23.01.2006., ponedjeljak

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Opis bloga

u ovom ću blogu pisati kad mi pukne, kad mi bude dosadno...Uglavnom, nemam bas inspiracije...;)

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Gli olii magici= (sad ko kuži neka cita a ko ne. ca cu mu ja)
15cc di olio di mandorle o extra vergine di oliva
2 foglie di basilico fresco
3 goccie di olio essenziale di gardenia
Lasciate macerare le foglie nell olio per almeno 2 settimane prema di usarlo.
indossate qualche goccia di qzesto preparato perattirare a voi l amore!

Olio per contattare gli spiriti a favorire i poteri psichici
15cc di olio di mandorle o extra vergine di oliva
10 goccie di olio essenziale di timonella
Indossare una goccia di questo preparato sul chakra detto terzo occhio
favorisce la chiaroveggenza ed il contatto con gli spiriti!

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I'm drained but aching for more
And the devil inside is reading
The words of the saddest poem
To be engraved on the stone of my grave

I'd kill to share your pain (and carry the shame)
And sell my soul for you just to say:

I dream what you're dreaming
I feel what you're feeling
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the Face of God
You dream what I'm Dreaming
And See what I'm seeing
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the Face of God

Nothing will be enough for the ones
Who keep on stumbling in the garden
Of withering trust about to converge to leave

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I cannot disguise,
All the stomach pains,
And the walking of the canes,
When you, do come out,

And you whisper up to me
In your life of tragedy,

But I cannot grow,
Till you eat the last of me,
Oh when will I be free,
And you, a parasite,
Just find another host,
Just another fool to roast,

Cause you,
My tapeworm tells me what to do,
My tapeworm tells me where to go,
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey

I cannot deny,
All the evil traits,
And the filling of the crates,
When you, do come out,
And you slither up to me
In your pimpin majesty,

But I cannot grow,
Till you eat the last of me,
Oh when will I be free,
And you, a parasite,
Just find another host,
Just another stool to post,

Cause you,
My tapeworm tells me what to do,
My tapeworm tells me where to go,
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of me?

I'm just sitting in my room,
With a needle in my hand,
Just waiting for the tomb,
Of some old dying man,
Sitting in my room,
With a needle in my hand,
Just waiting for the tomb,
Of some old dying man?.

Cause you,
My tapeworm tells me what to do,
My tapeworm tells me where to go,
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey

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Dead birds fall from the sky
Just like the rain an October night
The sun has stopped shining
Never again to spread its light

If emotions still burn
They'll soon be brought to ashes
Just like a withering flower
They'll slowly fade away

The place you've named paradise
Was burnt to ashes ages ago
An eternal landscape of ashes and dust
The end is here, face it and enjoy it




Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

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The only hope in this endless night
Is to follow you through the shadows of the deepest blue, away from the light
I hear your voice is calling me: "Don't be afraid"
But there's something deep inside of me
Forcing me to turn away
Take my hand, don't turn away, I need you to stay
I know a place where the light and the dark can become as one
This loneliness is killing me
Is there a place we both can live?
You're the dancer in the dark
You're the child of the light
You're the sinner of all time
You're the saint with wings so white
You're the distant shape in the night
You're all the innocence left alive
You're like tainted sun
You're the star shining bright
