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Hej! Kao prvo želimo vam poželjeti dobrodošlicu. Zahvaljujemo vam što ste bacili pogled na naš prvi službeni blog post.
Kako započeti? Pa drago nam je, mi smo Ivona i Andrei. U svojim smo dvadesetim godinama i prošle godine otkrili smo svijet. O tome kako pisat ćemo u sljedećim postovima pa, ukoliko ćete nas i dalje pratiti, vidjet ćete. A sada da se upoznamo. Ivona je studentica na Filozofskom fakultetu te studira češki i turski. Tko zna, možda vam u budućnosti bude pisala ne samo na engleskom. Andrei je iz Italije i trenutno u procesu ostvarivanja svojih snova. Upoznali smo se tako što je Andrei došao u Hrvatsku završiti zadnji razred srednje škole te tako ostao ovdje i živjeti. Kao da je bilo suđeno. Znate onaj citat od Paula Coelha: ''Volim te jer se cijeli svemir uročio da te nađem.''
Mladi smo i nemamo baš puno znanja i mudrosti podijeliti sa svijetom no, negdje treba početi, stoga ćemo ga pokušati steći dok u međuvremenu dijelimo s vama svoje pustolovine.

[eng] Hy! First, we'd like to welcome you. We thank you for checking out our first official blog post. How to start? Well, nice to meet you, we're Ivona and Andrei. We're in our twenties and last year we discovered the world. You'll read about that in next posts if you stay tuned. Ivona is a college student at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and she is currently studying chech and turkish. So, who knows, maybe in the future she'll be writing on other languages than english. Andrei is from Italy and right know he is in process of making his dreams come true. We met because Andrei came to finish his last year of highschool in Croatia and stayed to live here. So, you know, it was kind of a destiny. You know that quote from Paulo Coelho: ''So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.''
We're young and we don't have much knowledge and wisdom to share with the world, but you have to start somewhere, so, we'll be gaining it along the way, as we share our adventures with you.

Lago di Cei, Italy

Nadamo se da ćete nas nastaviti pratiti na našim putovanjima i avanturama te ih proživiti skupa s nama. Hvala i uživajte u čitovanju! :) (čitanje+putovanje)

[eng] We hope you'll keep following us along our journeys and adventures and experience them with us. Thank you and enjoy the ride!! :)

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