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Opis bloga

E, pa ovdje ću ja pisati o svom sjebanom zivotu i o svim glupostima koje mi se dogode. Ja sam takva, kad sam u komi ili kad mi je dosadno, ja sjednem i pišem, pišem, pišem... Naravno nećete saznati imena dotičnih osaba ali ćete saznati sve što se saznati može... Naravno- samo u slučaju da vam se da čitati ove gluposti koje sam ja u stanju napisati, a ja stvarno puno pišem...

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iva... prezakon cura iz "nove" ekipe
my new blog koji radim s frendom
goran...my ex
atta- majne žena
atta -stari blog...
My sweet frendica...Ivana
Martina... frendica iz osnovne..
Tinina vampirska priča...
druga strana vampirske priče...
blog o rokovu
bivši ribnjak blog...
jedno dijete cvijeća...lara
klara plemenita lisa laura emma kitty abra dolores babić wolf (too much)
klarina žena/dečko- nezna se hehe
tihana & amy...
kanibalka...sweet djevojčica...


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about me:

Ime i prezime: Kia Tai Faust (nije mi pravo ime ali ne želim otkrivat svoj indetitet)zujo

Starost: 17,5

God. rođenja: 06.07.1990zaliven

Mjesto stanovanja: Zgbcerek,hrvatska

Škola: XIII. gimnazijaheadbang

Razred: 2.cheadbang

Slušam: Cro, Oi, Ska Pank;power, gotic, dead, black, trash, heavy metal, rock...burninmad

Volim: sve svoje lude frendove i frendice, svoju zaručnicukiss, Garfielda (mog debelog mačka), jednog preslatkog crnog dečka...smijeh

Ne volim: cajke i cajkaše, umišljene i bahate ljude, seratore, laži i prevare...lud

image hosting file

Sweet slikica.. takve volim...jako...



hehe... I`m cartoon fan..

image hosting file

image hosting file

i love garfield

layout for myspace

layout for myspace

subota, 19.01.2008.

no more emo... XD

cerekThe Calling- Why Don't You & I cerek

Since the moment I spotted you
I walk round with little wings on my shoes
My stomach's filled with the butterflies...and it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never gonna' to come down
If I said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied
Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied
Turns out everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right
So I'm singin' Why don't you and I get together and take on the world
And be together forever
Heads we win and tails we'll try again
So I'll say why don't you and I hold each other and fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never going to let me in'
When's this fever going to break?
I think I've handled more than any man can take
I'm like a love-sick puppy chasing you around...and it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never going to come down
If said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied
Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied
Turns out everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right
So I'm singin'Why don't you and I get together and take on the world
And be together forever
Heads we win and tails we'll try again
So I'll say why don't you and I hold each other and fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never going to let me in'
And slowly I begin to realize this is never gonna to end
Right about the same time you walk by
And I say 'Oh here we go again'Oh!
Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied
Turns out everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right
So I'm singin' Why don't you and I get together and take on the world
And be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again
So I'll say why don't you and I hold each other and fly to the moon
And straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never going to let me in'


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Dizajn napravio:Poison Angel

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