forgive yourself

subota, 15.07.2006.

nakon nekoliko tisuća godina konačno koristim vrijeme kaj sam sama doma da nekaj napišem... makar neam pojma kaj da ustvari napišem jer je sve tak kak je, zakurac, al uz pivu je sve lakše. jučer sam bila u zagrebu s sekom i fensijom, koji nas je kvalitetno prošetal gornjim gradom, u potrazi za nekom tam pivnicom koju nismo na kraju našli, al zato postoji mali medo u kojem toče gričku vješticu i crnu kraljicu pa smo zalutali tam na koja dva sata. i bilo nam je super i pili smo al se ne i napili pošto smo bili sponzorirani prijevozom moje tete pa nam je bilo malo bed... da, znam, PIZDE smo, al nema veze jer nam je i ovak bilo super. i, ak se slučajno nađete tam, u zg-u, doneznamkojegdatumajermisenedaićipogledati, idite pogledati izložbu umjetnost uvjeravanja... prošetati se može i za 10 minuta, al bogami imate kaj tam cijeli dan za raditi...
oprostite, al ova pjesma je za moje sfucane, raspadnute i trule živce, i za oke kojima treba čišćenje kvalitetnom dozom suza... a to im upravo kombinacija tih dviju stvari omogućava

sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
were laid spread out before me as her body once did
all five horizons revolved around her soul
as the earth to the sun
now the air i tasted and breathed has taken a turn
and all i taught her was everything
i know she gave me all that she wore
and now my bitter hands shake beneath the clouds
of what was everything?
all the pictures had all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
i take a walk outside, i'm surrounded by some kids at play
i can feel their laughter, so why do i sear
and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
i'm spinning, oh, i'm spinning
how quick the sun can, drop away
and now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
of what was everything?
all the pictures had all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
all the love gone bad, turned my world to black
tattooed all i see, all that i am, all i'll ever be...
i know someday you'll have a beautiful life, i know you'll be a star
in somebody else's sky, but why
why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine?

i jedna o kojoj sinek i vlado znaju nešto više... odn., ma, nema veze

She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have been a son
She should have stood out in the crowd
She should have made her mother proud
She should have fallen on her stance
She should have had another chance

15.07.2006. u 18:06 • 8 KomentaraPrint#

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