21.09.2005., srijeda
Juta Tabuse u Phoenixu
Juta Tabuse (25) novi je član Los Angeles Clippersa. Japanac je prošao kampove Dallasa i Denvera, potpisao ugovor s Phoenixom, ali nigdje se nije izborio za veću minutažu.
Tabuse je prošle sezone bio član Phoenix Sunsa, postavši tako prvi japanski košarkaš u NBA ligi, ali se nije previše naigrao.
U dresu Sunsa odigrao je četiri utakmice, ukupno 10 minuta, uz prosjek 1.8 koša po utakmici. U prosincu prošle godine preselio je u ABA ligu, u momčad Long Beach.
Taj 178 centimetara visoki branič 2003. godine je trenirao u kampu Dallasa, a potom i u Denveru, no prvi profesionalni ugovor potpisao je sa Sunsima.
14.09.2005., srijeda
Esteban Batista u Hawksima
Malo cudno ali prvi Urugvajac u NBA je kosarkas pod nazivom Esteban Batista koji je potpisao za Altlantu Hawkse:Ovo je najsretniji dan u mom zivotu,stvarno sam ponosan sto sam prvi Urugvajac u NBA.
Batista igra poziciju centra čiju je pažnju privukao sjajnim igrama na Sveameričkom košarkaškom prvenstvu.
Ima prosjek od 18 koseva i 15 skokova po utakmici.
U dosadašnjoj karijeri igrao je u Španjolskoj i Čileu, a prošle je sezone branio boje domaćeg Trouvilla.
bas me zanima kako ce igrati!!!
11.09.2005., nedjelja
Philip Champion aka HotSauce
Ovih dana nisam bas pisao,bio sam skroz u kurcu zbog skole i picke i evo sada pocinjem normalno sve kao i prije.
Nisam znao sta da pisem i sjetih se HotSauce-a i evo o njemu cu pisati u ovom postu a u sljedecem djelu ce i neki drugi na red doci.
PRAVO IME:Philip Champion
RODJENDAN:June 16th,Year?
Philip Champion je jedan od najpopularnijih streetballera koji se pokazao u AND1 mixtape vol.3(imate za skinuti).
Poslije vol.3 gdje je postao superzvijezda je krenuo dalje i imao sve vise obozavatelja i sve je bolje krenulo,vec su i oni ljudi koji nisu znali za AND mixtape su znali tko je HotSauce.
HotSauce je napravio neko sranje za koje nitko nezna kakvo ali nije vazno,njegov prijatelj Mark Edwards koji je radio u AND1 ga je izvukao i preselio ga u grad ATLANTU gdje je i sve pocelo.
HotSauce je poznat i po super fintama a najbolje su mi Boomerang,Hypnotizer i Hurricane.
-Razlog zasto je HotSauce dosao u svijet AND1 je njegov nevjerovatan HANDLE,jednostavno ljudi nisu vjerovali kada su ga gledali uzivo.
HotSauce je u mixtape vol.3 pokazao najbolje gdje je pokazao sve skoro finte a to su Boomerang,Hypnotizer,Windmill.
Jos jedan super pokret od Sauce-a mi je njegov usporeni move a to je SLOW MO CROSS,fakat jebeno izgleda,sav se uspori i naglo krene sa crossoverom i strga svakog igraca.
Dosao je do AND1 vol.7 i tu je prestao,neznam jel sam otisao ili su ga izbacili ali cuo sam da ce napraviti svoj team sto i bas ne vjerujem u to.
Zelim mu srecu dalje i siguran sam da ce uspjet.
HotSauce 1
05.09.2005., ponedjeljak
Kareem Abdul Jabbar u LAKERSIMA
Jedan od najboljih sutera povijesti NBA lige je JABBAR...covijek koji je osvojio šest naslova prvaka...jedan u milwaukeeju a ostalih pet u lakersima...JABBARU je 58 godina i biti ce pomocni trener LOS ANGELES LAKERSA.
04.09.2005., nedjelja
YAO MING produzio ugovor
Jako poznat igrac Yao Ming je produzio ugovor sa Houston Rocketsima na dobrih pet godina...sto znaci da ce igrati do 2010.godine i morat ce mu isplait 81 milijun dolara$...Ming je jako dobar centar,po meni najbolji ali poslije Shaqa...Ming gada 16 koseva po utakmici i 8.5 skokova.
01.09.2005., četvrtak
Evo vam i drugi program...kako kazu da s njim dobijete 4 incha jako brzo stoga vjezbajte.
evo sta kazu:
sure trust me it does work.....i gained 4-5 ....just do as it says to.....here it is
Doing this workout with the same intensity as your physical workouts will increase your vertical 4Ó in
one day. Will it continue to increase your vertical every time you use it? You probably think that is
impossible. Maybe not. The only thing that holds you back is the doubt in your mind. It is very difficult
to remove, but it is possible. Imagine the results.
1. Stand in front of a rim 15-20' away. Take a few steps and touch as high on it as you can. Try it a few
times. Now with a marker, mark a line on your arm that you touched the rim with on your best jump. Now make another mark 4" above that. This is what you will jump by tomorrow.
2. Go inside and lay on your bed or in a chair with all the lights out away from distraction. You must
relax deeply before programming your mind to take you to this new height. Make sure you are uncrossed and un-tensed. Begin to pay attention to your natural breathing pattern. Do this for many breaths until you feel yourself relax. Now, with each exhale, say to yourself silently, "Relax". Do this 10 times. You will
become more relaxed. Now, begin to pay attention on each inhale. On each inhale, feel fresh air entering
your lungs, bringing new energy and confidence with each breath. Feel yourself becoming lighter and
stronger with each inhale. Now picture a funnel at the top of your head. With each inhale, feel a column of bright, energy pouring into your head and into your lungs. Feel it pump into every vein and muscle of your entire body. Your legs should be shaking with this new energy. This power is always with you now, feel free to use it whenever you want it.
