....::::Neš malo o OTH::::....

Mnogi su me mučili zašto ništa ne pišem o seriji OTH...ja stalno ponavljam da je ovo fan blog o Sophiji Bush...ali evo da vam ispunim želju i napišem nešto o najdražoj nam seriji...
1.SEZONA 2003-2004
Tree Hill je mali grad u sjevernoj Carolini,dom poznate srednjoškolske košarkaške momčadi „The Tree Hill Ravens“ i dva polubrata Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray) i Nathan Scott (James Lafferty).Dva su brata odrasla u istom gradu,ali su imali malo ili nimalo kontakta između zbog zajedničkog oca Dana Scotta (Paul Johansson).
Dan je hodao sa Lucasovom majkom Karen Roe (Moira Kelly) u srednjoj školi ali je ostavio nju i njegovo nerođeno dijete da dobije košarkašku školarinu.Na koledžu sreće Nathanovu majku Deb (Barbara Woods)koja je također ostala trudna.Dan se oženio s Deb i osigurao njoj i Nathanu stabilnu obitelj i lakodan život.Iako nikada nije pokušao postatio dio Lucasova života.Lucas je odrastao uz Karen,uz pomoć njegovog ujaka Keitha (Craig Sheffer),očinsku figuru u njegovu životu.
Nathan igra za Ravense,kao što je i Dan u njegovim godinama.Lucas također pokazuje svoj dar te ga Keith preporučuje trenarz Ravensa.To doda napetost između Lucasa i Nathana.Nathan,ohrabren Danom,pokušava Lucasu otežati život u ekipi,posebice otkad je Lucas bacio oko na Nathanovu curu Payton Sawyer.Payton napuca Nathana zbog njegovog odnosa prema njoj,prema Lucasu i prema činjenici da Nathan iskorištava Lucasovu naj frendicu Haley James (Bethany Joy Lenz)da se osveti Lucasu.Na Nathanovo iznenađenje,zaljubljuje se u Haley te una u njega,iako njihova veza stavlja lance na Lucasovo i Haleyino prijateljstvo.
Lucas počinje izlaziti s Paytoninom naj frendicom Brooke Davis (Sophia Bush) ali se njegovi osjećaji prema Peyton otkriju i on postane nevjeran prema Brooke,koja ne želi imati posla niti s jednim od njih dvoje kad to sazna.
Brooke se boji da je trudna,stavljajući Lucasa u Danovu poziciju,Lucas po prvi put razumije Danove postupke i odluči da neće učiniti isto što i on već će biti uz Brooke i bebu,nakon čega Brooke prizna da je sve izmislila da kazni Lucasa jer ju je prevario s Peyton.Peyton se zbliži sa samohranim ocem Jakeom Jagielskim i njegovom bebom,Jenny,ali povrata Jennyne majke Nicki i njezine odluke da oduzme Jenny natjera Jakea da zajedno s Jenny napusti Tree Hill a tako i Peyton.
Karen odlazi u Italiju te ostavlja Lucasa kod Keitha.Lucas zamalo umire u prometnoj nesreći koja je uzrokovana Keithovim opijanjem.Nakon što Nathan sazna da je Deb imala aferu dok je bila u braku ode sam u svoj apartman.Karen i Deb se sprijatelje te uđu u posao za Karen's cafe a Keith je morao prodati svoj Auto-Shop Danu da plati Lucasovo liječenje.Keith zaprosi Karen te ga ona odbije a on napusti Tree Hill te ode u Charleston.
Na kraju sezone,dolazi doigravanje a trener Whitey mora na operaciju oka,stoga Dan trenira momčad.Lucas i Nathan ae ujedine protiv njihova oca i završe tako da izgube u doigravanju što znači da im je sezona gotova.Lucas se odluči preseliti u Charleston sa Keithom te se on i Nathan rastanu pod dobrim uvjetima.Haley odluči spavati s Nathanom.Naprave plan da to učine poslije utakmice.Dan uhvati Keitha i Deb u krevetu te ujutro pretrpi snažni srčani udar.Brooke i Peyton se ujedine i smišljaju plan kako da se riješe Nicki.Brooke kaže Nicki kako je Jake Jenny odveo u Seattle (a ustvari su otišli u Savanah) te Nicki ode za njima,ostavljajući Brooke i Peyton zadovoljnima.Dogovore se da nijedan dečko ne smije stat između njih.Lucas dođe u Nathanov apartman da se oprosti od Haley te sazna da su njih dvooje spavali zajedno.Prvo je izgrdi te sazna da su se oni noć prije vjenčali.Lucas i Keith napuštaju Tree Hill.

