Starije zene sa velikim sisama - Stranica za upoznavanje

utorak , 15.01.2019.

Jebanje sisate tetke

Click here: Starije zene sa velikim sisama

Konačno, svaka sjedi u krevetu, oni poljubio poljubio, a kao svoje ruke ran bijesan preko drugih tanke natovaren mesa. Imam tu familiju 120km od Beograda i tamo imam i svoju vikendicu. On joj nadrkava pickicu, a uzbudjena matora kucka, navikla na to da bude drpana od raznoraznih nadredjenih i sefova, prosto se prepusta uziuvanju u shvatanju da zbog svoga izgleda ima takvu moc nad muskarcima.

starije zene sa velikim sisama

Pa ko ne bi poželeo da pocepa ovako dobro i izazovno dupe i čmar i još izazovniju i pohotniju pičku. Nos za nos, Jessie i Marci ruke i prste i dotakne dosegao jedan drugoga kosu, ramena, trbuh je, a ispod jedan drugome uključujući i brada iznad njihove razgradnje natovaren boobs. Uh pogledajte tu mesnatu sisu kako viri iz uske teksas jakne.

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Kategorija Albumi Slike Matorke koje vole Sex, Jebanje, Pušenje Kurca, Spermu i još mnogo toga... Extra Sexi Matore Pičke, pogledajte kako su dobre, za sex i jebanje, za dobru jebačinu. Za Vas samo Pička, Matora Pička 389 slika, poslednja dodana Feb 03, 2009 Matorke Puše Kurac. Matore Kurve i Drolje vole da Puše Veliki Kurac, da ga stave u usta i sisaju i progutaju spermu na kraju 142 slika, poslednja dodana Sep 13, 2008 Matorke ubedljivo imaju Najbolja Dupeta. Velika, Mala, Okrugla, Zaobljena, svakakva Dupeta, Sexi, Jebozovna Dupeta, Guze za Trpanje u Bulju 269 slika, poslednja dodana Aug 21, 2008 1612 slika u 6 albuma i 1 kategorije, sa 0 komentara, pogledane ukupno 1629979 puta Nasumicno prikazane slike 344 pregleda 261 pregleda Martina Seksualni Objekat 777 pregleda Pogledaj ove obline i pomisli šta bi radio kad bi sreo ovu seksi mamu. Ima 38 godina, voli seks i voli bilo kog muškarca koji može da napuni svaku njenu rupu. Želiš li da budeš taj srećnik? Sakrila je te plave mistične oči iza sunčanih naočara, jer te oči će odgovoriti na svaku tvoju želju, svaki tvoj poziv, svaki tvoj nagon, ona je jednostavno tvoja potreba. Duga crna kosa pada preko njenih oblina. Lepe okrugle sise je utegla u usku majičicu. Njena slatka guza probudiće životinju u tebi. Jedno od njenih najvećih zadovoljstava je da obihvati mekim usnama debelu kitu sve dok ne oseti kako ekplodira. Pička za Novaka 798 pregleda Svako je poželeo pičku za Novu godinu. Jebanje u novogodišnjoj noći je san snova. Ma kakve žurke, kakve pijanke, od ovoga nema bolje. Na slici je Mila iz Požege. Njen muž Vlada je poželeo pičku ispod jelke za novaka i dobio je. Ona se skinula do gole kože, čučnula, pička joj se lepo raširila i spremna je da joj uleti Deda Mraz u vidu tvrdog glavonje. Stegla je sise koliko je mogla, stomačić joj se zabeleo, ali to još nije ništa. Tek je očekuje belo od muža koji će joj taj isti stomak namazati njegovim poklonom. Poklonu se u zube ne gleda, pa će tako Mila biti sva umazana vrućom spermom i tako doćekati novu godinu. Ima plavu tršavu kosu i lepu frizuricu izmešu nogu. Dan joj prolazi tako čto radi uobičajene kućne poslove, čisti, mesi kolače i slično. Ali, kad joj muž stigne sa posla, pretvara se u pravu napaljenu kurvicu u spavaćoj sobi. Obično čeka muža na krevetu u samodržečim čarapama i malenim tangama. On je odmah jako pojebe u usta, tako jako da svrši i izruči gomilu sperme na njen jezik. Onda , dok se ona umije, on ode da pojede nešto, a onda se vraća i kara je do duboko u noć. Kako je sakrila čmar tangama a malo ih pomerila u stranu da vidimo pičku. Sex sa ovom matorom kokom bio bi pravi užitak. Dobro je poznata ona stara narodna - Nema dobre supe bez matore koke. Pa ko ne bi poželeo da pocepa ovako dobro i izazovno dupe i čmar i još izazovniju i pohotniju pičku. Sex je najbolji otpozadi dok držite ribu za guzicu i navlačite na kurac. Feb 03, 2009 Matorka sa Glatkom, Mesnatom i Obrijanom Pičkom 8043 pregleda Kako dobra bucmasta i punija matorka. Obožavam ovakve starije kurve sa punim sisama i debelim guzama. Njima je pravi užitak provući kurac među guzove i trljati ga o svo to meso. Na ovakve se najbolje kita ukrućuje. Pogotovo kad ovako podignu nogu i mame i provociraju čoveka obrijanom i glatkom mesnatom pičkom. Nogu bih joj naslonio na rame a kurac zabio duboko u pičku, dok joj mesim sisetine i ližem ukrućene bradavice. Ah, svršavam po tastaturi. Feb 03, 2009 Porno Matorka u Ekstazi 14229 pregleda Uh ova guzata porno crnka je u ekstazi dok ubacuje po nekoliko prstiju u vrelu pičku. Mmm kako dobre butine i sise za špricanje sperme. Bilo bi vrh uhvatiti je za pune butine, poklopiti je telom i zabiti joj kurac žestoko u pičku do jaja da ga dobro oseti u sebi. Sigurno to ova matora kučkica i mašta dok su joj prsti u pizdi. Ne znam za vas, ali ne bih dugo izdržao da je jebem a da je ne okupam spermom svuda po telu. Matorka je tako dobra za sex, tako je jebozovna i tako me pali da mi dođe da izvadim kitu i tresnem je o tastaturu koliko sam se napalio. Feb 03, 2009 Stara Kurava na Krevetu 11382 pregleda Evo jedne baš matore sisate jebačice, čeka jebača na krevetu. Ovakve starke se vrhunski karaju i znaju dobro da zadovolje svakog muškarca bez obzira na godine. Mada najbolja bi bila za jebanje sa mladim neiskusnim jebačima željnim pičke. Da je jebu grupno i da se ređaju na njoj, da ih podučava tajnama seksa i dobre jebačine. To bi bilo pravo zadovoljstvo za ovu staru kurvetinu, more mladih kurčeva i kupanje u njihovoj spermi. Voli kad joj štrcaju po licu i duboko u grlo. Sex Sex Sex i samo sex. Feb 03, 2009 Crnogorka Digla Nogu 11867 pregleda Ove crnogorske matore drolje su najbolje za sex, pogotovo kad obuku ovako izazovan veš i kad dignu nogu provocirajući naše kite, uvek željne dobrog i iskusnog ženskog mesa. Sigurni smo da se ova starka jebe žestoko i opako i da je nezasita dobre kite i divljeg seksa. Ja bih je najradije uhvatio za mesnate guzove i otpozadi karao u pičku jako je navlačeći na nabrekli kurac, svršio bih joj duboko u pičku zalivajući joj unutrašnjost bez prekida jebanja i bez vađenja kurca. Feb 03, 2009 Drkanje Pičke na Radnom Stolu 9540 pregleda Evo kako se najbolje iskoristi pauza za topli obrok, drkanjem pičke na radnom stolu u zaključanoj kancelariji. Mada matorka je mogla da otvori vrata, možda bi neki mlađi kolega željan pičke mogao da naleti i da je zadovolji na pravi način. Uh pogledajte tu mesnatu sisu kako viri iz uske teksas jakne. Kakav bi bio užitak mesiti ovolike sisetine i staviti kurac među njih i drkati ga sisama dok matora kurva liže glavić i čeka spermu po licu i ustima. Feb 03, 2009 Sunčanje u Prirodi uz Pokazivanje Pičke 7822 pregleda Ništa nije tako dobro kao ove sisate i guzate crnke, koje imaju dosta iskustva u jebanju i koje vole tvrd kurac i dobar sex. Takva je i naša matora beograđanka Dragana, koja voli prirodu i sex u prirodi. Pogledajte tu obrijanu matoru pičkicu. Uh kako bi bilo dobro prići joj sa dignutom kitom, uhvatiti je za mesnate guzove i nasaditi na kurac, dati joj da ga oseti do jaja. Sise su joj nešto manje, ali ne bi bilo loše poprskati ih mlazovima vrele sperme nakon dobre i dugotrajne divlje jebačine. Feb 03, 2009 Dva Vibratora u MILF Guzi i u Pički 6135 pregleda Uh ova matora MILF drolja voli da su joj sve rupe popunjene, pa kad nema kurčeva u blizini onda rupe popunjava vibratorima. Veliki vibrator je ubacila u matoru pizdu jer joj je dobro razrađena i raširena, a manji nabija u čmar koji joj je nešto tesniji nego pizda, ali nije oskudevala ni kad je analni sex u pitanju. Voli da je jebu dva mlada jebača istovremeno. Jedan da joj zabije kurac u čmar otpozadi, a drugi da je jebe odozdo u pičketinu. Feb 03, 2009 Sexy Matorka iz Hrvatske Drka Pičku 8997 pregleda Hrvatice su zaista ekstra pičke slobodne i razuzdane i vole da se jebu žestoko, bilo da je reč o mladim ili pak starijim kurvama. Pogledajte ovu napaljenu brinetu kako je raširila noge, istakla pizdu u prvi plan i drka klitoris i sise zamišljajući kurac i nekog mladog jebača koji bi joj pocepao pizdu. Voli da se jebe satima uz žestok i grub sex. Mnogo voli da oseti kurac u ustima i čmaru kao i ukus sperme u ustima i duboko u grlu. Opasna i jebozovna matorka za sex. Feb 03, 2009 Matora Plava Kurva na Moru 5872 pregleda Pogledajte samo tu guzatu i sisatu nemicu, plavušu, na čamcu kako se naguzila i pokazuje svoju raširenu obrijanu pičku. Koliko je samo kurca proslo kroz ovu pičku. A i dalje je ekstra izazovna i ne sumnjam da bi joj svako rado prišao otpozadi i zabio nabrekli crveni kurac u ovu željnu pičketinu sa velikim usminama. A bilo bi i onih koji vole analni sex pa bi joj ga zabili do jaja u rašireni čmar koji može oklagiju da primi a kamoli kurac. Feb 03, 2009 Pogledaj sve moje slike - Vekica - 44 godine - Novi Sad Gledala sam slične sajtove i razmišljala o svemu tome, a onda jednog dana rekla, a zašto ne bih i ja pokušala da pronađem nekog kad su mnogi već uspeli. Potreban mi je muškarac koji bi me malo razdrmao u ovim mojim godinama. Moram da priznam da sam se malo uspavala i zapostavila ono što se zovi pravi zivot. Zaboravila sam kako živeti i uživati. Pomozi mi da se prisetim. Sad imam svoj butik i uspešno vodim posao. Kako puno radim, ne stižem puno i da izlazim, pa mi je ovo super prilika da upoznam nekog. Ako se ne plašiš uspešne, a ipak, normalne žene, ja sam tu, javi se.

