30.04.2006., nedjelja

U vezi svirke...

Nisan u četvrtak bila na udrugu pa neznan točno šta je sa svirkon sutra,ali prema neslužbenin informacijama,odnosno sa Succubinoga bloga doznajen da svirka neće bit na Malariji nego u kinu,valjda da nebi ulila kiša...A i bolje je takosmijehDođite u šta večen broju,a onu gospodu šta su išli u Pulu molin da se udostoje doć ćak i ako budu krepani i iako nan je škola odma dan posli i to za nefalit-ujutroblablamadpuknucuburninmadheadbang...Aj valjda se neće ništa minjat u vezi svirke...I mora me otac pustit,MOOOORAAA!!
Ajde iden ja...Guštajtesmokinpartymah
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- 17:00 - Life's a bitch... (10) - The world is gay... - #

29.04.2006., subota

Dok se ekipa zajebaje negdi po Puli ja pišen post...jupi.........

Evo pošto volin Pepperse a oni su nedavno izbacili novi,dupli album Stadium Arcadium(kod nas će se moć kupit tek od 5.5.namcor) od kojega se jedan CD zove Jupiter,a drugi Mars i pošto mi se toliko svidija prvi singl Dani California,evo van ukratko biografija Peppersa...
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Red hot chilli peppers
Malo je grupa iz 80-ih godina bilo toliko inovativno, provokativno i originalno u traženju vlastitog sounda kao Red Hot Chili Peppers. Tijekom godina stvorili su vlastiti izričaj kombinirajući funk, rock i punk. Povijest grupe seže u školsko doba, kada su Anthony Kiedis, Michael Balzary i Hillel Slovak razvili čvrsto prijateljstvo. Nakon što su ovladali glazbenim osnovama, i napisali nekoliko pjesama, pridružio im se i bubnjar Jack Irons, tako da su ubrzo počeli vježbati i usavršavati svoj live nastup (po kojem su kasnije postali legendarni).
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1983. Balzary je počeo nastupati pod imenom Flea, a bend pod imenom Red Hot Chili Peppers. Naravno, vijest se o njima brzo širila, no prije objave debitantskog albuma Slovak i Irons su odlučili napustiti bend i posvetiti se svojoj drugoj grupi, What Is This. Našavši zamjene za njih u Jacku Shermanu i Cliff Martinezu, bend je 1984 godine objavio prvijenac "Red Hot Chili Peppers". Album nije privukao veliku pozornost, ponajprije zbog očitog nedostatka članova originalne postave.

1985. godine Slovak i Irons su se vratili, te je originalna postava objavila album "Freaky Styley", no tek su 1987., albumom "The Uplift Mofo Party Plan" zapalili publiku. 1988. su objavili EP "The Abbey Road", no tada se desila velika tragedija kada je Slovak nađen mrtav od predoziranja, 25.06.1988. Duboko pogođen, Irons ovaj put definitivno napušta bend. Tada su se bendu priključili John Frusciante i Chad Smith. 1989. su objavili album "Mother's Milk" koji je bio vrlo uspješan, ali najbolje je tek uslijedilo albumom "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" (1991.), koji je lansirao hitove "Give It Away" i "Under the Bridge".

Ubrzo je zbog teške ovisnosti bend napustio i Frusciante, a zamijenio ga je (nakratko) Arik Marshall, zatim Jesse Tobias, a naposlijetku Dave Navarro. 1995. godine bend je objavio album "One Hot Minute", a grupu je napustio Navarro. Fruscianteova karijera nije umrla nakon odlaska iz grupe; 1995. objavio je solo album "Niandra Ladies and Usually Just a T-Shirt", a 1997. "Smile From the Streets You Hold", da bi se 1999. vratio Peppersima i odsvirao sjajan come-back na albumu "Californication", koji je bend popratio velikom turnejom.

2002. objavili su sjajan album "By the Way", kojim su dokazali da je moguće i u dvadesetoj godini karijere donijeti čisto remek-djelo. "By The Way" je bio toliko uspješan da je iznjedrio čak dvije svjetske turneje: na drugoj, stadionskoj, bend je tijekom 2004. vidjelo više milijuna ljudi, a s tri koncerta u londonskom Hyde Parku, u lipnju 2004., izvučen je i dvostruki live album "Live At Hyde Park".
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- 18:20 - Life's a bitch... (4) - The world is gay... - #

25.04.2006., utorak

Neman inspiracije boli me glava...

