
nedjelja, 20.11.2005.

REINKARNACIJA ( ponovno rađanje )

Reinkarnacija je oduvijek privlačila zanimanje najrazličitijih slojeva društva. Tibet reinkarnacija ili Reinkarnacija Tibet se u našem društvu najviše povezuje sa jednim čovjekom – Dalai Lama, kojega budisti poštuju kao inkarnaciju Avalokiteshvare - bude neizmjernog milosrđa. Na Tibetu još od trinaestog stoljeća njeguju svoju tradiciju prepoznavanja inkarnacija ili tulkus-a. To bi značilo da kada jedan ostvareni učitelj umre on ili ona može ostaviti točan nagovještaj o tome gdje će biti ponovno rođen.
U posljednih 150 godina na raznim stranama svijeta osobito na orijentu primjećeno je i ustanovljeno da djeca vrlo niske životne dobi govore ili rade neke stvari koje nisu mogli naučiti za ovoga života. Jedino alternativno objašnjenje dao je egzorcizam – opsjedanje vragom jer prilikom nekih egzorcističkih rituala djeca ili ljudi govorili bi nekim drugim jezicima. Sve se to tumačilo kao manifestacija sila zla, sila mraka - odnosno demona.
Svatko je drugačije doživljavao prijelaz duše ( kao energije ) iz jednog tijela u drugo, ovisno o vremenu, kulturi... Pogrešno bi bilo reći da je čovjek u kamenom dobu o tim stvarima uopće razmišljao, jer razmišljanje o reinkarnaciji započinje tek sa ljudskom evolucijom. U fazi evolucije čovjek je bio u stanju da razmišlja o dugom, dalekom putovanju naše duše kao i o našoj sudbini. Prije toga više su se bavili kultom mrtvih, da bi mrtvi vječno živjeli na zemlji. Egipatske misterije uče nas o fenomenu preživljavanja duše. Oni su vjerovali u seljenje duše iz jednog tijela u drugi. U tajnama Iside razlikovali su materijalno tijelo * khat *, tijelo - nešto između materijalnog i duha * kha * (danas mi to nazivamo astralno), te na kraju čisti duh * khou *. Po egipćanima ljudsko biće posjeduje sve tri ove realnosti. Kada čovjek umre ostaje samo duša u njihovom jeziku * ba *.

Budizam je jedna velika orijentalna religija. Budizam prihvaća doktrinu reinkarnacije te s obzirom na nju stvara jednu seriju moralnih principa. Budizam i budisti još u samom početku podijelili su se u najmanje tri škole - različite po duhovnosti i shvaćanjima. Budizam uvijek govori o famoznom razgovoru o Benaresu koji je izveo sami Buda ( Buddha ),osoba koja je živjela u šestom stoljeću. Taj razgovor opisan je u knjizi * PROBUĐENI *. Buddha predstavlja četiri velike istine o boli koje čovjek mora upoznati da bi mogao dosegnuti kraj ciklusa ponovnog rađanja - odnosno stanje beskrajne, vječne sreće. Smrt nije kraj stvarnog postojanja nego samo jedan ciklus potpunog, istinskog razvitka - odnosno dolaska do krajnjeg prosvjetljenja.

Mnogi od Vas vjerojatno se pitate kako to energija funkcionira u našem tijelu ? Eteričko tijelo, neki još nazivaju tijelo života, sastavljeno je od minijaturnih djelića koji su u stanju da ožive fizičko tijelo. Niti jedan pokret, niti jedan proces ne može se napraviti bez upravljanja eteričkog tijela. Na orijentu tu energiju nazivaju i prana, a ona se po svom rasporedu ubacuje u sedam naših čakri ( energetski centri ). Čakre se pronalaze u sedam točaka našeg organizma, duž dugačke linije spine dorsales ( kralježnica ). Tu protiču tri paralelna kanala koji raspoređuju energiju iz jedne čakre u drugu čakru za cijelo vrijeme našeg života. Uzimaju oblik serpentina ( lijevo – desno ) otvarajući se odozdo prema gore. Bez tih živahnih serpentina ne bismo bili u stanju da napravimo ništa. Sa točke gledišta reinkarnacije najvažnija je čakra u visini pupka, zona između stomaka i jetre. U tom području žive instinkti, želje i čežnje. Upravo ta energija je najvećim dijelom iz prošle karme, odnosno našeg izbora u prošlim inkarnacijama.