3. It is now time to increase your vertical greatly. Picture yourself in front of that rim again. Continue
to visualize until you can see everything in perfect detail, feel the hard asphalt or the wooden floor
underneath your feet. Even smell everything around you. The more vividly you imagine, the more you will gain. Your sub-conscience can NOT tell the difference between what is real and what is vividly imagined, so if you imagine vividly, it is the same as actually doing it. And once you do something, you can always do it again.
4. Can you see yourself on the court? Now, take a running start and hit that rim, not on the first line,
but on the second mark on your arm. Feel your shoes squeak as you take a run, feel yourself explode off
the ground, and feel your arm hit the iron on that mark. It's a great feeling. You did it! It's over,
your goal is accomplished. To lock in this feeling, say the word "YES!" 10 times. This anchors in that
feeling, so every time you say YES, this feeling WILL come back (cool huh). Now, get that rim again, just
for fun, still in your mind, just because you are so amazed you can do it. Touch the rim on the 2nd mark
again and again. Each time say "YES!" 10x after doing it.
5. You did it. You increased your vertical 4" or more. Still relaxed, let's increase your vertical some more.
Say to yourself silently "I can touch my (ELBOW, shoulder, fingers - wherever your mark is) on the rim". Say this extremely confidently to yourself 25 times.
6. Now, watch a slow motion movie of you touching the rim on your 2nd mark. Watch it as if you're watching from the crowd. See yourself make jump after successful jump. 10x.
7. Now, step inside yourself for a slow motion ride. Touch that rim 10 more times.
8. Now, speed the movie up, and get even higher on the rim then before! 10x. You must truly believe you did this. Don't be unreal, just a few inches higher.
9. Now see the picture in your mind of you touching the rim on your 2nd mark. See that picture as if it
was right in front of you. Study it. Tell your mind that it is REAL.
10. Do you feel the confidence inside you? You can get up now. Now for the rest of today, act like the person with the greatest vertical in the world (because you soon will be!). Walk with that cocky swagger that only a mad leaper like you could have. Look at everybody else like they don't even deserve to be next to you. They don't.
11. Before you go to bed tonight, chant to yourself: "I can touch the rim with my _______ every time I try" Chant this confidently to yourself 100 times.
12. Throughout the next day, tell yourself "I am a dunking machine!", chant this all the time. Keep
telling yourself that you can easily touch the rim with that 2nd mark. Because you can. At some point
throughout the day, see the picture vividly of your 2nd mark hitting iron. Pretend that you are putting
springs into your shoes, and that you will be able to bounce into the sky when you try.
13. Wait until you are so hyped to jump you can't wait any longer. You should have an adrenaline rush! At night will probably be the best. Go to the exact same spot you were yesterday and where you imagined yourself being. Once again, close your eyes, and see yourself taking a run and leaping into the sky, hitting the rim on the 2nd mark. Watch it a few times. Feel the energy. Remember the white energy you have now, use it. Yell out "YES!" as loud as you can ten times. Feel the tremendous power in your legs, and how light you are! Fill yourself with incredible confidence, until there is not a speck of doubt in
your mind. There is no reason you should have doubt at this point. You HAVE increased your vertical 4’. GET THAT RIM!
Sljedeci put cete dobiti program za 10 INCHA.
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By HotSauce
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Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
stainless steel gats
never rust big till bust you could touch
blessed wit the real side of life
just enough
you couldn't fight me wit your strongest mic
layed down niggas eyes visualize bad reception
maced your interference souped your upperbody section
I travel like a 2-2 bullet
throughout your body, repped to the fullest
Queensbridge representin,
representin the hollow tip crew
blue slips, seen ships, you talk shit I follow through
once the kite is sent
I might get bent, but still planted
no second thoughts, cuz my conscience is demandin
for the bloodshed(bloodshed) I leave that mug red(mug red)
I'm like cancer cant catch me cuz I done spread(done spread)
gone now dead, enough said from the scene I fled
wit the paranoid thoughts runnin round my head
It's like that war, project niggas strike back it's on
what the fuck you sick I'll be right back
wit the gat and temper end your motherfuckin era
your shortie set you up you betta dead-her
hunger for the cheddar big ends and better
Armeretto sours alcohol consumption
why you runnin we thumpin
do to the fact the infamous is bumpin
ice real son you frontin
It's like that war, project niggas strike back it's on
what the fuck you sick, I'll be right back
right back to the fact that
here take that, right back at you
were goin at to
already ran through
wasn't hard to capture, what is it that your goin after
the fourty-fifth will make your clothes damper
put in the hamper
the fabulous Infamous is movin stainless
crime-tainin, to all my niggas hold your bangin
live in action, if you weere dapped then relax then
what the fuck you said? I be right back real maxin
blastin, terrin up your Fila fashion
give him what he askin feelin aint know what happened
back at the cabin, be at the round table plannin
spread team across plannin, expansion
slap a nigga opened handly style something foul
for tryin to slow down, my cash pile a hundred mile
I can recall the days, juvenile crime pays
14 years old, shorty from round way
brick ass cold, still puffin night to day
but why did my life have to be this way
I rock Velour suits, flavors like mixed fruits
my loot give recoup razors in my suit
incase you try to troop me to the island
I known for start whylin
back in New York, my shortie's got the cash pilin
peep this on some knowns and teef shit
so much drama, who the fuck knows who we got beef wit
lift you up off your feet like ski lift
for packin big fifth
niggas who riff but nigga you riff
then Im on the next life gettin bent in the clouds
on my way down souh for international crowds