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petak, 22.05.2009.

New Moon Movie and Twilight MySpace Layouts

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Twilight New Moon Movie and Twilight Quotes

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Twilight New Moon Movie and Twilight Quotes

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Twilight New Moon Movie and Twilight Quotes

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petak, 15.05.2009.

Alice i Bella su se vratile iz kupnje.Bella je bila neobicno sretna i energicna-

EDWARD:Alice jesi li dala Belli kave?
ALICE:Pa....samo malo,nije htjela suradivati u kupnji.
ALICE:S onime sto sam ja uzela....
EDWARD:Alice nisi valjda...
ALICE:Da Edward jesam...haha....jesam jesam....

-Edward se odmaknuo od Alice-

EDWARD:Carlisle,Alice je pojela...znas vec sto!!!

-Carlisle ulazi u sobu-

CARLISLE:Koliko Alice?
Alice:Samo nekoliko

-Gledala je nevino u njega-

ALICE:Bella idemo opet u kupnju!
EDWARD:Ali sad ste se vratile iz kupnje.
EDWARD:Bella ti mrzis kupovinu.
BELLA:O cemu pricas Edward?Obozavam kupnju...I VOLIM TE EDWARD!!!

-Alice je uhvatila Bellinu ruku-


-Carlisle i Edward su blokirali vrata-

CARLISLE:Ne.Nijedna neide nikamo dok se ne smirite
ALICE:Imamo straznja vrata.

-Edward je bio brzi i blokirao ih,ali Alice je uzela Bellu-

ALICE:Ne mislim ova.

-Skocila je utraske kroz stakleni zid stiteci Bellu te pobjegla-

EDWARD:Alice ti....

-Odjednom se Alice nasla pred njime s Bellom u rukama-


-Otrcala je vristeci i glasno se smijuci-

EDWARD:Carlisle sta da radimo?
CARLISLE:Zasto bi Alice to napravila?

-Esme ulazi u sobu-

EME:Sto se dogada?
EDWARD:I dala je Belli kave 4 salice.
CARLISLE:Gdje su Rose i Emmett?
ROSALIE:Ovdje smo.
ROSALIE:Kunem se ako nas razotkrije....
EDWARD:Ima Bellu.
ROSALIE:Pa zasto si jos uvijek ovdije?
EDWARD:Dala je Belli kavu.
EMMETT:Pa o cemu je razmisljala?!
CARLISLE:Necemo nista postici ovako.Moramo ih naci.
JASPER:Naci koga??

-Svi gledaju u njega-

JASPER:Nije valjda??

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Name: Bella Swan

Type: Human-later Vampire

Special Ability: Shields herself and others from mental attacks

About Them: Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan, later Isabella Marie Cullen, is an average, clumsy, accident-prone girl who moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie. Though many boys are attracted to her when she arrives, she falls in love with Edward Cullen, a mysterious boy she discovers to be a vampire. Desperate not to lose him, Bella vows to stay with Edward, even if it means turning into a vampire herself, despite Edward's wishes. In an effort to keep her safe, he leaves the town of Forks. Jacob Black, a werewolf from the Quileute tribe and the son of Bella's father's best friend, comforts her in that time and Bella falls in love with him as well.

Bella is described as an understanding, caring, serious, shy, and intelligent person, with a very dry sense of humor, and is noted for being very clumsy, and also stubborn. She has a very private mind, which is thought to be why Edward is unable to see her thoughts, and she is determined to become a vampire. She is also said to be terrible at lying, but occasionally demonstrates good acting ability. Bella becomes faint at the smell of blood, though this does not bother her once she becomes a vampire — this trait may also be the reason why Bella does not hunger for blood as strongly as most newborn vampires.

After Bella is changed into a vampire by Edward Cullen in Breaking Dawn, she becomes very beautiful-her already pale skin becoming even whiter, her hair becoming darker, and her lips becoming fuller. After her transformation she has the ability to shield her and others' minds from mental attacks. With her newfound ability, it is also discovered that Bella is incredibly self-controlled, much to the astonishment of the whole Cullen family-mostly Jasper. Bella learns to remove the shield from her own mind with the help of Kate, another vampire, and surprises Edward one night with all of her thoughts he has always missed out on.

Bella is described in the novels as being pale-skinned with brown hair and eyes, and a heart shaped face. Beyond this, a detailed description of her appearance is never given in the series. Stephenie Meyer explains that she "left out a detailed description of Bella in the book so that the reader could more easily step into her shoes." While Meyer stresses that "Bella's looks are open to interpretation", she does supply her own personal interpretation on her website, describing Bella as: "very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow's peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, and then a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She's five foot four inches tall, slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them." Stephenie Meyer has stated that Bella's "tragic flaw" in Eclipse is her lack of self-knowledge. After being turned into a vampire, she describes having a more clear view of the world.

Their Early History: Due to being human, there is no past for Bella Swan. Only the future lies ahead of her.

