Saucerful of secrets

13.01.2006., petak

Into the fire

ništa, bila sam jučer u gradu i srela metalaca i kirka(njega posjetite al mu je prazan blog) imate ga ukomentarima, bila sam s frendicom anamarijom ista ja samo za pol metra niža a još je starija od mene. bezveze smo išle po gradu gledale kulu lotršćak stare kuće kod dubravkinog puta, išle u rupu kupila sam si zakrpu od gunsa bilo je i od pink floyda al je bila nekak jadna. kaj otišle smo u dobar zvuk popile kavu i pokupile se doma. bilo je dosadno uglavnom. stalno mi je dosadno i neću da počne škola odma je test iz kemije u petak. ne želim učit, nemam kaj za radit mislim ovaj post je fakat dosadan možda se sjetim nečeg dobrog al nisam sigurna.. sad sam na infici možemo dva sata igrat komp.. e stavit ću vam neke pjesme i slike... luda je pjesma

The sky is red, I don't understand,
past midnight I still see the land.
People are sayin' the woman is damned,
she makes you burn with a wave of her hand.
The city's a blaze, the town's on fire.
The woman's flames are reaching higher.
We were fools, we called her liar.
All I hear is "Burn!"

I didn't believe she was devil's sperm.
She said, "Curse you all, you'll never learn!
When I leave there's no return."
The people laughed till she said, "Burn!"
Warning came, no one cared.
Earth was shakin', we stood and stared.
When it came no one was spared.
Still I hear "Burn!"

You know we had no time,
we could not even try.
You know we had no time.

You know we had no time,
we could not even try.
You know we had no time.

The sky is red, I don't understand,
past midnight I still see the land.
People are sayin' the woman is damned,
she makes you burn with a wave of her hand.
Warning came, no one cared.
Earth was shakin, we stood and stared.
When it came no one was spared.
Still I hear "Burn!"

onda od pantere death rattle to je fakat bolesna pjesma

Numbing rumble, countless medicine,
Depleted from years of abuse
Death rattle shaking
And there's no faking, undertaking

Pressure point, rigor mortis
Induce, grasp of poison hands
Death rattle shaking
From years of compulsive mistaking

Death rattle shakes

Disease of eyes, the addict blindfold, reduced to
The realms of death
Death rattle shaking
Accumulating life it’s taking

Death rattle shakes

I’ve seen the end, and there is no light.
Like deadly snakes, death rattle shakes


Death rattle shakes

e ovo mi je fakat dobra pjesma

Into the Fire - Deep Purple

Take the trouble to decide the things you do
Will not be the things that don't appeal to you
See the mess your makin' can't you see your fakin'
Gonna make it hard for you, you're gonnainto the fire

Turn on the mandrake that was given to you
See if you can make it like the others do
Feel the blood a knockin' when you're finger poppin'
Gonna make it hard for you, you're gonnainto the fire

Stop your bleeding mind before it's over and done
Listen very closely to the message I've sung
Feel the blood a knockin' when you're finger poppin'
Gonna get a message through, you're gonnainto the fire

ehh volim deep purple.. evo i slika blackmorea (gitarist deep purple) jedan od najboljih
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