forgive yourself

utorak, 24.10.2006.


I opet sam doma, nakon škole, i nema nikoga, i ja sam sama s tipkama kojih mi je već sad žal... neznam kak dugo budem ih u stanju danas masakrirati, al bar malo, tek tolko da me ne zaborave... spava mi se, al još je malo prerano za to, a ako i zaspim bude me braco vratil u budno stanje tak da se nebum ni trudila...
jučer sam i ja na sigurno spremila svoj plašt nevidljivosti i sad me više nikad nebudete vidli jer bude stalno s menom... i bez obzira na to da mi ga neki imaju želju ukrasti, nemreju jer im se samo čini da ga vide, al u stvari haluciniraju... to vidimo samo ona koja nosi antenu nevidljivosti, ona za koju nemam pojma kaj nosi i ja... smijeh
dobro, dosta sad o plaštu... zima mi je jer sam stavljala fucking najlona prek veša pošto je počela kiša, a nije imal ko drugi jer nikoga drugog nema...
neda mi se više maltretirati tipke... evo pjesmice, možda je već i bila, al me stvarno nije briga...

And if I say to you tomorrow,
Take my hand, child, come with me.
Its to a castle I will take you,
Where whats to be, they say will be.

*catch the wind, see us spin,
Sail away, leave today,
Way up high in the sky.
But the wind wont blow,
You really shouldnt go,
It only goes to show
That you will be mine
By takin our time. ooh!

And if you say to me tomorrow,
Oh what fun it all would be,
Then whats to stop us, pretty baby,
But what is and what should never be.

* chorus

So if you wake up with the sunrise,
And all your dreams are still as new,
And happiness is what you need so bad,
Girl, the answer lies with you, yeah.

* chorus

Hey, oh
Oh the wind wont blow and we really shouldnt go
And it only goes to show-ow-ow.
Catch the wind, were gonna see it spin
Were gonna...sail, little girl
Do do do, bop bop a do-oh
My my my my my my yeah
Everybody I know seems to know me well
--but does anybody know Im gonna move like hell
--but theyre never gonna know cause I move like hell.
(pick one...heh)

24.10.2006. u 20:17 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

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