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pišem o one tree hill seriji koja je najbolja od svih serija koje sam pogledala i stvarno je super! eto,to je to ukratko! ostavljajte komentare,skidajte slike i zabavljajte se! HAVE FUN & SEE YA! sam da vam kažem pošto puno slika objavljujem za one koji neznaju neka druge fotke i tekstove pogledaju u arhivi na dnu bloga! pozzzzz
Hvala vam svima na podršci i pozitivnim komentarima na ovaj blog!
Lucas: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and mesires. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us." - Julius Caesar
Nathan: "Every once in a while people step up, they rise above themselves. Sometimes they surprise you, and sometimes they fall short. Life is funny sometimes, it can push pretty hard, but if you look close enough you find hope in the words of children, in the bars of a song and in the eyes of someone you love. And if you're lucky, and if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back."
traži se 2. i 3. sezona one tree hill-a s prijevodom,ako bilo tko od vas ima te dvije sezone neka se javi na ovaj blog, pa ćemo se dogovoriti! pozzzzzzzz P.S. javite se što prije! pozzzz od SARCHY!
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Gavin DeGraw - ''I Don't Want To Be''
I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by a identity crisis everywhere I turn
Am I the only one to notice?
I can't be the only one who's learned
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
Can I have everyone's attention please
if you're not like this and that
You're gonna have to leave
I came from the mountain, the crust of creation
My whole situation made from clay, dust, stone
And now I'm telling everybody
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be
Tyler Hilton & Bethany Joy Lenz - When The Stars Go Blue
Dancin' where the stars go blue
Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' in your wooden shoes
In a wedding gown
Dancin' out on 7th street
Dancin' through the underground
Dancin' little marionette
Are you happy now?
Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
Laughing with your pretty mouth
Laughing with your broken eyes
Laughing with your lover's tongue
In a lullaby
Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
The stars go blue, stars go blue
Polubraća Nathan i Luca vode potpuno odvojene živote u malomu gradiću u Sjevernoj Karolini. Nathan Scott nadareni je košarkaš koji je naslijedio prijestolje popularnosti u školi, na kojem je nekoć sjedio njegov otac Dan, dok Lucas provodi dane kao potpuni outsider, iako je i on nadareni igrač. Lucas je, naime, sin kojeg Dan nikada nije priznao. Sada će se njihovi putovi prvi put susresti, a između njih će stati i Peyton, Nathanova prelijepa djevojka koja bi mogla otkriti da zapravo ima više zajedničkog s Lucasom. Došao je trenutak kad će svi morati odgovarati za izbore koje su načinili u prošlosti.
1. epizoda: PILOT
Nathan i Lucas Scott nemaju ništa zajedničko, osim što vole košarku i imaju istog oca. Arogantni Nathan je zvijezda školskog košarkaškog tima, a Lucas je legendarni igrač na kvartovskom igralištu. Nathanov tata i Lucasova mama bili su par u srednjoj školi. Nathan i Lucas odrasli su odvojeno, ali u srednjoj školi polubraća se opet susreću - nađu se u istom košarkaškome timu.
Uloge: Chad Michael Murray (Lucas Scott), James Laferty (Nathan Scott), Hillary Burton (Peyton Sawyer), Bethany Joy Lenz (Haley James), Paul Johansson (Dan Scott), Sophia Bush (Brooke Davis), Barry Corbin (Whitey), Craig Sheffer (Keith Scott), Moira Kelly (Karen Roe), Barbara Alyn Woods (Deb Scott)
Scenarist: Mark Schwahn
Redatelj: Bryan Gordon
[4x19] "Ashes of Dreams You Let Die"
Prvi put emitirana: 30.05.2007.
Program: CW
Kako se priblizava kraj skolske godine, Peyton razmislja o svojoj buducnosti u glazbi te dobija ponudu koja bi je odvela daleko od Tree Hilla. Brooke pokusava ponovo se spojiti sa Chaseom, dok se Mouth ponovo priblizava Gigi. Kad Lucas kaze Karen istinu o Keithovom ubojstvu to pokrene lavinu nevjerovatnih dogadjaja u Tree Hillu.
Hilarie je u proslom tjednu upfrontsa obavila intervjue sa tri magazina. Sa E! Online Kristin ju je intervjuirala na dan CW upfrontsa na CW partyu. Takodjer je dala intervju za The CW Source i TV Guide's Ausiello.