Neman inspiracije uopće ovih dana jer se donosi jedna ogromna odluka...mislin tu bi ja tribala odlučitheadbangheadbangheadbang...Ubit ću seeeeeeeeebang............Molin vas da mi ne dižete živčiće jer san ionako na rubuludludPukla san u totalu...Već odavno mi govore da to napravin,ali ja pametna,tek sad razmišljan o tome zapravo...AAAAAaaaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh.......Aj iden ja ća...Možda van javin kako je prošlo...To već šta iman napravit...ustvari reć...ma svejedno...LIVE AND LET DIE kažen ja...Pih...ajte bog...headbangheadbang
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- 10:40 - Life's a bitch... (12) - The world is gay... - #

20.04.2006., četvrtak

Moje vino,hehehe...

Evo negdi san naletila na ovu navodno pismu,bila je i cila ali evo vama samo refren.Morate je pivat melodijon od refrena It's my life od Bon Jovi-asmijeh

It's my wine

It's my wine
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to drink while I'm alive

My throat is like an open highway
Like Megy said
I drank it my way
I just wanna drink while I'm alive
It's my wine...

I evo van jedna slika,evolucija muškarca i ženerofl
Bez uvrede muškismijeh
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- 21:22 - Life's a bitch... (3) - The world is gay... - #

17.04.2006., ponedjeljak

Od subote do subote-Post za upišat se od smija i Tri kralja...

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Ova slika van govori ono šta ću van ja sad reć-nema robije!Živimo normalno,od subote do subote,a ne ka i kad je škola samo suboton,a ostale dane prispavamo.Ove subote je promet na tribinama bija smanjen...Da neznan,rekla bi da in fali školaludpa su ostali doma u depresijirofl...Ok neki manji dil ekipe je bija CBS-u na prove,a di su drugi bili??Grijali jaja doma?Da budu utvrdo kuvana kad se na uskrs,odnosno jučer budu gađali?E kad se ja sitin tih dana...Mislin,jedva da ih se sićan,pa gospe to je bilo prije jedno pet,šest godina,ali ni vi ne bi zaboravili jurcanje oko kuće i gađanje jajima svakoga stojadina(auto,za one nepismene i zaostale)koji prođe.Normalno,tu je bilo i pleski od matere i čače,ali sve se to isplatilo podnit samo da vidite kad se babe useru kad in se usrid vožnje prilipi jaje na šover šajburoflroflrofl.E,ali je bilo pišancije na tribinama ipak...Mislin doslovno pišancije...Jedna mala ekipica koju neću sad imenovat(određene osobe znaju),se toliko ulila i naroljala da su određeni pripadnici te ekipice,bolje rečeno tri poremečena morbidna debila,lipo utekla nasrid Slavena i točno po centru se ispišali.Normalno,tribinama su bili okrenuti guzicama,jer su se valjda ipak sitili da su na tribama neki ljudi još uvik dica,pa ne bi tili snosit posljedice za njihov otežan razvoj i zaostalost,a da ne spominjen traume s kojima bi morali živit do groba.Ja ne bi bila ja da se u tome trenu,dok su oni održavali misu male nužde,nisan zaderala.Ovaj put su me posjetili na nešto pa san se zaderala Tri kralja!Odatle onaj naslov i njihov odsadašnji nadimak.Je je,čuli su me i okrenili su se...A jebate zabrinila bi se da me nisu čuli,pomislija bi čovik da in nije nešto u redu sa sluhon,ili nedajbože mozgon!Ok ok,sa sluhon jer ovo drugo oćito nemaju...Ko je taj događaj propustija moga je vidit i reprizu samo dvi minute posli.Opet su to napravile iste osobe na istome mistu,samo šta in se ovaj put prikljućija još jedan biser iz iste ekipe.Pošto taj lik nije "točija" dva puta ka oni,ipak nije osta dužan jerbo je posli...ovaj...ahem...povratija.Sa vrha tribina,ali iza njih.Okej,razumin da je ovo gnjusan post,ali priznajte,vridilo je saznat da uvik ima morbidnijih i bijednijihnutludheadbangroflljudi nego šta ste vi...

Eto,napisala san se...
Ljubin vas sve u kolino i govorin van-naločite se ka majke dok nema škole,i neka van ova Tri kralja budu primjerroflrofl

Evo van još jedna pikčr za sprd...
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Love ya'llkisskiss
- 18:10 - Life's a bitch... (10) - The world is gay... - #

15.04.2006., subota

A post...i malo slika...e...

