Back on the Island of Korcula, in the village of Lumbarda where I spent most of my childhood, I had quite an interesting experience during this summer break. Since I consume lots of goat products, I said to myself that it's about time to milk a goat! And so I went to my grandma's good friend and neighbour and gave it a try. First I observed, but I couldn't wait to give it a try! Well, what can I tell you...It's not that easy! Poor goat. I gave her and myself a pretty hard time. At least I managed to get a little bit of milk out, so I was happy :) And when the lady took cake of it, it was like a machine! You could hear the milk filling the bowl and it looked like a huge cappuccino with all that foam!
What an experience! I tried to drink it later, just as I used to as a child (okay, I would load it up with Nesquick) but...I think I need another try.