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Znači, ja ne idem u školu a tetka izlazi iz treće smjene! Stegla je sise koliko je mogla, stomačić joj se zabeleo, ali to još nije ništa. Mislim da kada bih joj stavio u guzu mogao bi ostati cijeli dan unutra a da se ne opusti koliko ima dobro dupe. Feb 03, 2009 Crnogorka Digla Nogu 11867 pregleda Ove crnogorske matore drolje su najbolje za sex, pogotovo kad obuku ovako izazovan veš i kad dignu nogu provocirajući naše kite, uvek željne dobrog i iskusnog ženskog mesa. Do vrha poslovne hijerarhije tesko se stize, a zene ukljucujuci tu i seksi matorketu najcesce stizu preko kurca. Sigurni smo da se ova starka jebe žestoko i opako i da je nezasita dobre kite i divljeg seksa.

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Jedini preziveli je njihov sin, J. Smišlja plan koji ne može da omane - nateraće jednog po jednog člana porodice Kano da plati za zločin. Kad kuvar Nikolaj iz svoje kuhinje ugleda Varju kako sedi u kafiću, to je ljubav na prvi pogled.

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Tarzan je prinudjen da uz pomoc svojih prirodnih instinkta zastiti svoj dom i devojku koju voli. Cilj, po njegovom mišljenju, opravdava sredstva. Silno bi željela da u njezin život uđe usoba s kojom bi mogla podijeliti radost, intimu, romantične trenutke, a ne isključuje se ni zajednički život.

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Fikret Karakaja bogat je, izuzetno uticajan i moćan čovek koji, uprkos tome što je uveliko zagazio u treće doba, želi da se oženi mladom devojkom. Upravo zato je bacio oko na mladu i jogunastu Zuhre Filiz, koja od svoje desete godine radi s majkom kao nadničarka u polju. Njen otac pristaje da je da starom moćniku, ali njoj ne pada na pamet da postane supruga čoveka koji je nekoliko decenija stariji od nje. Zato je noć uoči svadbe odlučila da pobegne, spremna čak i da umre za slobodu ako je potrebno. U međuvremenu, upoznala je dobrodušnog i pravičnog klesara Sejita Zahira, koji joj je, svestan gotovo bezizlazne situacije u kojoj se našla, ponudio svoju podršku. Mada se u početku činilo da će njih dvoje biti samo prijatelji, među njima se rodila ljubav — Sejit je spreman da se zbog Zuhre odrekne svoje porodice, doma i tla na kojem je načinio svoje prve korake. Pošto Zuhre uspeva da pobegne od nesuđenog supruga, njeni i Sejitovi putevi ukrštaju se sa Zekarom Karakajom, Fikretovim sinom. On živi u Istanbulu, gde sa sinom Alijem rukovodi noćnim klubom. Zekar se, uprkos tome što kod kuće ima suprugu Sirmu, na prvi pogled zaljubljuje u Zuhre i ne želi da odustane od nje. Ne zna da je upravo ona devojka koju je njegov otac želeo za svoju suprugu i spreman je na sve kako bi je učinio svojom, čak i da život Sejita i njegove porodice pretvori u pakao. Cilj, po njegovom mišljenju, opravdava sredstva. Dok im nemilosrdni Zekar diše za vratom, Sejit i Zuhre trudiće se da se izbore za svoju sreću, a čista i neiskvarena ljubav biće njihova najsjajnija zvezda vodilja...

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Oznake: Zavet, 2017

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Large clubs have the hottest girls, but they are harder to approach and you will end up getting cockblocked incessantly. Inland areas offer , , and. The maximum precipitation levels are observed on the Dinara mountain range and in Gorski kotar. The government is seated at in Zagreb.

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The had the greatest impact on the Adriatic Sea coast since the remainder of Croatia was embroiled in the Hundred Years' Croatian—Ottoman War. The professional theatres employ 1,195 artists. Archived from on 11 October 2011. In 1991, in predominantly Serb areas, more than 400,000 Croats and other non-Serbs were either removed from their homes by the Croatian Serb forces or fled the violence.

