Croatian metal and rock
Internet Monitor

dakle..ak je neko kreativan...
najdrazi pjesnik
nekaj kaj se nemre opisat
najdrazi konj

"sagradio sam tako predivne
dvorce u oblacima
da se na zemlji
zadovoljavam sa rusevinama...

nekad ovo bijashe zabavno


Nocas je na nebo otrovan mjesec izašao
A ja sam slomljena srca ispod njega stao
I gledam zvijezde kako trepere
A tijelo i dušu mi bol vene

Doci ce kraj i nevolji što nas prati
Dohvati cu i ja jednog dana dugu
Samo nocas da zaboravim tugu


Ulazim u prostoriju hladnu,

želim vidjet' tebe mrtvu jadnu,

đelat hladnjak ogromni otvara,

preda mnom tvoja grozna pojava.

Tvrda si i poluukocena,

gola potpuno, hladna, ledena,

trbuh ti naduo, puna jesi vode,

voda ce suknuti kada te ubode.

Zašto si rano život sebi uzela,

u mutnu rijeku mlada skočila,

ružni su ti unutrašnji organi,

a pušit si ga pocela tek od lani.



svi smo mi kreteni svoje vrste

17.08.2005., srijeda

sunny days

The papers you've arranged
In a sense they're strange
They speak to me like constellations as we lie here
There's a magic I can't hold
Your smile of honey gold
And that you never seem to be in short supply of

So baby let's get it on
Drinkin' wine and killin' time
Sitting in the summer sun
You know
I've wanted you so long
Why'd you have to drop that bomb on me

The lazy days
Crazy dolls
You said we've been friends for too long

Seven days in sunny June
But long enough to bloom
The flowers on the sunlight dress you wore in spring
The way we laughed as one
And then you dropped the bomb
But I know you too long for us to have a thing

Gotta get this
The stories in your eyes
Tell of silent wings
You fly away on

Seven days in sunny June
But long enough to bloom
The flowers on that sunbeamed dress you wore in spring
Yeah yeah
The way we laughed as one
Why did you drop that bomb on me

- 16:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Ono što jesmo, proizvod smo vlastitog razmišljanja.
One Lonely Visitor-Chevelle

Am I alone in here?
Am I alone in here?
Am I alone in here?
Am I alone in here?

Knew you were here,
Sister confirms suspicions,
And beside the note,
You left on my bed
Where I held you so close.
Did you think I'd forget?
Couldn't be more of a mess,
For to breathe,
Used to be another way,
I'd take you in.

Well it's time to wake up,
And separate feelings
That I keep falling into.
Each seem like good reasons,
That I feel a break down,
I don't care if it shows up,
I'm praying this for you,
'Til it's answered I'll say.

Now it seems there's a choice,
That began with a break,
So today,
Know that never again,
Will I know you that way.

Well it's time to wake up,
And separate feelings
That I keep falling into.
Each seem like good reasons,
I'm gonna break down,
I don't care if it shows up,
I'm praying this for you,
'Til it's answered I'll say.

Am I alone in here?
Am I alone in here?
Am I alone in here?
Am I alone in here?


da je covjeka stvorio covjek,
sramio bi se njegovog ponasanja!

ako se prisjetimo da smo svi pomalo ludi,
zagonetke nestaju i zivot postaje razumljiv.