utorak, 24.01.2006.

Average city lights

Its just it, i quit, i wanna out
Who belived i’m big--?!
I did, just stopped, i took it too much,
Maybe just let it go too far, who cares!
I do, dunno, just fucked my self, deep.
Just stay cool_ unfucking belivable,
you try to stay cool…
walked home so lonely, needed just a simple smthg,
anythg, but from you…
cold city, place to stay just too hot…
like toy soldiers, dark empty room, wind,
couldn’t help, just broke down, cry.
call me maggot, suck my fist, i simply dont care
I could give needed kiss, maybe i should.
Who to thank it slipped? Don’t wanna thank any1
Just a way it turned out to be. But, hey, its evening,
world, this small city, its so full, no1 should be allowed
to hurt so deep
hey, you, wake up, no1’s allowed, just ur wild feeling taking control
while u being so god damn depressed…
now stop, pull ur self together…
(sister calling & saying something so simlpe, probably even true
-we, chicks know just what we don’t want, we don’t really know
what we want…)
my sister is golden, thank you silly cutieJ
luka, read on top, no1 is really ever alone..
who are you? I keep guessing. think u’re not sure either
they couldn’t of escape from you nor be free of you,
they never find to way out so lots of men hearts were broken…
happened to find out i’ll need more place around me without you
must be easier for me, hopely make u feel more unconfined or unentangled
if i did it accidentaly; althought i don’t think u need more place
in ur searches…
smthg’s just being borned in the deepest darkest corner of my mind but i don’t think
it has any medical latin name… going out new…
“look who is alone now, its not me, its not me…”
still, I remain the same, just older…
(hours passed, i read it again… tiny smile almost unvisible in the corners of my lips..ppl can really change their mood so quickly, i’m okey again, maybe need feelings-control-manager, maybe just developed one..)

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