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iMa n@$ / n€m@ na$

by: bR@Nk!cH

extasy will kill youuuuuuu.........

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hvala svima koji su srali o meni i
ogovarali me iza leđa,glumili mi lazne
prijatelje...TO ME JE SAMO OJACALO!!!
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nikad ne ostavljaj onoga koga volis,zbog
onoga koji ti se sviđa!!!

Nemoj nikome nikada
Da je postojala jedna
'mala' ...
Da je bila tvoja,
I sve ti dopuštala, sve
Nemoj nikome nikada
Da si otišao iz njenog
Kao tama...

Nemoj im priznati
Da je 'mala' ostala

Nemoj nikome
nikada reći
Da je plakala i patila...
Da si 'maloj' značio,
A nije te vratila...

Nemoj nikome nikada
Da je ponos uništio
Tko zna hoće li opet
biti sretna?
Nemoj nikome reći,
Molim te...

Nemoj nikome nikada
Da 'mala' trebala te...
I da je 'mala' bojala
Svega čega bojiš

I kada gledaš 'malu' –
Ona gleda te...
I kada druge te žele –
Ona neda te...

Nemoj nikome
nikada reći
Da su ti govorili
Da za tu 'malu'
I nemoj im nikada
Da su je pitali:
'Zaljubljena ti si?' .

Nemoj nikome nikada
Da im je morala reći
'ne' ...

Nemoj nikome nikada
Da bio si joj sve...

I nemoj im reći
Kako bile su teške
noći te;
Kada si 'maloj' ulazio
u sne...
Kada je bila sigurna da
Trebaš je...

A ti si bio sretan,
Nisi znao za puteve
Nemoj nikome nikada
Da njene noći bile su

Nemoj im reći
Da je 'mala' zbog tebe
sve izgubila...
Jer, bila je sretna kad
te poljubila...

I nemoj nikada nikome
Da si 'malu' bar malo
Da si ju za oprost

Samo im reci
'žaliti neću' ...
Ali, nemoj nikada
nikome reći,
Da nakon svega –
'mala' želi ti sreću...

I želi te bar kao
Želi da kažeš joj sve...
Nemoj nikada
nikome reći
Da 'mala' nije mogla
Tebi reći 'ne'...
I nemoj im reći
Da 'mala' još uvijek
zbog tebe diše...
Da 'mala' zbog tebe
I zbog tebe stihove

Nemoj nikome nikada
Da 'mala' zbog tebe
I nemoj im reći
Da ta 'mala' sam ja

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o meni...

blog od jedne osobe koja ima problema!
-kojoj se nepotrebni ljudi petljaju stalno u zivot!
-osoba koja jako cesto nema volje ziviti,i zivcira se radi
-osobi koja je precesto depresivna
-osobi za koju ellis kaze da ej jedinstvena i special.
izvana etiketirana sminkerica a iznutra skroz drugacija
-osobi koja mrzi nepravdu,cajke,umisljenost,dvolicnost,skolu..
-osobi koja se boji veze..:S
-osobi koja zivi u svom nekom drugacijem svitu..
-osobi koja obozava svoje frendove i sve bi dala za njih..
-osobi koa ne viruje u ljubav=(
-osobi koja voli izlaziti..
-osobi koja se zove Karla,ide u graficku skolu,1.razred!


MY SPACE: karlathekujaa17

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moj stari blog..posjetite=)
a petarde moje..
moj i emilyn blog!!!!!!!!!!
lizardi moji=))
curka,torba i petrica
a lule moj..=)
kreso izgoretina

me&my friends:)))

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usa dario ludi..=)

Tesko je cekati , nekog u ciji povratak nisi


Tesko je vjerovati usnama kad govore…

istinu ili laz……

…radost ili tugu….

Tesko je nekog sanjati dok on sanja drugu…

Tesko je biti nista u ocima onih ,
…koji su tebi sve…

tesko je sanjati lijepe sne….

Tesko je biti sam..

Nekog dugo cekati..

Tesko je..tesko…

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Shot at 2007-07-06
možda nisam znao uvijek istom mjerom vratiti,
zato otvaram ti srce kao pismo - neću ništa skrivati.. Pročitaj me do zadnje strane ti i znat’ ćeš da najbolje do sada si što su prsti dotakli.."
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.. I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep.. 'Cause I'd miss you, baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing.."
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Shot at 2007-07-31
"..kad te vidim kiša prestane, crni oblak odmah nestane.. Cijeli svijet se samnom raduje; a tvoj osmjeh nose ulice.."
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Shot at 2007-07-07
"..I've found a reason for me to change who I used to be - a reason to start over new; and the reason is you.."
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"..zavedi me riječima i ja ću budna sanjati.. I poslije tako dugog traženja - sad znam da to si ti.. Bit ću samo tvoja.. Tvoja nada i tvoj smijeh.. Sad znaš da ima Boga - čim za te došla sam na svijet.."
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"..i just called to say I love you, I just called to say how much I care..
I just called to say I love you - and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.."