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- In April 1941, by and. In that period the stone portal of the was made by , representing the most important monument of sculpture from.

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Its capital forms one of the country's , along with. Croatia has an area of 56,594 square kilometres 21,851 square miles and a population of 4. The Croats arrived in the area in the 6th century. They organised the state into two duchies by the 9th century. The retained its sovereignty for nearly two centuries, reaching its peak during the rule of Kings and. Croatia a with in 1102. In 1527, faced with , the Croatian Parliament elected of the to the Croatian throne. During the early 19th century, parts of the country were split into the while occupied its Bosnia and Herzegovina side—a dispute settled by the. In 1918, after , Croatia was included in the unrecognized which seceded from and the. Following the , most of the Croatian territory was incorporated into the which led to the development of a and creation of the which after the war become a founding member and a federal constituent of the. On 25 June 1991, Croatia , which came wholly into effect on 8 October of the same year. The was fought successfully for four years following the declaration. Croatia is a governed under a and a with a. Croatia is a member of the EU , UN , the , , the WTO , and a founding member of the. As an active participant in the , Croatia has contributed troops to the and took a non-permanent seat on the for the 2008—2009 term. Since 2000, the Croatian government has constantly invested in infrastructure, especially along the. The state controls a part of the economy, with substantial government expenditure. The European Union is Croatia's most important. Croatia provides a , system, and a tuition-free , while supporting through numerous public institutions and corporate investments in and. The is the oldest preserved monument containing an inscription defining a Croatian medieval ruler as a duke of Croats The derives from Crotia. The word is attested by the toponym Harahvait- which is the native name of. The origin of the name is uncertain, but is thought to be a or term assigned to a. The first attestation of the Latin term is attributed to a charter of Duke from the year 852. The original is lost, and just a 1568 copy is preserved, leading to doubts over the authenticity of the claim. The oldest preserved stone inscription is the 9th-century Branimir Inscription found near , where Duke is styled Dux Cruatorvm. The is not believed to be dated accurately, but is likely to be from during the period of 879—892, during Branimir's rule. Main article: The area known as Croatia today was inhabited throughout the. Fossils of dating to the middle period have been unearthed in northern Croatia, with the most famous and the best presented site in. Remnants of several and cultures were found in all regions of the country. The largest proportion of the sites is in the river valleys of northern Croatia, and the most significant cultures whose presence was discovered include , , and. The left traces of the early Illyrian and the Celtic. Greek and Roman rule , name Khoroáthos highlighted Much later, the region was settled by and , while the first Greek colonies were established on the islands of , , and. In 9 AD the territory of today's Croatia became part of the. Emperor built a in when he retired in AD 305. During the 5th century, one of the , , ruled his small empire from the palace. The period ends with and invasions in the first half of the 7th century and destruction of almost all Roman towns. Roman survivors retreated to more favourable sites on the coast, islands and mountains. The city of was founded by such survivors from. The of Croats is uncertain and there are several competing theories, Slavic and Iranian being the most frequently put forward. The most widely accepted of these, the Slavic theory, proposes migration of from the territory of during the. Middle Ages The Arrival of the at the by According to the work written by the 10th-century Byzantine Emperor , the Croats had arrived in what is today Croatia in the early 7th century. However, that claim is disputed and competing hypotheses date the event between the 6th and the 9th centuries. Eventually two were formed— and , ruled by and , as attested by chronicles of starting in 818. The record represents the first document of Croatian realms, of at the time. The Frankish overlordship ended during the reign of two decades later. According to the Constantine VII of Croats began in the 7th century, but the claim is disputed and generally Christianization is associated with the 9th century. The first native Croatian ruler recognised by the Pope was Duke Branimir, who received papal recognition from on 7 June 879. Tomislav defeated Hungarian and , spreading the influence of Croatian kings. The medieval Croatian kingdom reached its peak in the 11th century during the reigns of 1058—1074 and 1075—1089. When died in 1091 ending the dynasty, claimed the Croatian crown in name of his sister , wife of King Dmitar Zvonimir. Opposition to the claim led to a and in 1102, ruled by. The , the oldest evidence of the For the next four centuries, the Kingdom of Croatia was ruled by the parliament and a viceroy appointed by the king. The period saw increasing threat of conquest and struggle against the for control of coastal areas. The Venetians gained control over most of Dalmatia by 1428, with exception of the which became independent. King died at Mohács, and in 1527, the and chose Ferdinand I of the as new ruler of Croatia, under the condition that he provide protection to Croatia against the Ottoman Empire while respecting its political rights. This period saw the rise of influential nobility such as the and families to prominence and ultimately numerous Bans from the two families. Habsburg Monarchy and Austria-Hungary 1538—1918 Croatian is honored as a national hero both in Croatia and in Hungary for his defense of against the Following the decisive Ottoman victories, Croatia was split into civilian and military territories, with the partition formed in 1538. The military territories would become known as the and were under direct Imperial control. Ottoman advances in the Croatian territory continued until the 1593 , the first decisive Ottoman defeat, and stabilisation of borders. During the 1683—1698 , was regained but western , which had been part of Croatia before the Ottoman conquest, remained outside Croatian control. The present-day border between the two countries is a remnant of this outcome. Ban fought The instigated great demographic changes. Croats migrated towards and the present-day are direct descendants of these settlers. To replace the fleeing population, the Habsburgs encouraged the Christian populations of Bosnia and to provide military service in the Croatian Military Frontier. Serb migration into this region peaked during the of 1690 and 1737—39. The supported 's and signed their own. Subsequently, the emperor pledged to respect all privileges and political rights of and made significant contributions to Croatian matters. Between 1797 and 1809 the gradually occupied the entire eastern coastline and a substantial part of its hinterland, ending the Venetian and the Ragusan republics, establishing the. In response the started the leading to the in 1811. The Illyrian Provinces were captured by the Austrians in 1813, and absorbed by the following the in 1815. This led to formation of the and restoration of the to the Kingdom of Croatia, now both under the same crown. The 1830s and 1840s saw inspire the , a political and cultural campaign advocating the unity of all in the empire. Its primary focus was the establishment of a standard language as a counterweight to , along with the promotion of Croatian literature and culture. During the Croatia sided with the Austrians, Ban helping defeat the Hungarian forces in 1849, and ushering a period of policy. The treaty left the issue of Croatia's status to Hungary, and the status was resolved by the of 1868 when kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia were united. The Kingdom of Dalmatia remained under de facto Austrian control, while retained the status of introduced in 1779. After occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina following the , the Croatian Military Frontier was abolished and the territory returned to Croatia in 1881, pursuant to provisions of the Croatian-Hungarian settlement. Renewed efforts to , entailing with Croatia as a federal unit, were stopped by advent of. Yugoslavia 1918—1991 , leader of the who stood against Serbian hegemony and advocated federal organisation of , at the assembly in Dubrovnik, 1928 On 29 October 1918 the Croatian Parliament Sabor declared independence and decided to join the newly formed , which in turn entered into union with the on 4 December 1918 to form the. The Croatian Parliament never ratified a decision to unite with Serbia and Montenegro. The defining the country as a and abolition of Croatian Parliament and historical administrative divisions effectively ended Croatian autonomy. The new constitution was opposed by the most widely supported national political party—the HSS led by. The dictatorship formally ended in 1931 when the king imposed a more unitarian constitution, and changed the name of the country to Yugoslavia. The HSS, now led by , continued to advocate federalisation of Yugoslavia, resulting in the of August 1939 and the autonomous. The Yugoslav government retained control of defence, internal security, foreign affairs, trade, and transport while other matters were left to the Croatian Sabor and a crown-appointed Ban. In April 1941, by and. Following the invasion the territory, parts of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the region of were incorporated into the NDH , a Nazi-backed. Parts of Dalmatia were annexed by Italy, and the northern Croatian regions of and were annexed by Hungary. The NDH regime was led by and ultranationalist. A resistance movement soon emerged. On 22 June 1941, the was formed near , as the first military unit formed by a resistance movement in. This sparked the beginning of the movement, a communist multi-ethnic anti-fascist resistance group led by. The movement grew rapidly and at the in December 1943 the Partisans gained recognition from the. With Allied support in logistics, equipment, training and air power, and with the assistance of taking part in the 1944 , the Partisans gained control of Yugoslavia and the border regions of