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Nešto o dečkima

- puno ime mu je Christopher Richard Stringini
- rođen je 28.11.1988.
- visok je 173 cm
- ima plavu kosu i plave oči

- puno ime mu je Christoph Watrin
- rođen je 7.8.1988.
- visok je 178 cm
- ima plavu kosu i plave oči

- puno ime mu je Izzy Gallegos
- rođen je 19.9.1983.
- visok je 173 cm
- ima smeđu kosu i smeđe oči

- puno ime mu je Michael Johnson
- rođen je 18.7.1987.
- visok je 176 cm
- ima crnu kosu i smeđe oči

- puno ime mu je Jay Tariq Khan
- rođen je 31.3.1982.
- visok je 188 cm
- ima smeđu kosu i smeđe oči



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Just because of you
Come back to me baby
Best friends
Here we go
In the club
One night with you
365 days
One night with you (Big Brother)
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Making of Mama
Making of One night with you
Jesus (on concert)
Baby I like
Mama (on concert)
In the club
US5 on KiKa show
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Richie and Mikel
The Dome36 - Just because of you
The Dome37 -Come back to me baby
The Dome37 - Backstage
The Dome38 - Mama
The Dome40 - In the club
The Dome40 - One night with you
The Dome40 - Backstage
The Dome41 - Gone & As good as it gets
About US5
US5 web camera
Dance practice
US5 at Viva live
US5 bei Wunschzeit

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četvrtak, 31.05.2007.

US5 virus

-počinje kad vidiš spot

-onda primjećuješ da ti se sviđa Richie,Mikel ili drugi član grupe

-raspričaš svima po školi o njima

-onda odeš do neta da skineš neku sliku ili drugo

-pa nabaviš CD

-očajnički visiš na googlu i čekaš neke nove vjesti

-kupuješ svaki broj brava i ostalih časopisa samo zbog njih

-očajnički skupljaš pare da kupiš nešto sa njihovog sajta

-nemožeš spavati mislaći na nekog iz benda

-na svim bilježnicama, knjigama i ostalim mjestima pišeš US5

-razbijaš glavu misleći da si zaljubljena u nekog iz benda

-mrziš svoju zemju zato što ne živiš u Njemačkoj

-počinješ mrziti fanove tokio hotela

-mrziš sve cure koje još vole US5

-ne ideš na najbolje partyje u gradu jer nastupa US5 i to samo 4 min

-živiš za dan kada čes ih upoznati

-sanjaš ih

-konačno nabaviš karte za koncert i backstage i prije nastupa se onesvjestiš

-više te nitko nezna pod tvojim imenom nego ONA KRAVA ŠTO VOLI US5,

a tebe boli, ti samo pjevušiš Come back to me baby ili Mama

- 17:55 - Izjasni se... (63)- Ako baš hoćeš...- *

subota, 26.05.2007.

Novi spot

US5 ima novi spot...napokon...evo video i making of...
Rhythm of life
Making of

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- 07:47 - Izjasni se... (32)- Ako baš hoćeš...- *

subota, 19.05.2007.

Novi spot

US5 snima spot za pjesmu "Rhythm of life"...u novom njemačkom Bravu izašao je članak o novom izgledu i snimanju spota...evo i slikica:
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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

- 15:13 - Izjasni se... (74)- Ako baš hoćeš...- *

nedjelja, 13.05.2007.

Intervju s Chrisovom mamom

Razgovor s Chrisovom mamom o njegovoj prošlosti i ljubavi prema glazbi...

Junge Zeiten: How did US5 start?
Answer: My son always had a passion for music and dance. Me and my family have the same passions. I always danced while I was holding him in my arms as a little baby . As a little child, he already had an amazing sense for rhythm and danced the entire time during parties. Later, he took some piano-lessons and composed by following his intuition. He did not care about notes at all. It was tough, to find an properly teacher for him.

These passions guided him in March 2005, to a casting in Cologne, which Lou Pearlman announced on the internet. My son got serveral call backs of the jury and had to show them what he had several times. After the casting, my son said to me "They will call us". And indeed, the next day we got a phonecall. The next day, there was another audition. Shona Frazer, who’s a member of the jury in "Deutschland sucht den Superstar", was there too. She told me in this early stage, that my son was "really good".

We signed a contract for the documantary serie "Big in America" and an artist and music contract. One of the conditions was, that my son could finish his school in June, in peace and without any media. I did everything to get this in the contract and a few days later, they started to film the serie. The camera crew was in our house for a few days too. In the Easter-holidays, my son went for two weeks to Berlin, to live in one house with the other German candidates. They got real vocal lessons for the very first time and had to proof, that they could learn choreographies in a short time. It was a tough .

At the end of those two weeks, they had to sing a song infront of Lou Pearlman in a theatre. A few days later they flew to Orlando. My son got 6 weeks off form school, because he had been a good student. Once he came back, he did not have the time to realize what had happened in the past few weeks and to give it a place. He passed his exames. To manage doing this, we tried to go threw many schoolwork. Per day, he had to study 8 hours. When he went to additional lessons for math, I checked his homework for German and corrected it.

Junge Zeiten: How does your family deal with your son becoming a star?
Answer: In the beginning, everything was spectacular and new. We collected every little article which the media wrote. But it was weird at the same time, to see him in magazines and on tv. Meanwhile, we arranged that the media will not publish any photo’s or something comparable of us. We got several offers of, for example, RTL Explosiv, Johannes B. Kerner, and magazings. We refused them.