Evo jučer san cilo popodne bila u Dore i malo smo skidale slike sa neta,a meni je glava ka badanj od onih retaja iz garaže...A šta se tu može?Samo ih snimit kako mlate,praše,pilaju,luduju itd.i to in posli pustit da se sami čuju.Ajme ajme,stvarno san Evilrofl...
Evo van malo slika šta smo iskopale...

A doklen je došlo...
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Ovaj...ovo stvarno ne bi tila komentirat...uvećajte sliku i obratite pažnju malo na ono šta piše plavin slovima na boci...
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Krava koja je dala ovo mliko je sigurno bila teški pijanac...
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Ove slike su dokaz da svit nazadujeroflludsmijeh
Btw,Dora jesi li počela skupljat pare??

Aj uživajte ljudi...
Bambuća!(don't ask...pukla san...)

- 14:37 - Life's a bitch... (12) - The world is gay... - #

11.04.2006., utorak

Subota navečer...tribine...ou maj gad...

Pih...je da,izašla san iz kuće u devet ipo,a mogla san bit vanka samo do 11 ipo...bljeeeeeeee.....Ljudi moji,Mirela je obukla postole na take!!roflAj aj dobro,to je zato šta je bila na koncertu u Split prije toga.Normalno,to nebi bila Mirela da ona nešto ne napravi...Pukla je tak,a za ne falit to su jon bile materine postole,a prije toga je od onih mrižastih bičava napravila rukavice.PSYCO!!Nije ovo za svaćije uši ali je Tome povrača sa kraja tribina...
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Ekipi je bilo ledeno,ali ih je spasila ona pusta papirina šta je bila po Slavenu od utakmice to jutro,pa su je lipo naložili i grijali se ka neandertalci...Ajme iden ja ća,iman predsat,a ovo javljanje je bilo eto tako,da ne mislite da san vas zaboravila...
p.s.pas mi je slomija šapu.....nonono
p.p.s.Mirela vrati mi više oni ce-de od Sonate,for gad sejk

- 10:45 - Life's a bitch... (13) - The world is gay... - #

08.04.2006., subota

Nean pojma.....

Zaboravila san da van nisan rekla šta je bilo na udruzi...Mislin ono,neću van ja sad sve u detalje šta smo pričali jer ste sami krivi kad niste bili tamo...e...ma zajebajense...Uglavnon,bija nan je to najbolji sastanak do sad.Sprdavali smo se,ali smo se i uspili dogovorit za svirke.Navodno bi triba u peti misec bit na Malariji ka i svake godine Rock Spring festival,točnije 19.,20. i 21.05.Okupit ćemo sve bendove iz Trogira i okolice koje budemo mogli,a na završnu večer,u nedilju(21.05.)ćemo dovuć i TBF.Uglavnon,to još ništa nije službeno,ali priča stoji,pa ako bude promjena znat ćete...Toliko o tome.Btw,još nismo ime smisliliroflludmah
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- 17:10 - Life's a bitch... (6) - The world is gay... - #

06.04.2006., četvrtak

Kad van Mirela i Frane cicaju inspiraciju....

E po naslovu morete zaključit o ćemu se radi...e pa malo se raspravlja priko Bruceovoga bloga o glupostima i tako tome...Uglavnon biseri koje samo nas troje moremo izvalit...e...Neman ništa pametno za napisat nego ode čekan tamo onu udrugu pa eto....dosadno mi je malo....Aj uživajte...party
Hmmmm...evo jedna opaka za pušače...hehe...
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- 17:25 - Life's a bitch... (12) - The world is gay... - #

04.04.2006., utorak

Kurt Donald Cobain (20.2.1967.-5.4.1994.)

Eh......ovaj post posvećujen kralju iz naslova...Za sve one koji ne znaju,sutra mu je 12.godišnjica smrtino...
Eto toliko...We will always remember you Kurt...R.I.P.
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- 20:05 - Life's a bitch... (16) - The world is gay... - #

02.04.2006., nedjelja


Eeeee,ja san obećala,pa sad i stavljan biografiju...koga...ma legendiyes
kisskisskisskisskisskissuživila san se.......e da,sutra ćete vidit neku malu promjenu na meniwinkma mala je...promjena mislin...Dora da me nisi cinkala jer ćeš nadrapat kad te vidin...Enivej,evo van CHILDREN OF BODOMkisskisskiss

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Children of Bodom is a heavy metal band from Espoo, Finland. There is some contention regarding the band's genre classification, but in general the band's musical style can be described as a hybrid of power metal, melodic death metal and melodic black metal.
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The band's earlier releases leaned more towards a power metal style (with some melodic black metal influence), but more recently the band has focused on a style more closely related to melodic death metal. However, several key traits have remained consistent throughout the band's history, such as a focus on rapid tempos and technical guitar and keyboard solos. Other traits, such as Alexi's vocal approach and Jaska's use of blast beats are also consistent across the band's discography. The lyrics of Children of Bodom's songs are written in English and most often are concerned with the subjects of death, personal struggles and the Lake Bodom murders.

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The band was founded in 1993 by guitarist Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho and drummer Jaska Raatikainen under the name of IneartheD. Both musicians had known each other since childhood and had shared an interest in heavy metal, especially death metal bands, such as Stone, Entombed and Obituary. Bassist Samuli Miettinen completed the initial line-up of the band. IneartheD recorded its first demo, titled Implosion of Heaven, during August of the same year.

Samuli was the main composer of the band's lyrics for the two years that he took part in IneartheD, but his family moved to the United States in late 1995, making it impossible for him to remain in the band. His last contribution to IneartheD were the lyrics of the songs from their second demo, Ubiquitous Absence of Remission. In this demo, keyboards were incorporated into the band's songs for the first time. In order to achieve this, both Alexi and Jaska played the keyboards separately, and subsequently mixed the recorded track with the other instruments. Alexi, who had previously only composed the melodies of the songs, assumed the role of the band's lyricist.
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At the time, Jaska played French horn in a local big band, and during a rehearsal he met Alexander Kuoppala, a trumpet player and also a proficient guitarist. Hence, shortly after the recording of their second demo, Alexander was invited to join IneartheD as a rhythm guitarist.

The bassist chosen to replace Samuli was Henkka "Blacksmith" Seppälä, whom Alexi and Jaska had previously met at school. Apart from playing the bass, Henkka also often doubles as the band's backing vocalist. Also, the band recruited a musician to specialize on keyboards, whose name was Jani Pirisjoki. Both musicians joined IneartheD in early 1996.

With this new line-up, IneartheD proceeded to record their third demo, entitled Shining. This demo did not impress record labels any more than the previous ones had, and none took interest in the band. Despite their efforts, their music got little exposure and managed only to play at local events. As a last resort, the band decided to record an independent, self-funded album. Considering that none of the musicians had much money to begin with, it was an audacious move.
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Janne was the component which was previously missing from IneartheD. His presence allowed the band to assume the style which would later characterise Children of Bodom. With him, the band successfully recorded their first album in 1997. Their debut, Something Wild, was supposed to be released by a small Belgian label, but Sami Tenetz (from Thy Serpent) acquired a copy of their album through the hands of Alexander (both musicians worked for the same company at the time). Shortly after IneartheD signed this contract, Spinefarm Records' boss immediately became interested in signing them for a country-wide release. The latter deal was much more attractive to the band, since the Belgian label was offering them close to no help, to the point where they would have to distribute and sell the album themselves.

For the band to be able to sign with Spinefarm Records, a new name was required; the contract with the Belgian label had already been signed under the name of IneartheD. The answer to that problem came as the band members looked for good names in their local phone book. When they stumbled upon Lake Bodom, they realized it was a name with impact; one which had an interesting story behind it. A long list of possible names involving the word Bodom was then made, and they settled with Children of Bodom.

The story of the Lake Bodom murders goes as follows: on the night of June the 4th of 1960, three teenagers were murdered by means of repeated stabbing with a knife while on a camping trip to the lake. There was a lone survivor named Nils Gustafsson, who was initially believed to be an innocent witness who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, in early 2005, the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation reported that Gustafsson was a suspect. He was later arrested and tried. On October 7, 2005, Gustafsson was found not guilty. Henkka Seppälä commented, "The further the trial went on, the more it seemed that it's not possible to judge him. The prosecution side's evidence was too weak. The biggest surprise was the fact that he was even prosecuted in the first place. Most of the people wouldn't have guessed that kind of thing to happen in this matter. Now he is free, and innocent as he has always been (my trust towards our law institution is strong) and nothing has changed in the mystery of Lake Bodom. So we can go on and we don't have to change our name, like many people suggested to do if the case would have been solved!"

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With the intention of promoting the upcoming release of Something Wild, the band opened one of the shows from the symphonic black metal band Dimmu Borgir in late 1997. Their success was such that a representative from the Nuclear Blast label shortly approached them with a contract for a European release, a deal which started on the subsequent year.