and by May 1945, during which thousands of members of the Ustaše, as well as Croat refugees, were by the Yugoslav Partisans. People of from on 12 May 1945 The political aspirations of the Partisan movement were reflected in the , which developed in 1943 as the bearer of Croatian statehood and later transformed into the Parliament of Croatia in 1945, and —its counterpart at the Yugoslav level. Ustaše regime conducted a campaign of persecution of , , and antifascist inhabitants of the NDH, exemplified by the and concentration camps. It is estimated that out of 39,000 in the country only 9,000 survived; the rest were either killed or deported to Germany, both by the local authorities and the German Army itself. Furthermore, according to Midlarsky, the number of Serbs killed by the regime was at least 500,000, but the figure is contradicted by and , whose figures are in agreement with estimates of the , with Kočović estimating the total number of Serbs killed throughout Yugoslav territory in various circumstances at 487,000, while Žerjavić put the figure at 530,000 320,000 killed in the NDH, including 82,000 killed among the Yugoslav Partisans, 23,000 killed as Axis collaborators, 25,000 victims of a typhoid epidemic, 45,000 killed by Germans and 15,000 by Italians. The number of Croats killed in the NDH is estimated to be approximately 200,000, either by Ustaše, as members of the armed resistance, or as collaborators. Several thousand of these were killed by the Chetniks; most Croatian historians place the number of on the territory of modern-day Croatia at between 3,000 and 3,500. Croatian estimates for the number of Croats killed by Chetniks in the whole of Yugoslavia range from 18,000 to 32,000 combatants and civilians. In 1967, Croatian authors and linguists published a demanding greater autonomy for. The declaration contributed to a national movement seeking greater civil rights and decentralization of the Yugoslav economy, culminating in the of 1971, suppressed by Yugoslav leadership. Still, the gave increased autonomy to federal units, basically fulfilling a goal of the Croatian Spring, and providing a legal basis for independence of the federative constituents. Following the death of Yugoslav president Josip Broz Tito in 1980, the political situation in Yugoslavia deteriorated, with national tension fanned by the 1986 Serbian and the. In January 1990, the Communist Party fragmented along national lines, with the Croatian demanding a looser federation. In the same year, the were held in Croatia, with 's win raising nationalist tensions further. Some of left Sabor and declared the autonomy of areas that would soon become the unrecognised , intent on achieving independence from Croatia. Independence 1991—present was the first democratically elected As tensions rose, Croatia on 25 June 1991; however, the full implementation of declaration only came into effect on 8 October 1991. In the meantime, tensions escalated into when the JNA and various Serb paramilitary groups attacked Croatia. By the end of 1991, a high-intensity conflict fought along a wide front reduced Croatia to control of only about two-thirds of its territory. The various Serb paramilitary groups then began pursuing a campaign of killing, terror and expulsion against the non-Serb population in the rebel territories, killing thousands of Croat civilians and forcing at least 170,000 from their homes. Destroyed Serbian tank, a scene from the On 15 January 1992, Croatia gained by the members, and subsequently the. The war effectively ended in August 1995 with a by Croatia. This was accompanied by the exodus of about 200,000 Serbs from the rebel territories, whose lands were subsequently settled by Croat refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The remaining occupied areas were restored to Croatia pursuant to the of November 1995, with the process concluded in January 1998. Following the end of the war, Croatia faced the challenges of post-war reconstruction, the return of refugees, advancing democratic principles, protection of human rights and general social and economic development. The post-2000 period is characterized by democratization, economic growth and structural and social reforms, as well as problems such as unemployment, corruption and the inefficiency of the public administration. Croatia joined the on 25 May 2000 and become a member of the on 30 November 2000. On 29 October 2001, Croatia signed a with the , submitted a formal application for the EU membership in 2003 , was given the status of candidate country in 2004 , and began in 2005. In November 2000 and March 2001, the Parliament amended the Constitution changing its bicameral structure back into historic unicameral and reducing the presidential powers. Although Croatia experienced a significant boom in the economy in early 2000's, the increase of the government debt and the absence of concrete reforms led to a financial crisis in 2008 which forced the government to cut public spending thus provoking a public outcry. On 1 April 2009, Croatia joined. A wave of anti-government protests organized via took place in early 2011 as general dissatisfaction with political and economic state grew. The majority of Croatian voters voted in favor of country's EU membership at the. Croatia completed EU accession negotiations in 2011 and joined the European Union on 1 July 2013. Fields in the undulating landscape of the region Croatia is located in and Southeast Europe, bordering to the northeast, Serbia to the east, to the southeast, to the southeast, the to the southwest and to the northwest. It lies mostly between latitudes and and longitudes and. Part of the territory in the extreme south surrounding is a connected to the rest of the mainland by , but separated on land by a short coastline strip belonging to Bosnia and Herzegovina around. The territory covers 56,594 square kilometres 21,851 square miles , consisting of 56,414 square kilometres 21,782 square miles of land and 128 square kilometres 49 square miles of water. It is the 127th largest country in the world. Elevation ranges from the mountains of the with the highest point of the peak at 1,831 metres 6,007 feet near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south to the shore of the Adriatic Sea which makes up its entire southwest border. Insular Croatia consists of over varying in size, 48 of which are. The largest islands are and , each of them having an area of around 405 square kilometres 156 square miles. The hilly northern parts of and the flat plains of Slavonia in the east which is part of the are traversed by major rivers such as , , , and. The Danube, Europe's second longest river, runs through the city of in the extreme east and forms part of the border with Serbia. The central and southern regions near the Adriatic coastline and islands consist of low mountains and forested highlands. Natural resources found in the country in quantities significant enough for production include oil, coal, bauxite, low-grade iron ore, calcium, gypsum, natural asphalt, silica, mica, clays, salt and hydropower. There are , 49 of which are deeper than 250 m 820. Croatia's most famous lakes are the , a system of 16 lakes with waterfalls connecting them over and cascades. The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colours, ranging from turquoise to mint green, grey or blue. Climate is a dry, cold wind which blows from the mainland out to sea, whose gusts can reach hurricane strength, particularly in the channel below , e. The coldest parts of the country are and where snowy forested climate is found at elevations above 1,200 metres 3,900 feet. The warmest areas of Croatia are at the Adriatic coast and especially in its immediate hinterland characterised by the , as the temperature highs are moderated by the sea. Mean annual precipitation ranges between 600 millimetres 24 inches and 3,500 millimetres 140 inches depending on geographic region and prevailing climate type. The least precipitation is recorded in the outer islands , , , and in the eastern parts of Slavonia; however, in the latter case, it occurs mostly during the. The maximum precipitation levels are observed on the Dinara mountain range and in Gorski kotar. Prevailing winds in the interior are light to moderate northeast or southwest, and in the coastal area, prevailing winds are determined by local area features. Higher wind velocities are more often recorded in cooler months along the coast, generally as or less frequently as. The sunniest parts of the country are the outer islands, Hvar and Korčula, where more than 2700 hours of sunshine are recorded per year, followed by the middle and southern Adriatic Sea area in general and northern Adriatic coast, all with more than 2000 hours of sunshine per year. Biodiversity Croatia has over ; Pictured: part of , the oldest marine protected area in the Croatia can be subdivided between a number of because of its climate and geomorphology. The country is consequently one of the richest in Europe in terms of biodiversity. There are four types of biogeographical regions in Croatia—Mediterranean along the coast and in its immediate hinterland, Alpine in most of Lika and Gorski Kotar, Pannonian along Drava and Danube, and continental in the remaining areas. One of the most significant are habitats which include submerged karst, such as and canyons and tufa barriers, as well as underground habitats. The karst geology harbours approximately 7,000 caves and pits, some of which are the habitat of the only known aquatic cave —the. Forests are also significantly present in the country, as they cover 2,490,000 hectares 6,200,000 acres representing 44% of Croatian land surface. Other habitat types include wetlands, grasslands, bogs, fens, scrub habitats, coastal and marine habitats. In terms of , Croatia is a part of the and is a part of Illyrian and Central European provinces of the and the Adriatic province of the. The divides Croatia between three ecoregions—Pannonian mixed forests, and. There are 37,000 known species in Croatia, but their actual number is estimated to be between 50,000 and 100,000. The claim is supported by nearly 400 new taxa of discovered in Croatia in the first half of the alone. There are more than a thousand endemic species, especially in Velebit and Biokovo mountains, Adriatic islands and karst rivers. Legislation protects 1,131 species. The most serious threat to species is loss and degradation of habitats. A further problem is presented by invasive alien species, especially algae. The invasive algae are regularly monitored and removed to protect the. Indigenous