2.SEZONA 2004-2005
Kada Lucas i Keith čuju za Danov napadaj vraćaju se u Tree Hill,te Dan odluči da želi upoznati Lucasa.Lucas konstanto želi postati dio Danova života i nakon što Dan sazna da Lucas ima problema sa srcem,genetički defekt od kojeg i Dan pati,predloži mu da žive zajedno te da mu on plaća liječenje ali i da to ostane tajna.Dan odluči se držati podalje od Keitha i njegove cure Jules,a Lucas sazna da su se Dan i Jules dogovorili da se Keith zaljubi u nju te da mu ona slomi srce,te da mu se on osveti jer je spavao s Deb.Jules slomi Keithovo srce te on napusti Tree Hill.Nathanov i Haleyin brak je testiran dolaskom Chrisa,glazbenika koji nagovori Haley da napusti Nathana i Tree Hill te da pođe s njim na turneju.Nathan se pokuša ubiti u prometnoj nesreći ali zbog sna shvati da mora nastaviti živjeti bez Haley te hoće povući poet za poništenje braka.
Peyton osnuje klub zvan TRIC ali u međuvremenu,droga uđe u njezin život,a Jake joj pomaže kad se vrati.Jake i Peyton se zaljube i započnu vezu,ali Jake je prisiljen napustiti Peyton i Tree Hill kada Nicki otme Jenny i nestane.Brooke započne sezonu osnivanjem „Prijatelj s povlasticama“ sa svojim novim susjedom,Felixom Taggarrom,ali nakon što njezini roditelji izgube sav novac,Brooke otkrije unutarnju snagu za koju nije ni znala da ima.Natječe se sa predsjednicu strudenstkog vijeća te je izabrana unatoč svojoj protivnici Erici Marsh.Napuca Felixa nakon što sazna da je on uništio Peytonin ormrić te ga roditelji pošalju u Vojnu akademiju.Brooke se zbliži s Lucasom te se useli u njegovu sobu nakon što se njezini roditelji odsele u Californiu.Lucas počne izlaziti s Felixovom sestrom Annom,ali to se prekine kada on shvati da još osjeća nešto prema Brooke.Annu zbuni prekid s Lucasom oko njezine seksualnosti.Nakon što slučajno poljubi Peyton shvati da je biseksualka.Nakon što je to priznala svojim roditeljima,odlazi u Internat k svojoj curi.Nakon što se Deb pokuša ubiti i nakon Nathanove prometne nesreće,Deb odlazi u rehabilitacijsku kliniku,okrivljujući Dana za njezino stanje.Karen hoda sa mladim Andyem Hargroveom.
U finalama sezone,Andy se mora vratiti na Novi Zeland da se brine o svojoj bolesnoj majci.Karen odluči otići za njim,ali prije nego napusti Tree Hill,mislila je da je vidjel Keitha nasuprot kafića.Deb je izašla iz klinike,a Dan pokušava Nathanu nabiti grižnju savjesti zbog majke.Deb kaže Nathanu da želi započeti iznova izvan Tree Hilla.
Lucas napokon kaže Brooke kako se osjeća,ali ona preko ljeta ode u Californiju a da mu ne kaže svoje osjećaje.Peyton dobije poruku od nekoga s nickom „WATCHMEWATCHU“ i vjeruje da je to reporterka Elle Harp.Ellie dođe k Peyton i kaže joj da joj je ona prava majka.
Nathan se vrati k Deb a doćeka ga Haley ispred vrata.Lucas i Peyton se nađu na plaži i shvate da su sami ovo ljeto.