"..moj lipi anđele, pogledaj u mene.. Ako nas tužne jutrom probude - ja čuvam osmijeh za tebe.."

"..pratim te..i kad ne gledam po koraku te znam..
svaki drhtaj tvoga tijela osjecam..tu sam
da ti nadu vratim ako padnes da te uhvatim...

"moje je srce bilo pijano,voljelo,kajalo,boljelo,
davalo i uzimalo,bilo sretno i gubilo
ostavljalo i bilo ostavljeno,,,!
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Shot at 2007-07-07
"..come on baby
we ain t gonna live forever let
me show you all the things that we
can do?!...

"jednom kad ti pogledas u oci moje
kad ponos vise ne bude igra za dvoje,
tad cemo mi pricati
i mozda ti priznam koliko sam te voljela...
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"kako ces ti bez mene al kako
cu ja bez tebe kad dođu teski dani
kad odu svi jarani kad zamirisu

"...i was made for loving you baby
you were made for loving me
and i can t get enough of you
baby,can you get enough of me??

"...e your lips moving but I don't hear nothing
Everybody talking like they really know something about us
But they don't know nothing about us..
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Shot at 2007-07-06
"...I want to hurt you just to hear you
Screaming my name
Dont want to touch you but
Youre under my skin (deep in)
I want to kiss you but your lips
Are venomous poison..
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"...Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me
No you don't mean nothing at all to me
Do you got what it takes to set me free
Oh you could mean everything to me..

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Shot at 2007-07-06
pre savrsena pisma!!!

Evanescence My Immortal Lyrics
My Immortal (Fallen)

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all of my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
And though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

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Shot at 2007-07-06

Marilyn Manson Heart Shaped Glass Lyrics
*** Complimentary Heart Shaped Glass Ringtone ***
she reminds me of the one in school
when I was cut and she was dressed in white
and I couldn't take my eyes off her
but that's not what I took off that night

and she'll never cover up what we did with her dress, no
she said, "kiss me, it'll heal but it won't forget"
"kiss me, it'll heal but it won't forget"

I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles
if I could stick to you and you stick me, too

don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high

don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high
making me low
that blue is getting me high
making me low
she reminds of the one I knew that cut-up the negatives of my life
I wouldn't take my hands off her, she wouldn't let me be anywhere but inside

I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles
if I could stick to you and you stick me, too

just don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high

don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high
making me low
that blue is getting me high
making me low

she'll never cover up what we did with her dress, no
she said, "kiss me, it'll heal but it won't forget"
"kiss me, it'll heal but it won't forget"

I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles
if I could stick to you and you could stick me, too

just don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high

don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high
making me low

odlicna pisma...
Never Again

I hope the ring you gave to her
Turns her finger green
I hope when you’re in bed with her
you think of me
I would never wish bad things
But I don’t wish you well
Could you tell
By the flames that burned your words
I never read your letter
Cause I knew what you’d say
Give me that Sunday school answer
Try make it all okay

Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
bet it sucks
to see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
you knew
exactly what you would do
And don’t say
You simply lost your way
She may believe you
But I never will
Never again

If she really knows the truth
She deserves you
A trophy wife Oh, how cute
Ignorance is bliss
But when your day comes
And he’s through with you
And he’ll be through with you
You’ll die together, but alone
You wrote me in a letter
You couldn’t say it right to my face
Well, give me that Sunday school answer
Repent yourself away
[Never Again lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
bet it sucks to see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
you knew
exactly what you would do
And don't say
You simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
Never again

Never again will I hear you
Never again will I miss you
Never again will I fall to you
Never again will I kiss you
Never again will I want to
Never again will I love you

Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
you knew
exactly what you would do
And don’t say
You simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
I Never Will
I never will
Never again

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Shot at 2007-07-05

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i miss,miss you so much!!!!!
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Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
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Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened
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Shot at 2007-07-05
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
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Al' nocas ako slusa
nek' cuje bog.
Ovu pjesmu koju pjevam
njoj, samo njoj.
Zauvijek, neka nosi
na srcu znak.
Zivot je jedan
ona bacila.

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Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
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Shot at 2007-07-06

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
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Shot at 2007-07-06

You had my heart
and we'll never be world apart
Maybe in magazines
but you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the Dark
You can see shiny Cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share

When the sun shines
We’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
That I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
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For what I’ve done
I’ll start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m forgiving what I’ve done

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Shot at 2007-07-06

Avril Lavigne When You're Gone Lyrics

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take

[When You're Gone lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And when you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah Yeah

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

we belong together..
The hammer may strike, me dead on the ground
A nail to my hand, a cross on his crown
We're done if we're undone
Finished if we are incomplete
As one we are everything
We are everything we need

We belong together
Like the open seas and shores
Wedded by the planet force
We've all been spoken for

What good is a life, with no one to share
The light of the moon, the honor of a swear
We can try to live the way of which you speak
Taste the milk of your mother earth's love
[ We Belong Together lyrics found on http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ]
Spread the word of consciousness you see
We are everything we need

We belong together
Like the open seas and shores
Wedded by the planet force
We've all been spoken for

All this indecision
All this independent strength
Still, we've got our hearts on save
We've got our hearts on save

Someday when you're lonely
Sometime after all this bliss
Somewhere lost in emptiness
I hope you find this gift...
I hope you find this gift...
I hope you find this gift.