Na onetreehillweb.net je objavljeno da je sluzbeno potvrdjeno od strane CW-a da je OTH otkupljen za kompletnih 22 epizode sljedece sezone.
Sljedeca sezona poceti ce u takozvanom midseason razdoblju, tj. Sijecnju 2008. Razlog tome je sto je OTH velika uzdanica CW tako da oni zele omoguciti producentima sto vise vremena da razviju sto bolju i realniju pricu za sljedecu sezonu. Kao sto vec mnogi znate 5. sezona ce preskociti 4 godine studija. Tih cetiri godine studija i sto se dogadjalo glavnim likovima u OTH-u u tom razdoblju moci cete naci na internetu u rujnu u nekakvom obliku online dnevnika. by: SARCHY
svakako posjetite ONE TREE HILLWEB.NET odlična stranica na kojoj se nalaze najnovije novosti!
sada slijede autogrami:
evo par slika iz epke 4.sezone one tree hill-a The Birth and Death of the Day!
hay! ljudi moji opet vam se javljam sa novim vijestima.Na početku kada sam počela pisati blog objavila sam tekst kako ću pisati i o one tree hill-u i o prison break,no pošto svi više volimo one tree hill, pšisati ću samo o one tree hill-u! a i priznajte da baš nešto puno ni nisam pisala o prison break,skoro i ništa osim što sam objavila samo par slika! recite da je tako! šta je, je! P.S. za one koji vole prison break neka se neljute na mene! pozzz od SARCHY!i javljajte se i dalje na moj oth blog! pusa!
Puno ime:Sophia Anna Bush
Udana:Chad Michael Murray
(16.4.2005 - 29.12.2006)-rastavljeni
Zapamćene uloge:Brooke Davis u One Tree Hill (2003-????)
Grace Andrews u The Hitcher (2007)
Sophia Anna Bush (rođena 8.7.1982) je zvijezda na usponu i nagrađivana mlada glumica.Najpoznatija je po ulozi Brooke Davis u seriji One tree Hill i igrala je ulogu Grace Andrews i horor remakeu the Hitcher.Nominirana je Teen Choice Award i tri puta za ulogu Brooke Davis.
Raniji život:
Sophia Bush,jedinica,rođena je u Pasadeni,California.Otac joj je Charles Bush,jedan od najboljih slavnih fotografa koji rade u US today.Majka Maureen je menager fotografskog studija.Sophia je bila atletska djevojčica,kapetanica odbojkaške momčadi,i o glumi nije razmišljala do poslije maturiranja.Sophia je pohađala Westridge School for Girls i University of Southern California,i bila je član Kappa Kappa Gama sestrinstva,gdje je bila kao socijalna govornica.Pohađala je USC 3 godine prije nego je dobila ulogu Brooke Davis (2003).U 2000,pobjedila je u Tournament of Roses Parade Queen.
Sophia je svoju veću ulogu dobila u komediji Van Wilder kao Sally.Od tada pojavila se u još par televizijskih serija kao Nip/Tuck,Sabrina,the Teenage Witch,i Punk'd nakon što ju je nasamarila njezina prijateljica Brittany Snow.
Bila je među ekipom Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines da igra Kate Brewster ali je bila zamjenjena sa Clair Danes jer je direktor mislio da je premlada.U 2003 osvojila je ulogu Brooke Davis u seriji One Tree Hill.Serija je jedna od najvećih hitova i raširena je svuda po svijetu.Tamo je upoznala svoga budućeg-bivšeg muža Chad Michael Murray,za kojeg će se udati i razvesti par mjeseci kasnije.
Dok je radila na One Tree Hillu snimila je filmove kao Supercross,Stay Alive,John Tucker Must Die i remeake horor The Hitcher.
Sophia je osvojila "Rising Star" na Vail Film Festival za njezin rad ne The Hitcher.
20.4.2007 potvrđeno je da će Sophia biti zvijezda filma "The Narrows" sa Eddie Cahill i Vincent D'Onofrio.Sophia će igrati lijepu i intaligentnu Kathy Popovich.Snimanje je počelo 24.4.2007 u New Yorku a snimanje će završit 2008.godine
Sophia je bila 90 na ljestvici 100 najljepših žena 2007 slavnog engleskog magazina FHM.U istom tom magazinu sam u SAD-u bila je 89.Bila je 24 u Maxim's Hot 100 listi.U 2006. pojavila se na naslovnici magazina Maxim's sa svoe dvije kolegice iz One Tree Hilla,Hilarie Burtoni i Danneel Harris.
