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A nekaj fakat o meni!!!

Zanimacija:praviti sranja i zajebavat se na PC
Volim:Zajebavat profesore,svadjat se
Ne Volim:SKOLU,lazove,neke profesore
Favorite zivotinja:VUUUUUUK
Najdraza klopa:Sve kaj mama napravi
Buducnost:WTF?pa necu sad o tom mislit
Status u igrama:Starješina lol
Najdraze grupe:Rob Zombie,White Zombie,SoaD
Slusam:Metal i Rock
Izgledam li ko metalac:ne
Najdraza boja:Crna, makar seru da to nije boja,a neg sta je?voda?
Nisam emo!
Imam curu tak da...
ae neznam kaj da pisem



Ovak,medu boljim frendovima su : paki,gnjida,spuda,crni,bara
a medu boljim frendicama su mii : mihaela,kali,seslekica,mirna,



Adrese blogova za dizzove:





Bit ce ih jos :P


ponedjeljak, 01.09.2008.


|* 0 2 |) |2 4 /

Pozz ljudofi,ajm in lav,prejebeno mi je bilo pa se nisam stigo jawljat nego ovak...da pocnem maaaaaaaaaaaali djelic price,to ce biti more i danasnji dan

Na more sam isao 11.8.2008 godina...da bila je to davna 2008 godina...bili smo u busu Josip i ja,poceo sam slusat balkanski rap,i nyhm,L70ETC(Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain),KoRn,Ajs Nigrutina,Edu Maajku...Preludi likovi doreda lol,ev da pocnem...
Krenuli smo,u busu smo slusali sranja,kurcem u celo od leta 3,ajs nigrutina,edu maajku..
kad smo stigli tam smo sjedili dok su nas ubacivali u grupe...legende smo mi bili kod dade voditelja,ludnica...sve stara ekipa kao kod sliniše,ali sam kaj je s dadom bolje..u sobi smo bili josip,misko i ja...nakon 3 dana sam se prehladio pa nisam iso vise u vodu (a i osto sam bez carapa pa sam ih moro prat)spiskali smo sve pare u subotu,neko mi je bio copio carape al nvm...onda 2 dana prije polaska schmitd ludak je uzeo PRAVE metke i vojnicki noz od nekog doma pa podvalio kuruznome...umalo su bili eksplodirali bili su izlozeni suncu...uzas...al zajebi to...onda smo imali 2 disko veceri,prvu sam gledo rey mysteria i smackdown,a drugu sam "pleso" nesto sam izmisljo tam neke pokrete shta ja znam rofl,pa sam se u 12 moro tusirat...iste noci sam se potuko s eugenom...e da prve disko veceri je schmitd zajebavo malog abija i i ovi su jos mene okrivili a ja bio onak,wtf?al odma je abi reko da ja nisam vec da je schmitd,i tak...ugl bilo je jebeno,smisljali smo kletve lol...dodem ti ja ovom debilu koj je ovisan o nafti itd (stalno to spominje) ja mu reko:dabog da ti djeca jela ugljen,pila loz ulje,pisala naftu i prdila zemni plin,itd itd...a schmitdu je to dopizdilo pa se zadero DABOG DA NEIMO DJECE a mi roknuli u smjeh...onda su bile neke igre bez granica,slusali smo ajsa bero,josip i ja i svi usutili a kak je on raspalio dio od kineza tranvestita ovak je islo:KOJI MAZU SVOJU BULJU RAZNORAZNIM MASTIMA,MARS SVI U KINU PICKA LI VAM MATERNA!!!!!Mi ofc roknuli u smjeh,onda smo cure tak zajebavali da su nam leda bila plava od samaranja...onda jedna ivana zenska ima 20kg misica u vratu,da joj legnes na glavu nebi je mogo potopit...danas sam otiso po knjige i kad sam doso doma,izvago sam i bilo je 10kg ffs!!!leda su mi otpala odma,pa sam iso van se nac s ivanom pa je ona nes otisla sta ja znam,otiso sam po crnog da idemo van,isli smo na 2 skole,krenuli smo u igraonicu kod prek puta moje zgrade kad ono iz tramvaja kog vidim?BERU!!!!i tak mi smo osli do igraone nas 3 al nije radilo pa nas je ivan castio slajcem,onda je on moro ic kuci a bero i ja smo bili na bundeku slusali ajsa...ja sam mu se smijo sto ide u kuhare lol..onda smo isli kuci ja doso doma..doppo se na msnu i moro sam kupit shoese za tjelesnu zdravstvenu nekulturu...super su tenke a sad cu napisat tekst od nyhma parodiju na eminemovu pjesmu Just Lose It...Evo ide
(what up my ninja's)
Tank Down Down Down
Priest Down Down Down
Rogue Down Down
Were all Down
Guess who's Back
Back Again
Nyhm is Back
For the Win