Name: Kristen Jaymes Stewart

Nick Name(s): Kris, KStew

Date of Birth: April 9th 1990

Height: 5’6”

Hair: Long Brunette

Eye Color: Green

Fun Fact: Kristen got a record player for her birthday because of her love for classic rock.

Hometown(s): Los Angeles, California; Colorado

Career: Kristen Stewart started off her acting career with a bang after an agent saw her perform in a school Christmas show at eight years old. She landed the major role of Jodie Foster’s diabetic daughter in Panic Room. The film was a success and Stewart got noticed for her performance. She then was caste in Cold Creek Manor, however the film was not a big hit at the box office. Next she played the lead in the kids-comedy Catch that Kid! and was a success for the younger crowd. One of her most memorable films is Speak where Kristen played a young teenage girl who after being raped stops all verbal contact with those around her. Kristen received high praise for her performance even though she had only a few speaking lines, but kept up a dark-witted commentary inside her head throughout the film. She then landed several other roles in various films including Zathura, Fierce People, and In the Land of Women all which received mixed reviews and success. She got back on track with Into the Wild with her sturdy superb performance as Tracy, a teenage singer with a crush on a young adventurer. Since then her other films include Adventure Land, Jumper, and Twilight, where she plays clumsy, recluse Bella Swan. Her next roles include New Moon, K-11, and The Runaways.

About Them: Kristen Jaymes Stewart was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, to her father, John Stewart, who is a stage manager and television producer who works for Fox and her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, who is a scriptwriter who came from Sydney, Australia. She attended school until the seventh grade when she then continued her education by correspondence/homeschool. She has an older brother, Cameron Stewart, she plays the guitar, and she is a fan of rock music-her favorite bands include U2, Radiohead, The Beatles, The Specials, Laura Marling, Green Day, Nirvana and Beck. In a 2008 interview with Vanity Fair, Kristen confirmed she is dating actor Michael Angarano. Stewart has expressed a desire to live and work in Australia, saying, "I want to go to Sydney University in Australia. My mom's from there.” Stewart is very close friends with her Twilight co-star Nikki Reed. Kristen loves to surf and has three dogs: Oz, a border collie mix, Jack and Lily who are mutts. She also owns a cat named 'Jella'. She has appeared in a commercial for Porsche-ironic from the standpoint of Twilight. Although born in LA, she was raised during some of her early years in Colorado. She greatly admires actor Heath Ledger and actress Evan Rachel Wood. Kristen’s favorite book is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. She wants to go to college to major in literature. Kristen is ranked #8 in AIM's 100 Celebs Under 25. Her favorite horror movie is The Shining.

Quick Quote: (about her love for acting) “I love it because I love to tell stories. I like being in movies that have a great story. I'm not so interested in being a Hollywood star. It's a job, you know. When you wake up at six in the morning every day for a week, it feels like hard work.”

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Name: Alice Cullen

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: Sees the future

About Them: Alice Cullen was originally born as Mary Alice Brandon and is the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adopted sister of Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett Cullen, and wife to Jasper. She is a petite at 4’ 10”, pixie-like, has crazy spiked dark hair and is described as being graceful, bubbly, and optimistic. Alice’s special ability of seeing the future is an enhanced version of her having premonitions as a human. However, her ability is limited as she is only able to see the outcome of a decision once it is made. Therefore, Alice cannot see decisions made in the spur of the moment. There is one other quirk in Alice’s ability-she cannot see the future of werewolves and half-breeds, only humans and vampires. Alice theorizes that she can see vampires clearly because she is one, humans somewhat less clearly because she was one, and blind to werewolves or half-breeds because she never was one. Her hobbies include shopping, make-overs, and throwing parties.

Their Early History: In the beginning of the Twilight Saga Alice's early history is very vague, as she remembers nothing of her human life when woke up alone as a vampire. Eventually we find that she was born around 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi, and was kept in an asylum because she had premonitions. Alice was changed by an old vampire who worked at the asylum in order to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was hunting her. Later after doing some research, Alice finds her grave and discovers that the date on her tombstone matches the date of her admission to the asylum.

Name: Ashley Michele Greene

Nick Name(s): Asher, Ashley Michele

Date of Birth: February 21st 1987

Height: 5’5”

Hair: Ashley normally sports her natural long dark hair

Eye Color: Muddy Brown

Fun Fact: She adores Audrey Hepburn, and, as a result, one of her all time favorite movies is Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Hometown(s): Middleburg & Jacksonville, Florida; Los Angeles, California

Career: Originally planning on being a model, Ashley was told she wasn’t tall enough and that she should instead try and focus on doing commercials. After taking classes, Ashley found that she had fallen in love with acting and actually preferred it to modeling. Her career has started beautiful with landing the role of Alice Cullen in Twilight. Currently her repertoire includes Radio Free Albemuth, Warrior, and New Moon.

About Them: Ashley Greene graduated early from high school at seventeen so that she could pursue acting. She attended University Christian School until 10th grade when she attended Wolfson High School. She parents are still happily married and her older brother, Joe, still lives in Jacksonville with her parents. Ashley enjoys shopping, hiking, going to the beach, and cliff diving. She took Tae Kwan Do and dance classes in high school and won awards in both.