Prije je Sophia izglasana 3 u Famme Fatales: The 50 Sexiest Women u 2004 i 15 u Much Music's 20 Hottest Women 2004.
16.4.2005 Sophia se udala za Chad Michael Murray,njezina suradnika iz One Tree Hilla.Hodali su gotovo dvije godine prije nego su se vjenčali u Santa Monici.Ali prekinuli su 26.9.2005 zbog Chadove prijevare nakon 5 mjeseci braka.Brak je i službeno prekinut u 12 mjesecu 2006 godine.Sophia trenutno hoda sa Jonom Foresterom od 4 mjeseca 2006.
Sophia je bliska s mnogim glumcima s kojima je glumila kao što su Brittany Snow,Bethany Joy Lenz, Bevin Prince, Hilarie Burton, James Lafferty,i Tyler Hilton.Sophia je na setu u profesionalnim odnosima s Chadom (Izgleda da Chad nije pošten,drag,zaljubljen i odan dečko kao Lucas).
Ime:Sophia Bush
Datum rođenja:8.7.1982
Mjesto rođenja:Pasadena,California
Boja kose:Tamno smeđa
Boja očiju:Svjetlo smeđe
Školovanje:maturirala u Westridge School for Girls u Pasadeni u 2000
pohađa University of Southern California
Došla do slave kao Brooke Davis u seriji One Tree Hill (2003)
Otac:Charles William Bush
Majka:Maureen Bush
Rastavljena od Chad Michael Murraya (16.2.2005-18.12.2006)
U vezi s Jon Fosterom-kolegom sa filma Stay Alive
Sophijine uloge:
The Narrows (2008)...Kathy Popovich
One Tree Hill.... Brooke Davis (86 episodes, 2003-2007)
The Hitcher (2007) .... Grace Andrews
John Tucker Must Die (2006) .... Beth
Stay Alive (2006) .... October
Supercross (2005) .... Zoe Lang
Nip/Tuck .... Ridley (3 episodes, 2003)
Learning Curves (2003) .... Beth
"Sabrina, the Teenage Witch" .... Fate Mackenzie (1 episode, 2003)
The Flannerys (2003) (TV)
Point of Origin (2002) (TV) .... Carrie Orr
Van Wilder (2002) .... Sally
Brooke: ''Someone once said: 'It's the good girls who keep diaries,the bad girls never have the time.'
Me... I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember,even if I don't write it down.''
*LUCAS--As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment and sound stopped and moment stopped for much,much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone*
*LUCAS--And hansel said to gretel;let us drop these breadcrumbs so that together we find our way home,because losing our way would be the most cruel of things,this year i lost my way
NATHAN--And losing your way on a journey is unfortunat.But,losing your reason for the journey…is a fate more cruel
PEYTON--The journey lasted eight months.Sometimes i traveled alone,sometimes,there were others who took the wheel and took my hert.But when the destination was reached,it wasn't me who arrived…it wasn't me at all
BROOKE--And once you lose yourself,you have two choices:find the person you used to be…or lose that person completely
MOUTH--Because,sometimes,you have to step outside of the person you've been.And remember the person you were meant to be.The person you wanted to be the person you are*
*NATHAN--Someday this beach might wash away,the ocean may dry,the sun could dim but on that day,i'll still be loving you.Always and forever.I promise you,Haley
HALEY--I Haley,take you Nathan.To have and to hold,from this day forward.In sickness and in health.For rivher or poorer.For better or worse.I promise,that i will love between us.I make this promise for eternity.I promise that i will keep forever. Until the end of time.Till death do us part*
*NATHAN—Over the past year i've learned so much about life and love.And even if i could,i wouldn't take back all the bad stuff that's happened between us,'cause it brought us here,this moment,this river.Marry me,Haley?Marry me abain in front of all our friends and our family?
HALEY—Always!Always and forever!*
*NATHAN—So you want me to tell you something about myself?I don't have anything to say.Even if i did,you'd be wrond to belive me.Trust is a lie.Nobody ever knows anyone*
*GEORGE BERNARD SHAW—There are two tragedies in life:one is to lose your heart's desire,the other is to gain it*
*BROOKE TO LUCAS—People that are moment to be together always find theirway in the end*
*DEB—I miss Nathan!
KAREN—I miss Keith!