Something Wild was officially released in November of 1997, and for promotional purposes the band recorded a music video of the song "Deadnight Warrior". The video was directed by Mika Lindberg and had a slim budget of €1000, but managed to convey the band's style rather well. It made use of simple scenery, which consisted essentially of an outdoors location after a snowstorm. There the band played for a couple of hours at night, with an average temperature of negative fifteen degrees Celsius .

Children of Bodom's first European tour began in February of 1998. They played together with bands such as Hypocrisy, Covenant and Agathodaimon, but suffered from the absence of Janne, who was concentrating on finishing his studies. He was replaced by Erna Siikavirta (a female pianist who is a friend of the band and who currently plays with the theatrical band Lordi) for the duration of the tour.

Live concert in EuropeMonths later, the band recorded two new songs, entitled "Towards Dead End" and "Children of Bodom". The latter was included in a compilation by Spinefarm Records, which after being released remained on the top of Finnish charts for eight consecutive weeks. In late August, the band played the song "Forevermore" live for the first time during a show in Russia. This song was later renamed "Downfall".

Their second European tour occurred in September of that same year, but once more Janne was not able to perform with them. Alexi's then-girlfriend Kimberly Goss (from Sinergy and formerly of Dimmu Borgir and Therion) assumed the keyboards this time. By the end of the tour, Kimberly invited Alexi to join Sinergy, which at the time was still in its early stages.

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The second album, Hatebreeder, was recorded between the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999. It was originally entitled Towards Dead End, but while in studio the members of the band opted for the current title. To create anticipation in Finland, the '"Downfall" single was released two weeks prior to the album's release. It was accompanied by a new music video, once more directed by Mika Lindberg. Hatebreeder ultimately topped the charts in many European countries.

In July of 1999, the success of the "Downfall" single and Hatebreeder allowed Children of Bodom to schedule three concerts in Japan with Sinergy and veteran band In Flames. During two of these concerts the live album Tokyo Warhearts was recorded, and in it the band managed to seamlessly reproduce and at times improve on their songs, a notable achievement for a band with only two albums recorded previously. Under their request, no overdubs were used on the recording of the concert.
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For their next release, Children of Bodom decided to make use of Peter Tägtgren's Abyss studio in Sweden, instead of the Finnish Astia-studio from Anssi Kippo, in which they had recorded all of their previous releases, including the demos from IneartheD. The band wrote eight new songs for this album, and while on the studio decided to include an extra track, which was hastily composed and featured lyrics improvised by Alexi; that track would eventually receive the name of "Kissing the Shadows". The band gave the album the name of Follow the Reaper and recording sessions took place between August and September of 2000; the album saw a worldwide release in early 2001. A music video for "Everytime I Die" was recorded by Finnish director Tuukka Temonen shortly after. Virtuoso guitar solo artist Oliver Stevenson also provided a few solos for these albums.

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In February of 2002, Children of Bodom began writing songs for their upcoming album, entitled Hate Crew Deathroll. Recording ensued during the month of August, and the album was released January 2003 in Finland. It remained on the top of the Finnish charts for a total of three weeks and subsequently became the band's first gold album, even though all of their albums eventually reached this status, with Follow the Reaper reaching platinum status.

Children of Bodom on the Are You Dead Yet? line-up, from left to right: Roope, Jaska, Alexi, Henkka and JanneChildren of Bodom's first world tour began in 2003 and lasted until late 2004. The tour had many sold-out concerts and marked the consolidation of the band in North America, but was also accompanied by an unexpected announcement: Alexander decided to quit Children of Bodom for personal reasons right in the middle of the tour without giving previous warning. Griffin's guitarist Kai Nergaard was invited by Alexi to replace Alexander, but did not accept the offer. Thus, Alexi's bandmate from Sinergy, Roope Latvala (founding member of Stone, one of the bands which started the heavy metal movement in Finland) assumed the guitars as a session player, until a more permanent solution could be found. This formation was introduced in Moscow on the 16th of August.
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After successfully finishing the world tour with Latvala — who then assumed a permanent position in the band's line-up — Children of Bodom proceeded to record and release the EP Trashed, Lost & Strungout and the single "In Your Face", which contained songs from their upcoming album and a cover of the Britney Spears song "Oops!... I Did It Again" as a joke. In late 2005, the album Are You Dead Yet? was released, featuring a style different from what had been presented by the band on its previous works. Simpler and heavier guitar riffs were incorporated into Children of Bodom's sound, as well as elements from industrial music. Reactions from fans to the release were varied; however, the album remains the band's most commercially successful. It was awarded gold status in Finland and reached first place on the Finnish charts, 16th in Germany, 16th in Sweden and 17th in Japan. The next planned release of the band is a DVD-single for the song "In Your Face", which will include the music video, backstage footage from the band and a live recording of the song "Sixpounder".
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Alexander is not a member of COB anymore. This was written by Alexi on the official Children of Bodom site:

So...unfortunately it is true that Alexander is no longer part of the Hatecrew, and we just wanted to make the point clear that there is absolutely no bad blood between us, what so ever. We really try not to make a big deal out of this, and since it`s not our place to talk about Alexander`s personal affairs, we have to be brief about this. Alexander realized he couldn`t take this constant touring life anymore and felt that he was holding us back by not enjoy doing this anymore and that it was better for him to bail out than not giving the whole 100% and making himself unhappy. His exact words to me were ”It`s not fair to me, to you, or to our fans to pull an act in front of you all and just do it for money” We understand that some of you might feel that it`s not COB without him, and it is true that he was a huge part of us just like every other member, but we hope that YOU understand that this has not been easy for us, but, god damn, we will carry on with a new guy(which we`ll let you know about later),cuz after all, the fact is: CHILREN OF BODOM AIN`T READY TO FUCKING DIE YET!

-Alexi Laiho
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- 14:15 - Life's a bitch... (19) - The world is gay... - #

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Čitaj ako znaš,a ako ne,tvoj problem...


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Brže klikni ode!!Pod hitno!!!

-Children of Bodom
-In Flames
-Sonata Arctica
-Iced Earth
-Iron Maiden
-Cradle of Filth

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"This is gonna suck for sure,so don't stress over it..."
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"No one here gets out alive..."
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Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...

Bezmozgovići kakve samo ja znan...hehehehe...

Život je kao dječja košuljica-kratak i zasran

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Ala, ala šta smo lipismijeh

by Am I Evil???Yes I Am!!!

Bartul, Mirela, ja, Čiko, Kiki, Nina, a "slikavatelj" je Brazilka

by Am I Evil???Yes I Am!!!

Ja i Mirela, ka dvi kuje..

by AmI Evil???Yes I Am!!!

Brazy i ja...ou dir gad...

by Am I Evil???Yes I Am!!!

Top Lock - Wasteland

Environment pollution,
We`re burning down our hopes,
For the love of the Dollar.

We sell our souls,
Abuse our existence,
With our corrupted minds,
We treat the nature without any

Why are we creating,
Something we`re afraid of?

Solo (Civa)

Doom is waiting for us,
But we don`t care,
It`s only money, money,
Money everywhere.

And so the hell shall rise,
In it's wickedest form,
And we shall kneel down and cry,
As we witness the destruction storm.

The life will perish,
Within the blink of an eye,
But still

We`re creating apocalypse,
Turning the Earth into a wasteland,
We devour ourselves,
Letting destiny go off our hands.

Everything will be gone,
Smashed by this wasteland,
`Cause we`re unaware,
We`re burying our faces in the sand.

Solo (Popa)

We`re creating apocalypse,
Turning the Earth into a wasteland,
We devour ourselves,
Letting destiny go off our hands.

Everything will be gone,
Smashed by this wasteland,
`Cause we`re unaware,
We`re burying our faces in the sand.

Solo 2 (Popa)


Kriza - Iluzija

Hladnoća u srcu
Tjeskoba u grudima
Nemir kroz tijelo me obuzima

Ostaju samo lijepe riječi
I sjećanja na tebe,
Dani sreće i ljubavi
U mojim mislima zatoćeni

I samo tuga,
Nema nade ni ufanja
Stare slike izblijedile,
Ljubavne pjesme besmislene

Jer sve je iluzija,
Fantom uma
Poremećaj stvarosti
I povratak gadljive prošlosti

I mogu da pretrpim bol
I mogu da podnesem patnju
Al’ možda je najlakše…

I mogu da pretrpim bol
I mogu da podnesem patnju
Al’ možda je najlakše
Da se propucam hicem kroz glavu


Sve je iluzija,
Fantom uma
Poremećaj stvarosti
I povratak gadljive prošlosti


Mogu da pretrpim bol
I mogu da podnesem patnju
Al’ možda je najlakše
Da se propucam hicem kroz glavu