3.SEZONA 2005-2006
3 mjeseca kasnije,stvari su krenule od tamo kako su završile prije početka ljeta.Lucas i Peyton su zajedno proveli ljeto krijući to od Brooke,kada se vrati iz Californie predloži Lucasu neobaveznu vezu.Brooke se sažali nad beskućnicom Haley te je uzme za cimericu.Haley pokušava pridobiti Nathana natrag,koji je ljeto proveo u košarkaškom kampu,a on nije siguran da joj može vjerovati.Plati Chrisu da se vrati u Tree Hill i pomogne Haley svojom glazbom.Chris izazove sve više nevolja kada spava s Brooke,te zamalo uništi njezinu i Lucasovu vezu.Nathan i Haley se pomire kao i Lucas i Brooke a Chris zauvijek napusti Tree Hill.Peyton se pokušava suočiti s tim da joj je Ellie majka te da boluje od neizliječive bolesti.Naprave album o raku dojke ali Ellie umre prije završetka albuma.
Svi se vraćaju u Tree Hill da završe godinu a košarkaški treninzi opet započnu.Whitey otkiriva da Ravensi izgube ili pobijede,ovo mu je zadnja sezona kao treneru a Lucas otkriva svoju srčanu manu Karen i Whiteyu.Dan preživi požar na sklapanju ugovora iz kojeg ga Lucas spasi.Dan se odluči kandidirati za gradonačelnika te ga iznenadi kad sazna da se Deb natječe protiv njega.Dan pobjedi,Deb ode iz Tree Hilla kad joj Lucas kaže da on zna da je ona pokušala ubiti Dana.Keith se vraća te on i Karen počnu izlaziti,te se čak i zaruče.Dan je uvjeren da ga je Keith pokušao ubiti te počne kovati osvetu.
Nova učenica Rachel Gatina (Danneel Harris) pokuša stati između Brooke i Lucasa prije nego se usredotoči na Mouth Mc Faddena (Lee Norris).Mouth padne na Rachel samo da otkrije da se ona viđa s Nathanovim ujakom Cooperom,koji nije svjestan da Rachel ima 17 godina.Rachel otvori vremensku kapsulu snimljenu u drugoj sezoni koja otkijre da cijela škola može izazvati nevolju,ali nitko nije spream suočiti se s posljedicama.Lucasov i Mouthov bivši prijatelj,Jimmy Edwards,koji je sagradio uređaj za snimanje glasova drugih učenika u kapsuli,uzima školske taoce i pištolj.Peyton je pogođena u nogu i poljubi Lucasa koji se brinuo za nju u to vrijeme u knjižnici.Jimmy sam sebe upuca,unatoč Keithovim molbama da ostavi pištolj.Dan nađe Keitha nad Jimmyevim tijelom,i još je uvjeren da ga je Keizh pokušao ubiti,uzima pištolj i upuca vlastitog brata.
Keithova smrt sve pogodi,Nathan i Haley počnu živjeti zajedno te se zaruče,Peyton ima kratku veze s Peteom iz Fall Out Boysa prije nego ide naći Jakea u Savanah,Lucas napokon prizna Karen da ima srčanu manu i da više ne igra košarku a Dana lovi Keithov lik iz djetinjstva.Peyton zaprosi Jakea ali on otkrije da ona još gaji osjećaje prema Lucasu te se ona vraća u Tree Hill da to riješi.Brooke se slama kada sazna da Peyton još nešto osjeća prema Lucasu.
Na kraju sezone,Nathan i Haley obnove zavjete na predivnoj ceremoniji.Deb se vraća u Tree Hill te otkriva kako Dan misli da je Keith odgovoran za požar,te mu kaže da ga je ona pokušala ubiti.Dan shvati da je bez ikakvog razloga pokušao ubiti brata te se slomi na njegovu grobu.Kasnije,Karen kaže Danu da je trudna te joj on kaže da će biti uz nju svo vrijeme.Brooke ne priča s Peyton te kad Lucasu ispadne da se poljubio s Peyton onog dana u školi,ona kaže Peyton,da što se nje tiče,njihovo prijateljstvo završeno.
Rachel je ljuta na Coopervo reakciju kada sazna o njezinim godinama,te pijana na Nathanovoj i Haleyinoj svadbi svima kaže da je Cooper s njom spavao iako je znao da ima samo 17 godina.Rachel uzme limuzinu za mladence,Cooper krene s njom da je umiri i da pričaju.Kada su Karen i Lucas odlazili,Lucas nađe test za trudnoću u nečijoj torbici.Lucas pita majku dali je trudna,ona odgovori da je ali to nije njezina torbica.Rachel pita Coopera jel ga može ikako zadržati,on odgovori da ne može.Ona se razljuti,nešto kaže usred svađe a Cooper joj odbija povjerovati.Uzme upravljač,te nakon skorog sudara s Nathanom i Haley,limuzina sleti u vodu.Unatoč Haleyinim željama,Nathan skoči u vodu da ih spasi te sam biva zarobljen.Kada Dan dođe kući,nađe riječ UBOJICA na zidu-netko zna što je učinio.