PEYTON—I miss Jake!
BROOKE—I don't really mis Felix,at all.Or my parents that much.But i miss my money!*
*NATHAN—You game suck.Fix it!
LUCAS—You marriage sucks.Fix it!*
*CHRIS--Quit hitting me!
NATHAN—Quit kissing my wife!
CHRIS—I will,once you start kissing her!*
*HALEY—And if you're so worried,then why didn't you stop us?It's just as much your responsibility as it is mine!
NATHAN—You're right.It is my responsibility,let me see the pills.
HALEY—I can not belive you still don't belive me.I can't belive it.Here,take them.I don't need them anymore.
HALEY—Your future as a basketball player is totally secure.Your future as my husband not so much!*
*NATHAN TO HALEY—You sure you don't wanna sleep with me until the ceremony?I know i look pretty sexy right now*
*HALEY TO NATHAN—Put a t-shirt on,you're too sexy*
*LUCAS—Some people belive that raven's guide travelersto their destinations.Other belive that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck.While a group of ravens predicts trouble ahead.And a raven right before battle promises victory*
*PEYTON—Read a poem once about a girl who had a crush on a guy who died.She imagined him up in haven with all the beutiful angels,and she was jealous.Ellie is gone,i imagine her with the bad ass angels now.Hanging out with them in their black leather jackets,causing trouble.But,i'm not jealous,i just miss her*
*LUCAS—John Steinaback once wrote:it seems to me that if you of i must choose betwee two courses or thougth or action,we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brinks no pleasure on the world* (1SEASON,5EPISODE)
*LUCAS—Do not let your fire go out,spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopless swaps of the not quitethe not yet,and the not at all.
Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach.
The world you desie can be won.It exists.It is real.It is possible.* (1SEASON,2EPISODE)
*LUCAS—What a frightening thinks is the human,a mass of gages and dials and registers.She start at him,heartbroken.And we can read only a few and those perhaps not accurately* (1SEASON,9EPISODE)
*LUCAS—And the little prince said to the man:Grownups never understand anything for themselves,and it is tiresome for children to be always explaining thing to them* (1SEASON,11EPISODE)
BROOKE—Keith said you were at Peyton's again
LUCAS—Actually i was with Peyton's dad,if that makes any difference
BROOKE—Whatever.Luke can we talk
BROOKE—Okay,i'm not sure if we have a problem,or if i have a problem
LUCAS—What's the problem
BROOKE—In a nutshell,you're you and i'm me
LUCAS—Yeah but if i was you,you'd be dating yourself
BROOKE—What i mean is,i do what i do,and i like what i like,and that's just who i am
LUCAS—I know,and that's what i love about you
BROOKE—Okay but the music that you listen to and the books that you read,i'm not into any of that stuff
LUCAS—And i never asked you to be.Okay?You know i kind of enjoy to fact that we're different
BROOKE—Okay.I'm sorry.It's just that you're the first really great guy that i've ever dated and that really scares me because i never gaver a rat's before,okay?But i do now
LUCAS—That's good,because i give a rats about you do* (1SEASON,11EPISODE)
SHERYL CROW—I was hoping to get a cup of coffee
HALEY—Open.WE are so open.Cup of cup,uh cup cup of coffee,yeah.We can do that for you.Sheryl Crow.I'm a huge fan.You have no idea how much it killed me to miss you concert tonight.We,we waiting on line and everything and then the stupid ebay snipers just…
NATHAN—Haley.Let it go
SHERYL CROW—Thanks.how much do i owe you?
HALEY—One song per cup* (1SEASON,16EPISODE)
NATHAN—You're just lucky Tim's here.Cause i've got a thing for girls named Haley James.
HALEY—Really.Well you're lucky Tim's here too!
NATHAN and HALEY—Tim,go home!!
HALEY—Go play.I kiss you later…* (1SEASON,20EPISODE)
*HALEY—Nathan,i know i'm draving you crazy
NATHAN—No you're not
HALEY—Do you think that i'm a tease
NATHAN—Stop it
HALEY—Well what do you think?
NATHAN—I think that you're my girlfriend,and i like spend time with you.Look i just don't want to push you
HALEY—You're not
NATHAN—But i am.Haley,you got a tatoo for god sakes.IT just freaks me out a little bit,because obviously this whole think with us means a lot to you.I just don't want to so anythink to pressure you.Or drive you away.Even though sometimes i can't help it.Just like i can't help that i fell in love with you.Cause i did.I love you,Haley.And it scares me,a little bit,but,there it is.
