Grad Novi Pazar - Susretit će se u sredini
srijeda , 26.12.2018.vremenska prognoza - Novi pazar
Click here: Grad Novi Pazar
Nije to gostoprimstvo nešto što su učili u nekoj školi za turizam. Along with the trade, the city developed manufacturing tradition. Livade i pašnjaci se prostiru na oko 2.
The city is surrounded by the and mountains, and the plateau lies to the west. Novi Pazar je ostao i dalje sedište paše. Serbs also lived in the city until WWII when the entire Serb population of Novi Pazar - 521 individuals, were imprisoned, sent to the concentration camp and killed during the rule of.
Jedinstveni spoj Istoka i Zapada, starog i novog, islama i hrišćanstva… - Osmanska vladavina Prodor Turaka u Rašku sredinom 15.
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Serbia-Novi Pazar Part 6
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Oznake: Jedinstveni, spoj, Istoka, i, zapada, „starog“, „novog“, islama, hrišćanstva…
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