Junge Zeiten: How does your son experience the music business?
Answer:Music and dance, are his biggest passions. It is his thing, to stand on stage. I understand why. He is a perfectionist and sells his projects with dedication and discipline. He will not be satisfied, till they have reached international succes. But he is realistic and stays critical. He will never give up soon; he makes the band stronger and will stay part of it, till the end. He feel responsible towards others.

He became more mature, more self-assured and he learnd how to handle situations, because of the hard showbusiness where he is in. He keeps his thoughts together and deals with his problems on his own (problems in and with the group). He sees the others as colleagues. He has more intensive contact with Jay. He does not have an "attitude", he is still the same: natural, sympathetic, social, abstruse. But the physic and physical pressure is tough for him. He has to give everything he has over and over again – whether he feels like giving it or not. The monotonous of the duties, for example: promotion performances and photoshootings, leave an emptiness in his mind. He is often lonely and misses the warmth, the security and to be normal.

He can not de everything, what he wants to. But fortunatly, he found something which he enjoys to do and what helps him, to deal with the emptiness. He writes songs. He is an extreme child: everything which he does, must be perfect. He has always been that way.

Jungen Zeiten: How often do you see your son?
Answer: Too rarely! I’m always ready to leave. The train, but the airplane to, became my second home. I travle as often as I can – even if it means that I can only see him for three hours. I can not plan ahead, everything happens spontaneous.

Junge Zeiten: Are there any downsides for you, as mom, and for the rest of the family?
Answer: We do not have a lot of privacy. In the beginning, the phone rang non stop and we got many letters. Families with the same last name, had the same thing going on. Whenever my son is in Cologne, and the fans know exactly when, there are girls sitting infront of our house. Day and night. We can only do our thing in house, once the curtains are closed.

My son tries to find a solution and goes outside, to make a photo with them. The fans do show respect, most of the time. But they will not leave before we make them clear, that we really do not apriciate them at that moment. My daughter got followed by a taxi, which was stuffed with fans. She had to run. They also follow us to the airport, my son almost missed his flight.

Junge Zeiten: What things changed for you?
Answer: Our life had become really restless. We can not plan ahead anymore. You always have to be ready to adjust your plans. I call my son regularly, but that does not replaces the personal contact. Everytime I am going somewhere with him in Cologne, we have to deliberate. We can not go somewhere without getting recognized. My son has almost no contact with youths of his age. He tries to keep his old friendships as good as possible.

It is difficult for me, to see that my son gives his youth to this tough job. We give him advice and support him. We keep our eyes on him and see what happens in a critical way. If it is necessary, we will do something. We are open for whatever will come, but we still hope that someday, he is going to live his old and normal life again.

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- 18:05 - Izjasni se... (65)- Ako baš hoćeš...- *

subota, 12.05.2007.

Nove frizure

Richie, Jay i Izzy imaju nove frizure...stavili su ekstenzije zbog snimanja novog spota...

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- 09:08 - Izjasni se... (39)- Ako baš hoćeš...- *

petak, 04.05.2007.

US5 će doći u Hrvatsku

US5 ovo ljeto definitivno dolazi u Hrvatsku...na christopher-stringini.com i us5-fansite je objavljen njihov plan za ovo proljeće i ljeto:

As the current Yam! reports, You’ll be able to see US5 on Toggo TV on 19.05.07 round 09:30-10:00 am, on Super RTL and they will perform at The Dome 42 on 25.05.07, in Hannover. This show will be broadcasted on 02.06.06 round 16:00 pm on RTL2

Besides, they will go to many countries outside Germany, to win more fans. They will be in Asia and Japan from 18.06.07 till 29.06.07. In July, they will release "Just Because Of You" in Japan.

After this, they will go to Russia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia and Czechia for Promotion. Their first album will be released on the first of August in Japan. In September, they will release a different version of "In Control" in Germany.

As you can see, US5 has many plans for this year. We hope that everything works out for them and that they will get as succesfull outside Germany as they are in Germany.

But of course, they will perform in June, July and August at many Festivals in Germany and you can look forward to their tour, which will be in October.

Laut der aktuellen Yam Zeitschrift werden US5 am 19.05.2007 bei Toggo TV in SuperRTL um 9:30 Uhr - 10:00 Uhr zu sehen sein. Außerdem werden sie am 25.05. bei The Dome 42 in Hannover auftreten (Ausstrahlung am 02.06.2007 ab 16:00 Uhr RTL2)

Außerdem hier der aktuelle Fahrplan der Jungs:

27./28.05. ZDF Fernsehgarten 11:03 im ZDF
01.06. Veröffentlichung der neuen Single Rhythm of Life
18.06.-29.06. Asien-Promoreise (Tokio/Japan)
verschiedene Festivals in Deutschland

Single Just because of you wird in Japan veröffentlicht
verschiedene Festivals in Deutschland
Promo/ -TV Termine in Russland, Polen, Ungarn, Kroatien, Tschechien

01.08. Album Veröffentlichung in Asien
Eventuell 2. Promoreise nach Japan
verschiedene Festivals in Deutschland

Voraussichtlich VÖ Remixalbum In Control in D / A / CH mit neuen Zusatzsongs

Voraussichtlich Tour durch D / A / CH

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- 14:48 - Izjasni se... (75)- Ako baš hoćeš...- *

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