sorts of cultivated plants and breeds of domesticated animals are also numerous. Those include five breeds of horses, five breeds of cattle, eight breeds of sheep, two breeds of pigs and a poultry breed. Even the indigenous breeds include nine endangered or critically endangered ones. There are 444 , encompassing 9% of the country. Those include eight , two strict reserves, and ten. The most famous protected area and the oldest in Croatia is the , a. Velebit Nature Park is a part of the UNESCO. The strict and special reserves, as well as the national and nature parks, are managed and protected by the central government, while other protected areas are managed by counties. In 2005, the National Ecological Network was set up, as the first step in the preparation of the EU accession and joining of the network. With the collapse of the ruling communist party in SFR Yugoslavia, Croatia organized its first and adopted its in 1990. It on 8 October 1991 which led to the and countries international recognition by the United Nations in 1992. Under its 1990 constitution, Croatia operated a until 2000 when it switched to a parliamentary system. Government powers in Croatia are divided into legislative, executive and judiciary powers. The : Predsjednik Republike is the , directly elected to a five-year term and is limited by the Constitution to a maximum of two terms. In addition to being the of the armed forces, the president has the procedural duty of appointing the prime minister with the consent of the parliament, and has some influence on foreign policy. The most recent presidential elections were held on 11 January 2015, when won. She took the on 15 February 2015. The is headed by the , who has four deputy prime ministers and 16 ministers in charge of particular sectors of activity. As the , it is responsible for proposing legislation and a budget, executing the laws, and guiding the foreign and internal policies of the republic. The government is seated at in Zagreb. Since 19 October 2016, Croatian Prime Minister has been. The parliament Sabor is a legislative body. A second , the House of Counties, set up in 1993 pursuant to the 1990 Constitution, was abolished in 2001. The number of Sabor members can vary from 100 to 160; they are all elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms. The sessions of the Sabor take place from 15 January to 15 July, and from 15 September to 15 December. The two largest political parties in Croatia are the and the. Law and judicial system Seat of the on the Croatia has a legal system in which law arises primarily from written statutes, with judges serving merely as implementers and not creators of law. Its development was largely influenced by German and Austrian legal systems. Croatian law is divided into two principal areas — and. By the time were completed on 30 June 2010, Croatian legislation was fully harmonised with the. The main law in the county is the adopted on December 22, 1990. The main national courts are the , which oversees violations of the Constitution, and the , which is the highest court of appeal. In addition, there are also , Municipal, Misdemeanor, Commercial, and Administrative courts. Cases falling within judicial jurisdiction are in the first instance decided by a single professional judge, while appeals are deliberated in mixed tribunals of professional judges. Lay magistrates also participate in trials. Law enforcement agencies are organised under the authority of the which consist primarily of the national police force. Croatia's security service is the SOA. Administrative divisions Further information: and Croatia was first subdivided into counties in the. The divisions changed over time to reflect losses of territory to Ottoman conquest and subsequent liberation of the same territory, changes of political status of Dalmatia, Dubrovnik and. Traditional division of the country into counties was abolished in the 1920s, when the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and subsequent Kingdom of Yugoslavia introduced and respectively. Counties were reintroduced in 1992 legislation, significantly altered in terms of territory relative to the pre-1920s subdivisions: In 1918, the part of Croatia was divided into eight counties with their seats in , , , , , , Vukovar, and Zagreb, and the 1992 legislation established 14 counties in the same territory. Since the counties were re-established in 1992, Croatia is divided into 20 and the , the latter having the authority and legal status of a county and a city at the same time. Borders of the counties changed in some instances since, with the latest revision taking place in 2006. The counties subdivide into 127 and 429. NUTS is performed in several tiers. NUTS 1 level places the entire country in a single unit, while there are three NUTS 2 regions. Those are Northwest Croatia, Central and Eastern Pannonian Croatia, and Adriatic Croatia. The latter encompasses all the counties along the Adriatic coast. The Northwest Croatia includes Koprivnica-Križevci, Krapina-Zagorje, Međimurje, Varaždin, the city of Zagreb, and Zagreb counties and the Central and Eastern Pannonian Croatia includes the remaining areas—Bjelovar-Bilogora, Brod-Posavina, Karlovac, Osijek-Baranja, Požega-Slavonia, Sisak-Moslavina, Virovitica-Podravina, and Vukovar-Syrmia counties. Individual counties and the city of Zagreb also represent NUTS 3 level subdivision units in Croatia. The NUTS divisions are two-tiered. LAU 1 divisions match the counties and the city of Zagreb in effect making those the same as NUTS 3 units, while LAU 2 subdivisions correspond to the cities and municipalities of Croatia. Group photograph of heads of government on occasion of the in , Croatia has established diplomatic relations with 181 countries. As of 2017 , Croatia maintains a of 54 embassies, 28 consulates and eight permanent diplomatic missions abroad. Furthermore, there are 52 foreign embassies and 69 in the Republic of Croatia in addition to offices of international organisations such as the , , OSCE, , WHO , ICTY , , and. In 2009, the Croatian employed 1,381 personnel and expended 648. Stated aims of Croatian foreign policy include enhancing relations with neighbouring countries, developing international co-operation and promotion of the Croatian economy and Croatia itself. Flag hoisting ceremony at marking Croatian accession to the in 2009 Since 2003, Croatian foreign policy has focused on achieving the strategic goal of becoming a EU. In December 2011, Croatia completed the EU accession negotiations and signed on 9 December 2011. Croatia joined the on 1 July 2013 marking the end of a process started in 2001 by signing of the and Croatian application for the EU membership in 2003. A recurring obstacle to the negotiations was Croatia's ICTY co-operation record and Slovenian blocking of the negotiations because of. The latter was resolved through an Arbitration Agreement of 4 November 2009, approved by national parliaments and a referendum in Slovenia. Another strategic Croatian foreign policy goal for the 2000s was. Croatia was included in the in 2000, invited to membership in 2008 and formally joined the alliance on 1 April 2009. Croatia became a member of the for the 2008—2009 term, assuming presidency in December 2008. The country is preparing to join the. Military and aircraft participate in multinational training, 2002 The Croatian Armed Forces CAF consist of the , , and branches in addition to the Education and Training Command and Support Command. The CAF is headed by the , which reports to the , who in turn reports to the President of Croatia. According to the constitution, the President is of the armed forces and in case of immediate threat during wartime he issues orders directly to the General Staff. Following the 1991—95 war defence spending and CAF size have been in constant decline. As of 2005 military spending was an estimated 2. Since 2005 the budget was kept below 2% of GDP, down from the record high of 11. Traditionally relying on a large number of conscripts, CAF also went through a period of reforms focused on downsizing, restructuring and in the years prior to in April 2009. According to a presidential decree issued in 2006 the CAF is set to employ 18,100 active duty military personnel, 3,000 civilians and 2,000 voluntary conscripts between the ages of 18 and 30 in peacetime. Until 2008 military service was compulsory for men at age 18 and conscripts served six-month tours of duty, reduced in 2001 from the earlier scheme of nine-month conscription tours. Conscientious objectors could instead opt for an eight-month civilian service. As of April 2011 the Croatian military had 120 members stationed in foreign countries as part of United Nations-led international peacekeeping forces, including 95 serving as part of the in the. As of 2011 an additional 350 troops serve as part of the NATO-led force in Afghanistan and another 20 with the in Kosovo. Croatian-made weapons and vehicles used by CAF include the standard sidearm manufactured by and the battle tank designed by the. Uniforms and helmets worn by CAF soldiers are also locally produced and successfully marketed to other countries. The largest Croatian companies by turnover in 2015 Rank Name Revenue Mil. According to data, Croatian PPS GDP per capita stood at 61% of the EU average in 2012. Real GDP growth in 2007 was 6. The average net salary of a Croatian worker in January 2017 was 5,895 per month, and the average gross salary was 7,911 HRK per month. As of February 2017, registered unemployment rate in Croatia was 15. In 2010, economic output was dominated by the which accounted for 66% of GDP, followed by the with 27. According to 2004 data, 2. The industrial sector is dominated by shipbuilding, food processing, pharmaceuticals, information technology, biochemical and timber industry. In 2010, Croatian exports were valued at 64. The largest is the rest of the European Union. More than half of Croatia's trade is with other European Union member states. As a result of the war, the economic infrastructure sustained massive damage, particularly the revenue-rich tourism industry. From 1989 to 1993, the GDP fell 40. The Croatian state still controls a significant part of the economy, with government expenditures accounting for as much as 40% of GDP. A backlogged judiciary system, combined with inefficient , especially on issues of land ownership and corruption, are particular concerns. In June 2013, the national debt stood at 59. Tourism beach on the Island of is one of foremost spots of. Its positive effects are felt throughout the economy of Croatia