Now everyone to the Zul Aman Door
Zul Aman Door
Zul Aman Door
Now everyone to the Zul Aman Door
Alright Stop
Mana Time

C'mere everbody bang that gong
Guess who's back with a brand new song
2.3 Introducing Zul Aman
And A New UI because my mods are gone]
No Fear
DoT's are Nerfed with the Resilliance Gear
Everyone's a hunter, dead zone disapeared
And Roflcopters for the engineer's

New strategies and new thrill
Or Maybe its just another big repair bill
Sacrifice kill didn't make it there in time
Gotta move faster hatin this damn respawn time

Boss down slash do a little cheer
Hopin you get to replace your gear
Whats that layin on the mobs corpse
The Epic loots of "Pwn More"
Everybodies wantin to roll for
Nobodies gonna want it who'd care
Go and get your loot dude it's OK

Looks like everyone passed
And I'm about to roll Need, wont lose this
I'm not gonna hope for chance, wait till last
Greed Roll when you Pass
Oops I mean need
Need need need
Then Log with Ninja Speed

Alright now Loot it
Just loot it
Group Hates me
Poor Babies
Poor baby Babies

Gankin noobs is so damn easy
29 and twinkin runnin through the BG's
Undead rogue so nobody can see me
All my Gear's flamin
Ya gotta be Hatin
My Evisceratin
In front of your friends its so humiliatin
I'm unstealthed and waiting till everybody sees
That I'm gonna stand here and Teebag your body

Excuse me guys I know that I am just a new recruit
But I've been raidin for a year and havent got to loot
And I don't know if I can stomach 30 gold repairs
He want's loot? I vote he gets the boot now

Check out this game girl you play online
You know I'm not the gaming Kind
NYHM! Computer mine!
But I don't get my game time?! Fine

I'm not gonna hope for chance, wait till last
Greed roll when you pass
Oops I mean need
Need Need Need
Then Log With Ninja Seed

Alright now loot it
Just loot it
Group hates me
Poor Babies
Poor Baby Babies

It's a Tuesday it's a raid day
It's a shame I've got negative DKP
But I'm Still goin, Sorry Mr raid lead
Gotta try to get some new gear today

Now I'm sorry all you other members
But I'm afraid you wont be lootin
When we drop a boss, It's purple I see
Now I'm gonna go over and
Loot that body!

Now this is the part where the group breaks down
Caps Lock means that they're talking loud
Everyone says your a ninja now!
Savory Deviate Delight and the truth comes out

Hearth back to the inn ya see, and I'm alt tabbin
Blizz's new Paid Name change and I'm a new man
Plate and axes, swords and leather
Disenchant to something better
Post some auctions, make some cheddar
( Can a white boy say that)

Everybody in arenas, Arenas
A higher rating doesn't mean you have a bigger penis
Tenstorms, Lightforge, Deathmantle, Beastlords
Incantors and Aldors bank full of armors
Everyone to the instance door
And Equip your battle elixir
Of ninja seein 'fore I squeeze in and take this

I'm only teasin
I'm not gonna hope for chance, wait till last
Greed roll when you pass
Oops I mean need
Need Need Need
then log with Ninja Speed
Alright now loot it
Just loot it
Group hates me
Poor babies
Poor Baby Babies

(hey dont touch that body,hey guys dont touch that body,hey girls dont touch that body,everyone dont touch that body)

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