4.SEZONA 2006-2007
Kako se kraj srednje škole približava,svi se nađu na drugačijim putovima života.Nathan preživi nesreću s nekim unutarnjim posljedicama,Haley sazna da je trudna a Rachel se okrene prema Nathanu kada Cooper ode iz grada.Rachel se povuče kada sazna da je Haley trudna a Nathan kasnije sazna da je imao Keithovu viziju koja mu je dala snage da se izvuče iz vode.
Ubrzo nakon što je završila svoje prijateljstvo s Peyton,Brooke prekine s Lucasom te se preseli k Rachel.Rachel smjesti Brooke starijeg dečka,Nicka Chaveza,za kojeg ispadne da je njezin učitelj.Nakon što Brook ostavi Nicka jer ju je varao,Rachel joj kaže da obje padaju matematiku,te dvije cure krenu ukrasti testove ali ostave trag te su prisiljene udružiti se u grupu „Clean Teens:Virgins for life“.Novi učenik Chase Adams također se pridrzži grupi Clean Teens te Brooke počne izlaziti s njim te Rachel biva izbačena zbog krađe testova.te ostavi iz Tree Hilla s Mouthom koji je vraća nakon što ona ode na AWOL.
Skills Taylor postane Raven te Lucas dobije Whiteyevo odobrenje da opet počne igrati.Na državnom natjecanju,Nathan posuđuje novac od Dauntea Jonesa koji kaže Nathanu da mu se može jedino odužiti ako izgubi utakmicu te ispadne s natjecanja.Kada Ravensi završe pobjedom,Daunte želi ubiti Nathana ali slučajno udari Haley autom koja je zajedno s Lucasom prevezena u bolnicu,koji je imao srčani udar jer nije uzeo lijekove prije utakmice.Dok je Lucas u nesvijesti,ima Keithovu viziju,koja je pokazala Lucasu koliko je života promjenio te mu kaže da se mora sjetiti što se zbilo onog dana u školi,za vrijeme pucnjave.Lucas ima velike sumnje o tome tko je ubio Keitha dok je Dan u zatvoru.Autopsija pokazuje da je Daunte umro nakon što je udario Haley,a Nathan je presretan nakon što sazna da će Haley i beba biti dobro.Nathan i Haley se usele k Deb,i prirede party dan prije maturalne gdje Mouth izgubi nevinost sa curom iz Clean Teen Shelly Simon,te nađe vrpcu njegovog sex-a s Brooke za vrijeme kad je bio s Peyton.Chase prekine s Brooke.Kada Brooke čuje da Peyton neće doći na maturalnu,ode ju potražiti i nađe ju svezanu u njezinom podrumu kraj njezinog promatrača,Iana Banksa,dečko koji ju je prije terorizirao i slao poruke pod imenom WATCHMEWATCHU.Dvije djevojke brzo poraze Iana te srede svoje prijateljstvo,te se useljavaju i Nathanov i Haleyin stari apartman zajedno.
Na maturalnoj,Lucas shvaća da studen imenom Abby Brown,vidio Keithovo ubojstvo te mu sve prizna-da je Dan ubio Keitha,iako Karen ne želi vjerovati Lucasu.Lucas ukrade od Deb pištolj i ide upucat Dana ali se Karen sruši i prevezu je u bolnicu.Karen rađa djevojčicu,Lilly,iako njezin vlastiti život visi na niti.Dan,se u međuvremenu preda policiji.
Stvari idu najbolje između Lucasa i Peyton dok joj se ne ponudi školarina u Los Angelesu.Chase i Brooke se pomire,te Brooke prizna da je ukrala testove,te joj je dopušteno da maturira.
Na kraju sezone,Nathan i Haley postanu ponosni roditelji dječaka Jamesa Lucasa,koji su izabrali Brooke i Lucasa za kumove,dok Deb,u ulozi bake,napokon našla sreću.Chase i Brooke konzumiraju svoju vezu dok se Rachel vrati u Tree Hill da pripremi party za sve.Mouth učini nešto što je oduvijek htjeo te poljubi Brooke,dok se pomirio sa Shelly.Karen ima sam u kojem se Dan objesi u čeliji.Karen posjeti Dana,dok su se Lucas i Nathan složili da više ne žele vidjeti Dana.Lucas podržava Peyton te ona i Brooke odu u L.A zajedno.U završnoj sceni sezone,svi odu u River Court na partiju utakmice;dečki protiv cura,iz koje slijedi jadan na jedan igra između Lucasa i Nathana,koja ih povlači u noć kad je Lucas postao Raven.
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One Tree Hill moments

When Stars go Blue-Naley and Brucas


Brucas-cutest couple on OTH


17.5.2007 godine saznali smo da će se serija vratiti sa 5 sezonom.Serija će biti dramatično premotana u budućnost 4 godine-kada likovi završe sa studijem.
Hilarie Burton je rekla na emisiji TRL da će se 5 sezona usredotočiti na njihove živote poslije koledža.Za 5 sezonu snimljene su 22 epizode.
Chad Michael Murray je potvrdio da će Lucas biti autor koji izdaje drugu knjigu,te da će biti trener košarkaške momčadi.
U clipu kojeg je izradio fan za petu sezonu,pokazuje se da je Brooke Davis modna ikona.
Postoje i glasine da u 5 sezoni Nathan i Haley neće imati nikakvih problema,Rachel i Mouth će postati par,Jake će se vratiti,dvoje ljudi će umrijeti a Dan će možda biti jedan od njih,Chase i Brooke će prekinuti,Brucas nije gotov,tj njihova romantična veza...
Otvorenje 5.sezone

