pandemonium Sim is owned by Myself, Meta Composer, Harley Torii, and Jay Munro. We split the costs of the sim."


I refuse to comment on anything regarding Asphy sending nude pics as I do truly believe it's bullshit. Asphy is many MANY things but I don't believe she's a skank. It's funny how this minimal amount of respect, which has in NO WAY been earned by Asphy is given, but of course you'll never see this from Asphy.

This is what Asphy is:

[10/22/2010 9:26:02 PM] Josh (Epic): The problem isn't Rylie
[10/22/2010 9:26:08 PM] Josh (Epic): The problem isn't Meta or Jay
[10/22/2010 9:26:11 PM] Josh (Epic): The problem is Asphy
[10/22/2010 9:26:12 PM] Candy Offcourse: aspy?
[10/22/2010 9:26:21 PM] Candy Offcourse: boy when i quit admin she jumped me
[10/22/2010 9:26:31 PM] Candy Offcourse: thinkin she was gonna gget sum good gossip n shit
[10/22/2010 9:26:31 PM] Candy Offcourse: lol
[10/22/2010 9:26:46 PM] Candy Offcourse: tryin to get me to say why i quit
[10/22/2010 9:26:47 PM] Josh (Epic): What'd she say
[10/22/2010 9:26:54 PM] Candy Offcourse: told her cuz of kat shes like
[10/22/2010 9:27:02 PM] Candy Offcourse: well there is more isnt there
[10/22/2010 9:27:13 PM] Josh (Epic): (chuckle)
[10/22/2010 9:27:16 PM] Candy Offcourse: i told her if there was i wudnt say cuz of u
[10/22/2010 9:27:25 PM] Josh (Epic): Was there more?
[10/22/2010 9:27:26 PM] Candy Offcourse: and shes like well if u wanna talk im here
[10/22/2010 9:27:38 PM] Josh (Epic): That's all she said?
[10/22/2010 9:27:45 PM] Candy Offcourse: yeah cuz i wudnt give her nohting
[10/22/2010 9:27:46 PM] Candy Offcourse: lol

Asphy lives and thrives on gossip and drama:

In all time I have never ever encountered someone so low life with so much time on her hands to attempt to do so much damage... The result after all this... Keep reading.

Quick Pointer...

11/20/2010 1:11:58 PM] Melissa(Rylie): Asphy basically asked if i was interested in being her business partner, co.ownin the sim with her.
[11/20/2010 1:12:08 PM] Melissa(Rylie): But she needs to speak to Sins first, as he's the one paying for it, not her.

Ehmmm... Asphy.. News Flash... Your almost an illegal alien in the United States.... Sins pays for your toys, home, food.



I am not sure if any of you idiots know this or not.. but it takes a lot of work to put into a meter let alone a sim on top of that. We had spent hours on end in game working on this new updated meter of meta for about a month and a half or longer. Regardless of Abdullah being the sole scripter. Myself, and Jay helped out in areas that were needed to speed up the process. Whether it was idea's of how the meter should work, or new idea's pulled out of various other MMO games, or idea's of our own to come up with new and exciting skills, or the HUD design, testing everything so it worked and functioned properly. These ideas were group idea's between the three of us. We were also running the current old meter, and trying to babysit F.C on top of the rest of the workload we had on us. It was a lot of work. That skill set you see in Meta now was completely done by ME. Yes I did 12 races, 36 classes, and hundreds of skills by myself. With help of basing a base skill set from the old meter, and gutting it out, cleaning it up, and adding from there on out what I thought should be a base. Then adding in triggers, special skills, racial gaining abilities, and much more. This didn't take over night. Took me a month to do, with several hours put into it everyday. "


Let's get some facts straight.. There was only a HANDFUL of people that were with Abdullah when he was first creating the META meter.

-If your referring to the 1st meter that was created by him it was Amberlee Martian and possibly Isolde Thespian. (Asphy wasn't even on SL)

-If your referring to the META meter Pre- Pandemonium which was the meter that looks and feels like WARPS/XRPS than the only person was Kate Renoir

-If your referring to the updated META meter, which Abdullah started working on a few months before Pandemonium was opened, than yea after Abdullah achieved greatness that was probably when you were there truly supporting him Asphy... after Abdullah became a bit more popular.

As for FC fucking over Meta Owners... Really??

Obviously you don't think very well. Let's say hypothetically ... Forbidden City had never existed.

-If Forbidden City had never existed you would have NEVER gotten the balls to run your own failing community.

-If Forbidden City had never existed than Abdullah might not have been motivated to continue creating the Meta combat system ... It isn't the first time Abdullah has abandoned a project.

-If Forbidden City had never existed than many players would have never played META they would've stayed with XRPS and CCS

Quite simply without Forbidden City all the "work" you would have done would've been Moot.

Asphy's Work for META:

Asphy says.."Whether it was idea's of how the meter should work, or new idea's pulled out of various other MMO games, or idea's of our own to come up with new and exciting skills"

You know I'd like for other people to think about this question for 2 seconds... What do you think would be a good skill for a combat system? (bigger buff?... longer cool down? revives for other races?)

OMFG in 2 seconds people reading this blog have EASILY done the so called "Hard work" you did for Meta... Gimme a fucking break lol

"Took me a month to do, with several hours put into it everyday." - Asphy

Maybe if you weren't such a dumb fuck you would've thought of a good skill in 2 seconds like everyone else reading this blog.


Here is Meta's TOS today:"


I don't really care much about Meta's TOS either you like it and accept it or you don't. Big deal.

Asphy's Final Blabber:

"Except for me as well, cause I KNOW exactly what is in the works. Let me explain to you guys what is going on here. Before Abdullah named both myself, and Jay Munro meta owners. He was planning on going to college, and college was two weeks away from his start date. Abdullah knew he wouldn't have the time to invest in continuing with the meter, and wanted myself and Jay to take over and manage it while he was away. He was planning to come back in a few months to work on it again, and so we had a deal that we would manage and own it during his absence. This was around the same time Meta was hooked up on F.C sims. Josh a friend of ours was the owner of F.C sims. We trusted him then, and decided hey we'll help him out. ...........

Us giving Josh and Timo a final warning to clean shit up in F.C. Few days later we found out the whole plan of them using meta's code to build their own meter which resulted in us pulling the plug earlier than planned:"


Asphy!!! I just finished reading your novel it'll go great under the other "Fictional" novels that have been written... I guess not having a job, not having kids, not trying to further your education really leaves you alot of time on your hands to write some outstanding work of art.

You know the funny thing is that your not the only one who keeps logs.

First and foremost before I show my logs to everyone I want everyone to know a very important thing. The NEW meter we're releasing in FC is not a copy of the old META which will ironically be proven by:

Since we will NOT be sharing/fixing the same bugs that Meta has.

Admins will also see that we don't have an admin panel as Meta has because we're not using Meta scripts in any way shape or form! The reason for this is simple... It hasn't been made yet!!

Now for the good part...

-This is me asking Abs for a copy of Meta...the 2nd time! (I bought a new hard drive so prior logs were lost... The only agreement the first time around was... "Not to share with Timo!" .. that was it.. If Abdullah is an honest person his logs would show I'm correct but anyway!