HALEY—Wow.There it is (she kisses him) I love you too* (1SEASON,19EPISODE)
*NATHAN—Get dressed
LUCAS—Dude,it's six am,what are you doing?
NATHAN—WE're going running
LUCAS—No,i'm going to bed
NATHAN—I'll just keeping knocking
Playoff's are next week.Got to get you ready,man.Workouts studying game tapes,whatever it takes
NATHAN—Cause i want to win.And i need your help.Besides,you stood up to my dad the other day.I owe you.
LUCAS—So listen.There's somethink that's been bothering me.That thing Dan said,about asking my mom wat kid or parent he was.Any ideawhat he meant?
NATHAN—Probably just more of his mind games,man.That's the way he is* (1SEASON,21EPISODE)
*NATHAN--…I DON'T WANT Peyton,Hales.I want you.
HALEY—Is that it?
NATHAN—You know,my pride says yeah,that's it.Just walk away and let Haley deal with the fact that she's clearly threatened by a sexual relationship.But my heart says,just forget abouut your pride you idiot.You love this girl.And if you'regoing to catch pneumonia,yous going to stand out here in the rain till you convise her to forgive you.So come on,Hales,just meet me halp way here?
HALEY—Why should i?
NATHAN—Because i'm sorry.Because i love you.And because you're loking so hot standing out here in the rain,and i'm thinking,i have to kiss you
HALEY—Well,if you have to* (1SEASON,22EPISODE)
*HALEY—Nathan,it's been said that there is one word that will free us from the weight and pain of life.And,that word is love,and i belive that.Is doesn't mean that it hasn't been hard or that it won't be.It just means taht i found a stillness and bravery in myself with you.You make me brave and i will love you until the end of time.This i vow today.
NATHAN—Last year we stood on a beach and i told you how much i loved you and how i would always protect you.And that day nobody belived that this would work.But,i don't think anybody understood the love that i had for you;because,if they did they would have never doubted us.So i wanted to marry you all over again in front of most of our world.Because today,when i look into your eyes my love for you only grows.It's ever stronger now and that love will never waver this i vow to you today and always.Forever*
*LUCAS—I think everybody…knows that Nathan and i got off to a pretty sketchy start
NATHAN—Mutual hatred sound about rght
LUCAS—Yeah.You see,then a funny thing gappened;Haley.She showed me that you can find the good in everybody,if you just give them a chance.The benefit of the doubt.Sometimes,people disappoint you.Sometimes they surprise you.But you never really get to kow them…untilyou listen for what's in their hearts and that's what Haley did for Nathan.That's what we should do for them.So for you skeptics our there,prepare to be surprised.So this is to my…brother and my little sis in-laws,are in love*
*TAYLOR TO HALEY—Hey,nice tatoo!*
*You ever heard the expression ''the best thing'' in life are free?Well,that exspression's true!*
*You're the one place i call home
You're the feeling i belong
''tell me a secret''*
*And losing you way on a journey is unfortunate.But losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel*
*Dougas Adams once wrote:he felt that his whole life was some kind of dream,and he sometimes wondered whose it was,and whether they were enjoying it*
As far as i'm concerned,shaw was a punk.Cause you know what…tragedies happen what're you gonna do,give up?Quit?No.I realize now that when your heart breaks,you gotta fight like hell to make sure you're still alive.Cause you are and that pain you feel…it's life.The confusion and fear…that's there to remind you that somewhere is worth fighting for*
*JAMES—Basketball's always been a part of my life,as much as acting*
*LUCAS—It's you.
LUCAS—When all of my dreams come true the one i want next to me?It's you.It's you,Peyton*
*William Blake once wrote:There are things that are known and things that are unknown.And in between,there are doors* (4SEASON,17EPISODE)
*This year, i got everything i wanted and everything i wished for…but,in a way,i lose even more*
*LUCAS—henry David Thoreu once wrote:Live each season as it passes.Breath the air,drink the drink,taste the fruit and resing yourself to the influences of each* (3SEASON,2EPISODE)
*Henry Wandsworth Longfellow wrote:All are architects of fate…living in these walls of time* (3SEASON,3EPISODE)
*LUCAS—She's your wife!You treat her like this,manipulating her,pushing her back to Chris.
NATHAN—Alright,you need to back up.Now.