Clip iz 5 sezone One Tree Hilla

Sada malo o glavnim junacima...
Brooke Davis (Sophia Bush)
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Brooke i Peyton su najbolje prijateljica te je kapetanica navijačke momčadi.Pala je na Lucasa dva puta,ali veza nije išla.Brooke je živjela na par različitih mjesta otkad su njezini roditelji otišli u Californiu bez nje.Napravi modnu liniju-koja je prihvaćena kasnije od Rogue Vogue i Victoria's Seacret.Trenutni joj je dečko Chase Adams.
Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Muray)
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Lucas je sin kojeg Dan nikad nije priznao,iako je Keith bio očinska figura u njegovu životu.On i Nathan započnu kao neprijatelji ali ih veže bratstvo i prijateljstvo.Lucasova najbolja prijateljica je Haley te je romantično bio zainteresiran za Peyton i Brooke.Lucas ima srčanu manu.Uz kočarkačku,njegova velika ljubav je poezija.Ima i polu sestru Lilly.
Nathan Scott (James Lafferty)
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Nathan je sin kojeg je Dan priznao.Nathan oženi Haley u 1 i 3 sezoni te postane otac dječaka Jamesa Lucasa u 4 sezoni.Košarka mu je uvijek bila najveća strast.
Payton Sawyer (Hilarie Burton)
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Peyton je neobična djevojka.Njezine dvije strasti su glazba i umjetnost.Njezin otac Larry radi na brodovima a majka Anna je mrtva.U drgoj sezoni sazna da je posvojena.Nikad nije upoznala svoju biološku majku iako je upoznala njezina sina,njezinog polubrata Dereka.Kad upozna svoju pravu majku Ellie,izgubi je zbog raka dojke.U 4 sezoni Lucas i Peyton napokon započnu ozbiljnu vezu.
Haley James Scott (Bethany Joy Galeotti)
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Haley je Lucasova naj frendica.Uda se za Nathana u 1 i 3 sezoni a u 4 rodi njihova sina,Jamesa Lucasa Scotta.Užasno je pametna mlada žena sa visokim moralom.

Evoga ovo sam ispunila jedan test te saznala koja od cura iz OTH sam ja ...probajte i vi...

You scored as Brooke Davis, You're most like Brooke Davis. Congratulations. She's by far my favorite female character!

Brooke Davis








Haley James-Scott


Peyton Sawyer


Which of the One Tree Hill girls are you? (2)
created with QuizFarm.com

Evoga...nadam se da ćete me sad kratko ostaviti da pišem o OTH jer sam se baš raspisala...i da ćete mi dat da pišem o sophiji kojoj je blog i namjenjen...ma šalim se...ja pišem ono što čitatelji vole čitati...nadam se da ste uživali.Velika pufa svim blogerima koji čitaju moj blog...

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OTH girl

Evo što drugi misle o našoj Sophiji...

-"It's a really,really important moment for a woman,so I wanted to do what I could do to make it special"-Chad Michael Muray
-"She gave me the ammunition I needed,she told me what it was like when someone walks away from you and your ground falls away from your feet."-Mark Schwan
-"Aside from not being a trashy club-going tart, having style I envy, and smarts (she's a fellow USC grad), Sophia is a political activist. She's starting a non-profit and she's involved in the fight against poverty."-Laura Morgan
-"Sophia is a talented and charismatic performer but her appearance and manner play younger than what we wanted for the role."-Jonathan Mostow
-"My favorite band is Coldplay! Sophia took Lee Norris and I to a show in Raleigh for our birthdays and it was the most beautiful and honest live show I have ever seen!"-Bevin Prince

