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Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

uzivajte gledajuci koliko je sati...lol

Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Eclipse Movie and New Moon Movie

Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics

He took a deep breath and stared, unseeingly, at the ground for a long moment. His mouth
twisted the tiniest bit. When he finally looked up, his eyes were different, harder–like the
liquid gold had frozen solid.
“Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.”
He spoke the words slowly and precisely, his cold
eyes on my face, watching as I absorbed what he was really saying.
There was a pause as I repeated the words in my head a few times, sifting through them for
their real intent.
“You… don’t… want me?” I tried out the words, confused by the way they sounded, placed
in that order.
-New Moon-

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breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
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breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
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breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
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breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
breaking dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
Breaking Dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
breaking dawn confession #2 Pictures, Images and Photos
Breaking Dawn Pictures, Images and Photos
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breaking dawn confession #3 Pictures, Images and Photos
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breaking dawn confession #4 Pictures, Images and Photos
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breaking dawn confession #6 Pictures, Images and Photos
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Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker
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Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

*zovem se Tinchy
*prezime nije vaznobelj
*imam 16 godina
*zivim u Zagrebu
*Imam brata i sestru
*Imala sam puno ljubimaca ali nazalost ni jedan nije dozivio starostcerek
*uzasno sam tvrdoglava i osjetljiva(lako se rasplacem cak i namjerno)
*dobro glumim kad hocu
*clanica sam forks foruma
*volim pomagati drugima
*obozavam romansu i sve sto ima veze s njom
*pisem price,napisala sam ih vec 5
*imam 5 najboljih frendica
*volim citati knjige pogotovo twilight sagu i knjige Susan Elizabeth Phillips
*nemam stil oblacenja,oblacim se po tome kako se osjecam
*slusam Evanescence,Paramore,Us5,Part six,Cinema Bizarre,Jesse McCartney,Ashley Tisdale,Jonas Brothers,Avril Lavigne,pjesme iz 80-ihcerek....
*naj filmovi:Sumrak,Princezini dnevnici,High dchool musical 1,2 i 3,Nema predaje,Jos jedna prica o pepeljuzi,Camp rock...
*jos uvijek vjerujem u vile,besmrtnost,snove,u male zivotinje koje pricaju,i u sve nadnaravno na ovome svijetu(ili barem u knjigamacerekcerek)

Twilight Movie and New Moon the Movie

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

*nevolim skolu i sve sta ima veze s njom
*nevolim umisljene ljude i pusace
*nevolim kad ljudi pljuju po Sumraku a nisu ga ni procitali,to me uzasno iritiraheadbang
*niposto nevolim cistiti(samo u hitnim slucajevima)


Video news portal Nove TV

Blog servis

Kaikan Phrase(strip)
seke avatari

Emmett Cullen Girl
cute new moon girl
i know what you are
Sabriel Cullen
samy x any
Twilight fan
princess of twilight
Loving a Werewolf
twilight xd
Only vampire can love you forever



Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics

pjesme koje me podsjecaju na sumrak sagu


Edward Kissed Bella - Katy Perry

This was never the way he planned
Not his intention
She got so brave book in hand
Lost self-preservation.

It´s not what he use to
Just wanted to try her on
He´s courius for her,
Caught into her scent.

Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
The smell coming off of her skin.
Edward kissed bella just to try it.
Hope the Cullens don´t minde it
It fell so wrong,
it fell so right.
At last he didn´t kill her tonight

Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.

He doesn´t to tell her his age
Hes one o´eight.
She´s not some experimental game.
You couldn´t call it human nature.

It´s not what vampires do.
Not how they should behave.
His head gets so confued.Hard to obey.

Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
The smell coming off of her skin.
Edward kissed bella just to try it.
Hope the Cullens don´t minde it
It fell so wronf,
it fell so right.
At last he didn´t kill her tonight

Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.

Vampires,they´r so magican,
cold skin,in the sun it sparkles.
Hard to resist,
so touchable.
Too good to deny it.
Don´t you agree they´re sexy beasts.

Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
The smell coming off of her skin.
Edward kissed bella just to try it.
Hope the Cullens don´t minde it
It fell so wronf,
it fell so right.
At last he didn´t kill her tonight

Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.


Verse 1:
The night has come
I'm waking up
The moon is shining bright
I want someone
My needs undone
I've gotta beat daylight

I gotta feel love
Before I'm gonna make you mine
I gotta feel love
Your're gonna make me feel so fine
I gotta feel love
Just the way I always do
I'm gonna change your destiny
Until you want it to

Yeah - I'm a creature of the night
Yeah - I can take you higher
Yeah - I'm faster than the speed of light
You know I want you, before I bite you

The Creatures of the night
The Creatures of the night

Verse 2:
Come on let's go
Night's on the run
There is no time to waste
I fear the dawn
Can't stand the sun
It's you I'd love to taste

I gotta feel love
Before I'm gonna make you mine
I gotta feel love
Your're gonna make me feel so fine
I gotta feel love
Just the way I always do
I'm gonna change your destiny
Until you want it to

Yeah - I'm a creature of the night
Yeah - I can take you higher
Yeah - I'm faster than the speed of light
You know I want you, before I bite you

Chorus B:
Creatures of the night are lonely
It's the curse of the rising moon
Thinking about this one thing only
Really need some, fresh blood soon

