studeni, 2007  
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Studeni 2007 (7)

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Europe - Tomorrow (Joey Tempest)

Will you be there beside me
If the world falls apart
And will all of out moments
Remain in your heart
Will you be there to guide me
All the way through, I wonder will you

Walk by my side, and follow my dreams
And bear with my pride, as strong as it seems
Will you be there tomorrow

Will you be there beside me
As time goes on by
And be there to hold me
Whenever I cry
Will you be there to guide me
All the way through, I wonder will you

Walk by my side, and follow my dreams...

Dio - All the fools sailed away

There's perfect harmony
In the rising and the
falling of the sea
And as we sail along
I never fail to be astounded by
The things we'll do for promises
And a song

We are the innocent
We are the damned
We were caught in the
middle of the madness
Hunted by the lion and the lamb

We bring you fantasy
We bring you pain
It's your one great
chance for a miracle
Or we will disappear
Never to be seen again

And all the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Sailed away

We bring you beautiful
We teach you sin
We can give you a piece
of the universe
Or we will disappear
Never to return again

And all the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Sailed away
Sailed away

And as we drift along
I never fail to be astounded by
The things we'll do for promises

We are the innocent
We cut we bleed
We're your one great
chance for a miracle
And a miracle is something you need

They'll take your diamonds
And give you steel
you'll be caught in
middle of the madness
Lost like them
And a part of all the
pain that they feel

And all the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
All the fools sailed away
Leaving nothing to say
All the fools sailed away

They say you're beautiful
And they'll always let you in
But doors are never open
To a child without a trace of sin

Sail, sail, sail

nedjelja, 04.11.2007.


No, bio sam kod Marte na pijanki, povodom njenog rodendana, bilo je stvarno oke, imali smo lude provale ujutro, ja reko kao idem, ili nes tako a iz torbe mi ispadne gitara rofl
mmmmm, bilo je pizze i bila je finanjami.... iako , prije toga sam narucio pizzu doma i lik mi naplatio 45 kn eek zato sto sam uzeo , kukuruz i vrhnje gore eek

Opet me muci to izmisljanje....

Danas je Jure odlucio da cemo svirati The deeper the love kad je cuo original verziju.. sretan

Sjetih se danas jedne osobe povodom jedne pjesme pa sam danas malo vise... popil zubo
Cudno kako pjesma prisjeca na emocije a istovremeno stvara emocije, Da, meni je to nevjerojatno, ima jedna pjesma sto me podsjeca na nekog da bi zatim u nekom trenutku stvorila sjecanje na nekog drugog! i no? na kog da se kasnije sjetim kad cujem pjesmu, sranje :)

Sad sam emach a?

Imam jednu curu na msn-u... upoznah ju preko nekog foruma i pricamo.... i bilo bi kul da zivi u istom gradu di i ja, jer zena je frendica i pol :) super je, moze se s njom pricat o svemu, pomogne, da savjet... :) sta bi ja bez nje wink

Imam neke ideje u glavi za pjesme , uvijek, al kak krenem radit neku pjesmu na kraju uvijek ispadne balada, sranje.... rolleyes

Procitah na jednoj stranici ovo:
''Njihova je glazba bezveze, hrvatska glazba, hrvatska kultura i sve vezano za Hrvate je bezveze''

mater ja njemu jebem

A evo, treci post a da sam pijan.. hehe. evo radujem se jer je suttra proba sretan

Svanulo je, a ja tu neke gluposti pisem, ajde ljudi laku noc.... sretan


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