Evo nekih rečenica koje smo mogli čuti od Sophie...
-"This is a difficult and unfortunate situation, I am glad this is being resolved sooner rather than later."-On her Divorce with Chad Michael Muray
-"Totally bizarre. I went to a very small, private, all-girls school my entire life. We never did the cheer thing. The first couple of weeks on the show, I felt completely spastic, especially when we had to do those choreographed chant things. Now, Hilarie [Burton] and I look forward to the days we shoot cheers. We get to run around, act bubbly and shake our pom-poms in people's faces."-On being a Cheerleader
-"The best! When I first got here, I was a little timid, but everybody was so welcoming. The cast and crew are really tight now. We try to make time to go out on weekends together. We play pool and dance. For a tall, skinny, white guy, Chad really can dance. He knows how to shake it." "-On working with Chad Michael Murray
-"In for some big changes, I think. Right now, life is one big party, but that is not the key to life and I think - well, I hope - she is going to realize you have got to have something deeper than that to go by in life."-On Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill)
-"Was moving so far away from my home [to Wilmington, NC, where One Tree Hill is shot]. It was nerve-wracking! I grew up in Los Angeles and I went to [college] there, so I'd never really left home. Now, I love it so much, hurricanes and all. I hope we get to stay here for a long, long time."-On the Scary parts of Acting
-"But we're both outgoing in completely different ways. I'm not promiscuous or a party girl."-On Brooke and Herself
-"Hilarie and Joy are just great, we hang out and have a great time."-On Bethany Joy Lenz and Hilarie Burton
-"I love to be able to look at my [left] hand and know that [Chad] designed this ring. It came from the very inside of him. It's a reminder of who we are together. We just seem to ebb and flow."-On "Lord of the Rings"
-"Brooke and Peyton are dealing with a lot right now in terms of betrayals and trust and getting through what has gone on in the past. Confronting these things is really important because best friends are the most important support system you can find in high school."-On Best Friends
-"Brooke is definitely confident shall we say, she is daring, she is a little wild. She does everything on the planet that I would have never done, in high school, I mean I read the scripts and I think: I can't do this! She's a role model of what not to do! She sets examples of what can really hurt you if you let it, if you take things too far."-On Faking It
-"Brooke doesn't apologize for herself. I love that about her! She's like: Look this is me. This is what I like. This is what I do. Take it or leave it...She's like any other woman who is not quite comfortable in her own skin, she goes home and cries when she is alone."-On Being Bold
-"Good for her, if she's ready, and they're ready, none of us are going to really ever know what goes on in their house and their relationship, so more power to her."-On Britney Spears' Pregnancy
-"People say 'Oh, it must be so nice being able to kiss your own husband on the show', but really, it's not. It's so awkward being intimate with your husband with hundreds of people watching and a camera present."-On Chad Michael Murray
-"Chad has a great sense of humor"-On working with Chad Michael Murray


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Sophijine uloge:
The Narrows (2008)...Kathy Popovich
One Tree Hill.... Brooke Davis (86 episodes, 2003-2007)
The Hitcher (2007) .... Grace Andrews
John Tucker Must Die (2006) .... Beth
Stay Alive (2006) .... October
Supercross (2005) .... Zoe Lang
Nip/Tuck .... Ridley (3 episodes, 2003)
Learning Curves (2003) .... Beth
"Sabrina, the Teenage Witch" .... Fate Mackenzie (1 episode, 2003)
The Flannerys (2003) (TV)
Point of Origin (2002) (TV) .... Carrie Orr
Van Wilder (2002) .... Sally
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Ime:Sophia Bush
Datum rođenja:8.7.1982
Mjesto rođenja:Pasadena,California
Boja kose:Tamno smeđa
Boja očiju:Svjetlo smeđe
Školovanje:maturirala u Westridge School for Girls u Pasadeni u 2000
pohađa University of Southern California
Došla do slave kao Brooke Davis u seriji One Tree Hill (2003)
Otac:Charles William Bush
Majka:Maureen Bush
Rastavljena od Chad Michael Murraya (16.2.2005-18.12.2006)
U vezi s Jon Fosterom-kolegom sa filma Stay Alive

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Sophia ABC
A -Actress
B -Brooke Davis
C -Chad Michael Murray
D -Dogs
E -Entertainment Weekly
F -Fate Mackenzie
H -Horseback Riding
I -Intelligent
J -John Tucker Must Die
K -Kappa Kappa Gamma
L -Law & Order
M -Maroon 5
N -Nip/Tuck
O -One Tree Hill
P -Pasadena
Q -Queen Of the Tournament of Roses Parade)
R -Ridley
S -Scrapbooking
T -Terminator 3
U -University of South California
V -Van Wilder
W - Wilmington
X - Xtra Sweet
Y - Young
Z - Zoe Lang

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Na zapadu,pas znači najbolji čovjekov prijatelj,
ali u Kineskoj astrologiji ovaj znak je nešto malo više od tog.
Psi su odani i iskreni te se uvijek drže svojih uvjerenja.
Ali znak ima problema s povjerenjem.
Vjeruje samom sebi i uglavnom je iskren osim onim
malih bjelih laži koje pas kaže da stvari budu lakše.
Pas čini posebnog i odanog prijatelja (unatoč malim lažima)
i zna slušati.

Evo adrese na koju možete slati fan pisma:
One Tree Hill Cast
c/o The WB
4000 Warner Blvd.,
Bldg. 34R
Burbank, CA
Sophia Bush
c/o One Tree Hill/WB
1223 North 23rd Street
Wilmington, N.C. 28405


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The bad guys lie to get in your bed;the good guys lie to get in your heart.

And once you lose yourself,you have two choices:
find the person you used to be...or lose that person completely...

