Machine Head - Deafening Silence
She looked right into my eyes and said to me
The hurt that you try to hide is killing me
I drink a thousand lies,
To freeze the past in time
I've tried to fill this silence up
But now it's back again

See the pain in my eyes
See the scars deep inside
My God, I'm down in this hole again
With the laugh for a smile
With the tears that I cry
Keep going down this road called life

Called life...

She says that I'm insecure,
I guess she's right
'Cause just when I think
I'm sure, alone at night
The agonies come back,
This pain won't let me be
I try to fill the silence up
But now it's back again

See the pain in my eyes
See the scars deep inside
My God, I'm down in this hole again
With the laugh for a smile
With the tears that i cry
Keep going down this road called life
Don't need your sympathy
I just want for this silence
To stop killing me

It's deafening
It's deafening
This silence inside me

It's deafening
It's deafening
The silence inside me
The silence inside ...

I try to fill the silence up
But now it's back again
It's empty like a suicide
This pain inside

See the pain in my eyes
See the scars deep inside
My God, I'm down in this hole again
With the laugh for a smile
with the tears that I cry
Keep going down this road called life
Don't need your sympathy
I just want for this silence to stop killing me.
Offspring - Have you ever
Falling, I'm falling
Falling, I'm Falling

Have you ever walked through a room
But it was more like the room passed around you
Like there was a leash around your neck that pulled you through

Have you ever been at someplace
Recognizing everybody's face
Until you realized that there was no one there you knew
Well I know

Some days, my soul's confined and out of mind
Sleep forever
Some days, I'm so outshined and out of time
Have you ever

Falling, I'm falling
Falling, I'm falling

Have you ever buried your face in your hands
Cause no one around you understands
Or has the slightest idea what it is that makes you be

Have you ever felt like there was more
Like someone else was keeping score
And what could make you whole was simply out of reach
Well I know

Someday I'll try again and not pretend
This time forever
Someday I'll get it straight but not today
Have you ever

Falling, I'm falling
Falling, I'm falling

Some days, my soul's confined and out of mind
Sleep forever
Some days, my darkest friend is me again
Have you ever
Someday I'll try again and not pretend
This time forever
Someday I'll get it straight but not today
Have you ever

When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay

So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to think the world is a better place

When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay

So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to make the world be a better place

When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay

So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to think the world is a better place
I'd like to leave the world as a better place
I'd like to think the world

06.04.2006., četvrtak

Act: rotkvice...part 2!

Posljednjih dana me neki ljudi izbjegavaju...valjda su skuzili da sam poco bildat...doduse rotkvicama...ono 5-10 grama...preetesko...ali sve da budem stooo visee sexy...jebiga...life's a bitch....zena iz hrvatskog me danas pitala dal sam procito lektiru....a ja je zadnja 2-3 puta odgovaro...kurva!...zamalo je isjeko i napravio buttass rotkvica varivo...! Kiša...ko je izumio...fakof nemogu vise ni pod odmorom zapalit pljugu kak treba nego moram svojim super duper refleksima u slow motionu izbjegavat kapi i nadat se najboljemu...da mi pljuga ne izgori...ili da ja ne izgorim????? hmmm nevermind...prvi put u zivotu danas pio caj s mljekom....yummy ? or not...maybe ... neznam nije bas imo okusa .... al je glavna finta bila kad sam ga narucivo da su 2 cool sminkerice so sexy they cant see from their tits umirale od smjeha kad su cule kaj sam reko ... jebiga .... neki ljudi neznaju Slovence.... :s ... neznam ih niti ja!.... upravo slusam james blunta...omg al nisam gay...100% ima ljudi koji mogu to potvrdit????? ima???? someone??? .... fuck im screwed now..... al barem nejdem s ciganovićem na kafu (ko neki) .... i da bas je covo cool ... mislim ovaj blunt...ciganovic ??? mozda za maskare... danas me netko pito di ima kebaba za jest ... al se ne sjecam tko...bilo vrlo smjesno...di ih fakat ima za jest ... u sloveniji!!! hehe .... da i za kraj jedna od mojih supeeer depresivnih pjesma...jebiga to je bila ta faza...bila prosla....fazan? cudna biljka....koja se krece.....no nevermajnd ... idem nastavit svoj tecaj: "kako postati uber sexy cool faca da te sve trebe u tvojoj pateticnoj skoli vole...." no mene netrebaju voljet sve...nitko me netreba...mozda samo jedna (hooope so!) ... a ona je preposebna... preeeeetesko but i'm trying (skoro!)... cure su prekomplicirane.... to sam tek sutra shvatio..... :s ....... di ide ovaj svjet ... katafakinstrofa

I was never mad, jealous most
you know that now
never was that your fault
loving you made me live

When i was alone , without you,
i realized how much you mean,
mean to me ... is it destiny?

Days passed by
will this end?
no...it's getting worse
it makes me cry ...

You know truth now,
what will you say?
"Never meet me again",
i knew that, nothing new

Now i must say goodbye
seeing you hurts me , makes me sad
i wanna be more than a friend
is this impossible?


This is real story end.

- 18:24 - **Bail** (16) - **Flip** - **Kurac**

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I had a roof over head
Had shoes on my feet
Yeah sure I was fed
But no one was there when I was in need... yeah

So who am I now?
Who do you want me to be?
I can forgive you but I won't relive you
I ain't the same scared kid I use to be

I'm gonna live, I'm gonna survive
Don't want the world to pass me by
I'm gonna dream, I ain't gonna die thinking my life was just a lie
I want to be loved
I want to be loved

I found a picture, our so called family tree... yeah
I broke all the branches looking for answers
Don't you know that it ain't how it supposed to be

I'm gonna live, I'm gonna survive
Don't want the world to pass me by
I'm gonna dream, I ain't gonna die thinking my life was just a lie
I wanna give, I'm ready to try, willing to lay it on the line
I want to be loved
I want to be!

I ain't gonna cry, I don't want to scream
But I got so much left unsaid inside of me
Taken from
I'm gonna live, I'm gonna survive
Don't want the world to pass me by
I'm gonna dream, I ain't gonna die thinking my life was just a lie
I wanna give, I'm ready to try, willing to lay it on the line
I want to be loved
I want to be loved
I just want to be loved
I want to be loved
I want to be loved
Lostprophets - Last Train Home
Act: rotkvice...part 2! - KEBABI VLADAJU SVIJETOM..... - Blog.hr
One! Two! Three!

To every broken heart in here
Love was once a part, but now it's disappeared
She told me that it's all a part of the choices that your making
Even when you think you're right
You have to give to take

But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home
Watch it pass the day
As it fades away
No more time to care
No more time, today

But we sing
If we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason
To ever fall in love

I wonder if you're listening
Picking up on the signals
Sent back from within
Sometimes it feels like I don't really know whats going on
Time and time again it seems like everything is wrong in here

But there's still tomorrow
Forget the sorrow
And I can be on the last train home
Watch it pass the day
As it fades away
No more time to care
No more time, today

But we sing
If we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason
To ever fall in love

Well we sing if we're going nowhere
Yeah we sing if it's not enough
And we sing
Sing without a reason to ever fall in love

But we sing
If we're going no where
Yeah we sing
If it's not enough
And we sing
Sing with out a reason to never fall in love
To never fall in love again