[9/16/2010 8:47:01 PM] Josh: Bro
[9/16/2010 8:47:10 PM] Josh: could you get me the avatar names
[9/16/2010 8:47:18 PM] Josh: the cpanel and Meta?
[9/16/2010 8:47:22 PM] Josh: plzz :D
[9/16/2010 8:47:48 PM] A.Collins: cpanel
user: slthemaf
pass: EASYups12.
[9/16/2010 8:48:15 PM] *** A.Collins sent ***
[9/16/2010 8:48:17 PM] Josh: what's the website again?
[9/16/2010 8:48:43 PM] A.Collins: you can access the cpanel through
[9/16/2010 8:49:25 PM] Josh: :D
[9/16/2010 8:49:26 PM] Josh: kk

-Next up we have Jay admitting that I had full rights to Meta but that since I was a little busy with RL and SL .. that there would be no public acknowledgement that I have anything to do with the meter ( I do have and lead a productive and active lifestyle unlike Asphy)

[10/8/2010 7:31:03 PM] Jay: but you still have a right faker..
[10/8/2010 7:31:23 PM] Jay: just not gonna be portrayed as the higher authority cause you already have things of your own to worry about..
[10/8/2010 7:31:26 PM] Jay: that was the purpose
[10/8/2010 7:31:26 PM] Jay: bish
[10/8/2010 7:31:40 PM] Jay: you have every right to it
[10/8/2010 7:31:45 PM] Jay: fix what you want
[10/8/2010 7:31:46 PM] Jay: script it
[10/8/2010 7:31:46 PM] Jay: dunno
[10/8/2010 7:32:07 PM] Jay: Just cant give it away to other sims lmao
[10/8/2010 7:32:08 PM] Jay: lol
[10/8/2010 7:34:55 PM] Josh (Epic): Hell no
[10/8/2010 7:34:57 PM] Josh (Epic): Yeah
[10/8/2010 7:34:59 PM] Josh (Epic): I agree with that
[10/8/2010 7:35:08 PM] Josh (Epic): I was just making sure
[10/8/2010 7:35:08 PM] Josh (Epic): !!!
[10/8/2010 7:35:09 PM] Josh (Epic): lol
[10/8/2010 7:35:28 PM] Josh (Epic): Much better for people to go to you and Asphy
[10/8/2010 7:35:30 PM] Josh (Epic): I have enough shit

-He said not to give it away to others sim... I said hell no I won't.. So I haven't and won't.
-Now... JUST IN CASE for some reason the Linden Labs manages to fall for Asphy's crazy stories that she's made up in her head because she lacks the skill to do anything else.

[2010/11/22 12:26] Josh Boa: I have a question..
You: If I get an item/content full permission from annother resident, I can use it or I need a special allowing from this resident?
Robert Linden: if you have full permission you can use it
You: Thanks

To the 4 players that play in Pandemonium and for the rest of you to see... I have a special sneak preview surprise from you. The scriptor "Meta Composer" might have/ has given up on your sim and might not continue working on Meta in the future. You might be left with Asphyxiate Yue and Jay Munro running your combat system, should that be the case... don't expect to have many updates to your system.

Proof 1:

[11/20/2010 1:11:34 PM] Melissa(Rylie): Abs pulled out on Pand because he doesnt have the spare "time" to run/co.own a sim.
[11/20/2010 1:11:51 PM] Josh (Epic): Well Abs is upset :S
[11/20/2010 1:11:58 PM] Melissa(Rylie): Asphy basically asked if i was interested in being her business partner, co.ownin the sim with her.
[11/20/2010 1:12:08 PM] Melissa(Rylie): But she needs to speak to Sins first, as he's the one paying for it, not her.

Running low on money Asphy? We both know after FC was started and Rylie was hired you absolutely hated her guts.. Oh and Amarissa if your reading this she really hated on you too and actually forbid her husband from speaking with you because she didn't like you. Asphy a control freak? Unimaginable! Hey... Ky or Aydria now I'm not sure which one of you but when FC first started with FCRM she also didn't like you.. or Gem.. or Jenna actually she didn't like the entire little Epic group.. and thought all of you as immature kids... Of course this is now my word against hers but maybe she'll admit to it (maybe not!)

Proof 2:

[01:07:59] Abdullah: Nah.. i am done.
[01:11:01] Abdullah: Nah. I did the meter to see if i could pull it off.. and i did
[01:11:11] Abdullah: i proved that i can script a meter and not be under Baron's mercy
[01:11:14] Abdullah: that's all i wanted to do

The End Results:

Folks, I stand here today at 9:00 PM Eastern Time and see a mere 8 players in Pandemonium in the sim Gleaming Waters checking out a friend's store, and I see a GRAND total of 8 avatars in Pandemonium and a total of 20 Avatars in Forbidden City. I encourage you to periodically check the map and count FC players and periodically check Pandemonium players you'll see that the majority of the time most of the players live and play in FC, and those rare few times when Pandemonium has more players.. just keep in mind ALL of that will quickly change once the new meter is dropped the ending results being of course.. that through hard work.. not lies Asphy... more good work is accomplished.

With such an amazing combat system they lack the ability to run a successful community because it's actually not as easy as Asphy used to think it was!!!


To you Asphy...

Go ahead AR whatever you want.. File a complaint with the DMCA take your best shot at taking down our hard work to make up for your own inability. I'm sorry your life has been such a miserable failure and that now your the new proud owner of an epic failing community after of only being up after.. what a month? Pathetic. You have nothing better to do but to mouth off with vicious lies and try to do harm to others who are actually much more productive human beings.

Kudos ;)

Yours Truly,

PS: i took the picture of "clash of the titans (c)" from Warner Bross site without their i am screwed, its done, i am busted, they will sue me and i will have to pay 1.000.000US$ for unauthorized using and copy of their digital property....fook...guys, please help me, what should i do now?!?!? Ravey, please, will you be my pro bono lawyer?!? :))))
- 03:42 - Comments (4) - Print - #

04.12.2010., subota

META is back on track!!

this remind me of Monty Pythons Flying Circus....but who care what is my opinion...
since you all got hooked up, i was lucky to get in contact with one of main actors here mentioned, so in favor to clarify this situation i am providing you a loads of evidences and records that might prove the previous topic had some false fact stated...

once again i please you all to exclude me from your silly accusations and silly mind games on SL....i am not playing SL and i dont care about FC or META....if you are asking me, personally, you can all kill each other or you can all have a big groupie....its really not my business...

PS; i am not appologising for anything said in this quoted part of post, so as in any other previous,
so, here we go;

What's your in game name so I can respond? I have a response written up, and I'd like to give it personally to you if you have the balls to share with me your in game name. Just a quick response here on your comment page for the post listed that is based of nothing but lies, and slander. I will tell you that everything you've listed in your post is completely false. Other than the fact that I banned Haven, but only after she was docked for camping, and then decided to continue to insult meta and it's staff. So if you'd like my REAL response I'll be glad to provide that for you or anyone else, with valid proof of logs, screenshots, and copies of XP rewards and what not taken directly from META's database. If you sit here and make up vicious lies about someone expect to get a response, and trust me I have a good one. Anyone who knows me, and knows everything that has happened within the last few months knows the truth. I suggest posting something that is true, rather than spouting out lies. Perhaps get some proof or evidence to back up your "supposed" facts would be nice first before running your mouth. What type of coward sits here and spreads lies, and supports rumors and does not have the balls to release their in game name? Cowards like you I suppose.

- Asphyxiate Yue

Asphy's Response....

I am going to include everything I need to, so I can provide everyone with the TRUTH. That will include private logs, as well as anything else to air everyone's dirty laundry. These conversations were copied straight out of skype minus the conversation I had with Contessa Collins which took place in Secondlife. So here we go..

((((Asphy gave Draven an extra 2 levels and never took it away until a few months later.
Asphy only took back these 2 levels after Rafa Hanriot complained about it to Jay Munro
so, as you can see, its always that way, and always someone must complain to make a difference, and first of all, its just one more proof of obvious biasing and favorising buddies))))

My response, " I, Asphyxiate Yue never issued Draven levels to start out in META. Regardless if he's a friend or not. I never handed him any unlegitimate XP. Only levels or xp rewarded to Malus Vyper from my hands were in the new meter where I matched him to the level he previously was in the older system. Why was he given any xp when his sheet should have been transfered from one system to the other like the rest of the player base?.. He became an NPC in The Damned City, NPC's that were similar to those in the old LOST City community. Where the NPC's were there to help promote more roleplay for the sims, and be played throughout the day regardless of any on going events. His sheet along with a few others (Jakahn, Essence, Willow) was whiped before the release of the new meter, because Rylie was going to sell The Damned City before really starting. That is when we (Jay Munro, Meta Composer, and Myself) decided to end the player NPC idea, and not allow it for any community in the future running the META meter. It wasn't a good idea in our eyes, because it wasn't fair to the rest of the player base. I explained my reasons for voting towards that to both Rylie, and Draven. Even if I could tell they weren't pleased with it when they asked to continue it in Pandemonium.

