petak, 18.01.2008.

This has to be the strangest thing Ive ever seen Mr. Pacione write.

It seems like Koehler just committed an act of Jihad on my Yep shes the type that would ram a pair of jets into someones business like that. That is a fuck you rant of fuck you rants right there, Koehler youre the one who is holding writers hostage bitch!

Im still trying to decipher that last sentence.

He links a five page article he posted on Associated Content.  He rated his own article a 4.0 of 5.0.  I think the article is nothing but a huge rant against Ms. Koehler in particular, and mid-list horror in general, but its really hard to tell.

The only snail oil sales lady is the person trying to put a hex on the series and succeeded to get one author stabbing in the back in the process.

What on earth is snail oil?  Is it a hot commodity?

Rivalries like this do go on for years and I am trying to avoid it in the sense that I am just trying to get the authors discovered and paid along the way.

First, hes the one who drags out imaginary rivalries.  Second, paying authors if and when he feels pressured to do so isnt exactly considered professional.

Doing Tabloid Purposes is always been something to an author out there - either new or established alike, but always had that small bunch of mid-list assholes going around making their lives difficult for that reason.

For what reason?  I dont buy into the premise that mid-list authors waste their time and energy discouraging aspiring writers.  What would be their reason?  Because they contributed to one of the Toilet Paper anthologies, or because they are new authors?  Either way, a TP contributor has a long way to go to become a rival to any mid-list author.

From what I can tell, any rivalry among mid-list authors tends to be rather friendly.  Authors arent really competing for readers.  Its not as if a reader will toss a coin and decide to read Author A instead of B if it lands heads-up.

I am going to use her own words against here, dont be afraid to use the internet to learn more about the author - there are three sides to the story, theirs - yours, and the truth.

I beg to differ  slightly.  The third side of the story is one that can be documented, and not easily electronically altered.

I am not going to blow sunshine up someones ass when I dont like a story that I read, and when I like the story a lot I will e-mail the author asking if they would want to be part of the magazine or part of an anthology

If I dont like a story I read, I normally will point out a review, politely, what I think is wrong with it:  grammar, spelling, plot, story flow, dialog, etc.  If I like it, I will say what I like about it.  Since almost every book I buy is professionally edited, I dont expect to find much more than a few typos that escaped proofreading.

Be lucky this isnt the century of Andrew Jackson. Otherwise Id be drawing a duel - two guns, take ten paces turn around and open fire at each other.

I envision Hamilton vs. Burr, with Pacione playing the role of Aaron Burr.

When I see online names like I think when I see something that is good in my eyes - I will do everything I can to get the author discovered. I pay them yes, but also the bigger payout is when they see their story on the big screen.

So, when does TP, the Movie come to a Clearview or Loews near So being a print on demand author has a few strikes against me and working with has the natives restless. appears to be the kiss of death unless you want to print calendars or greeting cards.  Its a printer, perhaps a notch above Kinkos in quality, but a printer nonetheless  not a publisher.

Stalking me on and going around digging all the dirt you can about me. I will say this right now - there is a war waiting to brew and shes starting the jihad, a holy war.

Whats up with jihad other than its become Paciones latest verbal tic?  Stalking me on is what throws me for a loop.  If his tirade is about Ms. Koehler, where would stalking and reunion website fit into the puzzle?

People like this one person calling me the snail oil salesman will fail, theyre designed to fail.

Anyone who attempts to sell snail oil will indeed fail.

I think when someone like that is trying to force hiatus on someone - thats a jihad waiting to happen.

Hes got the definition of jihad wrong, but he did finally manage to spell hiatus Mr. Pacione is progress!

If you want to know what I am talking about look further than her rant the blog she made on November 19, 2007.

Pacione didnt link to it, but I believe hes referring to this entry.  The comments are amusing.  Personally, I think Ms. Koehlers entry about Googling everything and everyone is right on the mark.

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