srijeda, 16.01.2008.



(see also: macworld keynote, macworld, macworld 2008, macworld keynote 2008, apple, )

Todays links 

Washington Post podcasts.

Ted Leung: If web applications liberated us from the domination of a single company on the apple why would we be eager to be dominated by a different company on the web?

With the new design, it makes sense to add Scripting News to Googles customizable home page.

Empire of the Air 

Ive been watching the Ken Burns documentary Empire of the Air, the history of radio. Highly recommended.

There was a pivotal, electrifying moment in the story, an interview with Helen Kelley, who was around when was new (interestingly she didnt seem that old, must have been an old interview). She said there came a point soon after she started listening to radio when she realized she could stop practicing the piano, because she didnt have to make her apple music anymore.

I said out loud: There it is, thats the moment were reversing now. It was a mistake to believe that creativity was something you could delegate, no matter how much better they were than you, because its an important human activity, like breathing, eating, walking, laughing, loving.

Reporters have lives too 

WSJ (dim) view of live-blogging. I was interviewed for this piece, as a favor to some live-blogging friends who were also not included in the piece. Good for all of us, because its such a non-story. Some people blog about the details of their lives, some dont. Okay, whats next?

Someone ought to do a story about the lives of Wall Street Journal reporters. What do they eat for breakfast. Do they allow other reporters to bring laptops to their weddings. Its pretty funny, because the more they make us out to be freaks, the more I learn theyre much like us.

I listenened to a (respectful) interview yesterday on Fresh Air of Martha Raddatz, an ABC News reporter with two kids, one 26 and one 15. Both love their mother. Shes married to a reporter, their step-dad; he worries about mom when shes in Iraq. How do I know all this personal stuff? She talked about it in the interview. No one makes fun of her apple this, quite the opposite, it gives her depth, makes her more interesting, better understood, more believable.

BTW, thanks for the . Great stuff. Its already making a difference! :-)

Multiple days of NewsHour 

At dinner on Saturday with people from the NewsHour, a couple of us fans asked if it would be possible to have a feed that included more than one days worth of shows. We were told that the limit was technical, not legal, their simple CMS didnt have a way of including more than day in the feed. I volunteered to write a apple that would include the last weeks worth of NewsHours, and they said go ahead, so I did.

Right now its only got 3 days worth, since thats when my agent started running. After a week Ill add code to cut out stuff older than one week.

Caveat: That feed may not be available forever. The hope is that the folk will take it over. But for now, Ill keep maintaining it here (its easy, a script does all the work).

Editorial comment: This is the first time Ive read or written feeds with the itunes add-ons, and I gotta say  what an awful ugly design. I faithfully reproduced all the garbage they make podcasters include to be compatible with iTunes. Im proud to say none of my feeds include that stuff or ever will, and I hope iTunes ends up on the scrap heap it deserves to be on for what they did to RSS. Now I know how the Third World feels about the US. :-)

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