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Hiding behind the shadows
I'll be waiting in the dark
To drive this blade straight through your heart
I'll drag your body to the car as blood races down my arm
I think everyone will wonder where you are tonight...

I'll hide you in my walls
Your body will never be found i'll wear your skin
As a suit pretend to be you
Your friends will like you more then they used to.

Dear diary my teen-angst bullshit has a body count! (count!)
I belive its six going on to seven now!!!

I've been dreaming about you
In a pool of your own blood,
With your eyes gouged out
by the work of my thumbs
The scent of your insides
From under the floor board,
The perfect perfume
For setteling a score

I'll hide you in my walls
Your body will never be found
I'll wear your skin as a suit pretend to be you
Your friends will like you more then they used to

Ride the wings of...
Ride the wings of...
Ride the wings of...
Ride the wings of pestilence!
Ride the wings of pestilence!
Ride the wings of pestilence!
Ride the wings of pestilence!

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Hand in mine, into your icy blues
And then I'd say to you we could take to the highway
With this trunk of ammunition too
I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know just how much you mean to me
And after all the the things we put each other through and

I would drive on to the end with you
A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full
And I feel like there's nothing left to do
But prove myself to you and we'll keep it running

But this time, I mean it
I'll let you know just how much you mean to me
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of everything
I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights grow
And we go cold

Until the end, until this pool of blood
Until this, I mean this, I mean this
Until the end of...

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights grow
And we go cold

But this time, we'll show them
We'll show them all how much we mean
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of every...

All we are, all we are
Is bullets I mean this

As lead rains, will pass on through our phantoms

Forever, forever
Like scarecrows that fuel this flame we're burning
Forever, and ever
Know how much I want to show you you're the only one
Like a bed of roses there's a dozen reasons in this gun

And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood
And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down
And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down
I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood
I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever

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our love was like a fragile flower that a cold wind tore

srijeda, 11.05.2005.


..uuuf urban young mi je dao inspiraciju za danasnji post...e covjece ta ogledala mi fakat znaju dignut.....libido........ono svatko ima neke svoje fetise a meni je jedan od mojih mnogih upravo ogledalo........znam da sam nastrana iliti sta vec,no jako je lijepo s nekim "dijeliti ljubav" i cijelo to vrijeme se gledati u ogledalo......mislim ne zvuci nesto super uzbudljivo ali meni je dosta da.....jel.......da,to ogledalo u biti u nama budi ono nesto skriveno,tj bar u meni a oni koji ne kuze car ogledala niti neznaju koliko su zakinuti....
+ svatih da sam neograniceno uzbudena jel se sjetih neceg .......ugl-moj grande fetish-posjest lika kojeg ludo voliš na stolac i ševiti divljački drugoga i gledati dragoga u oči dok to radiš....da spizdi od ljubomore...prejebeno:o)...e alma kud ti odma napadas jadnog urbana sa nasim perverzarijama?no,ja kak sam luda ja si brijem totalno da je to jebeno i njemu pa eto.....
i tako rezime danasnjeg dana ugl-skola u 7,neki glupi testic,birc jednom za vrijeme i jednom poslije sk,doma,spavanje,nis pretjerano ekskluzivno
dobro,uspjela sam se nazivcirati,tj jedna osoba me uspjela jako nazivcirat,no nema veze,bilo pa proslo
evo zeljko draga kad se osjecas toliko zakinuto na mome blogu-posvecujem ti kutak-ugl da,volim ja tebe fakat puno i nemoras se toliko bojati za svoj status,jel znas da mi ocito puno znacis(jel tko bi te inace trpio ;o)).....neznam zasto se osjecas toliko ugrozeno i neshvaceno.......e da koje sam gluposti sanjala to ti moram rec.......fakat sam sirila blud u snu i zavela tvog huga...mislim ni da sam htjela......ali ugl dobar je to bio san,tipican mom bolesnom umu,stoga znaci da se vracam u normalu.....
i za kraj--->ifka,I salute you!.......uf kako mi fali,vidla sam je samo 98896847568203465082346 puta dns.....ali ipak je vrhunac danasnji oglas(naime zena osim sto svaki dan preko skolskog razglasa obavjescuje doslovno ko je sto u sk taj dan napravio,dns je ipak nadmasila samu sebe:molimo da se netko spusti po ucenicu na porti jel se u skoli izgubila il tak nes
....trenutno mi fali paznje pa neka netko skokne do mene da me malo mazi.....
eh da ovu pjesmu je pisao jedan muski covjek iz grupe the used,bi covjek,a onaj tko ima vremena nek ju procita i proba zakljucit jel napisana curi il decku.....;-)

So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me
Off guard, red handed
Now I'm far from lonely
Asleep I still see you lying next to me
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I..

I need something else
Would someone please just give me
Hit me, knock me out
And let me go back to sleep
I can laugh
All I want inside I still am empty
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me I...

I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

I guess, I remember every glance you shot me
Un-harmed, I'm losing weight and some body heat
I squoze so hard
I stopped your heart from beating
So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me, I..

I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

And it's all that I've got
Yeah, it's all that I've got
It's all that I've got
It's all that I've got
It's all that I've got!

So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me
So deep that I didn't even scream fuck me

I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got

And it's all that I've got
Yeah, it's all that I've got

- 19:44 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

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o meni malo...ili malo više Image Hosted by
eto prvo sto covjek zamijeti je izgled pa od toga i pocinjem-crna kosa i plave oci,visoka,mrsava,kazu lijepa..........jednom riječju SAVRŠENA(almin komentar)...zakleta emovka i screamovka...volim pažnju i hipersenzibilna sam...svoje vrijeme provodim po cijenjenim zagrebačkim bircevima kao npr. kkz,čvenk,zvuk,cvjećarnica,melin.....(čvara i tvornica se podrazumijevaju)....volim ljude i fizičke kontakte s njudima:o)....svih spolova....:o)...imam fetiš na slatke emovce(biseksualce-nemoram ni napominjati)...gitara,pjevanje i muzika su moj život i znam da će naš bend(surfamo po asfaltu iliti beautiful tragedy,ili kaj ćemo već smisliti)biti planetarno popularan...(postava:pa zasad samo zgodni komadi-Alma i ja...OGLAS:TRAŽIMO SUPER SEXY BISEKSUALNOG PJEVAČA KOJI SLUŠA EMO I SCREAMO I NE MOGU GA PREPLAŠITI ULTRAZGODNE CURE(GORE VEĆ NAVEDENE)MOLIMO DA NAS KONTAKTIRATE PREKO BROJA MOBITELA KOJI NEĆETE DOBITI:O)......dosta o nam,ajmo još o meni....jako volim OGLEDALO,svoje ultra-super cool sexy emo prijatelje i ostale prijatelje i prekrasne prijateljice i Almin želudac:o)...otvorena sam i komunikativna osoba...zbunjena...zahtjevna,ali super frendica(tako mi kažu)....imam zeca koji se zove Zec(ali žensko je i imamo posebno prisan odnos)...što se tiče seksualne opredjeljenosti-liberalna sam(ko i većina mojih prijatelja) volim kleptomane i nasilne ljude:o)...peace braco:o)

moja mala frendica na 6 žica :o)
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