
četvrtak, 11.05.2006.



A storm that 'went crazy'
Parts of Collin declared a disaster; power likely to be restored today
12:36 AM CDT on Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tuesday night's tornado marked an ominous path of destruction along the ground in northeastern Collin County. WESTMINSTER – Mike Owens gripped his grandson and braced his back and feet against the laundry room wall for the coming tornado. The washer and dryer fell on top of them, the house was destroyed, and enough dirt to fill a Dixie cup packed his mouth.

Once the tornado passed, he shouted for his wife, nephew and son who had huddled under the stairs. Only two answered.

His 14-year-old son, Colson Owens, was one of three people killed after two tornadoes swept through the rolling hills and farmland in northern Collin and southern Grayson counties late Tuesday.

"We yelled for Colson, my son, and got no answer – and never did," Mr. Owens, 51, said Wednesday as neighbors hauled away debris and searched for what might be salvageable.

In the darkness, it took two hours for rescuers to find Colson's mother, Susan Owens, who was buried under the rubble of their wrecked home in Grayson County. Colson, a freshman at Van Alstyne High School, was found dead a few feet away, his father said. Flying lumber had struck him in the chest.

An elderly couple, possibly seeking shelter outside their mobile home, were also killed. Ten people were hospitalized – three flown out by air ambulance – and at least 26 homes destroyed. Injuries included a broken leg, abrasions and cuts.

The storm crumpled homes, downed power lines and toppled trees. The National Weather Service said one of the tornadoes was an F-3 on the Fujita scale, with maximum winds of 206 mph.

The bodies of Paul Harris Newsom, 82, and his wife, Mary Ellen Newsom, 80, were found in a ravine near their home, less than a mile from where Colson died. Officials were unsure whether they were taking cover or were pulled from their home.

At least two horses, two cows and a dog were killed, officials said.

Grayson County Sheriff J. Keith Gary said the tornadoes cut a swath about 200 to 300 yards wide and about eight miles long.

Some said they didn't know the tornado was coming until they heard the telltale train sound. Television reports, friends or relatives warned others. A 95-year-old Grayson County man was awakened by glass falling on his face.

Anna's emergency siren sounded twice, the first at 10:15 p.m. There are no warning devices in or around Westminster. Homes are too far apart, making sirens ineffective, Collin County Fire Marshal Steve Deffibaugh said.

Collin County has a system to call residents with warnings, but it was not used. Marshal Deffibaugh said there was not enough time, and the tornadoes knocked out power and telephone lines.

Police and firefighters from more than 20 cities responded. About 100 Westminster residents remained without power Wednesday afternoon. Power is expected to be restored today, Collin County spokeswoman Leigh Hornsby said.

Collin County Judge Ron Harris declared the affected parts of the county a disaster area and instituted a dusk-to-dawn curfew.

The county asked that people stay away from the tornado-ravaged area.

Too early to quantify

Jerry Johns, president of Southwestern Insurance Information Service, said it was too early to project insured losses.

"There are sufficient adjusters in the area to efficiently handle the number of claims, but we strongly encourage anyone who has damage to contact their insurance agent or company as soon as possible," Mr. Johns said.

Frances Fonsville and her daughter, Sharon Fonsville, both of Westminster, clung to each another as a burst of wind pulled them into their windowless garage. Then the roof collapsed – possibly the luckiest outcome.

"It was a suction that was unbelievable. It just blew us into the garage," said Sharon Fonsville, 43. "If it was not for the roof falling on us, we might have been blown out of the house."

Frances Fonsville's bedroom door blew through the house and broke in half. But the dishes in a black and gold china cabinet remained perfectly aligned.

Glass cut their bare feet. Blood stained the floor, walls and cushions. The women escaped with only stitches – five for the daughter, 25 for her mother.

About the same time, Cathy Dotson couldn't see anything but gray sky when she looked out her kitchen window near Westminster.