The owners of Meta discussed having a sim of their own even before allowing F.C to run meta on their sims. It was discussed for a while, but because of the costs, and our funds being limited at that time we did not further the idea of it up until Pandemonium came about. But because Josh Boa a friend of ours had a sim running already, and because at that time we had "trusted" him the decision was to add the meter to F.C. When F.C and it's staff were failing to comply to simple tos rules or regulations, and were ultimately giving our meter a bad name by all the corrupt bullshit that was going on there we decided it was best to get rid of the meter. Josh nor Timo were around to even deal with the handfuls of issues going on within their Community. We decided to pull the plug on F.C. Yes it was voted on, and yes it takes three votes to agree to something like this. So even if I had "disliked" F.C, and crossed Josh Boa off of my list of friends. It wasn't a decision made by myself. All owners agree'd to it.

Rafa Hanriot complained about Malus Vyper's experience when his level 12 was taken from him. The unlegitimate experience given to him by Josh boa. He, and Dodge Offcourse both were found to be given unlegitimate XP by Josh Boa, and another in Admin F.C with Josh Boa's approval. Both players were DOCKED the amount of xp given to them from Myself, and Meta Composer. XP matching of level 12 was over months before this, and there was no reason to match either of these players to level 12 when it wasn't given to the other players. SO THE META OWNERS REMOVED THE UNLEGITIMATE XP REWARD. Draven's xp on Malus Vyper was never removed, because there was no proof or evidence that it was given to him on our logs. I sure as hell wasn't going to dock him regardless of his friendship with me, or not.. If i found xp given to him I would have done the same as I did with Rafa, or Dodge.

Evidence to what I am saying is true, this includes Rafa, and Dodge given xp, and myself and meta docking them. This includes the dates when The Damned City started using our meter, and the xp given to specific players to be NPC's, and then later DOCKED of all xp, and stripped of all skills by myself when The Damned City was up for discussion of being sold. This also shows that draven was a level 13 before going level 20 while he was an NPC in The Damned City. It also shows me whiping his character sheet clean when The Damned City was up for discussion of being sold:

Dodge given xp by Candygurl Bing, Rafa given xp by Josh Boa.

UPDATED PLAYER Dodge Offcourse
Field Was Now
Experience 76900 145100
CandyGurl Bing 2010-10-11 13:20:42

Field Was Now
Experience 101809 145000
Josh Boa 2010-10-15 12:10:04

Both players docked by myself, as well as Meta Composer.

UPDATED PLAYER Dodge Offcourse
Field Was Now
Experience 145100 76800
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-10-12 16:53:43

Field Was Now
Experience 146792 103601
Meta Composer 2010-10-16 21:30:33

The day City of the Damned was given access to the Meta Meter:

UPDATED REGION City of the Damned Asphyxiate Yue 2010-10-17 03:38:11
UPDATED REGION City of the Damned Asphyxiate Yue 2010-10-17 03:37:53
UPDATED REGION City of the Damned Asphyxiate Yue 2010-10-17 03:37:12
UPDATED REGION City of the Damned Asphyxiate Yue 2010-10-17 03:36:30
ADDED REGION City of the Damned Asphyxiate Yue 2010-10-17 03:36:18

Owner of The Damned City:

Field Was Now
Special Title City of The Damned - Owner
Jolie Burger 2010-10-17 06:51:33

Field Was Now
Special Title The Damed City Owner
Harley Torii 2010-10-17 08:46:10

UPDATED PLAYER rylie blanco
Field Was Now
Special Title The Damed City Owner
Harley Torii 2010-10-17 08:36:50

Players made to be NPC's in their sim ONLY, and were advised not to step foot into F.C's region:

UPDATED PLAYER malus vyper
Field Was Now
Special Title Vampire Lord NPC
Harley Torii 2010-10-17 21:01:10

Field Was Now
Total Health 511 1500
Health 510 1500
Total Energy 659 1500
Energy 626 1500
Total Powers 7 10
Powers 7 10
Offense Skills Dominate|BackLash|Celerity|Sever|Lacerate Dominate|BackLash|Celerity|Sever|Lacerate|DrainEssence
Proficiency 37 60
Constitution 15 60
Intelligence 15 60
Aptitude 15 60
Agility 15 60
Achilles Viper 2010-10-18 02:38:38

Field Was Now
Special Title Vampire Queen NPC
Harley Torii 2010-10-18 05:39:48

UPDATED PLAYER willow raynier
Field Was Now
Level 8 21
Race Lycan Acerbus Immortalis
Class Predator Dark Queen
Total Health 416 2000
Health 416 2000
Total Energy 477 2000
Energy 477 2000
Total Powers 6 10
Powers 6 10
Level 8 21
Offense Skills Disease1|Stun3-I|Rabid|Stun3-II|Disease2-IV
Support Skills Courage
Healing Skills Mend1-I|Regrowth1-I|Recooperate|Regrowth1-IV
Proficiency 15 125
Constitution 15 125
Durability 61 125
Intelligence 15 135
Aptitude 15 125
Agility 15 125
Achilles Viper 2010-10-18 20:45:1

UPDATED PLAYER willow raynier
Field Was Now
Level 21 20
Level 21 20
Achilles Viper 2010-10-18 20:46:49

Here shows you that Malus Vyper was a level 13 before becoming an NPC:

Field Was Now
Level 13 20
Level 13 20
Proficiency 130 125
Achilles Viper 2010-10-18 22:37:45

Admin awarded player Willow Raynier 403804 experience points. Malus Vyper 2010-10-19 03:48:55
Admin awarded player Jakahn Vyper 425000 experience points. Willow Raynier 2010-10-19 03:44:40
Admin awarded player Malus Vyper 245000 experience points. Willow Raynier 2010-10-19 03:44:09

Field Was Now
Level 1 20
Total Health 260 2000
Health 0 2000
Total Energy 210 2000
Energy 202 2000
Total Powers 5 12
Powers 0 12
Experience 175084 425836
Level 1 20
Jolie Burger 2010-10-19 05:48:21

Me WHIPING all NPC'S given levels, and whatever skills, and extra boosts. Removing Admins from the database. When Rylie said she was selling her sim:

Field Was Now
Level 20 0
Level 20 0
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:08:57

Field Was Now
Special Title The Damned City Senior Admin
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:06:57

Field Was Now
Special Title The Damed City Owner
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:06:41

Field Was Now
Total Health 2000 0
Health 2000 0
Total Energy 2000 0
Energy 2000 0
Total Powers 12 0
Powers 12 0
Experience 438492 0
Special Title Vampire Queen NPC
Offense Skills BloodBoil|Astonish|Charm|DrainEssence|Consume
Support Skills DarkEmpower|Reinforce|DarkWill|DarkRegeneration
Healing Skills Cleanse|DarkGift|DarkAwakening|BloodMagic|Ameliorate|Reinvigorate|Rejuvinate|DarkResurrection
Proficiency 125 0
Constitution 125 0
Durability 125 0
Intelligence 135 0
Aptitude 125 0
Agility 125 0
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:06:22

Field Was Now
Total Health 2000 0
Health 2000 0
Total Energy 2000 0
Energy 2000 0
Total Powers 12 0
Powers 12 0
Experience 438492 0
Special Title Vampire Queen NPC
Offense Skills BloodBoil|Astonish|Charm|DrainEssence|Consume
Support Skills DarkEmpower|Reinforce|DarkWill|DarkRegeneration
Healing Skills Cleanse|DarkGift|DarkAwakening|BloodMagic|Ameliorate|Reinvigorate|Rejuvinate|DarkResurrection
Proficiency 125 0
Constitution 125 0
Durability 125 0
Intelligence 135 0
Aptitude 125 0
Agility 125 0
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:06:15

UPDATED PLAYER Darrell Steampunk
Field Was Now
Special Title The Damned City Weapons Admin
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:05:36

Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:05:17

Field Was Now
Special Title The Damned City Admin
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:05:05

Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:04:40

Field Was Now
Level 20 0
Total Health 2000 0
Health 2000 0
Total Energy 2000 0
Energy 2000 0
Total Powers 12 0
Powers 12 0
Experience 434905 0
Special Title Vampire Lord NPC
Level 20 0
Offense Skills Dominate|BackLash|Celerity|Sever|Lacerate|DrainEssence|Consume
Support Skills DarkFury|DarkRegeneration
Healing Skills BloodTap|DarkResurrection|DreadNaught
Proficiency 125 0
Constitution 125 0
Durability 125 0
Intelligence 135 0
Aptitude 125 0
Agility 125 0
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:04:36

Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:03:32

Field Was Now
Special Title The Damned City Senior Admin
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:03:29

Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:03:19

UPDATED PLAYER stevie Oakleaf
Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:03:00

Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:02:33

Field Was Now
Special Title Vampire Princess NPC
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:00:07

Field Was Now
Level 20 0
Race Acerbus Immortalis
Class Dark Queen
Total Health 1600 0
Health 1600 0
Total Energy 1600 0
Energy 1600 0
Total Powers 10 0
Powers 10 0
Experience 426623 0
Level 20 0
Offense Skills BloodBoil|Astonish|Charm|DrainEssence|Consume
Support Skills DarkEmpower|Reinforce|DarkWill|DarkRegeneration
Healing Skills Cleanse|DarkGift|DarkAwakening|BloodMagic|Ameliorate|Reinvigorate|Rejuvinate|DarkResurrection
Proficiency 125 0
Constitution 125 0
Durability 125 0
Intelligence 135 0
Aptitude 125 0
Agility 125 0
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 15:00:03

Field Was Now
Level 20 0
Race Acerbus Immortalis
Class War Lord
Total Health 1600 0
Health 1600 0
Total Energy 1600 0
Energy 1600 0
Total Powers 10 0
Powers 8 0
Experience 445059 0
Title till death do you part
Special Title Vampire Warlord NPC
Level 20 0
Offense Skills Petrified|DarkThrash|Hemorrhage|Dislocate|DrainEssence|Consume|DeathTrap
Support Skills BloodFrenzy|BloodFusion
Healing Skills ImmortalWrath|BloodTap|Satiate|DarkResurrection
Proficiency 125 0
Constitution 125 0
Durability 125 0
Intelligence 135 0
Aptitude 125 0
Agility 125 0
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-10 14:59:01

When Pandemonium was added to the META systems regions:

ADDED REGION Pandemonium Meta Composer 2010-11-13 19:04:58

Malus Vypers level currently in the system:
13 Malus Vyper Nocturnal Warlord Admin Modify | Delete | Delete an Admin

If you want more proof than that find him in game, and you'll see what level he is.


((((Asphy banned Haven Ditko because she hates her and took Meta away because the owners did not sim ban her, what more to say, same shit all the way around, when people feel a bit of power, they use it whenever they can, if they have a power to shit their pants anytime they can, i am sure they would do it too...))))

Haven was found camping in her skybox with her boyfriend. We flagged F.C prior to me catching Haven Ditko camping.. that admins were camping while wearing ooc tags. You said so yourself here.. that she was known for camping..

((((Senior Staff watches Haven Ditko camp 12+ hours EVERYDAY and does nothing it's not fair that people who have no lives can get
more XP than other people that are good hard working people that live a normal life, so, what do we talk about here...its just a bunch of buddies and no wonder that people became disappointed about staff in general, i really hope this will be ended ASAP to save what can be saved.))))

So she was caught camping, and was docked 25% of her experience by ME, because I felt that an admin should set an example, not abuse the rules they are supposively enforcing. A day later her and her boyfriend were in their home, and he was not moving so I stood there to see if he would. Haven approached me, and the conversation from there on out went downhill. She was warned several times to stop insulting the meter, as well as the meter's staff. She was looking for a bann, and she recieved a permanent one after several warnings given to her to stop.

Field Was Now
Level 19 15
Level 19 15
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-02 00:40:43

Field Was Now
Experience 411674 308756
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-02 00:03:25

*This is when she was docked 25% of her xp. ^ On November 2nd.*

DELETED ADMIN Haven Ditko Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-02 22:55:35

Field Was Now
Asphyxiate Yue 2010-11-02 22:55:29

*This is when she was banned 23 hours after her dock.*

((((Asphy forced Abdullah Lemon into buying a sim for her because she hated FC and everyone in it
Abdullah seems like a nice guy that would do anything for whoever asked him for a favor and she clearly took advantage of him
There are rumors that Asphy sends him naughty pictures in return for favoritism, but you know the saying, where is a smoke, there is a fire....we cant say that is for sure, but we know how every person have its price, what price was Abdullah we would actually never find out.....or we might, we never know what tomorrow brings us :) ))))

Took advantage of my best friend? Are you fucking serious? Giving him nude photos of myself? Wow! I also hear that their is photos being shuttled around.. I'd like to see the images of this so I can see whether someone found a hot chick to claim me as or an ugly one. LOL PLEASE, anyone who has these photos give them to me. I'd be glad to show you guys real life photos of myself to prove to you whomeever these "supposive" photos are aren't me. I have never taken a nude photo of myself in my life, not even in my personal life. As far as me slutting myself for my best friend whom is also a friend of MY REAL LIFE HUSBAND, an ingame player named Sinsunderworld Jervil. You've got be fucking crazy to believe this lie. I don't know what to do but laugh at it. Good laugh though thank you for that.

Myself, Jay Munro, and Abdullah's skype conversation:
[9:22:10 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: lol
[9:22:18 PM] Asphyxiate: Abs
[9:22:21 PM] Asphyxiate: I gave you nude photos
[9:22:34 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: seems I gave you nude photos of me as well abs
[9:22:37 PM] Asphyxiate: To be a meta owner, and to buy a sim for me.
[9:22:37 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: LOL
[9:22:41 PM] Asphyxiate: ROFL
[9:22:51 PM] Abdullah: apparently!
[9:22:54 PM] Abdullah: lol
[9:23:06 PM] Abdullah: dont tell sins.. he'll kill us both
[9:23:08 PM] Abdullah: lmfao
[9:23:17 PM] Asphyxiate: lmao
[9:23:21 PM] Asphyxiate: What a fucking joke.
[9:23:29 PM] Asphyxiate: Seriously these people need a life.
[9:23:44 PM] Asphyxiate: Why is it whenever a female is involved they always gotta be a slut or a whore.
[9:24:25 PM] Asphyxiate: Or using their sexuality to gain them in any type of business.
[9:24:47 PM] Abdullah: You dont know zepa? he's banend from every sim on the planet
[9:24:53 PM] Abdullah: and from SL too
[9:24:55 PM] Abdullah: on several accounts
[9:24:57 PM] Abdullah: lol
[9:25:16 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: ive killed him a few times
[9:25:20 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: I remember
[9:25:25 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: he hated me
[9:25:31 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: hed always say fuck you bitch
[9:25:34 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: when I killed him
[9:25:36 PM] Echo / Sound Test Service: in old fc
[9:25:44 PM] Abdullah: who gives a fuck what he thinks?

In terms of Abdullah purchasing a sim for "me" is an overstatement. The idea of a sim was strayed off of idea's in the past of getting our own sim. When Rylie had mentioned how cheap it was for her to rent a sim. Is when Abdullah decided "Hey I could afford something like that.". This was a plan that started out with him, and we worked from there on out. I had no idea Abs was going to give me estate manager rights, or co ownership to the sim at all. Up until after he baught the sim, and invited me into the Meta Land Group. I even prewarned Abdullah prior to his plans of this that it would be a lot of work. On top of everything else we were doing with the meter.. we would virtually lose all our real life we had left.

As as of right now the Pandemonium Sim is owned by Myself, Meta Composer, Harley Torii, and Jay Munro. We split the costs of the sim.

((((Meta Owner.. What is a Meta Owner??

