blogeri I like:

oceanstar - mislim da je vrijeme da krenem dalje i prebolim ovaj blog.. ali... još samo malo ;))))
eviltwin - jer ima odličan ukus u glazbi i jer je prekrasna osoba... osobe... hm...
menika - sama adresa bloga trebala bi sve reći, ali ako nekome ne govori ništa.. volim ljude koji vole manicse, a i studira mi u susjedstvu, tzv. "domaće govedo", hehe ;)))

pixieland - of nine..
draguljče moje malo - volim pjesnike i ine umjetnike.. ;))))
IN A LITLLE TOWN, BEHIND A COFFEE CUP... moj drag, draži, uvijek bio i ostat će ;))

plava mala - strašno mi je draga, prekrasne mi slike stavlja na blog, još bolje piše! ;))
shona - najjača je! To je sigurno! =>
shipoopi - drago moje... voli moj blog, volim i ja njezin.. zabavna skroz. Zdravo zabavna. ;))))
cijenim onog ko živi da bi učio... - uvijek zna napisat pravu stvar u pravo vrijeme.. ;))


And I’d give up forever to touch you
’cause I know that you feel me somehow
You’re the closest to heaven that i’ll
Ever be
And I don’t want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
’cause sooner or later it’s over
I just don’t want to miss you tonight

And I don’t want the world to see me
’cause I don’t think that they’d
When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can’t fight the tears that ain’t
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you’re alive

And I don’t want the world to see me
’cause I don’t think that they’d
When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don’t want the world to see me
’cause I don’t think that they’d
When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don’t want the world to see me
’cause I don’t think that they’d
When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am


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20.01.2007., subota


Znate koliko dugo već pokušavam napisat post?
E pa, već jako dugo, još od Pipsa 5.1.
Pipsi.. bilo je kako je bilo, ok valjda, ne sjećam se.
Previše je vremena prošlo, ionako mi je tu večer obilježio ne tako lijepi događaj.
Zbog kojeg slušam En Face i Rundeka!
A dobro, neću sad o tome..
Ili hoću?
Ne znam kako se osjećam.
Ovog trenutka veoma zbunjeno.
Primila sam jedan tel. poziv, ležeran, opušten.
Meni jako stresan.
Ne znam zašto.
Počela sam lučit hormon sreće, onako kao nakon seksa, al me lupilo naglo,
I prizemljilo vrlo brzo.
Ne volim te nagle.
Pogotovo kad me zateknu nespremnu.
Al dobro.. snać ću se ja, uvijek se snađem.

Četiri ruke kao tužna slika
Sklapaju se kao nekad davno kad smo se oprostili
Danima već gledam tvoje oči
Suze koje vrište kada mole “javi se”
Važno je da si tu
I zato javi se, važno je da si tu
Ne brini javi se, važno je da si tu

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Malo tugujem, malo vrištim, smijem se.. na kraju svega toga hiperventiliram…rofl
Malo glumim, malo skačem, malo se ljutim, malo plačem..
Ali nije to ništa čudno, to sam ja..
Trebala bi biti ozbiljna, razmišljati, rješavati zajebane situacije, a ne mogu!no
Samo želim da ljudi oko mene budu sretni, a neće biti dok sama sebe ne usrećim.
Zato polako radim na tome!yes

trazio sam na vrhu planine
andjele visine
da mi kazu ime

trazio sam u dubini mora
odavno zaboravljenu tajnu plime

a pogledaj sta sam nasao
prevrcuci raj i pakao
divlje kose, tamna oka dva
cvijet bez korjena
ples je sve sto zna

o o o o
tko te k meni poslao
da mi andjelima kvaris posao
e e e e
dit moi qui t'ai envoier
pour empeche mes anges de travailer

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- 16:42 - Give it to me baby (5) - Print me - Up

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- Leonard Cohen Lyrics


Everything is open
Nothing is set in stone
Rivers turn to ocean
Oceans tide you home
Home is where the heart is
But your heart had to roam
Drifting over bridges
Never to return
Watching bridges burn
You’re driftwood floating underwater
Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
Just driftwood hollow and of no use
Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you
Nobody is an island
Everyone has to go
Pillars turn to butter
Butterflying low
Low is where your heart is
But your heart has to grow
Drifting under bridges
Never with the flow
And you really didn’t think it would happen
But it really is the end of the line
So, I’m sorry that you turned to driftwood
But you’ve been drifting for a long, long time
Everywhere there’s trouble
Nowhere’s safe to go
Pushes turn to shovel’s
Shovelling the snow
Frozen you have chosen
The path you wish to go
Drifting now forever
And forever more
Until you reach your shore
You’re driftwood floating underwater
Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
Just driftwood hollow and of no use
Waterfalls will find, you bind, you grind you
And you really didn’t think it would happen
But it really is the end of the line
So I’m sorry that you turned to driftwood
But you’ve been drifting for a long long time
You’ve been drifting for a long long time
You’ve been drifting for a long long
Drifting for a long long time

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