LUCAS—Really?Is that an order.Captain
NATHAN—Don't push me,beach
LUCAS—You gonna do something abaut it?You're a coward you love Haley..but instead of dealing with it…you avoid her;treat her like drit.God,i used to wonder why you did it,and then i realised something.You're just…like… Dan* (3SEASON,5EPISODE)
*HALEY—Ok,listen,sister;i joined cheerleading and i sat in this stupid draft because of,oh,you!Now i am this close to getting an actual date with Nathan so if you don't suck it up,andgo out with Chris Keller,i swear the only puss-infected sores you're gonna be licking are,you own,when i get through with you,do you get it?!
Ok great!We're going!* (3SEASON,7EPISODE)
*HALEY—Ok.You know the moment that i left the tour?We were playing this club in Illinois…and Chris decides to do a cover of an eighties song colled,um, ''Missing you''…and everybody starts singing along.The crowds living it and they turn the house lights up and i could see every face out there…and i …feel apart.
On stage,in front of three thousend people;i lose it.I couldn't sing,i couldn't hear the music.Nothing.Because…that was the moment that i know…that none of it could ever be enough without you.
All of the celebrity and all of the applause and all the pretty melodies…couldn't fill your void in my heart
So yeah,i guess you're right;it's not the life i would've had…coz ever since i met you,it has been so much more* (3SEASON,7SPISODE)
*Starting with you Tree Hill Ravens…at shooting guard,co-captain,numer three,Lucas Scott.And finally,co-captain and last years league high scorer,at small forward,number twenty-three,Nathan Scott* (3SEASON,8EPISODE)
*NATHAN—I shoulda know,you can't be honest!
CHRIS—I can be honest
NATHAN—No,you can't
CHRIS—I kissed Haley.At the masquerade party.
Ow.Whoa,man,i was trying to help you
CHRIS—See,this is why i'm never honest.And stop hitting me
NATHAN—Stop kissing my wife
CHRIS—I will,when you start kissing her* (3SEASON,9EPISODE)
*HALEY—Nathan,you can always call me.Always and forever.
I wanna ask you something,um..the night of the masquerade party,d-did we,did you kiss me?
NATHAN—Of course i did
HALEY—Oh,no you didn't
That kiss wasn't half as good as this one.But i love for lying to me.Thanks for calling.
NATHAN—Haley.Stay with me tonight.
HALEY—Oh.I was hoping you would say that* (3SEASON,9EPISODE)
*BROOKE—Mouth,i did not ask you to come over here to showcase your counting skills.I need you to make it stop.Kill it;do whatever you have to do.I don't have forty-three dresses* (3SEASON,10EPISODE)
*HALEY—Nathan,…when i look back on the tour,i'm not like proud of it coz i know you weren't proud of me.
NATHAN—Is that what you think?That i weren't proud of you?
Let me show you something.It's in my car.
HALEY—Nathan,it's crazy out there!
Nathan,what're you doing?What is that?
NATHAN—I was hurt,Haley…but i was still proud of you.Every day.Wait,Wait,it's all getting ruined
HALEY—No,you don't need all that stuff.You've got me* (3SEASON,13EPISODE)
*NATHAN—Stepping up.It's a simple concept.It bacically means to rise above yourself;to do a little more,to show you something special.Something like this.Lucas is gone,but that doesn't mean the season is over.AS a matter of fact,i say it's just beginning.You might want to stay out of my way for a while.Life's funny sometimes;can push pretty hard like when you fall in cove with someone but they forget to love you back,like when you best friend and you boyfriend leave you alone,like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can't take it back.Like i said,in sports they call this 'stepping up.In life,i call it pushing back.
You know it's been said that we just don't recognize the significant moments of our lives while they're happening.We grow complacent with ideas,or things or people and we take them for granted and it's usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you've realized how wrong you've been that you realized how much you need it,how much you love it.God,i love this game.
