I am the Phoenix

nedjelja, 14.05.2006.

Sick and tired of waiting ... ..

I am here waiting
Waiting and yearning for you.
I am here waiting
Waiting for the light in your eyes
To shine like a newborn star
That will shine on forever.
I am here waiting
Waiting for your love
To finally find me.
I am here waiting
It seems like forever,
Endlessly hoping
That my dreams will survive,
For just one more day,
One more day I’ll spend dreaming,
Endlessly dreaming,
Endlessly dreaming and waiting…
Waiting for you.

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- 21:58 - Unleash my power... (16) - Release the Phoenix - #

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Witness the power of the Phoenix

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    Jesam li napravio što krivo u životu? Tko zna. Nitko ništa ne zna. Oduvijek samnom no, pokušah to sakriti. Ta tama ... oduvijek tu. Sat za satom, dan za danom ... tražila je izlaz. Napokon, udahnuo sam i ispustio tu tišinu ... okružila me. Ta tišina, taj mrak ... ušao je u sve pore moga bića ... Što sam ja? Sve ono što sam bio, više nisam. Ni ne sjećam se. Kao da me nikada nije ni bilo. Što sam ja? Izgubljen u tami ... shvaćam da sam to ja ... tama sam ja. Rođen je Feniks ...


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    Evanescence: "Lithium"


    Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
    Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
    Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.
    Oh, but God, I want to let it go.

    Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone.
    Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show.
    Never wanted it to be so cold.
    Just didn't drink enough to say you love me.

    I can't hold on to me,
    Wonder what's wrong with me.

    Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
    Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
    Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.

    Don't want to let it lay me down this time.
    Drown my will to fly.
    Here in the darkness I know myself.
    Can't break free until I let it go.
    Let me go.

    Darling, I forgive you after all.
    Anything is better than to be alone.
    And in the end I guess I had to fall.
    Always find my place among the ashes.

    I can't hold on to me,
    Wonder what's wrong with me.

    Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
    Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
    Lithium, ...stay in love with my sorrow.
    I'm gonna let it go.

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