Dan sjećanja, Vukovar - Stop Existing. Start Living. - Blog.hr
Dan sjećanja, Vukovar

Povodom obilježavanja Dana sjećanja na Vukovar, dijelim s vama slike nastale 23.listopada 2010., kada sam i sama posjetila taj grad. Nakon toga, nažalost, nisam imala prilike vratiti se... ali budem!

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Pozdrav ;)
20:03 - Komentari [8] - # - On/Off

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so ambitious.
.^ ^
vječni sanjar.
24 godine.

*The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.*

*Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you.*

*Sve što želim ja je biti svakog dana nasmijana.*


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