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Komentari On/Off

by Tincha

Ovo gore je slikica od mene i mog brata na kupanju na jednoj prelijepoj plazi na jednom Grckom otoku...
Sliku mozda nadete na netu (hahahah...ja na netu) negdje, sliko nas je jedan poznati fotograf, obiteljski prijatelj...

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Nesto o meni...

reci cu vam samo u kratko, ne zelim da svi dozaju tko sam...


ime: ELI (eng. Ee-lie, iako je ime musko ipak su mi ga dali)
prezime: ...
godine: 18 (27.11.'88)
kosa: crna
oci: svijetlo zelene
visina: 173 cm
tezina: zena nikad dovoljno bogata ni dovoljno mrsava :)
volim: sve i nista
ne volim: nista i sve
slusam: sve ali bas sve sve
gledam: obozavam filmove, najvise trilere
ICQ: 354-120-760

ako vas jos nesto zanima pitajte, mozda i odgovorim...

isti isti ovakav vam je moj pasić... bio... sad je vejiki vejiki... moj "mali" Tyson

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by: gadura
Mala garava
100% bitch ~ Upss

The look of love...

The look of love is in your eyes
A look your smile can't disguise
The look of love is saying so much more than just words could ever say

And what my heart has heard, well it takes my breath away

I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you, now that I have found you

You've got the
Look of love, it's on your face
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight, let this be just the start of so many nights like this
Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss

I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you, now that I have found you
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
I love you so

By: Diana Krall

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

# Jedna od najlijepsih pjesama na hrvatskoj estradi
Oliver: Za dva zrna laznog srebra

# Jedna od najlijepsih pjesama na talijanskoj estradi
Tiziano Ferro: Ti scatterň una foto

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


srijeda, 27.09.2006.


hola people!! kako ste? sta ima novog? starog? kako muz/zena, djeca? skola? sve ok... e pa drago mi je... i kod mene sve super... ja i moj Mali Miško uzivamo... non stop negdje idemo, putujemo, vozikamo se, opijamo, zezamo, vecinu vremena nesto jedemo, nikad skoro nismo doma... osim po noci naughty ma strava nam je... sad je i moj braco super... nasao je konacno curu... vidim da je sretan i bas mi je drago... cura je malo sutljiva u pocetku ali kad ta pocne pricat pa covjece nemos do rijeci doc! lud zezam se... vejika pusa nasoj Tamarici...
u petak smo bili svi skupa na pizzi pa u kinu... zabavili smo se ko nikad prije... stravaaaaa...
super mi je to sto svi skupa mozemo izlazit... razlike u godinama ima ali ko da nema... moj braco je najstariji (iako po ponasanju izgleda kao da je najmladi) sa 25 godina, Tamara 23, moj Simon 21 i ja skoro 18 (ono skoro je jako bitno) smijeh
moj ludak zeli prodat auto... nemos prodat novi lijepi crni peugeot 607cc... samo nek proba... dobit ce pedalu... NECE, samo se zezam... nebi ja njega dala za nis na svijetu... kiss
Idem ja, dosla sam se samo malo javit...

nista mi pretjerano ne komentirate... namcor
ja vama ne stingnem... sorry, ali skoro pa ni nisam doma... kad stignem onda odg svima...


Christina Aguilera: Ain't No Other Man


I could feel it from the start
Couldnt stand to be apart
Something bout you caught my eye
Something moved me deep inside
I don't know what you did boy
But you had it
And Ive been hooked ever since

Told my mother, my brother
My sister and my friends
Told the others, my lovers
Both past and present tense
That every time I see you
Everything starts making sense

Ain't no other man
Can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man
On the planet does what you you do
Youre the kind of guy
A girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class
You got style with your bad ass
Aint no other man its true
Ain't no other man but you

Never thought I'd be alright (no, no, no)
Til you came and changed my life (yea, yea, yea)
What was cloudy now is clear yea yea yea
Youre the light I needed
You got what I want boy
And I want it
So keep on giving it up

So tell your mother, your brother
Your sister and your friends
Tell the others, your lovers
Better not be present tense

Cause I want everyone to know
That you are mine and no one elses

Ain't no other man
Can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man
On the planet does what you you do
Youre the kind of guy
A girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class
You got style with your bad ass
Aint no other man its true
Ain't no other man but you

Aint no other
Aint aint no other, other
Aint no other
Aint aint no other lover
Aint no other
I, I, I need no other
Aint no other man but you

You are there when I'm a mess
Talk me down from every stress
Give me strength boy youre the best
Youre the only one whos ever passed every test

Ain't no other man
Can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man
On the planet does what you you do
Youre the kind of guy
A girl finds in a blue moon
You got soul, you got class
You got style with your bad ass
Aint no other man its true
Ain't no other man but you

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