Blogovi koje ja čitam....valjd!!:S......hehe
Matea-Super piše pjesme
Brineta 1314
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MySpace Layouts

I dont wanna do this anymore,i dont wanna be the reason why!


Daleko od mene!!!!

Napokon da sam se i ja udostojio napisat ost,aleluja.Zahvaljujem svima koji su komentirali(a je vas puno!!!)Jako se dosađujem i crkavam od dosade!Imo sam nastavu jutros sam jedan sat hehe!Napiso sam bio jedan dugačak post,i izbrišem ga...jerk...idiot....!!!ARGH!
Ne znam šta da pišem evo jedna pjesma!!!Boring!!!!

Artist: Diana Ross Lyrics
Song: Ain't No Mountain High Enough Lyrics

If you need me, call me.
No matter where you are, no matter how far.
Just call my name. I'll be there in a hurry.
On that you can depend and never worry.
(You see, my love is alive It's like a seed that only needs the
thought of you to grow. So if you feel the need for company,
please, my darling, let it be me. I may not be able to express
the depth of the love I feel for you, but a writer put it very
nicely when he was away from the one he loved.
He sat down and wrote these words:)

No wind, (No wind) no rain, (no rain)
Nor winter's cold
Can stop me, babe (oh, babe) baby (baby)
If you're my goal

No wind, no rain,
Can stop me, babe
If you wanna go

I know, I know you must follow the sun
Wherever it leads
But remember
If you should fall short of your desires
Remember life holds for you one guarantee
You'll always have me

And if you should miss my love
One of these old days
If you should ever miss the arms
That used to hold you so close, or the lips
That used to touch you so tenderly
Just remember what I told you
The day I set you free

Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough (Say it again)
Ain't no river wild enough
To keep me from you

Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough (Say it again)
Ain't no river wild enough
To keep me from you

Ain't no mountain high enough
Nothing can keep me
To keep me from you

Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough (One more time)
Ain't no river wild enough (Say it again)
To keep me from you

Ain't no mountain high enough
Nothing can keep me
To keep me from you

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Iako me vidiš,to nisam ja,pogledaj malo bolje,i shvatit ćeš da sam se promijenio.
MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

Ovak..da se više predstavim:
Zovem se:Ja
Volim:tebe sigurno ne.. joke... frendove,frendice... lazanje... sladoled..sve
Slušam:sve osim glupog metala
Thats it.
MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

Zaboli me šta misliš o meni,ja sam to što jesam i ne pada mi na pamet da se mijenjam radi tebe.
MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts