my ludi dnevnk

24.12.2004., petak

eto došao je i taj dan Badnjak,nema više škole,testove sam valjda dobro napisala(nadam se da jesam jer sam se ubijala učeći).
Danas idem na ponoćku s frendicama lanom i s!vy(ona je rekla da tak napišem),neznam kak ću dočekat 12 sati tako sam umorna.
E da vam kažem kako je bilo na zadnji dan škole.Došli smo u 10 sati,otišli smo u glazbeni,tamo smo se zabavljali,slušali cd-e.Pa je mario (on sluša Elvisa) glumio elvisa,tamo plesao i pjevao mi smo se trgali od smijeha.Poslije su se cure "svađale" koji će cd stavit.Ja sam to sve slikala s mobitelom pa ak neko zna kak se to stavi na internet nek mi javi.
ja nemogu vjerovat kako je vrijeme brzo prošlo ono sutra je Božić a meni kao da je jučer bio deveti mjesec.
eto to je to,pisat ću vam još samo da dobijem nspiraciju.
- 21:11 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

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Alicia Keys feat. Usher-My boo

There„s always that one person
that will always have your heart
You never see it coming
cause you„re blinded from the start
I know that you„re that one for me
It„s clear for everyone to see
Oooh baby, you will always be my boo

I don„t know about yall,but I know about us and uh
it„s the only way we know how to rock
I don„t know about yall but I know about us and uh
it„s the only way we know how to rock

Do you remember girl I was the one
who gave you your first kiss?
„Cause I remember girl I was the one who said,
„„Put your lips like this. „„
Even before all the fame
and people screaming your name
Girl, I was there and you were my baby

It started when we were younger
you were mine (my boo ,my boo)
now another brother„s taken over
but it„s still in your eyes (my boo ,my boo)
even we used to argue
it„s alright (my boo ,my boo)
I know we haven„t seen
eachoter in a while
but you will always be my boo

I was in love with you
when were younger
you were mine (my boo ,my boo)
When I see you from time to time
I still feel light (my boo ,my boo)
No matter how I try to hide
Even though there„s another man who„s in my life
you will always be my boo

Yes I remember boy „cause after we kissed
I could only think about your lips
Yes,I remember boy,the moment I knew
you were the one I could spend my life with
Even before all the fame
and people screaming your name
I was there and you were my baby

It started when we were younger
you were mine (my boo,my boo)
now another brother„s taken over
but it„s still in your eyes (my boo,my boo)
even we used to argue
it„s alright (my boo,my boo)
I know we haven„t seen
eachoter in a while
but you will always be my boo

I was in love with you
when were younger
you were mine (my boo,my boo)
When I see you from time to time
I still feel light (my boo,my boo)
No matter how I try to hide
Even though there„s another man who„s in my life
you will always be my boo

My all ,my all ,my all, my all, my boo
My all, my all, my all, my all, my boo

I don„t know about yall,but I know about us and uh
it„s the only way we know how to rock
I don„t know about yall but I know about us and uh
it„s the only way we know how to rock