....welcome to my little world...:)
...They say that life is for learning
Well, teach me to live
While I'm here...
...People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you....
nešto o meni :
my e-mail...
umjetnik u duši :D
azy zelenu malu...
New York girl
consider this]
Sooner or later we'll be lookin' back on everything and we'll laugh about it like we knew what all was happening
…ovo posvećujem osobi koja jednom reče: «gle, vec sam ti rekao... ako zelis seks znas koga mozes zvat :D“ » ma kako to možeš reći?....PA MISLIM ipak…to nije NIŠTA…to je NEŠTO...bar meni..ne znam...what`s the point of doing it when there is no feelings at all…?!..it always has some kind of meaning ….if not to you,to the other person…sad ćeš reč da sam zabrijala i da ne govorim kad ne znam….ali hm…think about it….. ne znam dal sam samo ja takva ili šta….ali…. meni je bezveze kad čujem da se ljudi samo tako puknu jer nisu imali kog drugog… ono wtf?.. where is the love?... baš me zanima dal sam ja mojim mišljenjem u bajci još ili to i drugi misle….?! PS -zahvaljujem frendu na ovako velikodušnoj ponudi…. ako mi ikad bude bilo potrebno uzet ću ju u obzir ali za sad NO THX!! …. |