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Blog description
For my dear friends far far away... a diary of my wonderful life in the lovely country of Croatia.

Explanation to all who wonder why this blog is in English:
my dear friends, to whom I write this instead of e-mails, are not Croatian. They’re from all over the world. So, I write in English, which all of my friends, whether Croatian, or Japanese, of French, or Mexican, can understand.

Noriko's Web Page
Gabi's Work in Progress

Forgot my e-m@il?

The last movie I've seen...
I can't seem to find the time to go see a movie. Or the will. Or the money :).

Alexander the Great

Horrible, horrible movie. Don't go and see it is my honest advice.

The Chronicles of Riddick

What can I say? Vin Diesel. If this were the worst movie in the history of movie making, I’d still love it. But it was quite good, actually. Sort of like Conan in space, but with a much, much hotter guy in the main role. Vin Diesel. Ah, he could make a movie about him walking around in an empty room for two hours doing nothing and I’d think it was the movie of the year :). (oh, and this stays here until I see a new movie with Vinnie boy :)))

The book(s) I'm reading these days...
Right now I've got the new Terry Pratchett - "Monstrus Regiment". It's too serious for a Discworld book so far.

Damn useful!
Don't know what to do with your time? The Internet is a great source of fun and knowledge!


Hyperdictionary - the better to understand the English language. Has a dream dictionary too. Great page.


Internet Archive - "Universal access to human knowledge" - come here and learn something!


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - the link says it all


Sci-Tech Today - latest news from science and technology


Internet Movie Database - any movie, any time. On your desk at your disposal.


Bored.com - Bored? Click away!


18.01.2005., utorak

Bad Blacky! Sit! Stay! Behave!

My computer is malfunctioning. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but every now and then it starts producing this high pitch noise that goes directly into my scull and everything freezes.
If I’m lucky after a couple of seconds it unfreezes, and if I’m not it stops working all together.

So, if I’m not writing for long periods of time, you know who to blame. My dear Blacky.

Well, it needs and upgrade anyway, but since I have no idea what’s wrong with it, I don’t know what to do. I think it’s the hard disc; it’s the only thing inside that makes any noise ever.

Bad computer!

Oh god, if my computer stops working, what will I do?
I’m so used to it, I’m so attached to it, I cannot imagine a day without a computer! Where will I play music? How will I read the news? What books will I read?
I am so dependent on this little machine! I do everything besides cooking on it! The first thing I do when I wake up, even before brushing my teeth is turn on the computer (so Windows have time to wake up :))) I play on it, I read on it, my recipes are on it…

Don’t do this to me Blacky, I need you!!!


Well, I better finish this before it freezes again.

My daddy got offered a new, better paying job, which he says he’s not going to take. He doesn’t like the conditions (he’d have to be in the office instead on the field, and he HATES working a desk job). From my perspective, jobless, careerless, this looks so much like a SF movie. It sound so… fantastic (fantastic in a sense as something that came out of a fantasy book) to me. There are people out there who have the opportunity to refuse job offers. Wow. I don’t have the opportunity to get a job!

Well, maybe I will, I’ve got an interview soon, as soon as we can agree on the time :). Maybe this one will go through. Maybe.

So, my lovely people, I’m sending you kisses, and please pray for me that Blacky the computer will not break down totally. Maybe it has a flue, it’s been going around :).

Love to you all from

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