18.04.2006., utorak


Image Hosted by Speed/thrash metal bend Slayer osnovan je u mjestu Huntington Beach, Kalifornija 1982. godine kada su gitarist Kerry King i njegov prijetelj Jeff Hanneman formirali heavy metal cover band sa Tomom Arayom (vokal, bass) i Dave Lombardom (bubnjevi), dva aspirirajuća muzičara. Za manje od dvije godine, grupa je počela svirati svoj materijal po raznim klubovima, gdje ih je zapazio Brian Slagel, predsjednik diskografske kuće Metal Blade Records, koji ih je brzo primio. Slayerov prvi album Show no Mercy je izdan u prosincu 1983. i dobio je kritike da je to album pun maloljetničkog sotonizma sa recikliranim rifovima, i iako je intezivan, frenetični bubnjevi su napravili novo polje u metalu.
Nekoliko mjeseci poslije Slayer je izdao Haunting the Chapel EP, koji je potvrdio njihov heavy, bubnjem orijentiran zvuk. Sljedeći sporiji, mračniji album Hell Awaits izašao je 1985. godine i dao je bendu prvu priliku da okuse slavu prodavši 100.000 kopija u SAD-u iako su imali slabu promociju. Sada je underground osjećaj privukao pažnju rap impresatora Rick Rubina (Run DMC, Beastie boys) koji je potpisao grupu za diskografsku kuću Def Jam Records da poveća opseg žanrova koje on koristi. Slayerov prvi album za Def Jam bio je Reign in Blood koji je napravio proboj među metal kritikama i fanovima, kombinujući brzinu punka i hardcorea sa gitarom i imidž poznatih metal bendova. Pjesme kao što su Necrophobic i Angel of Death imali su približno 250 beatova po minuti. Kroz album se najviše virtualizira speed metal, koji je utjecao na neke druge bendove. Slayer je dobio loše ocjene zbog njihovog SOTONISTIČKOG i NACI izgleda i simbola, ali grupa je govorila da ne vjeruje ni u jedan sistem.

Javno izvikivanje je prouzročilo da CBS Records, Def Jam-ov distributer, odbace Reign in Blood, tjerajući Def Jam da traže alternativnu distribuciju kroz Geffen; mnogi Slayerovi koncerti bili su pozdravljeni od strane protestanata ili čak otkazani. Bez koncerata i bez distibucije, došlo je veliko iznenađenje kad je Reign in Blood dosegao top 100 i otišao u gold tiraž. Kako je Slayerova popularnost rasla, bend je patio od unutarnjih sporova. Bubnjar Dave Lombardo otišao je tokom turneje 1987.godine, ali se ubrzo vratio. Zamijenio ga je u tim trenucima Tony Scaglione koji je svirao za Whiplash. Njihov sljedeći album izašao je 1988. a nazvan je South of Heaven. Taj album označio je odlazak speed metala i vratio se više tradicionalnom metal zvuku. Uprkos tužbama kod fanova, album je dobio gold tiraž. Slayer je postao poznat po svojim energičnim koncertima, koji su bili skoro konstantni tokom kasnih 80-ih. 1990. izašao je Season in the Abyss koji je utvrdio Slayerov status kao jednog od najvećih metal bendova na sceni, prodavši se u preko milion kopija i dobijvši pohvale u svim metal magazinima. Kako bi najavili svoj veliki povratak, Slayer je napravio veliku turneju Clash of the Titans, koja je uključivala grupe kao što su Alice in Chains, Anthrax i Megadeth, i uglavnom neke lokalne bendove. 1991. Slayer je obilježio 10 godina postojanja tako što je izdao dvostruki live album Decade of Aggression, još jedan platinasti hit.
1992 došlo je do novih problema u bendu. Lombardo je provodio više vremena sa svojom ženom nego sa bendom pa je izbačen iz benda. On je zamijenjen sa Paul Bostaphom, koji je prije svirao za Forbidden. Nakon što su odsvirali nekoliko koncerata sa novom postavom, Slayer je nestao sa scene i počele su kružiti glasine da će se grupa raspasti. 1993. grupa je radila na soundtracku za film Judgement Night, radeći sa reperom Ice T na obradi Exploited-ove pjesme Disorder.
Pred kraj 1994. godine, nova postava je izdala prvi album, brutalno brzi Divine Intervention. Iako se nije baš dobro prodao, zasjeo je na 8. mjesto u SAD-u i potvrdio da je thrash metal još uvijek popularan u '90-im. Divine Intervention donio je opet loše ocjene zbog arta na albumu tj. zbog otkinute ruke na kojoj je urezano Slayer, pa su se albumi skoro počeli i zabranjivati. Nakon skoro dvije godine turneje, bubnjar Bostaph otišao je iz Slayera kako bi nastavio raditi na svom starom projektu The Truth About Seafood. Njegova zamjena je došla iz grupe Testament. Bubnjar John Dette nije ostao dugo u Slayeru, manje od 6 mijeseci zapravo. Bostaph se potom vratio i 1996. godine grupa je snimila novi album Undisputed Attitude koji je sadržao obrade klasičnih punk bendova kao što su Minor Threat, D.I. i GBH.
Sljedeći album bio je Diabolus In Musica koji je idan na ljeto 1998. za Columbian Records. Album je otišao visoko na svim metal ljestvicama. Zadnji Slayerov album izašao je u 2001. godini, a zove se God Hates Us All. Ovim albumom Slayer je pokazao da nemaju namjeru bar malo promijeniti svoj stil, i samim tim su postali malo naporni za slušanje. Nakon njega u grupu se vraća bubnjar Lombardo.