in terms of increased business volume observed in retail business, processing industry orders and summer seasonal employment. The industry is considered an export business, because it significantly reduces the country's external trade imbalance. Since the end of the Croatian War of Independence, the tourist industry has grown rapidly, recording a fourfold rise in tourist numbers, with more than 11 million tourists each year. Length of a tourist stay in Croatia averaged 4. The bulk of the tourist industry is concentrated along the Adriatic Sea coast. It first became popular in the middle of the 19th century. By the 1890s, it had become one of the most significant European health resorts. Later a number of resorts sprang up along the coast and islands, offering services catering to both and various niche markets. The most significant are , as there are numerous marinas with more than 16 thousand berths, relying on appeal of medieval coastal cities and numerous cultural events taking place during the summer. Inland areas offer , , and. Zagreb is also a significant tourist destination, rivalling major coastal cities and resorts. Croatia has unpolluted marine areas reflected through numerous nature reserves and 116. Croatia is ranked as the 18th most popular tourist destination in the world. About 15% of these visitors, or over one million per year, are involved with , an industry for which Croatia is world famous. It was also the first European country to develop commercial naturist resorts. Croatia has over 1250 km of most of which were built in the early 2000s; Pictured: motorway near The highlight of Croatia's recent infrastructure developments is its rapidly developed , largely built in the late 1990s and especially in the 2000s decade. By September 2011, Croatia had completed more than 1,100 kilometres 680 miles of motorways, connecting Zagreb to most other regions and following various and four. The busiest motorways are the , connecting Zagreb to Split and the , passing east—west through northwest Croatia and Slavonia. The most significant railways in Croatia are found within the Pan-European transport corridors Vb and X connecting Rijeka to Budapest and Ljubljana to Belgrade, both via Zagreb. All rail services are operated by. The largest and busiest is Franjo Tuđman Airport. As of January 2011, Croatia complies with aviation safety standards and the upgraded it to Category 1 rating. The busiest cargo in Croatia is the and the busiest passenger ports are and Zadar. In addition to those, a large number of minor ports serve an extensive system of ferries connecting numerous islands and coastal cities in addition to ferry lines to several cities in Italy. The largest river port is Vukovar, located on the Danube, representing the nation's outlet to the Pan-European transport corridor VII. There are 610 kilometres 380 miles of crude oil pipelines in Croatia, connecting the Port of Rijeka oil terminal with refineries in Rijeka and Sisak, as well as several transhipment terminals. The system has a capacity of 20 million tonnes per year. The natural gas transportation system comprises 2,113 kilometres 1,313 miles of trunk and regional natural gas pipelines, and more than 300 associated structures, connecting production rigs, the Okoli natural gas storage facility, 27 end-users and 37 distribution systems. Croatian production of energy sources covers 85% of nationwide natural gas demand and 19% of oil demand. In 2009, net total electrical power production in Croatia reached 12,725 GWh and Croatia imported 28. The bulk of Croatian imports are supplied by the , 50% owned by , providing 15% of Croatia's electricity. ±% 1890 2,854,558 — 1900 3,161,456 +10. Since 1991, Croatia's has continuously exceeded its. Since the late 1990s, there has been a positive net migration into Croatia, reaching a level of more than 7,000 net immigrants in 2006. The population of Croatia rose steadily from 2. The natural growth rate of the population is currently negative with the completed in the 1970s. In recent years, the Croatian government has been pressured each year to add 40% to work permit quotas for foreign workers. In accordance with its immigration policy, Croatia is trying to entice emigrants to return. The population decrease was also a result of the Croatian War of Independence. During the war, large sections of the population were displaced and emigration increased. In 1991, in predominantly Serb areas, more than 400,000 Croats and other non-Serbs were either removed from their homes by the Croatian Serb forces or fled the violence. During the final days of the war in 1995, more than 120,000 Serbs, and perhaps as many as 200,000, fled the country before arrival of Croatian forces during Operation Storm. Within a decade following the end of the war, only 117,000 Serb refugees returned out of 300,000 displaced during the entire war. Most of Croatia's remaining Serbs never lived in areas occupied in the Croatian War of Independence. Serbs have been only partially re-settled in the regions they previously inhabited while some of the settlements previously inhabited by Serbs were settled by Croat refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, mostly from. According to the 2013 United Nations report, 17. Croatia is inhabited mostly by Croats 90. Minority groups include Serbs 4. According to the 2011 census, 91. Second largest religion is 1. However, only 24% of the population attends religious services regularly. Languages Map of the dialects of Croatia According to the 2011 Census, 95. Croatian is a of the , a member of the of. Croatian is written using the Latin alphabet. There are three major spoken on the territory of Croatia, with standard Croatian based on the. The and dialects are distinguished by their , , and. Old Croatian used in the Problems playing this file? From 1961 to 1991, the language was officially designated as. Even during , Croats always referred to their language as Croatian, instead of Serbo-Croatian. Croatian and Serbian variants of the language were not officially recognised as different at the time, but referred to as the west and east version, and had different alphabets: the and. Croatians are protective of their Croatian language from foreign influences, as the language was under constant change and threats imposed by previous rulers i. Austrian German, Hungarian, Italian, and Turkish words were changed and altered to Slavic looking or sounding ones. Croatian replaced as the official language of the Croatian government in the 19th century. A 2011 survey revealed that 78% of Croatians claim knowledge of at least one foreign language. According to a survey ordered by the in 2005, 49% of Croatians speak as the second language, 34% speak , 14% speak , and 10% speak. Russian is spoken by 4% each, and 2% of Croatians speak Spanish. However, there are large municipalities that include substantial populations that speak these languages. An odd-majority of Slovenes 59% have a certain level of knowledge of Croatian. The country is a part of various language-based international associations most notably the Education Library of the Literacy in Croatia stands at 99. A worldwide study about the quality of living in different countries published by in August 2010 ranked the Croatian education system at 22nd, to share the position with Austria. Primary education in Croatia starts at the age of six or seven and consists of eight grades. In 2007 a law was passed to increase free, noncompulsory education until 18 years of age. Compulsory education consists of eight grades of elementary school. Secondary education is provided by and. As of 2017 , there are 2,049 elementary schools and 701 schools providing various forms of secondary education. Primary and secondary education are also available in languages of recognized minorities in Croatia, where classes are held in Czech, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Serbian languages. There are 137 elementary and secondary level and , as well as 120 schools for disabled children and youth and 74 schools for adults. Nationwide : državna matura were introduced for secondary education students in the school year 2009—2010. It comprises three compulsory subjects Croatian language, mathematics, and a foreign language and optional subjects and is a prerequisite for university education. Croatia has 8 public universities, the , , , , , and , and 2 private universities, and. The University of Zadar, the first university in Croatia, was founded in 1396 and remained active until 1807, when other institutions of higher education took over until the foundation of the renewed University of Zadar in 2002. The University of Zagreb, founded in 1669, is the oldest continuously operating university in Southeast Europe. There are also 15 , of which 2 are private, and 30 higher education institutions, of which 27 are private. In total, there are 55 institutions of higher education in Croatia, attended by more than 157 thousand students. There are 205 companies, government or education system institutions and non-profit organisations in Croatia pursuing scientific research and development of technology. Among the scientific institutes operating in Croatia, the largest is the in Zagreb. The in Zagreb is a promoting language, culture, arts and science from its inception in 1866. Croatia has been the home of many , like , , , and , as well as scientists, such as , , , , , , , , , and. The has been awarded to 2 Croatian laureates, 1939 and 1975. Croatia has a system, whose roots can be traced back to the Hungarian-Croatian Parliament Act of 1891, providing a form of mandatory insurance of all factory workers and craftsmen. The population is covered by a basic health insurance plan provided by statute and optional insurance. In 2017, annual healthcare related expenditures reached 22. Healthcare expenditures comprise only 0. In 2017, Croatia spent around 6. In 2015, Croatia ranked 36th in the world in life expectancy with 74. There are hundreds of healthcare institutions in Croatia, including 79 hospitals and clinics with 23,967 beds. The hospitals and clinics care for more than 700 thousand patients per year and employ 5,205 , including 3,929 specialists. There are 6,379 private practice offices, and a total of 41,271 health workers in the country. There are 63 emergency medical service units, responding to more than a million calls. The principal cause of death in 2008 was at 43. In 2008 it was estimated by the WHO that 27. According to 2003 WHO data, 22% of the Croatian adult population is obese. Since 1997, the historic centre of has been