
18.06.2006., nedjelja

...And Bury Yourself In It!

Mothers are standing on the platforms,
Saying goodbye to their sons,
They are going of to war…

The flags are waving on the slight wind,
All the young man frightened,
Fear can be sensed in the air...

Oh, mother look at me now!
Proud in my shiny uniform,
All demises seem so far,
Flags present all what we're fighting for...
Soldiers on the windows,
Women with small children,
Courage on the billboards,
We will travel to our end...

Oh no I'm going to war,
And I don't want to die
All the glory and the medals, seem so pointless now
Fighting in the muddy trenches,
Struggle to save my life, to save my life

Kill, soldier, kill for your land,
And freedom you'll never taste
Hours are not your master,
Death is smiling in my face
Griping riffle with my cold hand,
Killing to survive, it's your life or mine,
Your life or mine...

I will fight no more!
Fuck you mister president!
We will give you revolution,
To clean our bloody hands
Now go and dig your own hole,
Dig your own hole, dig your own hole
And bury yourself in it!

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