small dictionary...croatian/polish :P with NEW WORDS :-D
sviđaš mi se=lubie cie
nedostaješ mi=brakuje mi ciebie
volim te=kocham cie (sounds even better when u hear it)
koristim pivo za opit se=uživam piwo za opić sie :D
draga=kochanie :-)
kako?=jak? rofl
bog=ćeść! thumbup
desno=pravo! nut
ja sam julije cezar=jestem julije cezarheadbang
možda=może (strasno!)
čelo=ćowo (ovaj mi je najbolji)headbang
kokoš=kurćak mah
vrata=dżwi (prebolesna ric, dvostruki prijelom jezika)
najbolji=najlepśi lud
volim pivo=kocham pivoparty
studeni (mjesec)=listopad (svasta covik vidi dok je živ!)
tastatura=klawiatura smijeh
sat=godzina bang
godina=rok cool
godine=lat lud
(i moja omiljena)
daj mi pivo=daj mi piwo party
mamurluk=kac burninmad
sranje!=kurde! rofl ili cholera
ne znam nista=nie wiem nicsmijeh
odjebi od mene=spjerdalaj!!! (pogadate.moja omiljena) yes
kako se osječaš?=jak se czujesz?zujo
(neman vise komentara na ove rici..nema smisla :0 )headbang
koji kurac oces?-=czego kurwa hceś?
jebač policije=jebać policje :P
promaja=pśećonk (najdraza mi je ova)

nima Splita do Kielcea do Kielcea

05.08.2006., subota

kome naslov treba jos...

Using buses In kielce is not as easy as u might tought it is J first u have to buy a ticket outside of the bus…and the thing is that only some of the bus stops has kiosk where u can buy tickets…so if your bus stop (like mine) don’t have kiosk and u just find out that u don’t have any more tickets (like I did) u can buy a ticket in the bus (e-e!!! wrong!!NOTTT!!!!)

If u don’t have ticket u can just get out of the bus or prey that kontrola will not check u that day coz driver will not sell u bus ticket between 8-18 every day (except Saturdays and Sundays when somehow they are able to turn slightly on the right and give u the ticket for the money)…he is not obligated to do that…well..screw you…so I asked him to sell me a ticket and he didn’t I said ok man!ur problem…last stop and I m getting out…kontrola comes in and says tickets please (FUCK!!!) so I said I wanted to buy it but the drivere didn’t want to sell me…but nooooo….u must pay!!! So I turned around the story and just get back to the things I do best...and that is PLAYING IT STUPID!!!

First he told me to give him 68 ZL…ups…my wallet is like full coz I got salary…BUT for him I have nothing…niemam :P 10 seconds after…he is aksing me to give him 26 Zl…my god…we are already 40 ZL down…can’t wait to see how low he will go…like on the market…sorry ma man….but I don’t have nothing for you…J my wallet is taking a deep breath in my pocket…i m going through my other pockets and find happy 10 ZL…ah what da heck,…I m gonan give him 10 and goodbye….but now he doesn’t want to take only 10…
Police!!! he says!!! And this look on his face was almost happy one…OK. No problem! I say :P I got like a poker face (Split controlors don’t ask me anything anymore) heheh

After 5 minutes controlor had 10 Zl more in his pocket and I was on my way to work :P all in all if u look at it…from 68 to 10 ZL is more than a fair bargain (maybe I have smth like Turkish roots or smth) who knows…

Anyway…last week was reception weekend in Kielce and we had around 35 trainees…I ll do my best to collect more pics from it and select especially for u some really nice ones :P of course…more about it all next time I ll catch some breath J

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"Ne brinite o mogućem smaku svijeta danas. U Australiji je već ionako sutra!" (Charles Schultz)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars." (Les Brown)

"Samo glupi i mrtvi nikad ne mijenjaju svoje mišljenje." (tko li je?)

"Today (2.5. 2006.) is really the first day of the rest of ma life" (ja)

"Jeben ti mater" (slucajni prolaznik)