"It sounded like a regular thunderstorm, then it went crazy," said Ms. Dotson, 53, who huddled in a space between the bathroom and a closet with her two grandsons when the tornado hit Westminster about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday. "I could actually feel my house move."

Then it was over.

"No sooner had we got there, it just stopped," she said. "No wind. No nothing. Just quiet."

A large portion of the roof from her yellow house was missing. The attic was visible from the yard. Her metal shed was gone. So was her porch swing.

Rating tornadoes' strength

Researchers use a system called the Fujita-Pearson Scale to compare the intensity strengths of tornadoes.

F0: Light damage. Winds up to 72 mph

F1: Moderate. Winds between 73 and 112 mph

F2: Considerable. Winds between 113 and 157 mph

F3: Severe. Winds between 158 and 206 mph

F4: Devastating. Winds between 207 and 260 mph

F5: Incredible. Wind speed over 260 mph

Date of disaster

Tuesday's killer storm marked the third time that a deadly tornado struck Collin County on May 9.

In 1927, a tornado virtually destroyed the town of Nevada, killing 28 people and injuring 100. That tornado and another in 1993 touched down about 10 miles and exactly 66 years apart.

In the 1927 twister, all telephone and telegraph communication collapsed. Rescuers stumbled in the dark to pull bodies from the rubble.

In 1993, a tornado on Mother's Day split Wylie from corner to corner, damaging almost 200 homes and businesses.

11.05.2006. u 09:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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9.5 >>>najjači dosad zabilježeni potres iznosio je 9. 5°po Richteru 22.5.1960 u Čileu

830 000 >>>najsmrtonosniji potres 23.1.1556. u Kini je odnio 830 000 života

8 000 >>>svakog se dana u svijetu desi oko8 000 manjih potresa

67 ljudi godišnje u SAD-u strada od udara groma

35-50 vulkana eruptira godišnje


CDC-Center for Desease Control and Prevention
WHO-World Health Organisation
MSF - Doctors Without Borders
ptičja gripa
EMSC - European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
USGS/NEIC - National Earthquake Information Center
GERC-Global Earthquake Response Center
EarthQuake Information Network
Edinburgh Earth Observatory
Live Science/earthquakes
IRIS Seismic Monitor
Understanding Earthquakes
BGS Earthquakes
Geofizički odsjek PMF-a
NOAA Tropical Prediction Center
WeatherWatch: Hurricanes
NCDC Hurricanes
Hurricane Zone
Terrapin Storm Tracking
US National Hurricane Center
The Weather Channel
Japan Meteorological Agency
WMO - World Meteorological Organization
DHMZ-Državni Hidrometeorološki Zavod
volcano discovery
volcano world
satelitske snimke - Hawaii synergy
SSEC - Volcano Watch
volcano live
PMLE - submarine activity
IAVCEI - remote sensing
USGS weekly report
volcano links
mapa vulkana
NGDC historic eruptions
live science
HAZCTR - disaster research
disaster charter
helpin disaster
EPA -Enviromental Protection Agency
Earth Observatory
EAS -European Space Agency
Climate Prediction Center
Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing
Disaster Diplomacy
ENN - Enviromental News Network
RADIX - Radical Interpretation of Disasters
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)
IFRC - Tsunami Book
IFRC - Annual apeal and programmes 2006/2007
IFRC - Strategy 2010
2000 - World Disaster Report
2001 - World Disaster Report
2002 - World Disaster Report
2003 - World Disaster Report
2004 - World Disaster Report
2005 - World Disaster Report
The Stern Report
IPPC Report

The Great Red Comet

"Narod će ustati protiv naroda i kraljestvo protiv kraljevstva. I bit će velikih potresa i po raznim mjestima gladi i pošasti; bit će strahota i velikih znakova s neba"

(Lk 21, 10-12)


Glory to the Father, Maker of all Creation who gives us eyes to see and ears to hear, who shows us knowledge hidden everywhere around us!