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Moj blog je napravljen kako bi se neki nasmijali uz malo smiješnih filmića i kako bi saznali mnogo novih stvari. Pozadina mu je od R.H.C.P jer mi je ta grupa najdraža. Neznam šta da vam kažem osim uživajte i ostavite koji



NE VOLIM:headbang

-loše društvo


Get a scroller sign at!

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Evo malo mjuze:

Evo malo smiješnih filmića..............

...evo malo kill bila........

Zanimljive sličice vezane uz smrt:

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Ako želite pjevat evo vam tekst welcome to the jungle:

Welcome to the jungle
We got fun 'n' games
We got evrything you want
Honey we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money honey
We got your disease

In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed

Welcome to the jungle
We take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed
But it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl
That's very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights
But you won't get them for free

In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my serpentine
I, I wanna hear yous-cream

Welcome to the jungle
It gets worse here evryday
Ya learn ta live like an animal
In the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see
You'll take it eventually
You can have anything you want
But you better not take it from me

And when you're high you never
Ever want to come down, YEAH!

You know where you are
You're in the jungle baby
You're gonna die
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my serpentine
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
It's gonna bring you down

Evo slika vezane uz Bob Marleya:

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Image hosted by TeeJay

Image hosted by TeeJay

ponedjeljak, 26.02.2007.


coolDobar dan!!!!!!! Evo mene opet s vama. Moj brat ima svoj blog po imenu " Im only fool " ili neznam kako se već piše. Kad sam vidio kako mu je blog dobar i sta se sve može na njemu raditi rekao sam da bi i ja to volio imati. I tako je nastao moj blog po imenu " The Dexters world ". Bilo je u početku teško sve to raditi ali kasnije sam sve skužio. To mi je postala svakodnevna zabava. Zahvaljujem svom starijem bratu što me je naučio sve o tome šta se može stavljat na njega i kako se stavlja. Bez njega moj blog nebi postojao. Zadovoljan sam svojim blogom i neću ga nikad izbrisati. Preporučujem onima koji nemaju svoj blog da si ga odmah naprave. Pozdrav svima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smijeh

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