Sumrak bogova

10.03.2005., četvrtak

Rune Magic: Healing Spell

Healing Ritual

Timing: to be done at sunrise the day before the Full Moon.


a shell or stone with a hole through it. (Note: you must find this yourself at the ocean.)
On the day of the ritual (the day before the Full Moon) go to the beach and find a shell or stone with a hole through it. Be aware that you are making preparations to perform a powerful healing ritual. Know that you will use the five powers as well as your own healing power. Realize that the shell contains the healing energies of water, fire (Sun), Air, and Earth. Keep in mind that all four elements are found in the ocean.

Sit quietly and comfortably, sit close to the shore. Relax and breathe in the ocean air. Feel the life healing energy of the ocean cleansing, healing, powerful life force. Rejoice in the warmth of the morning sun on your body. Feel it's positive healing energies.

Feel the sand under your body. This is a great cleansing form of the earth element. Feeel the healing energy of the earth below and aournd you, healing you.

In front of you, draw a pentagram on the sand. (use your finger). Draw a rune of healing on each point. (This rune resembles a "Z") Place shell in the center.

Visualize the healing energy of this magic symbol going into the shell, for at least five minutes. This shell will now be used as an Amulet, and must be worn around your neck or kept in contact with your body at all times. Recharge each month when the moon is full, bu putting in a bowl with sand and sea water. Place this bowl outside, from sunrise to sunrise.

Draw another pentagram in the sand. Draw a "Z" at it's center. Invoke Danu/Dana until you have raised a lot of power. Do this for at least five minutes. Watch the incoming wves, and visualize and feel the power of the ocean healing you. As the waves go outward, feel them take your sickness away. Put a lot of power and concentration into this. Do for at least 15 minutes.

Thank the Deities and the elements.

See yourself as whole and healthy, vibrant and disease free. If you are bedridden, have sea water brought to you and do it all in your mind.

After three months, return the shell to the sea, to be cleansed.

- 15:10 - Spell (5) - Practical Magic - #

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