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A ovo sam vam ja:
Datum rođenja:22.01.1987
Antonela-ime puno nemirnog duha, latentnog straha koji se najviše javlja kroz emocije, strah od odbačenosti, odnosno samoće, unosi krutost i nepovjerenje u emotivne odnose. Snažna vjera i upornost mogu prevladati takve zablude. Poslovni odnosi odišu tolerancijom i objektivnim u vlastite mogućnosti. Sklonost sportu i dobro fizičko zdravlje donosi puno zadovoljstva. U financijama iznimno su potrebni oprez, racionalnost i štedljivost.
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Fuck now, Suffer later
kreni sa mnom
zadnji put
vjeruj mi
daleko od mraka
bolje ćemo znati
ništa nije teško
naša lica još su lijepa
zatvori mi oči
neka kraj nas jure
nek se lome prsti
idemo na ples
i svijet je opet mlad
i samo šuti
gdje su bile riječi
kad nije bilo nade za nas
samo dugi dani nestali u tami
jer ništa nije važno
raširi ruke
ruke su ti snažne
upri iz sve snage
nek se cijedi znoj
nek koža pukne mi
idemo na ples
i svijet je opet mlad
i naša lica još su uvijek lijepa...
raširi ruke,ruke su ti snažne...
udahni zrak
koji dolazi
sve je gotovo
i mi smo spašeni
i naša lica još su lijepa
Nemir i histerija
noći preduge, dani sneni
često nisam bio svjestan ja
sreće koju donjela si meni.
Vrijeme me promjenilo i
malo toga sada me veseli
sve ono što se desilo
nije bilo namjerno
uvijek sam te volio
oprostit ćeš mi to.
Znaš li,da si moje nadahnuće samo ti,
znaš li,
sve je svemir od kad sreli smo se mi.
neka,vrag ih odnio,
pusti neka svatko misli svoje,
kad dobro znamo ti i ja,
da smo najbolji u dvoje.
Uvijek si me shvatila
i kad nisi trebala,uvijek sam te volio,
oprostit ćeš mi to.
znaš li,da si moje nadahnuće samo ti,
znaš li,sve se je svemir od kad sreli smo se mi.
Sve ono što se desilo,
nije bilo namjerno,
znam,oprostit ćeš mi to.
Silbermond - Das Beste
Ich habe einen Schatz gefunden,
und er trägt deinen Namen,
so wunderschön und wertvoll
und mit keinem Geld der Welt zu bezahlen.
Du schläfst neben mir ein,
ich könnt dich die ganze Nacht betrachten,
sehen wie du schläfst, hören wie du atmest,
bis wir am Morgen erwachen.
Hast es wieder mal geschafft,
mir den Atem zu rauben,
wenn du neben mir liegst dann kann ich es kaum glauben,
das jemand wie ich,sowas Schönes wie dich,verdient hat.
Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst,
vergess den Rest der Welt,
wenn du bei mir bist.
Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst,
ich sag's dir viel zu selten,
Alle es ist schön, dass es dich gibt.
Dein Lachen macht süchtig,
fast so als wär es nicht von dieser Erde,
Das auch wenn deine Nähe Gift wär,
ich würd bei dir sein solange bis ich sterbe.
Dein Verlassen würde Welten zerstörn',
doch daran will ich nicht denken,
viel zu schön ist es mit dir,
wenn wir uns gegenseitig Liebe schenken.
Betank' mich mit Kraft,
nimm mir Zweifel von den Augen,
ich würd sie dir alle glauben,
doch ein Zweifel bleibt,das ich jemanden wie dich verdient hab.
Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst,
vergess den Rest der Welt,
wenn du bei mir bist.
Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst,
ich sag's dir viel zu selten,
Alle es ist schön ,dass es dich gibt.
Wenn sich mein Leben überschlägt,
bist du die Ruhe und die Zuflucht,
weil alles, was du mir gibtst,
Das einfach so unendlich gut tut.
Wenn ich rastlos bin,
bist du die Reise ohne Ende,
deshalb leg ich meine kleine,große Welt,
in deine schützenden Hände.
Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst,
vergess den Rest der Welt,
wenn du bei mir bist.
Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst,
ich sag's dir viel zu selten,
es ist schön, dass es dich gibt.
->rado bih vam prevela ovu pjesmu ali bi onda izgubila svu čar, predobra je, baš sam ju maloprije čula i par suza mi se skotrljalo niz lice
Djevojke su poput jabuka na stablima.
Najbolje se nalaze na vrhu stabla.
Ljudi ne žele doći do najboljih, jer se boje da će pasti i ozlijediti se.
Umjesto toga, uzimaju trule jabuke koje su pale na zemlju, i koje, iako nisu tako dobre, do njih lakše dođu.
Zato jabuke koje se nalaze na vrhu stabla, misle da s njima
nešto nije u redu, dok su zapravo one veličanstvene. Jednostavno moraju biti strpljive i čekati da pravi čovjek dođe, onaj koji je tako hrabar da se popne do vrha stabla zbog njih. Ne smijemo pasti da nas dohvate, tko nas treba i voli napravit će SVE da dođe do nas. Žena je izasla iz rebra muškarca, a ne iz nogu da bude gažena, niti iz glave da bude nadmoćna. Nego sa boka da bude jednaka, ispod ruke da bude zaštićena, i blizu srca da bude voljena.
"Zemlja ima glazbe za one koje slušaju"
William Shakespeare
14 dana tijekom života prosječan čovjek provede u ljubljenju. Malo je to...
Kap po kap
Jednom kad sretnes me, to necu biti ja
vec samo uspomene, mrve sjecanja
samo prazna bol, sad je ostala
prazna bol kajanja.
I sta radis ti, nije vazno mi
jer kisa jesenja, podsjeca.
-Kap po kap, kisa sprema se
samo da znas, nisam lud
da mislim na tebe
kap po kap, opet padace
te duge kise jesenje.
-Jednom kad dani ovi
fino posive, ne zovi mene ti
i ne trazi me, hladno srce
meni dala si, hladno srce, ostani
I s kim sada si, nije vazno mi
jer kisa jesenja, podsjeca.
-Kap po kap, kisa sprema se
samo da znas, nisam lud
da mislim na tebe
kap po kap, opet padace
te duge kise jesenje.
-I sta radis ti, nije vazno mi
jer kisa jesenja, podsjeca.
-Kap po kap, kisa sprema se
samo da znas, nisam lud
da mislim na tebe
kap po kap, opet padace
te duge kise jesenje.
moja razuzdana zvjerka
Pratim te
Baci pogled preko ramena kad podjes
kad po meni ko po suhom liscu prodjes
pa me makar laktom u grudi pogodi
makar grub tvoj dodir bio jos mi godi
Baci osmeh ispod uvojaka barem
da u tvoje misli bar na kratko stanem
ko u usporenom filmu se spotakni
preko mojih nogu ruku mi dotakni
Pratim te, sve u korak
svaku stopu poljubim
svaku suzu, svaki uzdah osjetim
tu sam da ti nadu vratim
ako padnes da te uhvatim
Pratim te, i kad ne gledam
po koraku te znam
svaki drhtaj tvoga tijela osjecam
tu sam da ti nadu vratim
ako padnes da te uhvatim
Kad se ispod tvoga kisobrana stisnem
ja sam sretan iako na pola kisnem
pa me makar laktom u grudi pogodi
makar grub tvoj dodir bio jos mi godi
Krv u glavu udari
i ko struja ozivi
ovo tijelo bar na
kratko ozdravi
Pratim te
I wish I was a punkrocker
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late and to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
When the head of state didn't play guitar,
Not everybody drove a car,
When music really mattered and when radio was king,
When accountants didn't have control
And the media couldn't buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn’t know everything
When popstars still remained a myth
And ignorance could still be bliss
And when God Saved the Queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
When my mom and dad were in their teens
and anarchy was still a dream
and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail
When record shops were on top
and vinyl was all that they stocked
and the super info highway was still drifting out in space
kids were wearing hand me downs,
and playing games meant kick arounds
and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face
I was born too late to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
Soundtrack za život
Oko mene i u meni je
U očima ljudi koje poznajem
U fliperu lica i ulica
Glasovi, tonovi rasuti
Otkada jesam, otkad postojim
Tražim tu pjesmu da mi bude štit
I prave riječi da mi budu mačeta
Kojom ću sjeći sve što mi smeta
Za svoje male katastrofe
Što će ih bit' i što ih bilo
Tražim melodiju i strofe
Kao soundtrack za moj život