If you want to be a Meta Owner either be a good friend of Abdullah if your male.. if your female send him naked pictures, a typical method in most cases successful...or, find some alternative but we all know how most things on SL are spinned around sex...and power...
That's how Jay and Asphy became Meta Owners.. They don't script... they don't do programming and couldn't run a simple blog website if they tried!
The matter fact, their first release of META was so cloned like to first release of old WARPS system, even with same bugs like old WARPS had, so there is also a suspicion that META is actually a re-edited script source of WARPS...well, too many coincidences to believe how META was really really created from scratch))))

I am not sure if any of you idiots know this or not.. but it takes a lot of work to put into a meter let alone a sim on top of that. We had spent hours on end in game working on this new updated meter of meta for about a month and a half or longer. Regardless of Abdullah being the sole scripter. Myself, and Jay helped out in areas that were needed to speed up the process. Whether it was idea's of how the meter should work, or new idea's pulled out of various other MMO games, or idea's of our own to come up with new and exciting skills, or the HUD design, testing everything so it worked and functioned properly. These ideas were group idea's between the three of us. We were also running the current old meter, and trying to babysit F.C on top of the rest of the workload we had on us. It was a lot of work. That skill set you see in Meta now was completely done by ME. Yes I did 12 races, 36 classes, and hundreds of skills by myself. With help of basing a base skill set from the old meter, and gutting it out, cleaning it up, and adding from there on out what I thought should be a base. Then adding in triggers, special skills, racial gaining abilities, and much more. This didn't take over night. Took me a month to do, with several hours put into it everyday. So fuck off, if you think I didn't do a damn thing. The meta hud you see when you load up meta was photoshopped by me. So regardless if I can't script to save my life. I have worked my ass off on this meter, and contributed a lot in helping run the old meter, meanwhile contribute and work on the new one with Abdullah Lemon, and Jay Munro. Who the fuck are you to say any different? You mindless fucktards. Get your informations first before blabbing off at the mouth with your "assumptions".

Abdullah was a friend of mine prior to the creation of META, and Jay and I both encouraged Abdullah from the beginning to create a meter, because he had the scripting skills to do so. But guess what? before we were working on any meter. We were off playing Aion, and All points bulletin.. as well as vindicitus beta and various other games. We weren't just secondlife friends. I have known Abdullah and Jay for years now. Both have been friends of mine even before any fucking meter was created. Can't run a blog? IN comparison to your shitty as blog I've ran several, Thank you. It doesn't take a genius to know HTML, or adobe photoshop. Even today you barely need to know the basic HTML, because websites provide you with your own control panel, to set up an existing style for your blogspace. As you've probably done here, and with much worse taste than anyone I know of by choosing this style. So congratulations to you, moron you know the basics of understanding a control panel.

What bugs did Meta have that were similiar to that of WARPS? Tell me please, and bring your evidence of proof as well, because saying one thing, and it being the truth is another. If you can't provide details, proof, evidence, of anything your saying then don't say shit. I remember META from when it was a title, and all it did was register damage, and hits. There was no skills, no hud, nothing.. Only way to heal yourself was to reattach the title.

The point is I know what is the truth, and what is false. I will tell you myself that META was never created off of WARPS, nor was the same code used for building META. Anyone can build a title, that looks similar as to WARPS, and CCS. Does that mean it is the same script? No. If you have experience with making a title above your head then you'd see for yourself how easy it is to make one look identical to several systems in secondlife. The original skill set up we used was copied straight from NoR. It was a skill set up we liked back in those days, and thought hey we'll bring it back to life. The first META meter was rushed, and was released to early to help out F.C. I have some of the earliest meter titles from way back when it was nothing like it is now.. Funny how it all played out tho. We helped F.C, and they fucked us. That's another discussion tho for another day, care to find out the details contact me... and I'll tell you everything that happened with that. I have nothing to fucking hide here. You wanted the truth now you have it.

((((Meta's TOS is dangerous.. If you read correctly it is widely assumed that they use chat spies and if you say something they don't like they'll ban you, also, there are some evidences that might be gathered about that, so, its just about the time when it will culminate and end up at LL's desk))))

Meta's first TOS rumor was based off of a few words that came off misleading. That was it that was all. The TOS was new, and had been put out before properly going over it to make sure things were more specific and in detail. Something we probably should have done, and hadn't. We agree'd that it may come off misleading so it was IMMEDIATELY changed for idiots who have troubles comprehending what we meant by everything that was said in the TOS. The whole rumor of us throwing bugs or chat spies into our meter started from Haven Ditko, and Nessa Karmin. Both admins from F.C. Haven, whom is perma banned from our system and out to seek revenge. Nessa, someone who can barely read or type english to save her life, and believed whatever Haven had to say to her. I won't even begin to speak about either of them further, because I am sure if anyone of you know these two know the bullshit they have done. Here was our notice sent out about the TOS rumor..

In Second Life(r) you might have played many games that requires registration and / or sheet creation just like ours. The difference is we have a ToS that guides how things work in Meta. We do NOT in no way, shape, or form take advantage of your Second Life(r) account. We cannot even if we want to. The account mentioned in the Terms of Service is your account here with us here in Meta, Your character sheet or your admin account for the Control Panel. Those two we reserve the right to investigate, suspend, and/or lock if an issue rises to the surface.

We do not intend to invade your privacy by obtaining your personal information. The only information being collected from players are their Internet Protocol (IP). This is done for security reasons to protect the system and the players. We have no intention on stopping that part. If you feel your IP is very important to be collected by us, you may stop using the meter. 99.99% of all combat systems and games in Second Life(r) or otherwise do collect IP information for security reasons. We also collect email address of players that are admins for the purpose of sending and resetting their passwords. That is as far as personal information goes. In the ToS you will find the world addresses mentioned which means IP ADDRESS, not your home address.

Instant Messages (IM) are off limits when it comes to Meta. We do not monitor, recognize, or tolerate sharing IMs whether it's done by Meta staff, community staff, or player's staff. An immediate permanent ban from the system is the result of that action if proven. It is a clear violation to Second Life(r) terms of service. Meta staff and Pandemonium staff will NOT ask for IM logs between you and other players, and it is your right to say NO to that request. "Please know your rights by referring to Second Life(r) terms of service." However, Admin and Staff calls are done in IM between Meta and Pandemonium staff and the reporter or the reported. Those IMs will be logged for quality of service. You as a player, have the right to appeal and deny a judgement made by an admin and you can do so by reporting that to us. Just type /9report. It will only be viewed by Meta owners and no one else.

We do not monitor chat by using devices or chat loggers. This is both a violation to Second Life's(r) terms of service and a major source of lag. We, however, have admins that might be present at a time when an issue rises or a dispute (OOC) generally that causes or may cause major dispute and unnecessary arguments. Admins then will report that issue and handle it. It is their job to do so.

Personal information (IP, Email address) will not be shared with anyone unless required by a law agency in the united states such as the FPI. And those information will be shared with that agency as they will get our full cooperation.

Many misunderstood the ToS and transmitted this misunderstanding of the ToS to others. A clear understanding of information is a key factor here and many did not have that. We are NOT after you Second Life(r) accounts or do we collect information from that other than what is needed for the game to run such as your Second Life(r) name and key.

The issue many were concerned about was point C in section 15 of the ToS:
C. Meta may, with or without notice to you, disclose your Internet Protocol (IP) address(es), personal information, Chat logs, and other information about you and your activities: (a) in response to a request by law enforcement, a court order or other legal process; or (b) if Meta believes that doing so may protect your safety or the safety of others.

As explained above, the personal information we know about you are your IP address and email address IF you are a staff member. The personal information part will be removed from the ToS as it is not very accurate and misleading. The meter has its own ToS which is This is for the use of the meter and Meta's components. Most people read the one related to Pandemonium as it was posted by mistake in the location of the official ToS of the meter. For that we apologize. Other communities might have their own ToS which might be different that ours. Please refer to the community's ToS for more information

To summarize
Your IP address will be collected for security purposes and will NOT be shared with anyone other than law agencies in the United States of America such as the FPI.
No other personal information will be collected about you. They do us no good and they are a violation to Second Life's(r) terms of service.
We will NEVER ask you for your IMs, and if we do, you have the right to say no. Refer to our ToS and Second Life(r) ToS for more info.
We will NOT monitor chat using devices as they are a violation to Second Life's(r) ToS and a major source of lag. Admins however, might discuss issues that are present in public chat.
Go to Second Life's(r) terms of service page and know your rights.