included in the list of Because of its geographic position, Croatia represents a blend of four different cultural spheres. It has been a crossroad of influences of the western culture and the east—ever since division of the and the —as well as of the and the. The was the most significant period of national cultural history, as the 19th-century period proved crucial in emancipation of the Croatian language and saw unprecedented developments in all fields of art and culture, giving rise to a number of. The is tasked with preserving the nation's and overseeing its development. Further activities supporting the development of culture are undertaken at the local government level. The country is also rich with and holds fifteen of , ranking fourth in the world. A global cultural contribution from Croatia is the necktie, derived from the originally worn by the 17th-century Croatian mercenaries in France. As of 2017 , Croatia has 91 professional theatres, 29 professional children's theatres and 56 amateur theatres visited by more than 1. The professional theatres employ 1,195 artists. There are 47 professional orchestras, ensembles, and choirs in the country, attracting an annual attendance of 317 thousand. There are 156 cinemas with attendance exceeding 4. Croatia has 222 museums, visited by more than 2. Furthermore, there are 1,781 libraries in the country, containing 26. In 2010, 7,348 books and brochures were published, along with 2,676 magazines and 267 newspapers. There are also 135 radio stations and 25 TV stations operating in the country. In past five years, film production in Croatia produced up to five feature films and 10 to 51 short films, with an additional 76 to 112 TV films. As of 2009 , there are 784 amateur cultural and artistic associations and more than 10 thousand cultural, educational and artistic events held annually. The book publishing market is dominated by several major publishers and the industry's centrepiece event— exhibition held annually at. Croatia is categorised as having established a very high level of human development in the , with a high degree of equality in HDI achievements between women and men. In addition, in December 2013 Croatians voted in a and approved changes to constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Arts and literature , the most prominent Croatian. Architecture in Croatia reflects influences of bordering nations. Austrian and Hungarian influence is visible in public spaces and buildings in the north and in the central regions, architecture found along coasts of Dalmatia and Istria exhibits Venetian influence. Large squares named after culture heroes, well-groomed parks, and pedestrian-only zones, are features of these orderly towns and cities, especially where large scale urban planning took place, for instance in Osijek , Varaždin and Karlovac. Subsequent influence of the was reflected in contemporary architecture. Along the coast, the architecture is Mediterranean with a strong Venetian and Renaissance influence in major urban areas exemplified in works of and such as the in Šibenik. The oldest preserved examples of Croatian architecture are the 9th-century churches, with the largest and the most representative among them being in. Besides the architecture encompassing the oldest artworks in Croatia, there is a long history of artists in Croatia reaching to the Middle Ages. In that period the stone portal of the was made by , representing the most important monument of sculpture from. The had the greatest impact on the Adriatic Sea coast since the remainder of Croatia was embroiled in the Hundred Years' Croatian—Ottoman War. With the waning of the Ottoman Empire, art flourished during the and. The 19th and the 20th centuries brought about affirmation of numerous Croatian artisans, helped by several patrons of the arts such as bishop. Croatian artists of the period achieving worldwide renown were and. The Baška tablet, a stone inscribed with the found on the Krk island and dated to 1100, is considered to be the oldest surviving prose in Croatian. The beginning of more vigorous development of Croatian literature is marked by the Renaissance and. Besides Marulić, Renaissance playwright , Baroque poet , poet , novelist, playwright and poet , children's writer , writer and journalist , poet and writer , poet , and writer , poet and novelist and short story writer are often cited as the greatest figures in Croatian literature. Media Radio Zagreb, now a part of , was the first public radio station in Southeast Europe. Despite the provisions fixed in the constitution, freedoms of press and speech in Croatia have been classified as partly free since 2000 by , the independent nongovernmental organisation that monitors press freedom worldwide. Namely the country has been ranked 85th of 196 countries , and the 2011 Freedom House report noted improvement of applicable legislation reflecting Croatia's accession to the EU, yet pointed out instances of politicians' attempts to hinder and influence news reports contents, difficulties regarding , and that most of print media market is controlled by German-owned and Austrian-owned. The incidents were mainly perpetrated against journalists investigating war crimes and organised crime. As of October 2011, there are nine nationwide free-to-air DVB-T television channels, with HRT , and operating two of the channels each, and the remaining three operated by the , Kapital Net d. In addition there are 21 regional or local DVB-T television channels. The HRT is also broadcasting a satellite TV channel. In 2016, there were 135 radio stations and 25 TV stations in Croatia. Cable television and networks are gaining ground in the country, as the cable TV networks already serve 450 thousand people, 10% of the total population of the country. There are 314 newspapers and 2,678 magazines published in Croatia. The print media market is dominated by and who publish their flagship dailies , and. Other influential newspapers are and. In 2013, 24sata was the most widely circulated daily newspaper, followed by Večernji list and Jutarnji list. The greatest accomplishment by Croatian filmmakers was achieved by when he won the 1961 for : Surogat. Cuisine from Croatian traditional cuisine varies from one region to another. Dalmatia and Istria draw upon culinary influences of and other which prominently feature various seafood, cooked vegetables and pasta, as well as condiments such as olive oil and garlic. The continental cuisine is heavily influenced by , , and culinary styles. In that area, meats, freshwater fish and vegetable dishes are predominant. The continental region in the northeast of the country, especially Slavonia, is capable of producing premium wines, particularly whites. Along the north coast, Istrian and Krk wines are similar to those produced in neighbouring Italy, while further south in Dalmatia, Mediterranean-style red wines are the norm. Annual production of wine exceeds 140 million litres. Croatia was almost exclusively a wine-consuming country up until the late 18th century when a more massive production and consumption of beer started; the annual consumption of beer in 2008 was 83. Sports stadium, was the venue of the. There are more than 400,000 active sportspeople in Croatia. Out of that number, 277,000 are members of sports associations and nearly 4,000 are members of chess and associations. Association football is the most popular sport. The : Hrvatski nogometni savez , with more than 118,000 registered players, is the largest sporting association in the country. The football league attracts the highest of any professional sports league in the country. In season 2010—11, it attracted 458,746 spectators. Croatian athletes competing at international events since Croatian independence in 1991 won 44 , including fifteen gold medals—at the and in , in , and in , in , , and , and in in , , , and. In addition, Croatian athletes won 16 gold medals at world championships, including four in athletics at the World Championships in Athletics held in , , and , one in handball at the , two in water polo at the and , one in rowing at the , six in alpine skiing at the and and two at the World Taekwondo Championships in and. Croatian athletes also won the. Croatia hosted several major sport competitions, including the , the , the , the , the and several. The governing sports authority in the country is the : Hrvatski olimpijski odbor , founded on 10 September 1991 and recognised by the since 17 January 1992, in time to permit the Croatian athletes to appear at the in , France representing the newly independent nation for the first time at the. Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2011. Retrieved 29 March 2018. Croats came from the Pannonian lowlands in the 6th century down the Kupa river valley, settling the eastern outskirts of Gorski Kotar. Washington, DC: International Business Publications, USA. Retrieved 29 March 2018. Croats are believed to be a Slavic people who migrated from Ukraine and settled in present-day Croatia during the 6th century. New York: DK Eyewitness Travel. Retrieved 29 March 2018. Slav tribes, including the Croats, settled in South Eastern Europe from early 6th century onwards. Retrieved 5 October 2017. Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2011. Retrieved 20 April 2018. 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Say No! (Croatian) - A campaign against online sexual coercion and extortion of children
The country is also rich with and holds fifteen of , ranking fourth in the world. A wave of anti-government protests organized via took place in early 2011 as general dissatisfaction with political and economic state grew. The largest river port is Vukovar, located on the Danube, representing the nation's outlet to the Pan-European transport corridor VII. Retrieved 11 October 2011. Croatia 2014-3 Durée: Vues: Note: 0% Vidéos similaires Durée: 01:57 Vues: 354889 Note: 98% Durée: 00:45 Vues: 283332 Note: 98% Durée: 00:58 Vues: 117897 Note: 99% Durée: 03:06 Vues: 200462 Note: 88% Durée: 05:24 Vues: 106313 Note: 96% Durée: 02:30 Vues: 204642 Note: 86% Durée: 09:08 Vues: 76432 Note: 97% Durée: 04:16 Vues: 46235 Note: 97% Durée: 02:03 Vues: 94145 Note: 96% Durée: 00:43 Vues: 53045 Note: 98% Durée: 01:00 Vues: 62485 Note: 97% Durée: 00:15 Vues: 170509 Note: 97%. According to a presidential decree issued in 2006 the CAF is set to employ 18,100 active duty military personnel, 3,000 civilians and 2,000 voluntary conscripts between the ages of 18 and 30 in peacetime. The supported 's and signed their own. Since 1991, Croatia's has continuously exceeded its.

