srijeda, 28.02.2007.

Na satu

I to doslovno evo me tu na informatici
U domu kompjuteri su katastrofa
Ali bolje sam i neću dopustit da me itko zeza
Danas moram puno učit koji sam kurac upisala gimnaziju
Ne mala hoće bit pametna samo se tu mučim u ovom paklu a i sramotim
mislim uopće nije ugodno kada ljudi s vama iz dana u dan sve manje pričaju

Danas navečer idem u lov briga me
Briga me ako je život sranje
Briga me ako mi ništa ne ide od ruke
Briga me ako patim
Zašto da se zamaram
Kraj će doći brzo i ne čujno
Patnja neznana
bol jedva osjetna
Žedna sam a svjetlost je prejaka
Na osamljenoj crkvici križ nagnuto stoji
Peče, peče u dušu i sam bit postojanja
Borba je uzaludna
Zašto ser trudim
I nakon 1000 godina trud
Jeli vrijedan patnje
Kao svake noći u ovom vremenu što teče
Okrenut ću se bešumno i patit
U mraku kamo i pripadam
S demonima i zlom
Would you help me?


13:33 | Komentraj (20) | Printaj | #

ponedjeljak, 26.02.2007.

Better these days

Pišem post već treći puta i talno ga nešto briše nemam snaga da piše ispočetka Bolje sam Samo da znate

Death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, danth, death, and you

Death After Death

Like an early morning tied, whos waves
endlessly washed up on a warm
sandy beach, so to, do the memories of
you, wash over my every waking moment.

I remember watching you sleep as the morning
sun filtered through the lace curtains you made.
I watched in silence, at the way the suns soft rays
kissed your sleeping form, never waking you.
Your face, so peaceful, and always with a
faint hint of a wry smile. I always wondered,
what is she seeing? Thinking?

That face, that so many times, was smothered
with thousands of gentle, caring,
loving kisses from me.

I remember our being fused together as one.
Never wanting to stop. Never wanting to let go.
Kissing...hugging...touching places in body
and soul we never knew existed.

I remember my daily trek to the buildings of
the concrete jungle and my calling you
several times a day...just to hear your voice.

I remember the empty place within me,
that only you could fill, with love, joy
and that good to be alive feeling.

I remember every laugh and every tear we
ever shed together.

I remember every time and every place you
said, 'I love you.'

I remember the day I came home and you
were not at the door. My heart skipped a
beat. You had been ill, and I raced to our bedroom.
You lay atop the covered bed. Your eyes, in a
blank stare. Open. As I moved to the bed,
I knew you were gone, tears scalding my cheeks.
I sat beside you, holding your hands,
closing your eyes and softly kissing them.

I remember that look; 'the light of life...had
left your eyes.' Like a dropp of water in the
desert, my passion for life and living,
dried up and left with you.

I had traveled the world. From the Alps in
Switzerland to the flowers of the field
in the mid west. Yes, I saw the Vatican,
paintings of the greats and historic places
a thousand years old. I saw the Pyramides.
I witnessed the beauty and promise of the world.
In all these were the best
part of who I had become. In all these things...
you were the most treasured.

And you went away.
And I miss you.
And I love you.

© Joe Fazio

Joe Fazio (best of)


22:04 | Komentraj (3) | Printaj | #

ponedjeljak, 19.02.2007.

God is playing with me

Vjerujete li u sudbinu. Jednom ste se u životu morali zapitat jeli ona na vašoj strani i kakav je bio odgovor ponižavajuć. Barem za mene Vjerujem u Boga a on radi ovo sranje od mog života. Bila sam doma sve to lakše ide ali i dalje želim bježat. Osjećam da nitko ne shvaća a to boli.trebam četiri godine provesti na ovom mjestu aq svaki dan kad sam ovdje prožet je bolom koja ne želi otići. Borim se ali koliko još dugo. Ne više kažem tiho prošapćem.Ne bi li bilo jednostavnije samo nestati ne osjećati ako je svaki dan pod ovim suncem patnja Ne znam idem i borba traje ali dokad.Sve je počelo kadf sam sa smješkom ušla u "svoju" SREDNJU ŠKOLU I UPISALA SE. Zašto se nisam jednostavno okrenula i otišla našla mir negdje drugdje jer mira ovdje nema. Naravno to bi rezultiralo činjenicom da neke ljude ne bi upoznala ali ako sudbina postoji ne bi li nas ona spojila na nekom drugom mjestu.Gluposti sve su to glupost I ovo malo dostojanstva za što se borimo jednostavno postaje sve manje a tad svoju dušu prodamo. Nije uvijek bilo tako nekada sam bila sretna. Naravno tu je uvijek bilo pitanje zašto al nikad u toj mjeri, nikad
Borim se ali do kad,
Mučim se a zašto.
Zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto, zašto
And Here Comes Dark

It's dark outside
But I see the light
Then darkness
I see the light again
And here comes dark

It's dark outside
I am lonely and sad
But I see the light
You ask my name
Then darkness
You take my hand
I see the light again
We fall in love
And here comes dark

It's dark outside
I can't find you
But I see the light
You were right there
Then darkness
I have my doubts
I see the light again
You say I'm wrong
And here comes dark

It's dark outside
I reach for you
But I see the light
You don't reach for me
Then darkness
I feel alone
I see the light again
I read your face
And here comes dark

It's dark outside
I want to leave
But I see the light
You're come to me
Then darkness
I feel your grip
I see the light
You're hurting me
And here comes dark

It's dark outside
I try to scream
But I see the light
You have my throat
Then darkness
I can not breath
I see the light
For the last time
And here comes dark

Yasmin Rubayo

Free Image Hosting at

17:06 | Komentraj (4) | Printaj | #

četvrtak, 15.02.2007.

I'm Back!!!!!!!!

Oprostite što se nisam javljala pa dosta dugo za mene.
U zadnje vrijeme nisam baš najbolje i hvatala me neka depra no sad se oporavljam jer sutra idem doma
Nisam bila dva tjedna preživljavam al čovjek se nekad zaželi starih stvari a tu nisu te stvari.Ni u školi nije dobro sve 3 i 2 a samo jedna 5 mama će me ubit kad vidi

No sve se to prživi.
Moja mala darkangel bila je toliko dobrA i spržila mi puno spotova

Takvi mali detalji razvesele čovjeka
U školi pun kufer testova i kreće ono vrijeme koje svi mrze
Da vas razvedrim Hrana za dušu:

The angel writes out on paper,
Writing out her dreams,
Nobody can stop her,
Nothing's what it seems,
The angel sits and writes,
Tears streaming down her fsce,
Noone knows what happened,
Noone can see the place.
The angel sits and screams,
Without needing to be heard,
The angel writes out her words,
Yet noone sees her world.
Blood is on the paper,
Her soul now can be seen
Yey when you read her secrets,
Nothings what it seems.
The angel now can scream,
Without making any noise,
The angel now can hurt
Without without feeling inside,
The angel now can cry,
Wihout shedding a tear,
Beacause my emotions,
Now are here.

Dark Fairy

Brojim dane na kalendaru doći če i taj četvrti mjesec i onda Uskrs a to znači punih 10 dana doma
A onda pretpostavljate još 2 mjeseca i sve će ovo otić u zaborav bar na neko vrijeme čekam te dane
i brojim ih poput čovjeka koji očekuje snove da dođu na lakim krilima
Do tad ću se zadovoljit željama da sve bude neprimjetno pogotovo vrijeme
čitamo se

14:23 | Komentraj (6) | Printaj | #

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