Thank you
Meta Composer

Here is Meta's TOS today:

As for us recording anyone's chat. If it wasn't addressed in that statement above from Meta Composer. I will say to you now. I couldn't give a flying god damn fuck what any player was doing, not enough to place a supposive chat spy into a meter even if that's possible. Which I doubt is.. But lets say it can be done.. Why the hell would we need too? I don't care about your life, and nor do I care about what your typing up in private chat. As for our sim.. care to read the rules? Our Staff proceedures? It works completely against the claims being made about our "chat" spys, or any type of false rumors of us trying to gain personal informations. Read up if you have the patience too..

((((The only reason that I stay a part of FC staff today is because of the major changes that Josh and Timo are deciding to do. Which nobody knows yet except senior staff, however, i , personally, realized how changes will be major in all layers of management, after all, maybe even i will be kicked out, but who cares, i know i did my best, if that is not enough then i will continue to play like i did play so far in last few years of y SL))))

Except for me as well, cause I KNOW exactly what is in the works. Let me explain to you guys what is going on here. Before Abdullah named both myself, and Jay Munro meta owners. He was planning on going to college, and college was two weeks away from his start date. Abdullah knew he wouldn't have the time to invest in continuing with the meter, and wanted myself and Jay to take over and manage it while he was away. He was planning to come back in a few months to work on it again, and so we had a deal that we would manage and own it during his absence. This was around the same time Meta was hooked up on F.C sims. Josh a friend of ours was the owner of F.C sims. We trusted him then, and decided hey we'll help him out. Josh begged Meta (Abdullah) for coding to the old meter in attempts to "help" us during Abdullah's absence. When Abdullah gave Josh coding he told him do not give it to anyone.. "I don't want Timo, or Nessa or anyone else to have this code". You can help us with scripting, and that was basically what was said in the convo. Yes I have read it for myself so I know exactly what was said. There was some confusion there, and because Josh was given coding access. He assumed somehow someway that he was also an owner of META. His assumptions were addressed on several occasions, and he was told he was not an owner. Let me also add that Josh was never given approval to take the code and build his own meter, nor was he given copyrights to the code, or ownership to the code. We have our logs to proove that. Josh since then has turned into quite the vindictive asshole, not only has he become a liar, but as well as a thief. If your not given copyrights to a code, and you go and use it to make your own system then that right there he stole it to benefit from it. I prewarned abs, so did Jay. We both knew we couldn't trust Josh from the beginning even if he was our friend we knew what Josh was capable from his past, but because Abs is a nice guy, and very trusting he did it anyways. BAD mistake. Abdullah knows this now. Josh has not only betrayed his friends, but he's stabbed each of us in the back.

He gave up on his community, and so therefor we gave up on him and F.C. He has now turned around and released the code to Timo, someone he was told not too, and someone he promised he wouldn't give it too.. and is now using the code to build his own meter. A code he has no copyrights of, and will be reported once it releases for breach of the DMCA. So good luck to you in supporting a scandal such as this. Someone who lies and begs a friend for coding to then later stab them in the back, and use it when they don't have rights to it to begin with. So if you really want to be caught up in this type of fraud go ahead. Here are logs of us giving F.C a flag, as well as logs of Josh planning on using our code..

Us giving Josh and Timo a final warning to clean shit up in F.C. Few days later we found out the whole plan of them using meta's code to build their own meter which resulted in us pulling the plug earlier than planned:

[11/18/2010 3:12:01 PM] Abdullah: Bottom line, FC group is a host of a lot of rumers and endless talk about spying, cheating, and wide spread of corruption in Meta. I do not appreciate the fact that i worked my ass off to provide the best i can, and get trashed like that. It is happening in your community josh and timo, and you two need to fix it. You two use our service, if you two are not happy with it, let me know and i'll shut it down. If you guy like the service, please control what goes in your chat.

I am NOT asking you to stop people from talking, it's a free world, and it is their right. I am asking you to let people know the facts and control what goes in your group. You two benifet from the service provided the most. At least money wise, we don't.

That been said, i'm placing a flag on your community to fix the things that goes there and make sure that rumers and bullshit does not spread like fire on hay without any proof. The flag will last for 7 days, after which the meter will be pulled off FC. I do not see a reason for it being there when the community owners are not supporting the meter and the staff are not supporting the meter. In fact, they are making the meter look like a bad thing to use.

Friendship is one thing, business is another. I have worked with both of you and your staff as much as i possibly can and you both know that for a fact. If you haven't by now, i'm not sure what more i can do. We are providing the service free of charge with full support from our part, with nothing but hurtfull remarks in return. The meter has brought a lot of attention to FC. I do not ask for thanks nor appreciation. I ask if you have nothing good to say, shut up! UNLESS, you have a proof of your argument. Then and only then, will i be there to discuss it.

So, 7 days to fix the problem in FC or the meter is pulled out.

Thursday, November 25 2010 T 0500PM EST is the last date and time.

Here is Josh denie'n that he is using the code to Rylie, because he knows she's in business with us in co owning Pandemonium (But this shows to you he knows full well that he can get into trouble with the DMCA for using our code):

[22/11/2010 4:20:45 AM] Josh (Epic): I haven't done anything with them
[22/11/2010 4:21:02 AM] Josh (Epic): and I was a Meta Owner
[22/11/2010 4:21:31 AM] Melissa(Rylie): Iono
[22/11/2010 4:21:33 AM] Melissa(Rylie): Too much drama
[22/11/2010 4:21:35 AM] Josh (Epic): They removed me cuz Asphy didn't like mee
[22/11/2010 4:21:53 AM] Josh (Epic): and Abs gave me the codes twice.. that's not stealing
[22/11/2010 4:22:20 AM] Melissa(Rylie): Yeah
[22/11/2010 4:22:31 AM] Josh (Epic): aaand I have logs to prove me asking for it.. the 2nd time
[22/11/2010 4:22:43 AM] Josh (Epic): He gave me that and full access to the database
[22/11/2010 4:22:54 AM] Melissa(Rylie): But are you using the codes? Or planning to?
[22/11/2010 4:23:07 AM] Melissa(Rylie): Because if so, wouldn't your meter just end up the same as Meta Meter?
[22/11/2010 4:23:20 AM] Josh (Epic): Nah.. Timo's scripter is working on his own meter
[22/11/2010 4:24:11 AM] Josh (Epic): If I were to use his codes it's possible I'd get a DMCA notice if he has them copyrighted

Conversation I had with Contessa Collins a former admin of F.C, and a new addition to the Pandemonium Staff:

[2010/12/01 20:17] Asphyxiate Yue: For a long time I was very upset with the way things were going in F.C. I can't count the number of times I confronted Josh, and asked him what the hell is going on? Each time I was either ignored, or was told one thing and it never happened. To this day Jay is still friends with Josh, but for me.. it ended my friendship with Josh because I look at it this way. You didn't do anything to help us , and when we asked you to clean shit up in yoru community because it was giving the community a bad name as well as our meter.. You failed to comply, and ignored us. So for me and the amount of time and energy i've put into this system.. and how much love dedication I have for this meter.. It was a slap in the face for me.. It wsa like wow, your suppose to be my friend and you fucked me over.. You fucked over our business while you sat back and reaped the rewards, and profited off those sims which wouldn't be worth nothing if it weren't for that meter. A meter we provided to them for free even through the rumors they spilled about us.
[2010/12/01 20:18] Asphyxiate Yue: No appreciation is what I felt.
[2010/12/01 20:18] Asphyxiate Yue: Specially with this last rumor that started about us having bugs in our system and sims to monitor personal informations.
[2010/12/01 20:20] Contessa Collins: Well. I was talking to josh and playing vindictus with josh and he started getting scared but your right he would not listen to reason and I love him to death BUT his first reaction was to go on the defensive and he said things to me about the meter and scripting and how you were upset and his first intention was not good.
[2010/12/01 20:20] Asphyxiate Yue: Then josh turns around and using our code to build his own meter.. Are you serious? I ask jay all the time.. why would you be friends with a guy like that? Abs gave josh an old copy of the code from the old meter because josh begged to help with scripting it when abs was gonna be gone for college and couldn't work much on it anymore. The code was given to him to help us. But he turned around and is now using the code to build his own meter. A code that he doesn't have copyrights or ownership of.
[2010/12/01 20:21] Contessa Collins: Josh was under the impression that he had full rights along with you and Jay. So his mind was focused in making a meter a long time ago.
[2010/12/01 20:21] Asphyxiate Yue: No he was told he iddn't have ownership over it.
[2010/12/01 20:21] Asphyxiate Yue: Several times.
[2010/12/01 20:22] Contessa Collins: I will say this because i'm not sure but i do know the building of their "new" meter is based on picking apart the META meter.
[2010/12/01 20:22] Asphyxiate Yue: He doens't have copyrights to the code so I don't know why he'd use it.. he can get reported for that. It's a breach of dmca.
[2010/12/01 20:23] Asphyxiate Yue: The new meter was completely rescripted from the ground up.
[2010/12/01 20:23] Asphyxiate Yue: The first meter was done in short time, and the scripts were too compacted.
[2010/12/01 20:23] Asphyxiate Yue: There was like 5 scripts in the old meter, and the new meter has like 12.
[2010/12/01 20:24] Contessa Collins: Timo has some German guy working to build them a meter who does not play SL.
[2010/12/01 20:24] Contessa Collins: But I know META scripts were passed.
[2010/12/01 20:24] Asphyxiate Yue: Yeah, and for them to use a code that they don't have copyrights too is a bad idea.
[2010/12/01 20:25] Asphyxiate Yue: I will be AR that meter on all my alts when it releases.
[2010/12/01 20:25] Contessa Collins: I know it is. But currently it's hear say but the first thing I would do if and when the meter is released is get one and pick it apart.
[2010/12/01 20:26] Asphyxiate Yue: Either way.. abs is an amazing scripter.. I'd say he's probably better than baron, and suzanna's puppets.
[2010/12/01 20:26] Asphyxiate Yue: Our meter will be fine either way.
[2010/12/01 20:26] Asphyxiate Yue: But Josh will never be a friend of mine again.
[2010/12/01 20:27] Contessa Collins: Oh i know it will. I love the meter. And what I said earlier about Nessa getting people freaked out over our TOS is what is still keeping people away. I had a long discussion with Mass yesterday about it.
[2010/12/01 20:28] Asphyxiate Yue: I knew it started somewhere
[2010/12/01 20:28] Asphyxiate Yue: I just didn't know who
[2010/12/01 20:28] Asphyxiate Yue: Now I do
[2010/12/01 20:28] Contessa Collins: Actually it was Haven who pointed it out to Nessa
[2010/12/01 20:28] Contessa Collins: and Nessa ran with it
[2010/12/01 20:29] Contessa Collins: Then Rod got on the bandwagon and SALT/Tifa

So there you are, a good friend of Josh's to this day tells me that he is using the code. If it's true or not time will only tell. But I can tell you this much.. when the new meter drops that they are working on...will be reported if there is ANY meta code what so ever involved in it's script.

Here is my IM to Josh on Skype one that he never responded too, because he knows im fucking right....vvvvvv

[11/24/2010 8:25:51 PM] Asphyxiate: Listen you two faced asshole. I never once pushed you out of the picture of being a fucking owner. Did I want you be an owner, no? Did i declare you as a non-owner? No. You weren't given ownership to the meter, nor copyrights to the meter. There was some confusion the week abs wanted to leave and gave you scripts to the old meter, but from what abs told me himself as well as what he told Jay was that you were NEVER given ownership or authority or COPYRIGHTS to the meter. Therefor, you weren't an owner, regardless of you saying otherwise. You were given scripting rights to help script the meter, because you had told abs you were going to script. That is the only reason you were given rights to it. I think you should probably clarify that with Abs himself.. So there you have it. You were never an owner, you didn't play a part in the meter what so ever. You didn't help in any of the meter idea's, the hud, the design, the script, the skills. Not one thing. So the thought of you thinkin you were one is very humerous. As for your little meter your working on. The one you don't have copyrights to... the coding you were given to help work on META not build your own meter with. That meter as soon as it drops in world I'll be AR on every single AV I own, and I promise you that I will get several others involved in the AR process to report your fucking ass straight to the lindens, in breach of DMCA. I don't care what friendships you have going on with Jay.. if you think that your personal relations will save you because of him.. But for me I will speak for myself here, and say that from the get go I prewarned abs not to release the coding to you because I knew that you were a two faced asshole that would use the code in a second if things didn't go your way. As far your sims go, good luck to them. I feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder the day we removed meta from them. It was quite evident that your or Timo didn't care much about the community or to fix the issues that were on going for months. The issues that arised after the meta staff got involved, and took away freedom rights you all once had.. when you were tossing out illegal xps, and hiring on skill staff when neither of you had the authority to do so. Several other problems as well, but do not care to list them because there is far too many. We stuck with your community, and I held my tongue about removing the meter up until the last week where I tried my damn hardest to close meta off of F.C. So although you may think im IZZE, or whatever.. You were a friend, and you fucked over other friends business.. Friends don't fuck each others business, and you buddy haven't been a friend of mine ever since. Your fake, your two faced, and your coniving. Any respect I had for you was lost longgggggggggggggggg ago. So good luck with your theft meter. Because regardless if it was "given" to you you still did not have copyrights to it or ownership to it to take it and build your own meter. Ask yourself this.. did you ask abs if it was okay to build your own meter with this code when he gave it too you? Is this why abs gave you the code was to build your own meter from it? NO. So lets hope your atleast smart enough to put two and two together, and save yourself from any fraud accounts made against you in terms of breaching the DMCA. Goodbye

Regardless of myself being uncontrollably upset in several of these conversations, and including this response.. Do you blame me? If it were your name being dragged into dirt and well as a meter you devoted so much energy and time into.. What would you do? Probably speak up about the TRUTH, and bring facts, and evidence to believe what your saying is not a lie. So there you have it. I have SCREEN SHOTS of the old database where admins were given illegal xp handouts in F.C. I have SCREEN SHOTS of everything I posted above here in the response that I copied directly from the old database/control panel. Ask for them, and I shall hand them out. There is enough to show to you all that one thing I AM NOT is a fucking liar. So there you have it... whether you believe it or not is upto you, but one thing I'd suggest highly in is that you AR the shit out of the meter that Josh Boa, and Timo Yalin will be releasing soon. A meter stolen from a friend of theirs whether they think they have the authority to do so.

Thank you for reading my novel. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it,
Asphyxiate Yue

Btw, Josh if your reading this good luck to you, and the coding you think you have authority over. I hope you feel good about yourself knowing you lied to your friends, and backstabbed them by using a code you weren't given ownership/copyrights of. I hope one day you wake up and realize what a pathetic loser you are. Someone who will stoop as low as fucking over your own friends so you can benefit financially at the expense of their hard work, and you contributing absolutely nothing but taking advantage of them. You really deserve a medal, "The biggest douchebag in secondlife history." Congratulations.

- 17:06 - Comments (2) - Print - #

FC vs META or kick the intruder :)

well, i am not able to really give my personal opinion about this coz i play in Judgement only so i will refrain myself from some deeper comments, however, i am glad people are still contacting us giving us so many infoes, so far we didnt publish a lot of personal things that were non-staff related, but since our founder of this blog said he dont care anymore we decided to shoot with all ammunition we have or we will receive...
thanks to all of you who are reading and even giving our team support for bringing you the truth or simple logical observations you usually didnt notice...this is why we are here to make you pay attention to it...and first of laugh like crazy :)

so, what is this topic about, some people are obviously about to act dishonest and traitor like to their own sim they play even as staff members, but, since they are nothing but the source we keep right to not reveal source identity...
so, this is what did land to our email today;

Facts that make Asphy and Meta look incompetent:

Asphy gave Draven an extra 2 levels and never took it away until a few months later.
Asphy only took back these 2 levels after Rafa Hanriot complained about it to Jay Munro
so, as you can see, its always that way, and always someone must complain to make a difference, and first of all, its just one more proof of obvious biasing and favorising buddies

Asphy banned Haven Ditko because she hates her and took Meta away because the owners did not sim ban her, what more to say, same shit all the way around, when people feel a bit of power, they use it whenever they can, if they have a power to shit their pants anytime they can, i am sure they would do it too...