The Creatures of the night
The Creatures of the night

Yeah - I'm a creature of the night
Yeah - I can take you higher
Yeah - I'm faster than the speed of light
You know I want you, before I bite you

DJ BOBO - WE GOTTA HOLD ON(Jedna od najdrazih)

Every night when the moon is risin' in the sky
I here you calling to me
Every time when I feel my spirit start to rise
You come to me in my dreams
I wish that I could be more than a fantasy
If I could only hold you in my arms
But soon we must surrender to reality
When the new day comes

Chorus 1:
We gotta hold on
To a dream only we can share
We gotta hold on
Even though we're not really here
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
I know you'll be gone
We've gotta hold on

Verse 2:
It's too late to say the love I'm feeling isn't real
Your spell is already cast
I don't want your magic secret to be revealed
I want the mystery to last
Could it be a blessing, could it be a curse
Knowing that you never will be mine
Imaginary lovers from the Universe
Forever lost in time

Chorus 1:
We gotta hold on
To a dream only we can share
We gotta hold on
Even though we're not really here
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
I know you'll be gone
We've gotta hold on

Chorus 1:
We gotta hold on
To a dream only we can share
We gotta hold on
Even though we're not really here
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light

Chorus 2:
We gotta hold on
It doesent matter what the people say
We gotta hold on
So we can live to love another day
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
I know you'll be gone
We've gotta hold on


Your fingertips
across my skin
The palm trees
sawaying in the wind,images
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes,clever trick

Well,I never want to see you unhappy
I tought you´d want the same for me

Goodbye,my almost lover
Goodbye,my hopless dream
I´m trying not to think about you
Can´t you just let me be?
So long,my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should´ve known you´d bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do.

We walk along a crowded street
You took my hand and dance with me

And when you left,you kissed my lips
You told me you would never
Never forget this images

Well,I never want to see you unhappy
I tought you´d want the same for me

Goodbye,my almost lover
Goodbye,my hopless dream
I´m trying not to think about you
Can´t you just let me be?
So long,my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should´ve known you´d bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do.

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you´re gone and I´m haunted
And I bet you are just fine

Did I make ti that easy to walk
Right in and out of my life?

Goodbye,my almost lover
Goodbye,my hopless dream
I´m trying not to think about you
Can´t you just let me be?
So long,my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should´ve known you´d bring me heartache
Almost lovers

petak, 24.04.2009.

Za pocetak par slikica=)....nije li predivnacerek

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Eto i ja sam odlucila malo ranije napisati post...cerek
Neznam kako za vas ali ja nemogu docekati da se snimi Mladi mjesec...awwww....nazalost nece biti Edwarda..crycry..ma valjda cemo prezivjeti...zubocrycry

htjela bih vas upoznati s nekim....Ovo je "Patuljasti Pinc"...
Ima tek 5 mjeseci,a dobila sam ga negdje pred kraj 11.mjeseca,
naraste samo 35 cm i dobije samo 5 kila....cerekcerek
Najbolja stvar je to sto je zenka....Zove se Bella....cerekcerekroflrofl
Moji doma su odmah shvatili zasto sam htjela da je nazovu tako...a to zicer i vi kuzite
...lol....Neki govore da bih je sigurno nazvala Edward da je musko..lol
Meni je predivna i stvarno neznam sto bih da nje nema jer je uzasno zaigrana.

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Neznam dali znate ali navodno kruze glasine da ce Drew Barrymore
MOZDA biti redateljica Pomrcine(NEDAJ BOZE!!!!!!!!!)...
neeeeee.....bljak....Drew Barrymore....headbangheadbang
...iseeee,pitaj boga kakav ce film ispasti ako ce ona biti redatelj....
misim kako god da ispadne naravno da cu ga pogledati,ali zar nisu mogli naci nekoga tko se razumije u takve stvari....
evo i slika

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cerekcerekEvo jedan video Rob and Kristen's Hilarious Sex Talk
(rob i Kristen razgovaraju o seksu)cerekcerek

I....Jos dva videa..nastavci o MladoM mesecu...

New Moon On Entertainment Tonight Part 1!!

New Moon On Entertainment Tonight Part 2!!

Neznam za vas,ali ja nemogu docekati Mladi mjesec....uzasno sam nestrpljiva....cerek...razmisljam da ponovo pocnem citati knjige..lol...da ih nisam vec dosta puta procitala pa bi covijek nesto reko..jbg....

Ugl. zeljela sam s vama podjeliti vijest da cu napokon kupiti gitaru(kad pocnu praznici),
to mi je bila zelja i napokon se ostvarila naravno morala sam se dogovoriti s mamom i uvijet je da moram ici na tecajeve....
jer neznam bas nesto pretjerano svirati..=)hihiroflroflawwwwwwwwww...
jedva cekam...mozda si i time skratim vrijeme do sljedece godine...
ufff pa tko ce tolio cekati....???

Kviz koji sam nasla na jednoj stranici

Quizzes   Girls Games

Ovo je Edwardovo pismo koje je on napisao Stephanie Meyer....

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New Moon on Entertainment Tonight Day 3-1/2

New Moon on Entertainment Tonight Day 3-2/2


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Moja knjiga...lol

edward and bella Pictures, Images and Photos

Edward And Bella Pictures, Images and Photos

Bella And Edward Pictures, Images and Photos

O cekujem puno komica...Sad trenutno nemam vremena pisati post,
ali obecajem da cu napisati posteni post cim stignem jer sad imam posla oko skole

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