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Sada kada imate email od djevojke ili nekoliko njih komunikacija bi morala biti lakša. Na našem sajtu Upoznaj Devojku vreba opasnost od mnogih zgodnih cura kojima nikako nećete moći da odolite. Bez samopouzdanje nećete skupiti hrabrosti da priđete djevojci, a kamoli da se odlučite za neki veći korak kao što je poljubac.

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Upoznavanje BiH - Seks upoznavanje dama i djevojaka iz cijele Hrvatske. Možda i kod simpatije ili nove ljubavi...

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Družite se s merakom uz sajt Upoznavanje BiH Ajmo curice, ajmo dječaci, studenti, đaci, milicajci... Hajdemo na sajt Upoznavanje BiH. Baš kao što pesma kaže — hajdemo u planine jer tamo nema zime. Kod prijatelja iz BiH je uvek toplo i srdačno. Družite se sa veselim ljudima koji žive na prelepim planinama i u bogatim ravnicama ove zemlje koja ima dušu. Neka Vas oraspolože svojim izvanrednim smislom za humor i neka Vam prenesu svoj optimizam. To su ljudi koji žive jednostavno, skromno i nadasve pošteno. Kod njih je upoznavanje srdačno i iskreno, bez foliranja i lažnih obećanja. Nisu uštogljeni i zato je lako biti njihov prijatelj. Upoznavanje BiH Vam donosi spontane bosance koji će Vam najpre ispričati vic o Muji i Hasi, a zatim Vam se nenametljivo predstaviti. Ne pate od kompleksa više vrednosti, pa očekujte jedno pravo druženje na ovom — pravom sajtu. Družite se uz sevdalinke ili poznate rok grupe iz ovih krajeva BiH. Svako od njih je preneo deo predela Bosne u svoje poznate pesme. Zavoleli ste njihove pesme, a upoznavanjem ćete zavoleti i ljude iz BiH. Sigurni smo u to! Definitivno ste pronašli mesto na kome se iznose istinske emocije i živi pravi život. Život uz divne prijatelje i čašicu razgovora. Pa posle zanimljivog druženja, sledi odmaranje na divanu... Ima li šta lepše? Bosna Vam se nudi na dlanu, a Vi je zgrabite i ne puštajte. Nadamo se da smo Vam zagolicali maštu i da ste poželeli da se upoznate sa prijateljima iz BiH. Velika je čast i privilegija družiti se s njima, a Vama se uz naš sajt Upoznavanje BiH pruža ta šansa. Nemojte da je izgubite jer se ona dobija samo jednom u životu. A Vi je imate! Zato upoznaje bosansku raju i smejte se zajedno...

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Na našem sajtu Upoznaj Devojku vreba opasnost od mnogih zgodnih cura kojima nikako nećete moći da odolite. Stoga, napravite korak ka budućnosti i mi Vas čekamo! Naučite da budete odbijeni. Bez samopouzdanje nećete skupiti hrabrosti da priđete djevojci, a kamoli da se odlučite za neki veći korak kao što je poljubac. Nisu uštogljeni i zato je lako biti njihov prijatelj. I mehak ko duša. Ima li šta lepše? Kod prijatelja iz BiH je uvek toplo i srdačno. Definitivno ste pronašli mesto na kome se iznose istinske emocije i živi pravi život. Seks upoznavanje dama i djevojaka iz cijele Hrvatske. Par minuta je potrebno za registraciju, i isto toliko da Vam sajt Upoznaj Devojku preokrene život iz korena. Na primer, ako se devojka sa kojom želite da se upoznate, zove ANA a njeno korisničko ime je JOGA šaljete SMS na sledeći način:Prva poruka: HEJ joga Cao, kako si?

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