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Shot at 2007-07-06

You know I'm one of a kind;
Boy what's this I see,
This girl she looks just like me,
Blond hair and dressed to a T,
You tell me how can this be,
If she knew I was the one,
Who used to turn you on,
But you don't want to talk about it
When you think you can find
Someone to fill my shoes
And you ask yourself why
That she can't do the thing I do
And you can't deny
That everywhere you go
You see my face and my name
And it eats you up inside

You know I'm one of a kind
There'll never be another me
Can't get me out of your mind
You're lost in your own fantasy
And when you look in my eyes
Is it hard for you to realize
She'll never be me

Why can't you see it girl
Got no identity
Whenever he's touching you
Blonde hair and dressed to a T
You tell me "How can this be?"
Does she know I was the one
Who use to turn you on, yeah
But you don't want to talk about it
When you think you can find someone
to fill my shoes
And you ask yourself why
She don't do the things I do
You can't deny
That everywhere you go
You see my face, hear my name
And it eats you up inside

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Shot at 2007-07-07

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Shot at 2007-07-07

I am so alike you
In so many ways
I know I?m just a copy
That carries on the strain
But, we make the same mistakes
?Cause, we are one and the same
We leave behind the stain
That will never separate

All the lies in me
All that dies in me
How can I live without you?
All that lies in me
All that dies in me
How can I live without you?

I am your mirror image
I?m all you left behind
You made me what I am
But who the hell am I?
But, we make the same mistakes
?Cause, we are one and the same
We leave behind the stain
That will never separate

All the lies in me
All that dies in me
How can I live without you?
All that lies in me
All that dies in me
How can I live without you?

We?ve made the same mistakes
We are one and the same
How can I live

Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you
Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you

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Shot at 2007-07-07
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Shot at 2007-07-07
Something takes a part of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Somethings raped and taken from me... from me.
Lifes got to always be messing with me. (you wanna see the light)
Cant they chill and let me be free? (so do I)
Cant I take away all this pain. (you wanna see the light)
I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.
Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes its my life I cant taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
Youll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.
Feeling like a freak on a leash. (you wanna see the light)
Feeling like I have no release. (so do I)
How many times have I felt diseased? (you wanna see the light)
Nothing in my life is free... is free
Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes its my life I cant taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
Youll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.
So...fight! something on the...
Fight...some things they fight
So...something on the...
Fight...some things they fight
Fight...something of the
No...some things they fight
Fight...something of the...
Fight...some things they fight
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.
Part of me...
Part of me...
Part of me...

subota, 03.11.2007.

Baby it's a new age, you're like my new craze...Let's get together maybe we can start a new phase..

evo prva i najvaznija vijest je naravno
da nam je dosa nino iz poreca!!!!!mahsmijeh
i naravno kako to uvik bude kod nas lizarda..NAPRAVILI SMO U
CETVRTAK PIJANKU!!!!smokinparty
oo da..bilo je predobro..=)))..hehehe..
i jos usput je bia andrei rodendan...thumbupfino
a bili smo:petra,doris,sara,andrea,iva,natalie,klesnik,skoda,lule,
i yesssss naucila sam onu mošu sa zippom...belj
naucija je mene i natalie andro...thumbup..dada..rofl
i ovog puta nas cak nisu vatali panduri za razliku od sride,
kad smo bacali petarde....ccc...bome smo se
natrcali...ooo da...crybelj

i evo slikice..mislim ddd..morali smo se slikati=)

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i ovu sliku moram staviti..

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veceras je connect u gothama..dada..iako sam bila i sinoc,idem i
danas isto..budite ljubomornibelj

jucer je bilo tako-tako...prvo sam bila u gradu s nellom i danom na picu..
nist posebno,posli sam isla sa sestrom do
caymana..nisam mogla virovati koliko je ljudi bilo..ludnica..yes...

al danas imam feeling da ce bit preejebeno!partysmokin

ici ce i emica sa mnom...dadadadda...cerekbelj

e da..opet sam se uzivila u green day..wtf?!?
nemam pojma koji mi je..hehehehe..
ma bit ce bolje=))lud

i evo...

green day..jesus of suburbia

eto ti bilo to..

komajte mi...=)

papa..pussa svima!!!!ali bas svima!!!cerekroflkiss

by:karllica #17

| kOmenTaRicHi (53) | pRiNt | Baby it's a new age, you're like my new craze...Let's get together maybe we can start a new phase.. |

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