In the arms of an Angel

23.09.2006., subota

Hoćeš da ti lažem ili?

prije sam baš razmišljala o tome..
do ve sam mislila kak je najbolje biti iskren, ne muljati ljudima direktno u facu i tak to, no dok bole razmislim, ljudi koji se tog drže baš i nisu omiljeni..
ili ako jesu omiljeni, nesu zbog toga..
u biti mnogi ljudi se boje pričati s njima jer možda nesvjesno se boje saznati istinu o sebi samima ili nečem što jih okružuje..
radije žive v tom svom nekom savršenom svetu..
de je istina uljepšana.. da nebi sve tak grozno zvučalo..
pa evo nabrojila bom i neke primjere:
1. dakle,npr., tek sam nedavno nekima otkrila neke neobične stvari o sebi i odma su me počeli gledati na neobični način.. ne pokazuju to baš očito, al se vidi da jih istina zbunjuje.
2. svaki put dok vidim nekoga kaj govori preveč iskreno drugi mu to zamjeraju, to jih iritira i posle ga ogovaraju, tipa: "I ona ti meni onda veli kak sam umišljena? Pa mislim pogledaj nju.. tu razbacuje uvrede ko da jedino ona nekaj vredi!"
3. Gledate kaj Big brothera? ja ne baš, al sam vidla kak so svi stanari bili protiv Romine (ili kak se več zove ona ženskica kaj je dišla van) samo zato jer je preveč govorila.. neje mela dlake na jeziku,i svima je rekla kaj jih ide..
nebum ja rekla kaj je meni ne išla na živce, jer mi je je. nesam ja nikaj drugačija od ostalih, al to sam dokazuje kak je ne baš dobro biti preveč iskren.

a dok opet z druge strane glediš neje lepo niti dok saznaš kak ti neki ljudi neprestano lažeju, pričaju ti lepe, ali lažne priče, daju ti komplimente koji nisu točni..
a to nam ne paše samo zato jer saznamo kaj je to sve ila laž.. a da nebi nikad saznali nebi se niti bunili kaj nam lažeju.. ipak bi nam raslo samopouzdanje i meli bi lepšu sliku o svemu makar je niti ne istinita..

unatoč celom ovom tekstu ja bum i dalje ostala ista..
govorim istinu i poštujem ju, makar nekad za dobrobit čovječanstva
velim neke laži ili još najrađe sam to prešutim..

a ve ovaj dio nema veze z onim prije:
ja neznam kaj je za problem..
dali sam stvarno ja nešt napravila ili si ti mela loš dan ali
ja te lepo prosim daj kaj bar pričamo o tome.. jer maša..
ja te jako puno voljim..
puno, puno i ti to znaš..
i još pozdrav sima z razreda i šire..i stefa ozdravi nam brzo..
i još neka..moram se pofaliti..
glejte kolko imam komentara na prijašjem postu..
rekord za mene..
i evo da još denem nekše meni lepe i zanimljive slikice...

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Tati? Tati? Who the fack is tati?

Dakle, ja sam Tati, 14. 08 sam napunila 16 let. Po horoskopo sam naravno lavica...idem v 2.c razred za unutarnju arhitekturu...slušam raznu glazbu većina rock. Narodnjake ne podnašam osim dok alkohol počne djelovati...obožavam anđele, krv, i se kaj asocira na smrt, kaj u biti morete i skužiti iz ovoga bloga..I tak...stavlajte mi komentare tak ka nam ja jadna bez njih...Pusa svima i uživajte...

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NIRVANA- Lake Of Fire
Where do bad folks go when they die.
They don't go to Heaven where the Angels fly.
Go to a Lake of Fire and fry.
See em' again til' the 4th of July.

I knew a lady who came from Duluth,
Bit by a dog with a rabid tooth,
She went to her grave just a little too soon,
Flew and laid down on the yellow moon.

Where do bad folks go when they die.
They don't go to Heaven where the Angels fly.
Go to a Lake of Fire and fry.
See em' again til' the 4th of July.

People cry, people moan.
Look for a damn place to call their home.
Try to find some place to rest their bones.
While the Angels and the Devils try to make their own.

Where do bad folks go when they die.
They don't go to Heaven where the Angels fly.
Go to a Lake of Fire and fry.
See em' again til' the 4th of July.

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This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...I want to...fuck you

C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
C'mon, yeah

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

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METALLICA- The Unforgiven II
Lay beside me
Tell me what they've done
Speak the words I wanna hear
To make my demons run
The door is locked now
But it's open if you're true
If you can understand the me
Then I can understand the you

Lay beside me under wicked sky
The black of day, dark of night
We share this paralyze
The door cracks open
But there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still
But there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I've felt
What I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me
This won't hurt, I swear
She loves me not
She loves me still
But she'll never love again
She lay beside me
But she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes, now I see it

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I've felt, what I've known
So sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits
The one who waits for you

Oh, what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?
So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known
I take this key and I bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free, never me
'Cause you're unforgiven too, oh

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IRON MAIDEN-Fear Of The Dark
I am a man who walks alone
And when Im walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when its dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that someones always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someones allways there

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When youre searching for the light?
Sometimes when youre scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
Youve sensed that somethings watching you

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no ones there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because youre sure theres someone there

Watching horror films the night before
Debating wiches and folklore
The unkown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that someones always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someones allways there

When Im walking a dark road
I am a man who walkes alone

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Crno Perje - Zbogom svijete
Dosta mi je drama I tv reklama
Prljavih ulica I jeftinih dana
Dosta kafića I otrovnih pića
Pijanih gostiju I njihovh priča.
Dosta mi je radija I televizive
Ljigavih šlagera I eurovizije
Dosta mi je kriza I tv repriza
I tebe draga I tvojeg striptiza.
Zbogom svijete, spustit ću rolete
Popit ću tablete, spavat ću ko dijete
Isključio sam zvono, ne kucaj na vrata
Piše na papiru:
pusti me na miru.
Dosta mi je racije I takve demokracije
Privatizacije, civilizacije
Nigdje nema smijeha nigdje dobre volje
Svugdje retardirani kreteni koji nose pištolje.
Zbogom svijete, spustit ću rolete
Popit ću tablete, spavat ću ko dijete
Isključio sam zvono, ne kucaj na vrata
Piše na papiru:
pusti me na miru.
Dosta mi je što sam malo lupež, malo Bog
Dosta mi je tog svijeta dosadnog.
Zbogom svijete, spustit ću rolete
Popit ću tablete, spavat ću ko dijete
Isključio sam zvono, ne kucaj na vrata
Piše na papiru:
pusti me na miru.

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GUNS'N'ROSES- November Rain
When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this auch a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

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Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you

Take your hand and walk away

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
And its mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived

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