Montenegro travel guide - Stvarne djevojke

petak , 21.12.2018.


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However, by May 2006, when all that was left of Yugoslavia was the so-called Union of Serbia and Montenegro, Montenegro held a referendum and voted for independence though it was close run, with only 55. Climate Montenegro's southern areas along the coast enjoy a Mediterranean climate, having dry summers and mild, rainy winters.

montenegro travel guide

Best you explore the city in the early morning or in the evening, when the cruise ship tourists are back to their boats! Local travel Information on local road closures is available on the website or by telephoning 19807, +382 20 234 999 or +382 63 239 987. If you are one of them, feel free to explore our list and add your own suggestions.

montenegro travel guide

Inscrivez-vous sur Kobo et commencez la lecture numérique dčs aujourd'hui - Be careful: rakija, a plum spirit, is probably going to be stronger than you expect usually about 53% alcohol content and will make you drunk fast! Holders of travel documents having a permission to stay in the United Arab Emirates may also enter Montenegro, for a period of 10 days, but only with confirmed and direct flight travel and hotel arrangements.

montenegro travel guide

An independent country since 2006, tiny Montenegro about the size of Connecticut lies on the Adriatic coast and is bordered by Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania. Montenegro's main draw is its beautiful coastline, dotted with delightful Venetian-era fortified towns, home to excellent seafood restaurants, and set against the dramatic mountains of the interior. Montenegro's first known inhabitants were the Illyrians, who were farmers and hunters, and also worked iron and traded with the ancient Greeks. Urbanization began in the 4th century BC when the Greeks founded Budva, on the coast. In AD 9, the Romans annexed the region into the province of Illyricum which ran down the Adriatic coast from the Istrian peninsula to Albania , calling it Doclea after the dominant local Illyrian tribe. When the Roman Empire was divided between east and west in AD 395, the fault line passed right through Montenegro. Later, this was to be the dividing line between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic lands. In the 7th century, the Slavs arrived from the region that is now Poland. They mixed with the descendants of the Romanized Illyrians and lived in the mountains, in clans, each ruled by a župan chieftain. Originally pagan, they soon adopted Christianity. In 1077, their independent state of Duklja the Slavicized version of the Roman name, Doclea was recognized as a kingdom by the pope. Later, Duklja became known as Zeta derived from the old Slavic word for harvest and kept its freedom through paying off the Byzantine Empire, and fighting off the Ottoman Turks. Because of the constant threat of Ottoman invasion and fear of rival clans, courage in combat was emphasized as a major virtue in Zeta. Meanwhile, most of the Montenegrin coast was under Venetian rule from 1420 to 1797, though independent Montenegro had its capital at Cetinje, home of the first printing press in southern Europe in 1494. Due to ties with Italy, Roman Catholicism was the dominant faith along the coast, whereas the Eastern Orthodox Church prevailed in Zeta. In fact, politics and religion became so intertwined in Zeta that from 1550 to 1696 it was governed by bishops. In 1697, the Petrović-Njegoš family took the helm as prince-bishops. The greatest of their rulers, still loved and revered in Montenegro today, was Petar II Petrović-Njegoš who organized a 32-man band of traveling magistrates as well as a police force, paid for from a system of taxation that he organized. During both world wars, Montenegro sided with the Allies. In 1945, it became one of the six constituent republics that made up Yugoslavia, governed along communist lines by President Tito. Yugoslavia was not part of the Soviet Bloc, however, as Tito broke off relations with Stalin in 1948. The country was ruled under Tito's own form of communism—far more liberal than that in the former USSR. During the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, no fighting took place on Montenegrin soil, though the region did suffer economic hardship and a degree of political isolation; a small number of civilians were killed by NATO bombing. When Croatia and Slovenia claimed independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, Montenegro remained loyal to Belgrade. However, by May 2006, when all that was left of Yugoslavia was the so-called Union of Serbia and Montenegro, Montenegro held a referendum and voted for independence though it was close run, with only 55. Today, tourism is the main force behind the economy, and foreign investors particularly Russian and British keen to be in on the potential boom are buying up properties fast. John's Fortress, following the medieval walls for postcard views. Once a village of old stone cottages, it's now a private island.

Travel Guide: Montenegro
Montenegro Railways also reactivated the train route to Niksic, providing a scenic and pretty cheap journey, without being slower than the bus. Buses are frequent especially during the summer , safe and are more or less on schedule. Brandy The continental region and north are more oriented towards the production of aromatic fruit flavoured brandy plum brandy - šljivovica, apple brandy - jabukovača. From sweeping views to a fresh focus on food—and ample outdoor activities to keep your heart pumping—this often-overlooked country might be the most surprising place you visit in 2017. Souhaiteriez-vous que nous examinions ŕ nouveau cette critique? In 2007, the country received peak level of tourism which almost reached pre-war volumes. Food and drink Away from the main tourist spots, one euro will buy you a cup of tea, a coffee or a bottle of refreshing Niksic beer. Vous avez signalé cette critique avec succčs. There is no bus service from Podgorica airport to the coast. Safe Travels, Dan x.

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