Zahvaljujući nekim tehnikama psihologije, medicine i ezoterike mogu se i ispitati prijašnji životi. Regresivna hipnoza je tehnika koja je osobito u Americi postigla stupanj kvalificiranosti. Regresivna hipnoza ili trans uspjeva vrlo efikasno neku osobu vratiti u prijašnji život.Taj postupak može biti lijep ali i vrlo mučan, težak jer osoba ponovno proživljava scene ranijih života. Za istraživanje skrivenih tajni psihe, dolazeći u kontakt sa astralnim tijelom, potrebno je ući u treći stadij hipnoze. Taj stadij je najdublji, najčudotvorniji. Vrlo je naporno jer osoba mora postepeno biti vraćena kroz godine unatrag - sve do momenta rođenja, do maternice, onda se javlja jedna praznina, zatim prodiranje kroz iskustvo nekadašnje smrti te konačno stižemo do iskustva prijašnjeg života. Pojedini ljudi koriste i razne spiritualne metode da bi što točnije opisali ili doživjeli razne inkarnacije. Osim tih regresivnih hipnoza postoje i progresivne hipnoze. Kroz progresivnu hipnozu promatramo naš život tj. karmički put u narednim stoljećima ( trećem milenijumu ).

- 21:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Nešto malo o meni...

  • Zovem se Andreja...

    Živim u Donjem Kraljevecu...

    Idem u 8.r...

    Baš ne volim čitati knjige,a pogotovo ne lektiru...

    Volim slušati glazbu,surfati po netu,družiti se sa frendicama...

    Naj frendice su mi: Petra,Nina,Maja,Lara... (pozdravljam ih..)

    Naj film mi je: Harry Potter i zatočenik Azkabana, Knight Tale i Gospodin i gospođa Smith

    Naj glumci i glumice su mi: Heath Ledger,Daniel Radcliffe i Sandra Bullock...

    Naj pjesme su mi: Don't cry, Poison, Highway To Hell, Knockin' On Heavens Door...
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Glittery texts by bigoo.ws


Glittery texts by bigoo.ws


Glittery texts by bigoo.ws


Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Gwen Stefani - Cool


  • Knockin' On Heavens Door
    Mama take this badge from me
    I can't use it anymore
    It's getting dark too dark to see
    Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

    Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
    Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
    Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
    Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door

    Mama put my guns in the ground
    I can't shoot them anymore
    That cold black cloud is comin' down
    Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

    Knock-knock-knockin'on heaven's door
    Knock-knock-knockin'on heaven's door
    Knock-knock-knockin'on heaven's door
    Knock-knock-knockin'on heaven's door

    "You just better start sniffin' your own
    rank subjugation jack 'cause it's just you
    against your tattered libido, the bank and
    the mortician, forever man and it wouldn't
    be luck if you could get out of life alive"*
    Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Welcome to the jungle
    We got fun 'n' games
    We got evrything you want
    Honey we know the names
    We are the people that can find
    Whatever you may need
    If you got the money honey
    We got your disease

    In the jungle
    Welcome to the jungle
    Watch it bring you to your knees, knees
    I wanna watch you bleed

    Welcome to the jungle
    We take it day by day
    If you want it you're gonna bleed
    But it's the price you pay
    And you're a very sexy girl
    That's very hard to please
    You can taste the bright lights
    But you won't get them for free

    In the jungle
    Welcome to the jungle
    Feel my, my serpentine
    I, I wanna hear yous-cream

    Welcome to the jungle
    It gets worse here evryday
    Ya learn ta live like an animal
    In the jungle where we play
    If you got a hunger for what you see
    You'll take it eventually
    You can have anything you want
    But you better not take it from me


    And when you're high you never
    Ever want to come down, YEAH!

    You know where you are
    You're in the jungle baby
    You're gonna die
    In the jungle
    Welcome to the jungle
    Watch it bring you to your knees, knees
    In the jungle
    Welcome to the jungle
    Feel my, my serpentine
    In the jungle
    Welcome to the jungle
    Watch it bring you to your knees, knees
    In the jungle
    Welcome to the jungle
    Watch it bring you to your
    It's gonna bring you down

    Highway To Hell

    Livin' easy, lovin' free
    Season ticket on a one way ride
    Asking nothing, leave me be
    Taking everything in my stride (??)
    Don't need reason, don't need rime
    Ain't nothing I would rather do
    Going down, for a time
    My friends are gonna be there too

    I'm on the highway to hell

    No more stop signs, speed limit
    Nobody's gonna slow me down
    Like a wheel gonna spin it
    Nobody's gonna mess me around
    Hey Satan, paid my dues
    I'm playing in a rockin' band
    Hey Mamma, look at me
    I'm on the way to the promised land