Pravi ritam za disanje
Pravi ritam za hodanje
I kad ga jednom uhvatim
Obećajem da odlazim
Za svoje male katastrofe
Što će ih bit' i što ih bilo
Tražim melodiju i strofe
Kao soundtrack za moj život
Ne volim te
Ustao sam ujutro s glavom nateklom
I zakačio malim nožnim prstom o stol
Spotaknuo se o tvoje papuče
U padu otkinuo zastor i glavom puk'o u radijator
Htio sam ti baciti vazu u glavu
Kad' si se probudila i poslala me k vragu
Al' sam u agoniji bola stenjao ispod stola
U grču se previjao kad mi je sinulo
Ne volim te nit' sam te ikad volio
Na tvoje omiljeno pitanje evo ti odgovor
Bio sam mlad i totalno zagorio
Tako je valjda sve to krenulo
Od samoće i dobrog sexa nastala je naša veza
Početni žar je bio zavidan
Da nisam svakoga dana otkrio još mana
Sad si u mojim očima samo još greška na nogama
Što se smiješ k'o hijena to me toliko ne smeta
Koliko neke druge navike
Nit' što vreće od tampona bacaš stalno s balkona
Samo jedno ipak ne razumijem
Durch die Nacht
Kann mich wieder nicht ablenken
Alles dreht sich nur um dich
Ich liege hier und zähl die Tage
Wie viele noch komm ich weiß es nicht
Was hast du mit mir gemacht
Warum tust du mir das an
Was soll ich noch ändern
Ich komm nur wieder bei dir an
Ich will weg von hier
Doch es scheint egal wohin ich lauf
Das mit dir hört nich auf
Sag mir wann hört das auf
Und ich kämpf mich durch die Nacht
Hab keine Ahnung was du mit mir machst
Ich krieg dich nicht aus meinem Kopf
Und dabei will ich doch
Und ich kämpf mich durch die Nacht
Bin unter Tränen wieder aufgewacht
Ich krieg dich nich aus meinem Kopf
Und dabei muss ich doch
Alle meine Wünsche
Habe ich an dir verbraucht
Ich kann es selbst nich glauben
Denn nur ich hol mich da raus
Es fällt mir schwer es zu kapiern
Doch irgendwie wird es schon gehn
Alles würde sich verändern
Wenn ich dich nich mehr wiedersehn
Ich will weg von hier
Doch ich weiß egal wohin ich lauf
Das mit dir hört nich auf
Sag mir wann hört das auf
Und ich kämpf mich durch die Nacht
Hab keine Ahnung was du mit mir machst
Ich krieg dich nich aus meinem Kopf
Und dabei will ich doch
Und ich kämpf mich durch die Nacht
Bin unter Tränen wieder aufgewacht
Ich krieg dich nich aus meinem Kopf
Und dabei muss ich doch
The River
As I walk through the valley
of the shadow of LA
The footsteps that were next to me
have gone their separate ways
I've seen enough now
to know that beautiful things
don't always stay that way
I've done enough now
to know this beautiful place
isn't everything they say
I heard that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light
Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered
You're from a small town
you're gonna grow up fast
underneath these lights
Down in Hollywood on the boulevard
the dead come back to life
To the praying Mother
The worried Father
Let your children go
If they come back they'll come home stronger
and if they don't you'll know
They sing that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light
Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
(on my own)
(on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
I confess I'm a sinner
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
Better Than Me
I think you can do much better than me
After all the lies that I made you believe
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
The edge of the bed
Where your nightgown used to be
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered,
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
While lookin' through your old box of notes
I found those pictures I took
That you were looking for
If there's one memory I don't want to lose
That time at the mall
You and me in the dressing room
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remembered,
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
The bed I'm lyin' in is getting colder
Wish I never would've said it's over
And I can't pretend... I won't think about you
when I'm older
Cause we never really had our closure
This can't be the end
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
(And I think you should know this)
(You deserve much better than me)