Living in the Mediterranean is something you can only wish for. I have been enjoying my vacation to the full potential, I would say more then ever! I have 3 weeks summer break now instead of 3 months as I used to have before, so I'm trying to get the most out of it. I have spent the past week on the Island of Korcula in the village of Lumbarda, where most of my family lives. I have also visited the Island Hvar which has been lovely with all its Lavender that you can find in all forms.
Hey, don't think I forgot about the sweets ;) I am always looking for something new to try and so I did!

During my stay in Hvar, me and my parents visited our friends that own a pretty little restaurant on the very coast called ''Kod Kapetana'' The dessert I had, by their suggestion, was a wonderful carob cake with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. I think that is one of the best things I had in a while. The cake was moist, cold, and full of flavor. I was pleased that the carob wasn't overpowering, but just had the right intensity, well rounded with seasonal fruit, in this cakes peaches. Oh, you have to try it! And no, I do not have the recipe, but I am working on it ;) I don't give up that easily!

The rest of the trip was in Lumbarda (Korcula) which is like my home town and it's absolutely gorgeous and peaceful, even though there are lots of local things going on there all the time. It was just great to be there after a whole year, time really flies! It was really hard for me to leave, but 5 months isn't that bad at all, right?
I have some more crazy experiences to share with you, but right now is time to go to bed...Oh, I made Tiramisu tonight! The BEST Tiramisu! Hopefully I'll take some good shots tomorrow ;)

Happy days!