    I'm on the highway to hell

    Don't stop me

    I'm on the highway to hell

    And I'm going down all the way
    I'm on the highway to hell

    (A. Young / M. Young)

    thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder
    I was caught
    in the middle of a railroad track
    I looked round
    and I knew there was no turning back
    my mind raced
    and I thought what could I do
    and I knew
    there was no help, no help from you
    sound of the drums
    beating in my heart
    the thunder of guns
    tore me apart
    you've been

    rode down the highway
    broke the limit, we hit the ton
    went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun
    we met some girls
    some dancers who gave a good time
    broke all the rules
    played all the fools
    yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds
    and I was shaking at the knees
    could I come again please
    yeah them ladies were too kind
    you've been

    and I was shaking at the knees
    could I come again please

    thunderstruck, thunderstruck,
    yeah yeah yeah,thunderstruck, thunderstruck
    yeah yeah yeah
    it's alright, we're doin' fine
    yeah it's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine
    thunderstruck, yeah yeah yeah
    thunderstruck, you've been thunderstruck
    thunderstruck, well you've been thunderstruck


    Another head hangs lowly
    Child is slowly taken
    And the violence caused such silence
    Who are we mistaken

    But you see it's not me,
    It's not my family
    In your head, in your
    head they are fighting
    With their tanks and their bombs
    And their bombs and their guns
    In your head
    In your head they are cryin'
    In your head
    What's in your head, in your head

    Another mother's breakin'
    Heart is taking over
    When the violence causes silence
    We must be mistaken
    It's the same old theme since 1916
    In your head,
    In your head they're still fightin'
    With their tanks
    In your head they are dyin'

    In your head, in your head
    What's in your head, in your head


    Your cruel device
    Your blood, like ice
    One look could kill
    My pain, your thrill

    I want to love you but I better not touch (Don't touch)
    I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
    I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
    I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison
    You're poison running through my veins
    You're poison, I don't want to break these chains

    Your mouth, so hot
    Your web, I'm caught
    Your skin, so wet
    Black lace on sweat

    I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (And pins)
    I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name
    Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (Deep in)
    I want to kiss you but your lips are venomous poison
    You're poison running through my veins
    You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains

    One look could kill
    My pain, your thrill
    I want to love you but I better not touch (Don't touch)
    I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
    I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
    I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison
    You're poison running through my veins
    You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains

    I want to love you but I better not touch (Don't touch)
    I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop
    I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)
    I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison, yeah
    I don't want to break these chains
    Poison, oh no
    Runnin' deep inside my veins,
    Burnin' deep inside my veins
    It's poison
    I don't wanna break these chains

    Don't Cry (Original)

    Talk to me softly
    There's something in your eyes
    Don't hang your head in sorrow
    And please don't cry
    I know how you feel inside I've
    I've been here before
    Somethin's changin' inside you
    And don't you know

    Don't you cry tonight
    I still love you baby
    Don't you cry tonight
    Don't you cry tonight
    there's a heaven above you baby
    And don't you cry tonight

    Give me a whisper
    And give me a sigh
    Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
    Don't you take it so hard now
    And please don't take it so bad
    I'll still be thinking of you
    And the times we had... baby

    Don't you cry tonight
    Don't you cry tonight
    Don't you cry tonight
    there's a heaven above you baby
    And don't you cry tonight

    And please remember that I never lied
    And please remember
    how I felt inside now honey
    You gotta make it your own way
    But you'll be alright now sugar
    You'll feel better tomorrow
    Come the morning light now baby

    And don't you cry tonight
    An don't you cry tonight
    An don't you cry tonight
    there's a heaven above you baby
    And don't you cry
    Don't you ever cry
    Don't you cry tonight
    Baby maybe someday
    Don't you cry
    Don't you ever cry
    Don't you cry

    Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends

    Summer has come and passed
    The innocent can never last
    wake me up when september ends

    like my fathers come to pass
    seven years has gone so fast
    wake me up when september ends

    here comes the rain again
    falling from the stars
    drenched in my pain again
    becoming who we are

    as my memory rests
    but never forgets what I lost
    wake me up when september ends

    summer has come and passed
    the innocent can never last
    wake me up when september ends

    ring out the bells again
    like we did when spring began
    wake me up when september ends

    here comes the rain again
    falling from the stars
    drenched in my pain again
    becoming who we are

    as my memory rests
    but never forgets what I lost
    wake me up when september ends

    Summer has come and passed
    The innocent can never last
    wake me up when september ends

    like my father's come to pass
    twenty years has gone so fast
    wake me up when september ends
    wake me up when september ends
    wake me up when september ends