You ever heart to expression.The best things in love are free.Well that expression is true.Every once in a while,people step up they rise abouve themselfs sometimes they surprise you and sometimes they fall short.Life is funny sometimes.It can push pretty hard but if you close enough,you can find hope in the words of children,in the bars of the song and in the eyes of someone you love.And if you're lucky,if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet,the person you love decides to love you back*
--Starting for your Tree Hill Ravens,co-captain and last years league high scorer,at small forward,number twenty three,Nathan Scott---
*True love is a wonder that has no end or beginning*
*Today, when i look into your eyes my love for you only grows.It's even stronger now*
*I wish that u come hold me,when im lonely,when i need someone to talk,to u would phone me,just like everything its on me*
*Because she made him smile again*
*Baby,you're the only light i ever saw...*
*Why do we need a heart,when a heart can be broken*
*Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives,or if the moments in our lives make us?*
*You are my happines*
*In just one night everything will change*
*When you where in trouble that crooked little smile could melt my heart of stone.Now look at you i turned around and you are almost grown sometimes you are asleep and i wisper i love you*
*Because their love is ART
*Life's funny sometimes.Can push pretty hard,like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back.Like when your best friend and you boyfriend leave you alone.Like when you pull the rigger or light the flame,and you can't take it back.Like i said,in sports,they call this stepping up.In life,i call it pushing back*
*Every once in a while,people step up they rise above themselves sometimes they surprise you and sometimes they fall short.Life is funny sometimes*
*You ever heard the expression''the best things in life are free''?Well,that expression's true''*
*Our biggest regrets are not for the things we did,but for the things we didn't do*
*Does this darkness have a name?This cruelty,this hatred.How did it find us?Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it our and embrace it?What happend to us?That we now send our children into the world like we send young men into war,hoping for their safe retrn.But knowing that some will be lost along the way.When did we lose our way?Consumed by the shadows,swallowed whole by the darkness.Does this darkness have a name?Is it your name?*
*I'm not a toy so don't play with me*
*Your looks my grab my eye,but your personality will hold my heart*
*This is a guy i'll never be...a guy that stands by watches while the world hurts you*
*I have no fear' cause you're all that i have*
*Looks like you're heading for a crash landing that's just the way it looks from where i'm standing*
*You tell her you love her:but when your boys...It's like she doesn't exist*
*It only takes one smile to hide a million tears*
*I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you,i wanna make your world better than it's ever been*
*Happines started the moment you entered my life and will last as long you are by my side*
*Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning*
*I wanna make your world better than it's ever been*
*I'll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me to haven*
*Sometimes are things no one can fix*
*I din't know how you did it,but you made me believer*
*I feel in love with you suddenly,now there's no place else i could be but here in your arms*
*Every song ends,but any reason not to enjoy the music*
*I can't breath when i'm around him.And when i'm not around him i want to be.I'm just,i'm totally in love with him*
*Looks like you're heading for a crash landing,that's just the way it looks from where i'm standing*
*People always leave*
*People always lie*
*Sometimes they come back*
*Time take all*
*Never let there love fade*
*Friends with benefit-(Prijatelji s povlasticama)*
*The sixies above are blue-my heart was wrapped up in clovers-the night i looked at you. I found a dream,that i could call my own.I found thrill to press my cheek to,a thrill that i have never known.And here we arre in haven-for you are mine at last*
*Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning*
*I can't keep being your second choice,not when you're my first*
*You're the luckiest person on this entire planet in the person you love decides to love you back*
*Sometimes there are things no one can fix*
*Can't take my eyes off of you*
*Faith is beliving when ther's nothing else you can do…*
*I love you more than i should,so much than is good for me*
*When you dreams come true i want to be the one next to you*
