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Hiding behind the shadows
I'll be waiting in the dark
To drive this blade straight through your heart
I'll drag your body to the car as blood races down my arm
I think everyone will wonder where you are tonight...

I'll hide you in my walls
Your body will never be found i'll wear your skin
As a suit pretend to be you
Your friends will like you more then they used to.

Dear diary my teen-angst bullshit has a body count! (count!)
I belive its six going on to seven now!!!

I've been dreaming about you
In a pool of your own blood,
With your eyes gouged out
by the work of my thumbs
The scent of your insides
From under the floor board,
The perfect perfume
For setteling a score

I'll hide you in my walls
Your body will never be found
I'll wear your skin as a suit pretend to be you
Your friends will like you more then they used to

Ride the wings of...
Ride the wings of...
Ride the wings of...
Ride the wings of pestilence!
Ride the wings of pestilence!
Ride the wings of pestilence!
Ride the wings of pestilence!

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Hand in mine, into your icy blues
And then I'd say to you we could take to the highway
With this trunk of ammunition too
I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know just how much you mean to me
And after all the the things we put each other through and

I would drive on to the end with you
A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full
And I feel like there's nothing left to do
But prove myself to you and we'll keep it running

But this time, I mean it
I'll let you know just how much you mean to me
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of everything
I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights grow
And we go cold

Until the end, until this pool of blood
Until this, I mean this, I mean this
Until the end of...

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights grow
And we go cold

But this time, we'll show them
We'll show them all how much we mean
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of every...

All we are, all we are
Is bullets I mean this

As lead rains, will pass on through our phantoms

Forever, forever
Like scarecrows that fuel this flame we're burning
Forever, and ever
Know how much I want to show you you're the only one
Like a bed of roses there's a dozen reasons in this gun

And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood
And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down
And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down
I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood
I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever

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our love was like a fragile flower that a cold wind tore

subota, 14.05.2005.

zivot je lijep

da,ljudi moji,je.....bijah jucer na koncertu demo bendova i uzasno se uspalih eh mali varazdinci tako su savrseni i sto se tice zvukovnih mogcnosti i sto se tice izgleda,narocito mali pjevac....e tak bi ih strpala sve odjednom sa sobom u krevet........uuuf..............tak sam pukla tak sam divljala i sad se nemrem pomaknut,no nedam se ja idem evo sad na kafu.......a kaj se tice prepotentnih malaca iz tfa----> lik ima prelijep glas,prejebene mote,al ocajno growla a jos ocajnije pjeva letters to you,neznam odkud je tamo sam uspio nasrat balkanski naglasak a u svim ostalim pjesmama ga upoce nema,a gitaristi su totalno krivo skinuli soty e jebote to mi je prva stvar koju sam naucila svirat i tako je lagano i mogli su to malo bolje......uf jao sta ja volim kritizirat,al dobronamjerno,ono volila bih da se poprave zato kaj briju na screamo tako da imamo dobar zg screamo bend,a fala bogu imaju potencijala,a onaj mali basist bi mogao bome se pomaknut malo dok svira,e spisala sam se od smijeha u cijelom nastupu se pomaknuo jedan korak
eh shvacam ono sto mi je alma rekla-medu svim tim ljudima na kraju si ti jedina autenticna i picka.....ugl,jucer onak svi lijepo se sklosarili za jucer,a ja ni pet ni sest navucem suknju(tj neki kakti minjak) i jebe se meni odem ja tak tamo....sva neka zenskasta....mislim ja sam uvijek zenstvena ja volim i kad su zene i muskarci zenskasti to mi je zakon,a odvratne su mi muskobanjaste cure heh......
falio mi je mali urban i sad evo dodem i vidim da mu se mazilo prije par sati...jebiga zakaj se nemremo uskladit vidjeh pred hnk prekjuce il kad vec(izgubih osjecaj za vrijeme) buseve i odmah sam se sjetih urbana....
e al ljudi moji ljubav je tako predivna stvar,i neznam zasto ju konstantno svi stavljaju u drugi plan....
e da znate kaj vam mene u zivotu zanima-jel neprirodno htjeti imati dijete ovako u mojim 16.5 godinama???????fakat me zna uhvatit potreba za nekim malim klincem al onda shvatim da me nitko nebi razumio...i nebi imala toliko vremena za ugl sve u svoje vrijeme....
e alma aj me samo podsjeti da kazem starcima kada mi budu doma da mi netko od njih kupi bon jel cu zaboravit opet......

i ofkorz kiss svima koji me vole,a nista onima koji me nevole...a takvih nema ;-)

You couldn't hold your mouth to stop the sound,
with all these riches on the tip of your tongue,
and I was trying to dampen it all out.

You were talking louder than I should here,
producing nothing but all these mirrors,
and I was trying to play it all down.

With eyes of blood,
these kisses won't rust.
Where the baptized drown,
we used to breathe.

Underneath the red,
come running back to me.

Sad song, so wrong,
your body shakes for so long,
towing me down.
Let's just stay late,
a safe bet for second place.
This time, our time, we have, we'll last.

That evil, a brutal sickness brings,
at times you can't let go
it chases you from everything.
To settle for almost anything,
it's times like these
when you should only choose just not to speak.

And the clouds don't break when the sun is on empty

- 19:36 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #

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o meni malo...ili malo više Image Hosted by
eto prvo sto covjek zamijeti je izgled pa od toga i pocinjem-crna kosa i plave oci,visoka,mrsava,kazu lijepa..........jednom riječju SAVRŠENA(almin komentar)...zakleta emovka i screamovka...volim pažnju i hipersenzibilna sam...svoje vrijeme provodim po cijenjenim zagrebačkim bircevima kao npr. kkz,čvenk,zvuk,cvjećarnica,melin.....(čvara i tvornica se podrazumijevaju)....volim ljude i fizičke kontakte s njudima:o)....svih spolova....:o)...imam fetiš na slatke emovce(biseksualce-nemoram ni napominjati)...gitara,pjevanje i muzika su moj život i znam da će naš bend(surfamo po asfaltu iliti beautiful tragedy,ili kaj ćemo već smisliti)biti planetarno popularan...(postava:pa zasad samo zgodni komadi-Alma i ja...OGLAS:TRAŽIMO SUPER SEXY BISEKSUALNOG PJEVAČA KOJI SLUŠA EMO I SCREAMO I NE MOGU GA PREPLAŠITI ULTRAZGODNE CURE(GORE VEĆ NAVEDENE)MOLIMO DA NAS KONTAKTIRATE PREKO BROJA MOBITELA KOJI NEĆETE DOBITI:O)......dosta o nam,ajmo još o meni....jako volim OGLEDALO,svoje ultra-super cool sexy emo prijatelje i ostale prijatelje i prekrasne prijateljice i Almin želudac:o)...otvorena sam i komunikativna osoba...zbunjena...zahtjevna,ali super frendica(tako mi kažu)....imam zeca koji se zove Zec(ali žensko je i imamo posebno prisan odnos)...što se tiče seksualne opredjeljenosti-liberalna sam(ko i većina mojih prijatelja) volim kleptomane i nasilne ljude:o)...peace braco:o)

moja mala frendica na 6 žica :o)
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