Asphy forced Abdullah Lemon into buying a sim for her because she hated FC and everyone in it
Abdullah seems like a nice guy that would do anything for whoever asked him for a favor and she clearly took advantage of him
There are rumors that Asphy sends him naughty pictures in return for favoritism, but you know the saying, where is a smoke, there is a fire....we cant say that is for sure, but we know how every person have its price, what price was Abdullah we would actually never find out.....or we might, we never know what tomorrow brings us :)

Meta Owner.. What is a Meta Owner??

If you want to be a Meta Owner either be a good friend of Abdullah if your male.. if your female send him naked pictures, a typical method in most cases successful...or, find some alternative but we all know how most things on SL are spinned around sex...and power...
That's how Jay and Asphy became Meta Owners.. They don't script... they don't do programming and couldn't run a simple blog website if they tried!
The matter fact, their first release of META was so cloned like to first release of old WARPS system, even with same bugs like old WARPS had, so there is also a suspicion that META is actually a re-edited script source of WARPS...well, too many coincidences to believe how META was really really created from scratch

Meta's TOS is dangerous.. If you read correctly it is widely assumed that they use chat spies and if you say something they don't like they'll ban you, also, there are some evidences that might be gathered about that, so, its just about the time when it will culminate and end up at LL's desk

What about FC Staff?

I'm not fan of their staff...

FC staff is lazy and incompetent, sometimes even so biased that is so obvious it is unbelieveable
Josh and Timo are usually OK guys but the problem is they aren't online enough to deal with things that need to be dealt with
Nessa Karmin lacks the people skill to do everything she's good at somethings but she's not very impartial. she's a bit more biased. Beside of that, she is camper, and if you ever ask her what is she doing she will reply how she is busy doing hard work about FC community while you are carelessly playing around....yeah...hard work, imagine that hard work...

Senior Staff watches Haven Ditko camp 12+ hours EVERYDAY and does nothing it's not fair that people who have no lives can get
more XP than other people that are good hard working people that live a normal life, so, what do we talk about here...its just a bunch of buddies and no wonder that people became disappointed about staff in general, i really hope this will be ended ASAP to save what can be saved.

The only reason that I stay a part of FC staff today is because of the major changes that Josh and Timo are deciding to do. Which nobody knows yet except senior staff, however, i , personally, realized how changes will be major in all layers of management, after all, maybe even i will be kicked out, but who cares, i know i did my best, if that is not enough then i will continue to play like i did play so far in last few years of y SL

One of the most important changes is changes of Staff, the owners promised to remove many admins that aren't doing anything,
or are seen as biased by the community (which they are biased) and to kick them from any admin position!!

Also, there is a rumor how new staff will be elected by most democratic way, by public elections of listed people who might be suitable for admin, so let the public decides who do they would like to have as judge over them under title of admin, so that way we might keep the transparency, democracy, fair play and to avoid biasing and favorising, coz people wont be able to say how owner did put his buddy to be admin...sound like a good thing, but we shell see what will be with that idea...

That means all the stupid admins will be removed soon (probably with the new meter)

well, seems things are heating up around, lets wait and see whats next coming up :)
- 03:18 - Comments (12) - Print - #

03.12.2010., petak

Kosstas Maximus aka SL CASANOVA

i know i will initiate some reactions like i am gossiping and like i have no better thing to do in my life...but, since this is a SL wide known thing around the players since it was clearly visible even without some particular and focused observing or sticking a nose, all i am doing is actually making an resume of recent 2 years of our great guy and my great playmate i liked on SL at combat i shared with him during that period...

its not attempt of discreditation just a observation i like to present completely transparent with real example so noone can say how i am imagining it or making it up like its not true...after all, i am 100% sure how this wont affect on theirs relationship at all since they are unbreakable and in love like the world didnt saw it so, first of all, Koss, mate, i really wish you all the best and how this time is really for real and final ...just like you always claimed it is :)

so, why i actually stucked to this is the fact that few sentances has been used over and over again, same phrase just another person :)

d d d taken d d d
Totally devoted to
(Gem Penucca, Gia Held, Izzebella Rossini) Calisto Adored.. she is everything i have.. everything i ever wanted.. and i will never lose her now that i found her... my baby is the reason i am online.. i can't think of doing anything else here than doing it together with my very special one.. :)))

well, very nice words, but isnt it a bit shallow and hypocrit to use always the same phrase just changing woman's names at occasion....where is the originality and creativity?! ...real Casanova would be certainly better....however, its not about Casanova or Kos himself....this is just example how people are trying to convince environment, society and finally themselves how there is something real and true in such, let me ask you a question, is it really possible that man can be so devoted and inloved into so many women in less then 2 years period....even convincing how this time is for real, but really real....

unfortunately, sad truth (for such SLers) is that 99% of all those so called; "real SL relationships" is just a attempt of living a fantasy in Kos's example, Gily as divorced and alone woman, then Gia also single but a big jocker who did let a Kos think he is in controll, Izzebella Rossini, mid aged woman, single and lonely...and now Calisto....cant remember now, was she in RL relationship or not, but i know she have some "sad" story as well just like 99% of people at SL...
and finally Kos himself who is like married but separated...blah, blah, blah...another heartbraking story...a typical SL story

so, what i never did understand is; what is the point of such a profile words, why is it so important for me as random reader of profiles to know how some Kosstas is so deeply inloved with some Calisto...and how she is the only reason he comes online to SL..blah,blah...why?!?!...especially if the same thing was seen even long before but just with another name of, who is he trying to convince he is so deeply in!?, his buddies?, Calisto?!?!...or himself?!?!? ....any answer would be wrong especially if/when the person is trying to say how this is something for real...really real at SL....hehehe, come on :)

so, here is my opinion, people like that are seriously desperate and almost lifeless...or they are terrifying naive...

if you see Kos's pic, he is good looking, what i wonder is; how is possible that he is not able to find a right woman in his nearby but he keep on fantasy at SL and trying to convince people around him how "this time is for real, mate...we are gonna meet each other soon",..well, Kos, mate, i do like you, but you sound so pathetic and silly, said the same thing for Gilly, Gia, and Izze (maybe was even more girls in option but those i mention are that i know about since you did even "confess" to me), i guess its not much different with Calisto now...but even if i am wrong, its still not a big difference coz my focuse is such a shallow profile phrase...

yeah, me how ever you like....and consider me as psycho, idiot, moron or whatever, but 10 years ago i met a girl from my city (i didnt need to seek her all around the world) which i did marry and live happily with her and what is even more wonderful; i am going to be a father soon :)
all that without SL, while you all are so nice, lovely, perfect, beautiful and handsome; but lonely, single or separated, how comes?!? :))) makes me smile and even laugh to see such things around many of you are nice people, but you stuck at SL and wasting your precious, i am the one who should tell you, turn that thing off and make your life better then SL can offer you....if i succeed it, then any of you can :)

yeah,yeah i know what you are gonna say...i am partnered at SL too....but main thing is; we both have a RL and our relationship is something what lasts for more then 2 years despite i was playing in combat sims and being partnered to some other was more like; opportunity to see, learn and realize what is this and why are people running into relationships like last one was with some Jules, it was just one more example of what i just described...people who are living a fantasy and trying to convince their environment how it is something real....

but, to not make it look like a bad thing, i have 2 excellent examples;
Dina Ishtari and Geniviere Svenson....only 2 women (beside Melia i am with) i met at SL in last 4 years that are really, really reasonable and realistic in all matters and who knows very well what SL is...those women can give an example to most of you....

congrats ladies, thumbs up, you are making SL better place, place of NORMAL people i am glad to know you :)

- 17:16 - Comments (4) - Print - #

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