studeni, 2007  
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Studeni 2007 (7)

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Marta aka _child



Marko (ja):
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Europe - Tomorrow (Joey Tempest)

Will you be there beside me
If the world falls apart
And will all of out moments
Remain in your heart
Will you be there to guide me
All the way through, I wonder will you

Walk by my side, and follow my dreams
And bear with my pride, as strong as it seems
Will you be there tomorrow

Will you be there beside me
As time goes on by
And be there to hold me
Whenever I cry
Will you be there to guide me
All the way through, I wonder will you

Walk by my side, and follow my dreams...

Dio - All the fools sailed away

There's perfect harmony
In the rising and the
falling of the sea
And as we sail along
I never fail to be astounded by
The things we'll do for promises
And a song

We are the innocent
We are the damned
We were caught in the
middle of the madness
Hunted by the lion and the lamb

We bring you fantasy
We bring you pain
It's your one great
chance for a miracle
Or we will disappear
Never to be seen again

And all the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Sailed away

We bring you beautiful
We teach you sin
We can give you a piece
of the universe
Or we will disappear
Never to return again

And all the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Sailed away
Sailed away

And as we drift along
I never fail to be astounded by
The things we'll do for promises

We are the innocent
We cut we bleed
We're your one great
chance for a miracle
And a miracle is something you need

They'll take your diamonds
And give you steel
you'll be caught in
middle of the madness
Lost like them
And a part of all the
pain that they feel

And all the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Leaving nothing to say
All the fools sailed away

They say you're beautiful
And they'll always let you in
But doors are never open
To a child without a trace of sin

Sail, sail, sail

četvrtak, 15.11.2007.

I'm easy... Easy like a sunday morning :)

Evo slusam tu pjesmu cijelo jutro, i bas mi pase, iako nije nedjelja, al da ga jebes, necu cjepidlacit.

Bas sad na msn pricam s frendom iz Oroslavlja kod kojeg sam spavao bio kad je tamo bila motorijada. Ajme stari moj sta je bilo dobro, 2. dan sam cak bio pao pod stol belj Ja bi opet, to mi je bio najbolji provod ovog ljeta, posto na more nisam isao.
Dakle ,stize jebena zima, jao sto je mrzim, ne podnosim hladnocu, fuj hladno! Moram nosit 10 kila odjece na sebi, onda one jakne neke ogromne. Snjeg.Snjeg je cak oke, lijepo izgleda... Ja bi lijepo zimski san i probudi se u kasno proljece.
Zakljucili smo da mrzim zimu, ali obooooozavam ljeto! Neki se zale na vrucine, nepodnosljivo ,bla,bla... Onda se zale na zimu, hladno, bla,bla.... Ja kad je ljeto, ne zalim se ni po najvecim vrucinama, sam se sjetim kakva je zima bila.

Ma, lijepo meni u zivotu s ovakvim brigama XD

checkajte ovaj sajt, napravio ga je Mark Kostich XD

Na prozoru mi visi Jolly Roger (za one koji ne znaju, piratska zastava(za one koji ne znaju lubanja s kostima i sl.)) i stvara lijep ugodaj, malo mracnije je u sobi, i ne smeta mi vise sunce kad mi pici kkroz prozor ravno u ekran pa nis ne vidim.

Nedostaju mi neki ljudeki.

Da, nisam se pohvalio da sam proslu subotu bio u ZKM-u. da,da. Nika je imala predstavu neku, ne znam vise o cem se radilo, al je bila dobra. I Nika dobro glumi.

Glasat cemo za SDP, Svaki Dan Pijan , hehe.

Marta se sinoc smijala nekim mojim izjavama koje meni uopce nisu bile smijesne. lud
Kaze da ce mi njena mama sredit pregled kod doktora, tj, opticara ili kaj vec,jel, coraf sam.

Pretpostavljam da Marta u ovom trenutki dira obrvu. Jadna obrva. Ne znate kolko je ta obrva propatila. Mogu se kladit da cak i toj obrvi zapovijeda. '' Odi gore, nene malo ljevo, e, e, tu stani''.

Alen i Kvazi zbrisali na Krk. I ja sam trebao al mi je seki rodendan u subotu, pa cem ostat na tulumu party

Danas radim bolonjeze za rucak sretan Tj. moram krenuti.

Ajde drzite mi fige da ozdravim do sutra da mogu ic p... da mogu ic van. wink

A u subotu dakle tulumarka.

Pozdrav wave

e da...

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