Next time,make it hurt bitch.

I can’t breath.There’s no room with Chris’s ego!

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Someone once said;
"It's the good girls who keep diaries.
The bad girls never have the time."
Me?I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember,
even if I don't write it down.

I'm not the most eloquent speaker,so I thought I would borrow a few words from Shakespeare.
'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.'
When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same.
I look at Nathan and Haley and some how I feel safer. I don't know if I can explain that,
but they give me hope.And,I'm afraid say it out loud because maybe if life finds out
it'll try to beat it out of them and that will be a shame.
Because, we all can use a little hope sometimes,you know.
That feeling that everything's going to be okay and that there's going to be
someone there to help make sure of that.
So,here's to Nathan and Haley,and here's to hope,and here's to a love that will not alter.

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People who are meant to be together always find a way to each other.

Girls just want someone who wants them back,At least thats what I want.

I'd rather lick a puss-infected wound then ever go on a date with Chris Keller!!!

Your I love you’s send people to their graves.

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So you're probably looking at this and making fun of my outfit,right?
Anyway here's all you really need to know about today;if...you're fat,dumb,sexual and a guy,you're OK.
If you're a girl,not so much.Please tell me that's changed in the future.
& somebody please tell me you've got love figured out,because I got news for you;
it's pretty darn messy right now.But I guess it has always been that way.
Wanting to be loved,to find somebody that makes your heart ache in a good way...
feel understood. So...if you're robots,or aliens,or something and you're watching this right now
and that feeling no longer exists;well,...
you missed it...and I feel sorry for you.'Cuz as far as I can tell,
that's what it's all about.And that's what I know it should be about,

Here's my philosophy on dating.
It's important to have somebody that can make you laugh,
somebody you can trust, s
omebody that,y'know,turns you on...
And it's really, really important that these three people don't know each other.

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The truth is,I don't really like to think about college.
Cause that means high school's over.
After graduation,everyone will probably go play basketball.
Or sing or start record labels,-and I'll have to start all over.
Alone.I'm sure I'll be fine.But like I said,I don't like to think about it.

sometimes people play hard to get to make sure
that the other person's feelings are real.

You know when i was a freshman i wasn't a very good person,
I mean sure i was popular and dated seniors....but as a person i was pretty lost.
and over the last 4 years i've been forced to grow up.
I stopped letting boys define me and i started believing in myself
and in my potential and i ran for student counsel president and
i designed a clothing line and somewher along the way,the lost little party girl
became the girl on the wall of honour.
I know what i did was wrong Mr.Turner i know,
but the girl i was when i came to this school,
i'm not so sure she would've.
And isn't that the point of highschool?
I mean isnt that what you've been trying to teach us for the last 4 years?

You're either on 'Team Brooke' or 'Team Peyton'
and nobody wants to be on 'Team Peyton' because their captain is a big whore!

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Relationships are just too hard.Hooking up with boys is so much easier.

Look,the thing about Peyton is,
it's really hard for her to let her guard down.
But when she does,she's got this amazing heart.

We're young,we're fine...let's do some damage!

There are 82 letters in here,
and they're all addressed to you.
I wrote them all this summer,one a day,
but I never sent them because I was afraid.
I was afraid of getting my heart broken again,like before.
Cause you hurt me so bad and I was afraid to be vulnerable again.
I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel.
And I know that doesn't matter now,after what I did,but i just thought that you should know.
This is how I spent my summer,Luke,wanting you.
I was just too scared to admit it.

here's a takehome box since your screwing my leftovers.

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You better back off unless you want your next period to come out of your nose.

You don’t get to have me,not my body and sure as hell not my heart,we’re done.

It is said you only get once chance in life.I gave you TWO and you blew them both.

I forgot you're the guy who loves to rip the rug out from under me just when
I feel like we've given some sort of stable ground.

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There's a day when you realize that you're not just a survivior, you're a warrior.
You're tougher than anything it (life) throws your way.
And you are,Peyton,you are.

'Cause in the end it all hurts just the same.

I brought you back your house keys.It's a very nice house--big rooms,no parents.
I used to have one of those.

Yes it would, everything is Peyton's fault.
She’s like a cursed rabbit's foot.
She’s bad luck I am serious,traitor girl.
Do not take her side against me.

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Mouth you didn’t exactly break any speed records getting over here you know.

I'd punch you in your fake nose right now but you'd just go out and buy another one.

Let’s play truth or dare,or maybe just dare,because nobody knows how to tell the truth anymore.

I am not pushing you away I'm holding on for dear life why didn't you
call me while you were away?
And why wouldn't you tell me about the kiss
and why won't you ever just let me all the way in!

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I suggest you leave.Unless you would like your next period to come out of your nose!

