01.08.2006., utorak

Pay For Inclusion Search Directories & Pay Per Click Search Engines

When you search the internet from Yahoo, the results are provided by a web site other than Yahoo. Search the Yahoo Directory (hundreds of thousands of people do each month) and you'll see web sites that have paid to be in those results. Each web site owner pays at least $299US per year to be there and may not even be included. This fee is for the application only. If your site is accepted, you will pay at least $299 per year, every year. You will pay more if you want a premium placement for your listing.

The concept of pay per click search engines is very simple and works well. You buy targeted ad space based on a keyword phrase that is related to your product or service. Your ad is displayed on the search results page after a user searches for your keyword for that ad. Every time a visitor clicks through to your web site from that ad, it costs you from one cent up to $10 or more. You get web site traffic that is interested in your niche, as much as you are willing to pay for.

If you are not careful, pay per click services can cost you a lot of money. You must know what you are doing before you start using them. Consider yourself warned.

Now for another option for getting web site traffic from the search engines...
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