**LUCAS---Robert Louis Stevenson wrote:You can not run away from weakness,you must fight it out...or perish.And if that be so why not now...and where you stand**
**LUCAS---Rember tonight,for it is the beginning of always**
**LUCAS---Most of our life is a series of images.They pass us by like towns on the highway.But sometimes,a moment stuns us as it happens,and we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image.We know that this moment every part of it...will live on forever**
**NATHAN---I need you to come back to me**
**NATHAN---We love eachother father,no test is gonna show that**
**NATHAN---...That miracle wasn't just for me.It was for us.All three of us**
**NATHAN---It's not really any of your business but the truth is...Whoever my first was wasn't nearly as important as my last**
**NATHAN---I'm not proud of the person,ok?The one i used to be but if i have to be that guy to keep you safe,then that's who i'm going to be**
**LUCAS---Tree Hill is just a place someone in the world.Maybe it's lot like your world.Maybe it's nothing like it.But if you look closer,you might see someone like you.Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're the only on in the world who's strugglng who's frustrated,or unsatisfied,or barely getting by.But that feeling's a lie.And if you just hold on,just find the courage to face it all for another day,someone or something will find you and make it all okay.Because we all need a little help sometimes.Someone to help us hear the music in the world,to remind us that it won't always be this way.That someone is our there.And that someone will find you**
**BROOKE---Someone once said:'it's the good girls who keep diaries,the bad girls never have the time.Me...I just wanna live a life.I'm gonna remember ever if i don't write it down**
**LUCAS---Douglas Adams once wrote:He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream,and he sometimes wondered whose it was,and whether they were enjoying it**
**HALEY---Just take me home coz i'm tired and miss you and i love you,every version of you**
**PEYTON TO HALEY---Ok,well seriously,you're gonna want to see this,trust me.It'll be a night to remember**
**NATHAN TO HALEY---Hey baby,you know how you're always telling me that you're not going anywhere.Well i need to hold you to that right now,ok?Just i need you to come back to me.Listen!Just move one of your fingers if you can hear me,ok?Just move one of those beutiful fingers and let me know that you're still here with me**
**NATHAN TO HALEY---Don't say i never gave you anything**
**BROOKE---William Shakespeare once wrote:Love is not love vich alters when it alteration finds.It's an everfixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken.Love alters not with time's brief hours and weeks,but bears it out,even to the edge of doom**
**HALEY---I can't breath when i'm around him and when i'm not around him i want to be.I'm just,i'm totally in love with him**
**PEYTON---Every song ends,but is that any reason not to enjoy the music**
**KAREN TO HALEY---you have a wonderful soul,Haley James Scott**
**RACHAL WITH BROOKE---*BROOKE—You still look a slut*
---*RACHAL---You still smell like a whore*
**ROBERTA FLACK---First time ever i saw your face**
**LUTHER VANDROSS---Always and forever**
**RICHARD BACH---True love stories never have endings**
**TRE COOL---It's better to regret something you haven't done**
**JOHNNY CASH---Rose of my heart**
**BILLY JOEL---You're my home**
**FAITH HILL---Baby,you belong to me**
***Ljubav je kao šah:uvijek te zezne neki konj dok osvajaš kralja***
***Ja volim rad koji je napravio čovjeka***
***Laž je točka u kojoj se sijeku dvije istine***
***Da bi ostvario svoje snove,prvo se moraš probuditi***
***Prošlost se nikada neće vratiti***
***Živimo između zidova vremena***
***Dvije su tragedije u životu:jedna je izgubiti ono za čim čezneš u životu a druga je dobiti to***
***San svakog muškarca je slava,a žene ljubav***
*Da li ste se ikada pitali koliko je potrebno da promijenite svoj život?Koja je mjera vremena dovoljna da se život promjeni?Da li je to četiri godine?Kao srednja škola?Godina dana?Tjedan dana rock turneje?Može li se vaš život promjeniti u mjesec dana?...Uvijek smo u žurbi...da odrastemo...da idemo na neka mjesta,da dobijemo prednost...ali kada ste mladi...jedan sat može promjeniti SVE!!!*
As graduation day dawns in Tree Hill, some dreams begin as others end. Haley prepares for her graduation speech and her role as a young mother, while Nathan prepares for life without basketball. Brooke makes a heartfelt confession that puts her future in jeopardy. Lucas confronts Dan as Karen's life is threatened.
Zahvaljujući nathan#23 ipak sam e vratila blogu i pisanju postova.Bilo mi je dosadno pisati postove i upladat slike kada se nitko nejavlja osim par super ljudi,no eto mene opet zato uživajte!!!!!!!! pozzzz od sarchy!!!!!! P.s. nathan#23 daj mi ponovno svoju adresu bloga da ti se mogu javiti!!!!!!! pozzzzzz od SARCHY!!!!!!!!
NEW EPISODE: 05.30.07 @ 9PM/8c on the CW
"Ashes of Dreams You Let Die"
Next EpisodeNathan and Haley grow closer in spite of the recent scandal. Brooke wonders if a spark might be rekindled with Chase. Peyton receives a tempting offer that would ultimately take her away from Tree Hill. Mouth reconnects with Gigi, while Lucas tells Karen that Dan is a murderer, setting off an explosive series of events.
Hay! ljudi sam da vam svima javim da najvjerojatnije neću više uređivati blog. Možda jednog dana budem opet pisala post,možda za nekih par mjeseci,ali čisto sumnjam! dosadilo mi je pisanje postova kad se nitko nejavlja. Ja ću se na vaš blogove i dalje javljati. Čujemo se! pozzzz