Quick Quote: “I'll always be a Florida girl with southern roots.”

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Name: Carlisle Cullen

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: None

About Them: Carlisle Cullen, born Stregoni Benefici, is Esme's husband and the adoptive father of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Carlisle whose physical age is twenty-three and he is described as looking like a model. He has blond hair, stands at 6’2” and is slender but muscular. Carlisle theorizes that when a human is turned into a vampire, they will have an enhanced ability from their previous life. So according to his theory Carlisle believes he brought compassion from his human life. Carlisle has had centuries to perfect his medicinal talents, therefore making him an excellent doctor. Unlike most vampires, he is not at all tempted by the scent of human blood, due to the over 300 years he has spent holding back his temptations. While Carlisle has no special ability, he is able to have serious self-control and can hardly smell the scent of human blood while he is working. Throughout the Twilight saga, Carlisle works as a doctor, acting as the coven leader and offering medical advice and help whenever Bella is in need.

Their Early History: Carlisle Cullen was born in 1640’s and was the son of an Anglican pastor in London, England during a time of religious upheaval. His father and other pastors would hunt down creatures such as witches, werewolves, and vampires, and often mistook humans for them. As his father aged, Carlisle was put in charge. One night, he was attacked by a vampire and left to die on the streets. Knowing he would not be accepted by society, he hid himself and silently went through the painful transformation, emerging as a vampire. Horrified, he tried various methods of killing himself, but nothing worked. One night, he could endure hunger no longer and fed on a group of passing deer. Subsequently realizing that he did not have to live off humans, he set out to perfect his resistance to blood lust and become a doctor. For a short time, Carlisle lived with the Volturi, though he eventually left and traveled to the New World.

While treating patients with the Spanish Influenza, he met a woman who begged him to do whatever he could to save her son, Edward. Out of loneliness, Carlisle transformed him into a vampire and Edward became his companion. In 1921, Carlisle moved to Wisconsin where he treated Esme after a failed suicide attempt brought on by the loss of her infant son. Carlisle felt compelled to save her life and subsequently fell in love with her. Carlisle then transformed Rosalie Hale, a young woman who was almost killed by her drunken fiancé and his friends in Rochester, New York, and left in the street to die. While hunting, Rosalie later found a young man named Emmett who had been mauled by a bear, and carried him over 100 miles to Carlisle. Carlisle then changed Emmett, since Rosalie was unwilling to do it herself for fear of blood lust overwhelming her. After Carlisle changed Emmett, Carlisle and his family moved to Hoquiam, Washington, where they made a treaty with the Quileute Native American tribe. The treaty stated that the Quileutes would leave the Cullens alone if the Cullen family did not bite any humans or trespass on their land. The Cullens agreed to this treaty, and lived in relative peace until they had to move on. Between the Cullen’s first and second stay in Forks, Alice and Jasper joined his coven as well, having found Carlisle on their own.

Name: Peter Facinelli

Nick Name(s): None

Date of Birth: November 26th 1973

Height: 5’10”

Hair: Brunette

Eye Color: Blue

Fun Fact: According to Kellan Lutz, he and Peter were always pranking the cast and crew of Twilight

Hometown(s): Ozone Park, Queens, New York; California

Career: Peter Facinelli studied acting at the Atlantic Theater Company Acting School in New York City; his teachers there included William H. Macy, Felicity Huffman, Giancarlo Esposito, and Camryn Manheim. He has done numerous small projects and others that have gone on to do very well. Well known films he has done include Riding in the Car with Boys, The Scorpion King, Can’t Hardly Wait, Twilight, and the upcoming New Moon. He has also appeared in HBO’s Six Feet Under, FOX’s Fastlane, and FX’s Damages. Undeniably his appearance as Carlisle Cullen in Twilight will be the catalyst for new hits for Peter Fancinelli.

About Them: Facinelli grew up in a large Italian family in Ozone Park, Queens, New York, as the son of Italian immigrants Bruna, a homemaker, and Peter Facinelli, Sr., a waiter. Facinelli met his future wife, Jennie Garth, on the set of An Unfinished Affair, a 1996 made-for-TV movie. They married on January 20, 2001. He and Garth have three daughters together: Luca Bella (June 22, 1997), Lola Ray (December 6, 2002) and Fiona Eve (September 30, 2006). Peter was not interested in playing Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the film Twilight until after he had read the book. His favorite scene to film in Twilight was the vampire baseball scene. He played baseball in high school and saw it as "reliving the glory days". Robert Redford was Peter's inspiration when playing Carlisle Cullen in Twilight. Peter is a vegetarian (ironic at all?). He coaches his daughters’ soccer and baseball teams and while shooting Hollow Man 2 in Vancouver, he would fly back each weekend to catch the games. He owns a '62 Thunderbird convertible and takes Kung Fu lessons.

Quick Quote: “I like to surprise myself and try to push myself to play roles that are far from who I am. That’s the fun for me.”

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