The best way to get over someone,is to get under someone else.

How many moments in life could you look back to and think "That's when it all changed...

The "Hey, let's hook up after the game" nod.
You wanna know what I think?
I think Nathan likes tutor girl,tutor girl likes Lucas,and I know I like Lucas,
and I have no idea who the hell you like any more
so this has been turned into one big love...rectangle plus one...whatever that is.

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A kiss always means something.

"I also have experience making fists, WANNA SEE!?

Shelly, I hate to break it to you but you're either a virgin or you're not,
and a pledge does not a broken hymen mend.

Just think of it this way,
it's like getting my 10% discount 10 times in a row.

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He’s on the door Peyton!He’s on the DAMN door under ME!!

I guess "slutty" is in season.

Don't you dare!
Don't you dare try and twist my words around and make yourself
seem like you not a backstabbing two-bitch Peyton,
because you are.And you know it!"

You're just a slutty lying liar who lies.

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Well, Yours wouldn’t fit :) Your old one at least.

I didn't think that guys like you actually existed,
sweet and sincere,and hot,
you're like a unicorn!

well let's go over the list you have done to me, you
tried to seduce Lucas when he was my boyfriend,
take my spot as cheer captain and two weeks ago
you told the entire school that I was pregnant, I was
just beginning to think you were a real person,but you're just a slutty lying liar who lies (bout Rachel).

You had your chance Peyton you should have said something.

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Says the dedicated slut.

Well If That's Not The Skank Calling The Whore A Slut!!

Thanks for being my friend…you crazy bitch.

I thought I knew you but I guess its easier to see
what we want until we are looking for the truth you think you know me
but you don’t and that means you don’t know what I can do you see me as
someone who’s popular and has all the answers,
but that’s not true I may not always know what I’m doing but I’ll try to make things
better and when I make a mistake lets face it we all do I promise I’ll ask for your help
I cant do this alone, and if you'll take the chance on me, we can do great things together.
I promise if u believe in me I’ll find the courage to reach for your every dream.

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At the end of the day,you are who you are,and it's probably who you've always been.

When am I supposed to bring that up?At a basketball game?
"R-A-V-E-N-S! P.S.: I slept with your husband once a long time ago?

With Lucas I understand.I mean,he's a guy.Guys screw you over.
But we were Best Friends,I thought that was suppose to means something...

I guess now it's hoes over psycos.

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people always leave..but sometimes.. they come back.

"Need ass? He's with Rachel. Why would he need ass?

I didn't know what the light means on the dashboard,I just thought it was pretty.

You're Peyton Sawyer.The guy wrote a whole book about how much he loves you.

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I like Lindsey, but Peyton is my best friend.
And does either one of us think she really didn't come back here for you.

Fall in love,invite me to the wedding and sit me next to a really hot guys.

Honey, Lindsay doesn't stand a chance,trust me.
I have been the Lindsay between Lucas and Peyton and (laughing lightly)
it is not a great place to be.

You remember when I started Clothes over Bros?
It was right after we broke up and I was trying to mend my broken heart
by focusing on my work and you need to do the same right now.
You need to go out there and become the best person
and the best writer that you can be and then you approach
Peyton and if she comes back to you, you know it's meant to be (Season 5 set in the past).

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First you're gonna let go.
Now were going to sit,
and you are going to cry on my shoulder for as long as you need to.

Zero is not a size mother.

But I really wanted Pie!

What? Nobody turns down naked me!

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I'm not gonna tell you how to be with Lindsey,
but most of your life,
I've known you to take the high road.

You know,in New York,I had everything I thought I wanted-
but you know what I didn't have?
Sunrise with my best friend.

I know we're in a church!
Blink once if it was good and twice if it was better than good!

We both know Lucas has a history of
throwing himself into the wrong relationships,
especially when he can't admit the truth about who he loves.

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Don't cry for a guy,let a guy cry for you.
Cause girls give and forgive,but guys get and forget.

You're not sorry.But you should be.
Do you know what my mother said to me when I told her I wanted to start a company?
She said your chances are one in a million.
And I said maybe I'm that one,and she said you're not.
And she was wrong.
And whatever she thought she saw in me,was wrong.
Because I am one in a million.
And there is a child out there who has something so special inside of them
but who's life is so miserable because they think that nobody wants them.
And I could be great mother to that child,no matter their age or race or sex.
I could help them find what makes them special.
And if you can't see that then you're wrong,just like my mother,
so why don't you go ahead and write that down?

It's funny mabye someone should have interviewed my mother before she had a baby.

I wanted you to fight for me.And tell me that you would rather be alone than with anyone else!

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dizajn: chotica
code adaption: < duckdz/ >
base code: x,x