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Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Black Sabbath
Cradle of Filth
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1. enter sandman (metallica)
2. holly smoke (iron maiden)
3. living after midnight (judas priest)
4. fear of the dark (iron maiden)
5. tears of the dragon (bruce dickinson)
6. seek and destroy (metallica)
7. sad but true (metallica)
8. for whom the bell tolls (metallica)

1. Fade To Black (metallica)
2. Raining Blood (slayer)
3. Ride The Lightnin (metallica)
4. Turn The Page (metallica)
5. Whiplash (metallica)
6. Čoban tjera ovčice (nervozni poštar)
7. Metal heart (dimmu borgir)
8. I hate you (slayer)
9. Domination (pantera)
10. Headenemy (grba)
11. Total repulsion (grba)
12. Fight fire with fire (metallica)
13. Angel of death (slayer)
14. Arise (sepultura)
15. Trooper (iron maiden)
16. Refuse/Resist (sepultura)
17. Blacklist (exodus)
18. Impaler (exodus)


[Lyrics & Music - Hanneman]

Auschwitz, the meaning of pain
The why that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Showers that cleanse you of your life
Forced in
Like cattle
You run
Stripped of
Your life's worth
Human mice, for the Angel of Death
Four hundred thousand more to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Sadistic, surgeon of demise
Sadist of the noblest blood

Destroying, without mercy
To benefit the Aryan race

Surgery, with no anesthesia
Fell the knife pierce you intensely
Inferior, no use to mankind
Strapped down screaming out to die
Angel of Death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher,
Angel of Death

Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
Burning flesh, drips away
Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil
Frigid cold, cracks your limbs
How long can you last
In this frozen water burial?
Sewn together, joining heads
Just a matter of time
'Til you rip yourselves apart
Millions laid out in their
Crowded tombs
Sickening ways to achieve
The holocaust
Seas of blood, bury life
Smell your death as it burns
Deep inside of you
Abacinate, eyes that bleed
Praying for the end of
Your wide awake nightmare
Wings of pain, reach out for you
His face of death staring down,
Your blood running cold
Injecting cells, dying eyes
Feeding on the screams of
The mutants he's creating
Pathetic harmless victims
Left to die
Rancid Angel of Death
Flying free


Late at night all systems go
You've come to see the show
We do our best You're the rest
You make it real you know
There is a feeling deep inside
That drives you fuckin' mad
A feeling of a hammerhead
You need it oh so bad

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Bang your head against the stage
Like you never did before
Make it ring Make it bleed
Make it really sore
In a frenzied madness
with your leather and your spikes
Heads are bobbing all around
It is hot as hell tonight

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Here on the stage the Marshal noise
is piercing through your ears
It kicks your ass kick your face
Exploding feeling nears
Now is the time to let it rip
To let it fuckin' loose
We are gathered here to maim and kill
Cause this is what we choose

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

The show is through the metal is gone
It is time to hit the road
Another town Another gig
Again we will explode
Hotel rooms and motorways
Life out here is raw
But we will never stop
We will never quit
cause we are Metallica

Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

[lyrics-Divković, music-Srzić]
unaprid se ispričavamo zbog gramatike

My enemy is my sin
So my heart must be clean
My enemy is my sin
But I will try to win

I'm standing on my knees
I'm fighting with disease
I'm stand here all this years
Can you help me, please

That monsters in my head
Everything I see is red
I'm going slighty mad
I wish I was dead

I'm standing on my knees
I'm fighting with disease
I'm stand here all this years
Can you help me, please?

That monsters in my brain
are producing hate and pain
They're making me to do wrong
They're so fucking strong

I'm standing on my knees
I'm fighting with disease
I'm stand here all this years
Can you help me please?

unaprid se ispričavamo zbog gramatike

Can you haer my voices calling
Can you hear mothers crying
No one knows why are we dying
No one knows, tell me why

I'm whatching world from my tower
I'm whatching sky, sky is red
Is this real? Is this dream?
Is this just fantasy?

I've got power
I will fly higher
My power is line fire
I only feel desire

Can you see your destiny coming
Can you see what's feature bringing
You must keep on flying
You must keep on trying

Can you hear trumpets singing
Can you hear war bells ringing
We will keep on trying
We will keep on flying

I've got power
I will fly higher
My power is line fire
I only feel desire

unaprid se ispričavamo zbog gramatike

Halter is ready
It's waiting for me
I waiting for death
In this hall of fear

In this dark hall
Where life passing by me
That filthy rope
Is my destiny

I wish I can't watch
I wish I can't hear
I ask myself
Why me!?

I feel fear, I feel fear!
I feel fear, I feel fear!

Who are this faces
They don't know me
They'll do this so cold
I wish I can't see

Priest forgives me everything
But that ain't my sins
I will feel death
For somebody else

I wish I can't watch
I wish I can't hear
I ask myself
Why me!?

I feel fear, I feel fear!
I feel fear, I feel fear!

unaprid se ispričavamo zbog gramatike

Do you realy know who you are?
Have you ever think about yourself
You've just think wright but you're doing wrong
It is just the way it is

Your face is mirror of your life
Every day you are falling deeper
You can't meet yourself in this world
Your fade out is so fast

When it seems to you that everything will die
You've to controle yourself and just close your eyes
Say your prayers and make yourself loud
And you will find your way to out

Just don't be afraid and don't forget your past
The master have wright to control your mind
But you've been choose your master, it is your mistake
Now you have to give and he's the one who take

Painlife, painlife
Do you realy know who you are?

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